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Visit Babes With Glasses

Babes With Glasses (0)

mbaya (0) 04-25-09  06:03pm
Rookie Badge  Talk Back  Comments  Pollster  Top Monthly User  Hardcore Badge  Trusted User  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (1), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Bill through CCBill
-Part of Kickass network of 16 websites.
-Easy to link with other sites in the network.
-Can search site and network by name and small photo.
-Supports download managers.
-No DRM or download restrictions. Not a single broken link or download problem.
-All exclusive material shot for the site.
Cons: -Only 20 videos.
-Oldest videos 320x240 and boring gonzo style. Anyone can put glasses on a pornstar.
-Only 5 zipdownloadable photo sets.
-Updates have no dates.
-No update schedule posted.
-WMV and IPod are the only download options. No clips, but there is streaming.
Bottom Line: This site shocked me. I was not expecting much and found my self pleasantly surprised. It actually has potential to be a great site. On the negative side, of the 20 videos, 13 are obviously a few years old and the quality reflects that at 320x240. These are just old fashioned pointless gonzo like on so many other sites, but the girls wear glasses. THE SITE HAS DRAMATICALLY CHANGED. It has 7 newer updates that are really good. The video quality has improved to 640x480, 1588 kbps. The most important thing is that they are fun and very creative. The new videos have great looking girls and the stories are a lot of fun, as well as very funny. I can honestly say that the new videos have a personality, something rare in the world of cookie cutter, gonzo porn. The girls play characters such as a computer hacker or a poetry student. In each video there is a guy who wants to get in her pants and asks the site to find her weakness. As the story unfolds and the characters interact, the girls fall for the guy who has something the girls want, such as passwords, or other advice or secrets and she is the sexual aggressor. There is some fun stuff here. Since the beginning of April there have been two updates, but the site is no help with dates overall. If they continue to add such interesting, as well as quality videos, this may yet be a site with ratings in the 90's. As of today, I see potential, but also a site with only a handful of superior videos. They also need better video quality. Watch this site grow, as it may be great in six months. This may be hard to do. When you look at the preview pages, they make no mention of the plots and storylines.

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Review Replies (3)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


badandy400 (0) Mbaya, this is not a reply to specifically this review. I just have one constructive suggestion. Please break up the bottom line into a few paragraphs! It is a little hard to read 20 consecutive lines with no breaking and if I look away for an instant it is hard to find my place. For your reader's sake, please hit the enter key a few times. :)

Enough crying. Keep up the great work. You are half way to knocking Exotics off his long held #1 position and getting there in a hurry (read: needs a new keyboard soon). :)

04-26-09  11:20pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - badandy400 :

Very good suggestion. This is an area that I never thought of. If I pass Exotics, fine, if I don't that is fine too. I try not to be competitive if I can avoid it. I know I have passed some excellent reviewers, but nothing personal.
04-27-09  03:29am

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badandy400 (0) REPLY TO #2 - mbaya :

A little competition never hurt. I am a competitive person naturally so I am always checking out ranks and such. It does not bother me to be behind good people though, I just think it can be fun. It also makes people try harder.
04-27-09  04:37pm

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