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Do you own a pet?

Type: Personal

Submitted by Khan (0)
Yes, several 21% 9 Votes
Yes, one 24% 10 Votes
Not at this time 43% 18 Votes
No, never, not a pet person 12% 5 Votes
Other 0% 0 Votes

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42 Votes Total

Jul 1, 2011

Poll Replies (28)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


lk2fireone (0) Pets need looking after.
07-01-11  01:08am

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nadiencendia (0) I have owned a cat and a few fish (not at the same time, obviously :P), but right now I am pet-less. If I ever get a pet again, it will definitively be a cat.
07-01-11  03:27am

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rearadmiral (0) Three dogs. I love cats too - they taste like chicken.
07-01-11  04:23am

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Jay G (Disabled) 2 dogs. My wife loves them. Enough said.
07-01-11  06:34am

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Denner (0) You can relate to/communicate with dogs (most).
We have one male German Shepherd - a big fellow, now 7 years plus and the best guard dog/friendly pet, we've ever had - oh, yes my wife loves him, but since I'm retired and home with him most of the time, he's 'Daddys dog' - or like: I'm the Alfa deal in this pack...

07-01-11  07:00am

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Denner (0) BTW: My avatar does not look like our dog - since that's a gorgeous wolf - but wolfs are probably the closest you get to a German Sheperd - in dogs, that is......am just fascinated with wolves....that's freedom for ya....who said Steppingwolf...?
07-01-11  08:45am

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pat362 (0) I have a small Maltese dog. I've never been a huge fan of big dogs. There are a couple of different reasons why small dogs are better but the main one for me is small dog small poo...Big Dog Big POO.
07-01-11  10:17am

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tangub (0) Not at this time, have in the past though it was really my ex wife who was the animal lover and one time or another had a dog, cat, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, cockatiel and fish.
07-01-11  11:15am

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messmer (Disabled) We used to have pets but only because our children kept begging us to get white mice, hamsters, budgies, cats, dogs etc. Horror stories attached to each and every one! :-)

But neither my wife nor I are pet people so, since the eighties, no pets.

07-01-11  11:26am

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rearadmiral (0) Only semi-related, but I remember someone describing the difference between cats and dogs this way: feed a dog daily and it thinks you are a god; feed a cat daily and it thinks it is a god.
07-01-11  11:32am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #9 - messmer :

I can relate to that, messmer - the older I/we get, the more troublesome pets can get - and for sure, if the deal was 'for the kids'...
Close to 60 now, I still hope to be able to have a dog in the house - later on, it'll probably have to be somewhat smaller - and more easy to handle - but for an elderly couple there's something special about a fine dog....

07-01-11  12:08pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #11 - Denner :

I agree with you, Denner. If they are pet people, a dog can be a really good companion for an elderly couple. For a widow or widower they can be better than any anti-depressant. An empty house can be a very lonely place. I just keep thinking of having to take it for a walk with one of those poop scoopers and think, naw, I'd rather just sit behind my computer!
07-01-11  12:18pm

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mbaya (Disabled) I have three cats. Very low maintenance as they are outside most of the time.
07-01-11  12:19pm

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exotics4me (0) I had a Chow-Chow dog growing up, had him for about 13 years before he passed away. Haven't had a pet since. I do like dogs, big dogs at that, but my wife and I live in and had lived in low-maintenance condos since we both work so much. Adding a pet now wouldn't be good for the pet or us. Maybe when we get older and can work less though. Wouldn't mind to have another Chow, loved the loyalty of the breed.
07-01-11  04:49pm

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turboshaft (0) REPLY TO #11 - Denner :

Be careful, some small dogs are very high energy, maybe they're making up for their small size?

But I guess it ultimately depends on the individual animal--some are laid back and non-confrontational, others act like they just stepped out of Resident Evil (known for having murderous zombie Dobermans in nearly every game!).

07-01-11  09:07pm

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turboshaft (0) REPLY TO #9 - messmer :

If you've ever heard of the comedian Louis CK, he has a bit about the difficulties of having a dog and kids at the same time and how eventually the dog is going to die and really upset the kids. He says about bringing home a puppy, something like "Hey look everyone, we're all going to cry in a few years."

It's dark but funny, though dog lovers might not like to hear the whole thing.

07-01-11  09:16pm

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slutty (0) just one dog, like Jay G mostly cause of the lady.
07-02-11  12:15am

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manholelover (0) After years of owning dogs I've now got a cat. Although I've trained her to fetch a ball, just like a dog, aside from the fur and 4 legs, that's where the similarity ends. I admire cats' free-spirited nature and independence, and have come to the conclusion that she has far more personality than any dog I've had...although I still adore dogs..
07-02-11  06:18am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #15 - turboshaft :

Your're right there, turbushaft...small dog: Temper, temper!!!
Most times we (the dog and I) meet special kinds of small dogs they go crazy - normally only males - towards another and bigger male - somewhat also connected to their fear, I guess.
But a lady with two small terriers said to me often: These two small guys have an urge to provoke other and bigger male dogs....some David and Goliath thing, maybe.....LOL.

07-02-11  09:09am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #13 - mbaya :

One major problem with letting cats outside is they often get into fights with other cats. And until you take your cat to a vet, you don't realize how expensive a vet can be. I was spending more on vet bills than I was spending on myself for doctor visits. $100 to see a vet because my cat got some scratches. Why that cat loved to fight so much I'll never know, because he never seemed to win.

And he hated going to the vet. Hated the car ride, didn't like the vet's office.

07-02-11  09:30am

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turboshaft (0) REPLY TO #20 - lk2fireone :

Cats can also be in danger from people, particularly the ones that hate cats (why you would hate a cat is beyond me). Cats are pretty independent and good at taking care of themselves, but cars, wild animals, kids, and sadistic adults are some serious dangers.

I'm more partial to cats myself, but have yet to live in a home big enough for me to want to own one, since I would have to keep it indoors. Dogs are kind of nice, but I would hate walking them and carrying around their turds for half the walk.

07-02-11  01:13pm

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #21 - turboshaft :

Where I live, people are supposed to pick up after their dogs poop. But that rule seems to be ignored quite often. Like most rules, I suppose, the rules are meant for "other" people. Lol.
07-02-11  04:36pm

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otoh (0) I've always liked dogs, had dogs when I was growing up, and will probably get one sometime. Never so keen on cats... although I was persuaded to get one and he's actually quite grown on me. Not quite as low-maintenance, since he lives indoors - I live near a main road and cats aren't that good at roads - but still fairly easy to keep.
07-02-11  11:07pm

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turboshaft (0) REPLY TO #22 - lk2fireone :

That's pretty much true everywhere. Probably damn near every place on earth needs a sizable dog park nearby because a certain percentage of dog owners are never going to do the cleanup after the dog's done its deed.

When I think about it, I don't know if I really hate dogs so much as their shitty, can't-someone-else-do-it owners. Sorry, but I've never been chased, barked at, bitten, or had to clean a cat's "land mines" out of the yard.

I guess I prefer really independent animals. :-)

07-03-11  09:50pm

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mbaya (Disabled) REPLY TO #20 - lk2fireone :

Where we live other cats are not really a problem. In the past there were feral cats and we didn't let ours out for a long time, maybe a few years. The two females stay next to the house and don't wander. The male is pretty tough, even after he got fixed. He just snarls and feral males keep their distance. Thanks for your concern though.
07-05-11  08:12am

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marcdc1 (0) REPLY TO #3 - rearadmiral :

I've got three I'll cook the one for you my self. The way the damn thing meows to be let in is maddening. Can't get rid of it though, it's the dog's best friend. (damn pussy stole my best friend- how do you like that?)
08-11-12  05:02pm

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marcdc1 (0) My current totals:

3 cats
2 dogs (each over 80 lbs)
1 fish

3 kids
1 sister-in-law

Now you see why I need to escape to the PU forums! lol

08-11-12  05:04pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) I have one cat and a pussy.
05-31-20  08:50am

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