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Visit Art-Lingerie

Art-Lingerie (0)

messmer (0) 07-01-12  11:40am
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Is it CCBill or the site?

Just attempted to subscribe at our listed price and CCBill threw me a curve by wanting CA $32.00 for the first month and then reducing to CA $27.00 the following month. I have never come across this before with any other site. Is this a new business model for CCBill or is it Art-Lingerie's doing? BTW, present conversion rate is 0.983 US $ to 1.00 $ CA.

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Capn (0) Probably the website.

Some do offer a lowered rate for a continuing membership.

Cap'n. :0)

07-01-12  01:08pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #1 - Capn :

Cap'n, do me a favor and try the "join" routine to see if there is regional pricing. The reduced rate after one month does not appear to be a loyalty bonus. It almost looks as if CCBill are giving themselves a one time bonus, or maybe Canada has now joined regional pricing in a limited way! :-)
07-01-12  01:22pm

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Capn (0) REPLY TO #2 - messmer :

I am getting a marginally reduced rate on all continuations.

My feeling is, it is not regional pricing so much as the site trying to encourage members to remain after one month.

Cap'n. :0)

07-01-12  01:28pm

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lk2fireone (0) I live in US. When I go from PU link to this site, and then try the join link, I see $24.95/month recurring.

Maybe you can try sending the site an email, asking for the $24.95 rate?

And CCBILL is the credit card processor that I am seeing.

07-01-12  02:49pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #3 - Capn :

Thanks, Cap'n!
07-01-12  07:00pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #4 - lk2fireone :

Thanks, lk2fireone. I have never seen CCBill charge me more than an additional $1.50 or so. This time I would be paying 7 dollars more than you despite the fact that our dollars are very close. I think I will send an email. The reduced price after one month is the price I should be paying now!!
07-01-12  07:02pm

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gaypornolover (0) Sounds like the classic regional billing to me - you have to pay extra even when you're using a slightly stronger currency.

It's sadly a way of life for European users, sounds like Canadians aren't exempt either.

CCBill, although a respected provider, does seem to be very willing to provide regional billing and doesn't require sites to make it clear that it's in place, which I think is misleading.

You often don't realise you've been overcharged until after you've joined.

I now always double-check what they're charging me in my local currency and how they compares in US dollars to what the site advertises itself as costing. It should be similar, if not exact due to currency fluctuations - but if it's several dollars more, you're being overcharged.

07-02-12  04:27am

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Claypaws (Suspended) When I click the join link, I get a CCBill sign up.

It is worded:

"$24.95 (USD) for 30 days then $24.95 (USD) recurring every 30 days"

Not much room for doubt there then :-)

Multi month rates are somewhat lower but recur at the same rate as the initial charge.

07-02-12  10:31am

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #8 - Claypaws :

Hi Claypaws, mine says the following:

"$31.19 (CAD) for 30 days then $27.07 (CAD) recurring" with our dollar being worth 98.3 cents US at the moment. In other words almost at par. Something smells. Maybe the site will be able to tell me.

07-02-12  12:00pm

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messmer (Disabled) Don' know what happened to a previous comment. It never showed up. Who knows maybe I forgot to post it.

I stated that I had gone to Epoch and they subscribed me for $26.00 CAD but when I tried to enter the site they did not recognize my password and user name.

I found out in the meantime that Epoch sent me a different username and password in their confirmation from the one I had picked. So, by using that one I could get in.

It is still a very nice site with great looking models.

I like the poll they have at the moment asking subscribers how they feel about the photo shopping of some sets. 58% want NO photo shop! Hooray. Now I just hope that they'll listen.

07-02-12  01:27pm

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messmer (Disabled) REPLY TO #7 - gaypornolover :

I think it was a CCBill thing rather than regional billing, gpl because I just subscribed through Epoch for a slightly higher rate than the US one. I hadn't seen that option earlier or I would have used it before making my comment.
07-02-12  01:37pm

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #8 - Claypaws :

Hey Claypaws, how did you manage to get the price $24.95 (USD) from the UK? With CCBill I'm getting £17.34 (GBP) recurring at £16.75 (GBP) which is over $27 (USD) for the first month....are you using a proxy or something? It seems crazy as a Brit that I have to pay more than Americans for the priviledge of paying a British website in British Pounds, the same with their other site Only Tease except there the $24.95 is closer to $30, regional pricing gone crazy and the main reason none of their sites have ever had a membership out of me yet.
07-04-12  03:06pm

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Claypaws (Suspended) REPLY TO #12 - tangub :

Nothing esoteric at all, tangub. Not using a proxy. I just tried it again now. I click the "visit site" link from PU. Takes me to Art-Lingerie.com/t1.. Click "instant access" at the top. Click 30 days recurring and I get the CCBill signup page with the $24.95 (USD) wording that I described. It has pre-filled the country as United States. If I change that to United Kingdom and refresh the page, I still get the $24.95 (USD) wording. Moreover, it is also offering me an extra signup for Only Tease at $19.95 (USD) for 30 days recurring at $19.95 (USD). Also the same price $19.95 for Layered Nylons.

Usually my IP address is recognised as UK because I frequently get little windows offering me to meet a hot date in Sheffield or similar nonsense, when I browse certain sites (e.g. peachyforum).

Hey, I don't suppose *you* (or your ISP) are using a proxy are you? Or something like OpenDNS or NortonDNS? Those could also make a difference. I just use my ISP's DNS server.

You can check what the internet thinks your location is by putting whatsmyip (no www or http - just whatsmyip~) into your browser address. Then copy your IP address, click on IP Location in the menus on the left and paste in your IP address. It should put you on the map. For me it says Oldham, near Peterborough, which is not where I live but it is at least in the right country!

Maybe it thinks you are in France :-)

07-08-12  09:29am

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #13 - Claypaws :

Well my IP location is showing up as where I actually live in the UK so it does seem very odd the site offers 2 people living in the same country different prices in different currencies. I don't really understand what Open DNS or Norton DNS is so I doubt I would be using any of that, I just use the default service provided by my ISP O2. I have tried copy and pasting the sign up URL for the Only Tease sites into one of those free US based proxies and successfully got the $24.95 join price but i'm a bit wary about entering my credit card details into one of those free proxies as not really sure how secure they are.
07-08-12  01:57pm

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Claypaws (Suspended) REPLY TO #14 - tangub :

It seems odd to me too. I suspect that the site's intention is to apply regional pricing to UK customers but, for some reason, it does not detect my IP address as being located in the UK.

This is perfectly possible, even when no proxy is involved.

I checked art-lingerie's IP address using my own ISP's DNS server and also using Open DNS and Norton DNS. They all give the same result, so that is not an explanation of what is going on. (The DNS server is used to look up the IP address of a site whose URL is known. It is required in order to establish a connection from your browser to a site. Your ISP has its own DNS server to do that but it is possible to tell your router to use a different one, such as Open DNS or Norton DNS. And you can also use various websites to look up an IP address using a specified DNS server. Anyway, the IP address of art-lingerie is the same for all those options.)

art-lingerie's server is located in the US.

When you connect to it with your browser, art-lingerie's server does a reverse DNS lookup on your IP address to determine where you are located. CCBill's server can also do a reverse DNS lookup. The answer it gets depends on the DNS server that it uses to look up the location of your IP address. It is possible that one of those DNS servers thinks my IP address is in the US. (With my previous ISP, sites tended to think I was in Italy!)

I have looked up my IP address in two different places and got two different locations for it, though both are in the UK. There are thousands of DNS servers and it is quite possible that some of them have the wrong location for some IP addresses.

I agree about not putting your credit card details into a proxy. Unless your connection to the proxy is encrypted, your credit card details will be transmitted to it over an insecure link that could be intercepted. And who knows what data the proxy server stores?

07-09-12  05:08am

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tangub (0) REPLY TO #15 - Claypaws :

Thanks for the reply and for taking the time to check it out. I guess I'll just have to grin and bear the regional pricing if I want to join this one. I'm quite tempted to join Art-Lingerie and take Only Tease as a cross sell because it works out approx $10 a month cheaper that way for Only Tease compared to joining it directly and it's clearly a huge site that i've never joined before so would probably want to stick around for 3 or 4 months.
07-10-12  06:15am

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Claypaws (Suspended) REPLY TO #16 - tangub :

You are welcome, tangub. It is a few years since I was last a member of Only Tease. It is certainly huge. If I were going to join now, I would definitely go for the Only All Sites option. They seem to have fairly arbitrary split between Only Tease, Secretaries, Opaques, Silk and Satin. It could be really frustrating, if you collect content for a model, to find she has sets on all those subsites but you only have a membership to one of them. Allsites gives you all the sites plus Melanie and Carla, neither of whom do much for me but there they are anyway. It is expensive but it is what I would do.

If I click the join from Only All Sites, it gives me all the sites for $44.95 (USD) and a cross check for Art Lingerie at $19.95 (USD). Not sure what price it will offer you though.

There is also a link to join via Epoch. That offers me €44.95 (yes that is EUROS) and no cross check for Art Lingerie and it prefills my country as UK, unlike CC Bill, which thinks I am US!

You know, I think I might just give the CC Bill one a go myself before they alter their DNS servers and realise I am in the UK!

07-10-12  11:00am

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