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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

Denner (0) 09-11-12  11:50am
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New previews, please

This is a fine network with fine sites - been here several times.
But not for a while - and I have no chance of getting an idea of what is new.
Browsing some of the more major sites, I only see old material, quite old material - but guess they still update.
Wish I could see those updates.....so better previews - with updates....thank you.

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Msg # User Message Date


pat362 (0) That has always been their biggest problem because there is no way to know what is new. I assume that they are still updating with new content as well but ti would be nice if they actually showed those instead of their older scenes.
09-11-12  06:32pm

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lk2fireone (0) Some sites in the network update. A lot of them don't. As far as I can tell, they choose the sites that update randomly.

I think the network is a bargain, because of the massive content, a lot of very attractive girls, and a lot of videos that are nice quality. The quality is below what you get at Diesel or X-Art, but there is a lot of nice videos at this network.

Post a reply on what specific sites you are checking for updates, and I will tell you if they are updating. If that would help.

I'm currently a member of the network.

09-11-12  06:33pm

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Stas RC (0)

Soon we`ll update TeenMegaWorld.net design
I hope in 1-2 weeks new design will be online.
And you`ll be able to see our latest updates on the main page.

09-12-12  12:58am

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Denner (0) REPLY TO #2 - lk2fireone :

Thanks, lk2
I now realize there's a reply from the staff - promising a new design with preview of updates - soon.
I'll hold my horses till then - but thanks again for your helpful offer...

09-13-12  02:43am

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elephant (0) Yeah I do agree it would be great to see teen mega world, which I have for a couple of years now been a massive fan, it would be good to see the updates and it keeps fans of the site interested and more re-joins, makes sense really.
09-16-12  05:43am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #3 - Stas RC :

Where are you with the new design? I know it's not online yet and I won't be joinign until it is so I'm really curious to know.
09-29-12  10:10am

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Stas RC (0)
REPLY TO #6 - pat362 :

Hi, we are planning to launch it on wesdnesday or thursday.
09-30-12  11:59pm

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #7 - Stas RC :

Thanks. I'll keep my eyes open for the new design.
10-01-12  05:11am

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pat362 (0) REPLY TO #7 - Stas RC :

I notice that the new site is online but it's a huge mess. You only get access to the front page and clicking anywhere else on the site brings you to the join page. Now it's quite possible that there are still glitches but if there aren't any then you guys wasted your time and money on this front page.
10-03-12  11:23am

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