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Visit Devils Film

Devils Film (0)

SexCliche (0) 10-11-11  04:42pm
Rookie Badge  Male Profile TRUST USER?   YES (0), NO (0)
Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: -Large Selection of DVDs
-DVDs and Scenes appeal to a wide range of niches
-Good amount of HD content
-No DRM: always a plus
-Mixture of pornstars from around the globe
-Model "type" varies (i.e. not all petite, not all buxom-there's something for everyone)
-Several filters for easy browsing of scenes and pics
-HD downloads, streaming, and mobile (though I've not tried the mobile just yet).
Cons: -No search engine that I can find.
-Buggy browsing system: see comments for more detail.
-Pre-Checked Cross-sales.
-Ads for other sites in Members area.
-No biographical information for models.
-Actresses in scenes are not always correctly tagged.
-Network sites contain no unique material.
-Works poorly with download managers.
Bottom Line: Overall I think this is a great site, especially for the price. However, the technical problems and the pre-checked cross sale dramatically lower their score in my book.

There's a sizable selection for many different niches on this site. The page is well designed for the most part, and looks beautiful. Downloads are easy to manage and as long as you don't try and pause a download, they work fine with a manager like DownloadThemAll. There are only two file-format choices for most videos, mp4 and wmv, however, that's never really bothered me too much. Lastly, there are plenty of options for sorting DVDs, movies, and pics when your browsing.

There are some problems with the site, though. First, there is no search function, only a series of filters you can select for browsing titles (i.e. "sort by most popular", "most viewed", etc). However, these filters are buggy and often require users to enter page numbers by hand if they want to see anything other than page one sorted alphabetically.

Another big hit in my rating comes from the inclusion of pre-checked cross-sales: for shame Devil'sfilm.com, for shame! If you let your hunger for wonderful porn blind your vision, you'll find yourself in a 3-day trial for a site that renews at about $30 USD per month. Read the fine print before you buy--the trial site isn't bad, but it's not $30 good.

My bottom line:
These sorts of bugs are easily fixed and would, in my opinion dramatically raise their score. Without the technical problems and the pre-checked cross-sales, I'd easily rank this site in the 90s.

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Review Replies (3)

Replies to the user review above.

Msg # User Message Date


slutty (0) Nice review Tobey666, welcome to PU.
10-11-11  08:06pm

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pinkerton (0) Thanks for the review, I was a member quite a while back and noticed that the content was the same as peternorth.com which I joined more recently.
Agree with everyhting you say, it is a good site.

10-12-11  11:09pm

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lk2fireone (0) Very fair review, with lots of good points.
10-14-11  09:57am

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*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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