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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

lk2fireone (0) 06-07-13  11:39am
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Former members of TMW. Check for special offer.

Just got an email from TMW to rejoin for $14.95 for the first month.

Not sure what the renewal price would be.

I was a member of TMW several times before.

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Msg # User Message Date


elephant (0) What the subject title of the email please Ik2fireone , I'm a past member but can't seem to see a email but my spam folder these days is mental with thousands of spammy crap each month.


06-09-13  01:04am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #1 - elephant :

The sender was listed as Alex.
The subject title was "Good news to [Your Name]".
Date sent was Sat 4:21 AM. (That was Jun 7, yesterday).

The offer was to join X-Angels, which is part of the Teen Mega World network.

You join X-Angels, you get access to the total network, which is over 30+ sites.

The new site, X-Angels, looks like a winner. The models featured are great-looking teens.

I also got a duplicate of the same email (same sender, subject title, body of email) sent on Fri 10:32 AM.

The emails went to my Inbox, not my Spam box. I don't have the sender in my contact/address book, but maybe it went to my Inbox because the header included my real name.

The body of the email was:

Our Dear [Your Name],

We are glad to inform you that we’ve just launched a new site X-Angels which is full of perfect and amazing DSLR Movies. This site is updated regularly with brand new, steaming hot sets with the most beautiful teenage models! Beauty is our business and we provide you only with alluring, arousing, and high definition video clips and pictures galleries starring a steady stream of stunning young ladies with perfect bodies.
Rejoin now just for $14.95
Come Back Now for only 14.95

This letter was sent to you because you were subscribed to the one of our sites. Click Here To Unsibscribe.

06-09-13  08:50am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #2 - lk2fireone :

Thanks lk2fireone

Just checked and no such email has come through sadly for me. Oh well thanks anyway for posting about it.

06-09-13  09:10am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #3 - elephant :

Check your email.

I just sent you (or tried to) an email through the PU system.

Let me know if the URL worked for you.

06-09-13  09:27am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #4 - lk2fireone :

Yeah it worked fine thanks, I emailed you back also.

Cheers again

06-09-13  10:01am

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Stas RC (0)
It`s our newest site.
And as usual you`ll get access to all our sites together with X-Angels.com

06-09-13  11:35pm

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*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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