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ammama (0) 08-28-09  02:17am
No Badges TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: it's a superb site.it has every thing that one needs.most of the girls are attractive and cute.it makes a feeling that i too want to fuck them.really they have some sort of magnetic effect.
Cons: one of the major bad effect is that some of them very aged.there are not being such hit videos nowadays for them.its better for them to just stay out.
Bottom Line: include more younger girls.include more blockbuster videos.make full use of the ass of the girls.make their boobs effectively.

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Review Replies (2)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


badandy400 (0) Please include a little formatting in your reviews. This one is a little hard to read because you put no spaced between your sentences. I am willing to be understanding if English is not your first language, but a review should be easy to look at and know when one idea ends and another begins without having to read it repeatedly and look for those tiny periods squeezed between words.

I really have no idea what you are trying to say in the bottom line section. Usually we use that for overall opinions about the site or to explain the pros and cons. You can use it for whatever you want though. If you read a view reviews submitted by other members you will understand what I mean.

I hope I do not sound mean in this reply! I just wanted to give a few pointers to help you out. Lastly, but certainly not least, welcome to PU.

Oh yes, if you decide you want to add to this review or change it around you are able to edit it. Just wanted to make sure you are aware of that.

08-28-09  03:24am

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largeun (Suspended) Dude, not being a dik or anything but I didn't understand a fukin' word you said.

I am not going to give you an untrusted as I believe you will improve with time and I may be wrong but I think that English may not be your first language.

Badancy hit it on the nail.

Keep chilled and try to convey your thoughts across a touch better man.

Take care.

09-04-09  09:17am

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