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What do you do when you're about to succeed seducing a new girl, and she asks you to stop?

Type: General

Submitted by graymane (0)
Submit completely to her wish 54% 20 Votes
Just slow it down a tad 14% 5 Votes
Stop, talk, and try again 19% 7 Votes
Pump up the action 0% 0 Votes
Think she really means yes 8% 3 Votes
Move to plan B 5% 2 Votes

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37 Votes Total

Nov 14, 2011

Poll Replies (19)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


slategrey (0) Submit completely to her wish or else its rape or sexual harassment.
11-14-11  12:56am

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Jay G (Disabled) Get out of there as quickly and politely as possible. No matter what you do, if you piss her off she can accuse you of sexual harassment or rape. Remember the accusation alone is presumed guilt and will taint you forever. There is no defense against an accusation.

Be friendly but back away. These kind of women are dangerous: don't make them your enemy for ANY reason.

11-14-11  04:44am

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Denner (0) Hey...!! - depends on how a girl says STOP...
So here's one for the young ones:

At my age and married - not seducing many or any girls these days..But in my younger days - no, really young days, at 18 I think it was - I remember this incident:

At college finally got this beautiful brunette on a date - a girl a year older and more experienced - and later ended up in her room/bed with her parents gone.
Magnificent tits - but when I started to go between her legs, she said: No,No - stop!
This young man got bewildered/confused and turned on a lot of excuses, backed down ect....
Her reaction: Oh, why do you excuse - why didn't you just push on......now it's not fun anymore...
Oh,Oh..the insecure that comes with youth...
BTW: Damned, never got to bang this beauty after that incident..

11-14-11  05:40am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Denner :

In my day that might have worked, Denner. Many girls were coy and felt obliged to say no even though they meant yes ,, but nowadays .. no way.

I would take "no" to mean no and stop immediately. In any case in my youth I always stopped when I got a no. Might have missed some adventures but I never believed in playing games.

11-14-11  09:39am

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Cybertoad (Disabled)
Submit completely to her wish, its simple.
Not sure why this was even a question LOL

11-14-11  12:23pm

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tangub (0) But don't women always say the opposite of what they mean anyway? LOL
11-14-11  02:39pm

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picdude (0) I think it entirely depends on why she says stop, by all means one should listen to her but perhaps ask why, it could be just she's more than happy to have sex with you but worried someone will walk in on you, by talking it gives you the chance to walk round the house naked checking the doors are locked and proving no ones in to ease her mind and letting the night flow.
Other reasons for stop could be: she's on her period by asking why you're not left worrying she doesn't like you but instead know she does but just, 'cant'.
Or she might be wanting to wait for a later time when perhaps people are out etc.

11-14-11  02:43pm

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lk2fireone (0) Sometimes I admire the porn studs who keep going even when the woman says "Stop."
But that's not me.

11-14-11  05:05pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #2 - Jay G :

Just curious Jay G, what do you mean by these kinds of women? I don't think the question implies any type of deceit, perhaps she just changed her mind, which she is free to do. It is not so uncommon for a woman to want to slow things down a bit when things are getting heavy...
11-14-11  11:23pm

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exotics4me (0) I can't help but say this to go along with Greymane's funny porn site stories in the forum.

I didn't pick any because the option "Ask the camera guy for another $100 bill" isn't an option.

11-14-11  11:47pm

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graymane (Suspended) REPLY TO #5 - Cybertoad :

You might not be sure this is a question, but don't tell that to those of us who have gotten a "stop" but diplomatically persevered, subsequently and oftentimes being rewarded with not only a willing submission, but an unforgettable sexual experience.
I would hope most of us have been around the block enough in pursuit sexual conquest that we'd generally know if she really means "no' or that it's just what it often is: a face-saving natural response getting the message out that she doesn't want you to think she's "that kind of girl". If I'd actually stopped every time a woman asked me to, I wouldn't've got a fraction of the pussy that I've had over my lifetime. But for those whom I knew were serious: Indeed, I stopped.
It's like the old Kenny Rodger's song: "You gotta know when to hold'em and you gotta know when to fold'em"

11-15-11  12:22am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #4 - messmer :

Well, messmer in more mature life I kept on taking a no for a no - and seriously.....guess those weird creatures we call women, (LOL) - got a mind of their own - and sometimes and maybe a lot of different minds....and the old saying: will men ever understand the woman mind???....
11-15-11  05:58am

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #9 - slutty :

I've met great numbers of honest, wonderful women in my time. But, sadly, there are also confused and unhappy women out there.

Because in the USA the standards for accusation are so low (any woman or man for that matter can destroy your life if they are pissed at you simply by accusing you of a sexual crime, since the accusation alone can label you a "sexual predator" for life. Even if the courts find you "not guilty" the majority of Americans will presume you were guilty and just "got away with it."

I once had a beautiful but unstable girlfriend who I soon realized was dangerous like this because she lied all the time and made things up about everything, even stupid unimportant things. I walked on eggshells slowly backing away from her but was always being friendly and polite because I was afraid of pissing her off. She soon found another boyfriend and I cannot tell you how relieved I was.

Bottom line: the boyfriend got her pregnant and was sent to jail on what seemed to me (knowing her) were false accusations of sexual misbehavior. He was found "not guilty" for lack of any real evidence, but his life was ruined and he'll never have a good job or escape his "record" of having been arrested (not convicted) of a sexual crime. Even if found not guilty those accused of sexual crimes in the USA are destroyed.

Be careful out there. Most Americans believe that women would never lie about this and the man must be guilty because he was accused. I believe otherwise, but regarding sexual crimes there is no "presumed innocent."

11-15-11  07:28am

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Cybertoad (Disabled) REPLY TO #11 - graymane :

Back in the day, I too would agree to a point that no meant, eh maybe!
But with the changed in the law and unfortunately a few nuts jobs later I would say no should mean no, and even yes should have a signature, finger print and a lie detector attached allowing access lol.
I am making light of this because I have been on both sides of that fence. Short story, best pal went away for school and asked me to keep and eye on his girl while he was gone, she was a bowwow so no problems there. I always thought she was Physco but she was not my physco. Long story short, she tried to get money out of me by threat of telling my best pal I tried to attack her. Only way I didn't pay up is another pal she did hit on and he told my friend what she did and then I did too. Pretty much shut her down. Oh by the way he married the Physco. I have learned there are enough twists and turns that I am greatful to have a significant other for 20+ years and porn in that order.
Would not want to be a young buck in the dating world today.

11-15-11  01:48pm

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #13 - Jay G :

I understand your original point Jay G, I was just noting that I don't think just because a woman wants to slow it down she is necessarily crazy (although I am sure there are a few that are).
11-15-11  11:01pm

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Jay G (Disabled) REPLY TO #15 - slutty :

I agree with you. It really is about the relationship between man and woman and if you respect the woman and she respects you, it really is a different thing.

I actually think men who are falsely accused of sex crimes are usually arrogant guys who piss off a crazy woman or two and can't believe she'd lie to hurt them after they've treated her disrespectfully in other ways.

11-16-11  03:06am

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RustyJ (Suspended) I'd forget it. I'd rather not come across like an asshole who doesn't understand "no".
11-17-11  02:52am

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Balibalo (0) I'm french but I'm not DSK :D
01-10-12  05:41pm

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Homegirl (Disabled) I have never had a woman say stop. They always say more, deeper, deeper.
05-28-20  05:03am

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