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graymane (Suspended)
Okay, guys and gals. This Bud's for you:
If You've got it ....flaunt it.
This is No time to be modest; Don't pull any punches; now is an opportunity to collectfully get some idea what level of company you're in.
Just remember, whatever your vote, it'll not detract from yours nor your PU brethren's view of the high regard we all value and share with one another.
10-31-12 01:55am
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Denner (0)
I say Superior....naturally.
Opposed to the somewhat common opinion of we pornusers as the bottom of the "whatever" -can't find the word in English - I consider this place being "inhabited" mostly by people of, if not - only - academic standard - then still people with brains.
I guess we all have seen forums where we run away - screaming.
(Jeeezzz, I would have loved to have been able to write my input here in my native language).
10-31-12 06:36am
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Cybertoad (Disabled)
I try not to my psychoanalyze my fell PU's but much of what occurs here and I am sure the majority of the brains behind PU and TBP know this too. That most members are in a sense a concierge of this system. There is a fine line in many such groups, some I have had the displeasure of joining. However, there is a cultural migration here where knowledge and tolerance come together to form a far more unique system then the public may realize. There are the occasional booby jokes and light humor which is awesome, but each member I have known takes the job they do here serious, as they some how realize they are not just helping themselves they are helping and industry set standards. I have read many reviews where the webmasters go " hey I never thought of that or great idea ". The fact owners and webmaster respond directly to the reviewers means we are taken seriously and there is allot going on here all fun aside. I put very superior, as it takes more then just liking porn to be a productive member it takes the understanding of what porn is to you, me and the world.
10-31-12 08:46am
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rearadmiral (0)
I suspect that since we're likely a fairly broad cross-section of society in terms of nationality, age, interests, education, work experience and incomes that we're probably a wide swath regarding intelligence too. So on that alone I chose average.
Having said that, please indulge me on a bit of a rant: one thing that always impresses me about the quality of posts on this site is that even if English isn;t a posters mother tongue everyone follows bacis rules of grammar and punctuation. And no one regularly posts in 'text speak,' which, in my opinion, is usually the mark of someone who isn't all that bright when it is used in a context that doeasn't require text speak. And part of not being terribly bright is the inability to discern when one should and should not use 'text speak.' I don't read or participate in too many other forums on any topic, but I really like that it is rare that we see someone post something in text gibberish.
So on that point alone, regardless of where each of us falls on an IQ scale, we're above average.
10-31-12 08:49am
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Capn (0)
The internet enfranchises a broad cross section of society, so I think you will probably get the full range of IQ visiting, if not posting.
Cap'n. :0/
10-31-12 10:57am
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BadMrFrosty (0)
Dur, say what now?
10-31-12 12:38pm
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pat362 (0)
I don't know if regular posters have a superior IQ but if they don't then based on the the amazing stuff they write then they should. I'm not sure what my IQ is because my last test was a very long time ago. I seem to remember that is was near 120 or above but I guess I'd have to take anothe rone to be certain.
IQ is not the most important thing in life. There are plenty of amazing people with an average IQ just as there plenty of SOB's with above average IQ's. All those Wall Street brockers who made millions by screwing other people out of their savings by doing dishonest tradings probably have an above average IQ but their heart and sould is way below the average.
10-31-12 04:02pm
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jberryl69 (Disabled)
Have you got an IQ test Graymane for us to take and put an end to this quibbling?
10-31-12 10:18pm
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slutty (0)
I would assume that we would be an average group, although IQ tests seem to heavily favor spacial reasoning so perhaps all the porn watching would help with that.
10-31-12 11:58pm
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RustyJ (Suspended)
110-119 is my guess. I guess most web actives are above 100 anyway.
11-01-12 05:17am
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lk2fireone (0)
Web speek is my nex hobby. I am slo lerner, but willing to try.
11-01-12 07:57am
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messmer (Disabled)
I would guess that the grammatical and presentational skills would be more dependent upon a person's age than his IQ. There are some very smart young cookies who simply don't know much about grammar, or how to spell any more, because all their gadgets got them out of the reading habit. .
11-01-12 11:35am
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Tree Rodent (0)
High average-superior would be my guess. Good poll graymane. I think you're right in that the quality of reviews and contributions means there's a high IQ present here. Strange but true given the subject matter of the forum. However go to a forum on some of the porn networks and you will see porn fans aren't necessarily intelligent. This is the way PU has evolved.
11-01-12 05:09pm
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graymane (Suspended)
Please understand, folks, I'm not asking for, nor would I ask, nor would it be any of my business to want individual and/or personal answers to this poll.
I thought I was rather clear to mean it was based on we as a group, as a whole, keyed in to specifically spell out the word "collectively."
11-01-12 05:52pm
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Randyman (Disabled)
I know somebody with an IQ of 134 and the dude is as dumb as Chum Lee from Pawn Stars, no common sense whatsoever.
07-07-13 12:52pm
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