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Visit Joy Mii

Joy Mii (0)

Parsnip (0) 12-25-13  03:45am
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Too much anal - we're gone

I'm afraid they've gone too far for us - successive scenes with anal is just too much. We've cancelled membership. A real shame, this was a nice site, but they've obviously decided to change their target audience, and we're not part of it.

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Joymii (0)
You are right.
The scheduling could have been better with a hardcore anal scene immediately following a light, anal-fingering solo.

To be fair, only 5 out of 230+ scenes are anal.
We understand anal is not for everyone. We are sorry to see you go and thank you very much for being a viewer.

Our target audience are couples, or those who appreciate real, passionate sex. Anal sex is the single most-requested non-traditional sex act by males to their partners. A recent Center for Disease Control, multi-year study, also surprised researchers by revealing the prevalence of anal sex among heterosexual couples. Numerous sexual commentary by the general audience, have shown offering anal sex is one of the biggest expressions of love in a relationship.

We pay attention to every comment, and anal sex is the most-requested addition by our members. By that measure, 5 out of 230+ scenes is under-serving of our members' needs. This means we plan to increase the percentage of anal sex slightly, not grotesquely. As always, it must be artistically logical with the overall theme of the site: real love and passion.

Thank you again for taking the time to comment!

12-25-13  07:40am

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Parsnip (0) REPLY TO #1 - Joymii :

The single most requested by stupid males who have got their sex ed by watching porn, and the single most hated act by females. That's why you had to give that apologist BS about it being a "gift" from a woman to her partner - if she got anything from it it wouldn't have to be a "gift", would it?

You've made you choice, and like x-art have decided that the mysoginist male market is bigger than the couple/female market. There are a vanishingly small number of sites where is it possible for us to find good erotica without this particular unpleasant fetish, and there is now one less. We can live with it.

12-25-13  09:27am

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Joymii (0)
REPLY TO #2 - Parsnip :

I understand and really appreciate you taking the time to comment and review our site. Could you contact us directly? I would like to extend your membership for free.

I'm hoping you don't judge us based on 2% of our content catalogue. Even if that number rises to 5%, would you be satisfied with the other 95%?

We recognize we can't please everyone. I have personally received angry emails from FEMALE members, expressing their displeasure of NOT having enough anal scenes, expressed just as vehemently as you.

No product is 100% perfect. We merely try to achieve as close to that as possible for our members. If 2% imperfection taints the 98% of the site you are happy with, I regret we can't achieve that, but again I would like to express my thanks to you for providing such constructive criticism. It's users like you, who make us better.

Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas+New Year!

p.s. remember to contact us directly so I can extend your membership!

12-25-13  10:09am

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cjd2004 (0) REPLY TO #2 - Parsnip :

What is your source for your claim that anal stimulation is hated by females. There are plenty (eg Tristan Taormino) who enjoy it.
12-25-13  01:58pm

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #3 - Joymii :

This is why it is so hard to please everyone on websites. sure one might disapprove of anal and leave but by making all the vids shot in the glam core style you would be the site to go to and fill a gap in the market as no one is make exclusive nicely shot erotic anal movies. You'd get my subscription and lots more no doubt. It is really tough to please all tastes though.

I also see were Parsnip is coming from if they hate anal movies its annoying to pay for something you're not into much. I'm the same with solo sites, I often find myself disappointed as solo stuff rarely does much for me these days, only the odd one.

12-26-13  06:48am

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Denner (0) Agree - tired of too much anal - and thought this site would/could avoid it...
12-26-13  08:11am

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Parsnip (0) REPLY TO #4 - cjd2004 :

Try talking to a few... I didn't actually say all women hate anal, that would be ridiculous. A tiny percentage can enjoy it, and a few more can withstand it when pressured into it ("if you really loved me you would...") - but seriously, 80+% of BG porn is anal, do you really think that when maybe 2 or 3% in the real world can do it, 80% of porn girls want to?
My wife's kid sister did some porn a few years ago, the typical porn career of one trip out to LA. She hadn't planned on telling the family, but the injuries she received meant in the end she had to, so we know about how the girls are bullied and pressured into it, and about the injections and drugs they take to get through it. If you have any empathetic intelligence at all, you will see most of the time in an anal scene that you are watching a girl in pain or distress - obviously most porn is made by and for men who don't notice or don't care. Sure, at the top of the market they can do it a bit nicer, but it is still essentially the same act.

12-26-13  12:12pm

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Parsnip (0) REPLY TO #3 - Joymii :

Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. When I checked on ccbill, I'd misremembered the remaining subscription, there are a few weeks left but I don't think we'll keep visiting.

We had the bad experience with X-Art, where they started off doing an anal scene every few months and stating that they would only do anal with girls who did it in their private lives. They are now about 30% anal, doing DPs and god knows what, and have members endlessly demanding even more and viciously insulting anyone who doesn't like it. We kept hanging on but it just got worse and worse. Why would we think Joymii will be any different? You've already gone from one odd scene to consecutive anal scenes this week, it is obvious where you are heading. I'm afraid you're getting a shorter leash than we gave X-art.

I recently saw a program about old porn, where they interviewed a model (not a porn performer) who liked watching it, and she loved watching anal. The interviewer asked her if she liked doing anal herself, and she answered "Hell no, but when I'm watching porn I want to see girls asses getting ripped". Mysoginy isn't limited to men.

There is no way I am going to sit down with my wife to watch something that is really about hating her, and I'm not going to give my hard earned dollars to people who will make that kind of material. Even if I don't watch it, it has still been made. If we can't buy porn without contributing to pain and injuries, then we won't buy it. We don't watch a lot, and we have enough collected to watch for years without repeating, so we don't really need any more - SexArt will do us.

12-26-13  12:43pm

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Joymii (0)
REPLY TO #8 - Parsnip :

I'm sorry we couldn't meet your needs.

I respect your decision to stand up for your beliefs and follow through with your purchasing power.

I can tell you that not all porn companies act the same way. Some treat their performers like animals, and others treat them like kings and queens. Without you being physically present on one of our productions, there's probably not a lot I can do to convince you we have one of the best reputations in the industry in regards to the treatment of talent. If the opportunity was available, would you be interested?

The attention drawn to anal sex, indicates there is sufficient meaning to you in your personal life and how it symbolises the treatment of women. But is it fair to draw assumptions about talent treatment, based purely on a sex act?

Let me elaborate: if you've subscribed to our newsletter, we showed many behind-the-scenes photos of Petra Q, having fun and enjoying our shoot with us. She told us she preferred anal sex over regular sex, and wanted to work with us again.

What if you enjoyed a typical, vaginal sex scene, but discovered that the production for that scene involved the talent being severely overworked, her vagina sore from 4 back-to-back scenes shot that day, the company provided no catering, her passport was confiscated, she is working with people she hates, and at the end of the day, she's paid $50 for that scene - or worse - she's been unpaid for months?

Do you penalise X-Art and Joymii for publishing anal performances the girls enjoyed doing, but reward the other companies for treating their talent like slave labor because their end product did not have anal?

Admittedly, this question is a bit rhetorical because it's quite philosophical. But one I hope all visitors consider if the treatment of talent - both male and female - is important to them.

12-26-13  07:01pm

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Joymii (0)
REPLY TO #4 - cjd2004 :

Anal sex is painful to most women and men without proper training and practice. Compared to porn, anal sex is uncommon in people's sex lives.

That said, shouldn't anal porn be an outlet for couples to enjoy something they cannot have in their real life?

12-26-13  07:05pm

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Joymii (0)
REPLY TO #6 - Denner :

It's up to the performer. We never force them into it. Our mission is to serve the majority of our customers. We never advertised as being, "no anal sex", but real passion and romance. If enough people request, "no anal sex", we'd be happy to try an offshoot of Joymii, but bill it exclusively as anal sex-free. :)
12-26-13  07:08pm

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anyonebutme (0) I have cut way back on porn purchases, enjoyment in the material is way down, largely due to all the anal, but it's just a part of the problem - a site has to cater to the people who spend the money. If I don't spend my money while all the anal fans do, they get to dictate what scenes are created in the future.
12-26-13  10:22pm

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #7 - Parsnip :

Really 80% B/G vids are anal, whats sites are we talking about, yeah there are anal sites like evilangel but the majority of the American networks like Reality Kings, Brazzers, Porn Pro etc the vids seem mainly straight with the odd anal one. Most sites I've joined are more like 80% vaginal sex and 20% anal if that.

Really love to know what sites you are meaning.

12-28-13  01:40am

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Parsnip (0) REPLY TO #12 - anyonebutme :

I agree that is the real problem. We have absolutely no weight in the market. Over recent years porn has become so ugly and abusive that most people have cut back or simply stopped buying it - which is why the porn business is in such a financial mess. Unfortunately, rather than trying to reach out to wider markets of females, couples and well adjusted guys, it is easier to sink back into trying to squeeze a few more dollars out of the hardened porn addicts, a dumb move as those are exactly the people more likely to learn how to pirate material and they will always want more extreme sex. The performers end up having to do more and more painful, ugly and outright dangerous acts for less and less money as the business collapses. If you have any empathy at all, the vast majority of porn is absolutely sickening. Obviously Joymii isn't that extreme (yet), but it will get worse, bitter experience shows that.
12-28-13  03:00am

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Parsnip (0) REPLY TO #9 - Joymii :

Thanks. A thoughtful comment. However, all you are really doing is demonstrating the appalling way most porn is made - well, duh! I wouldn't go near any sites that I thought might behave like that. I don't have an obsession with anal at all, it just happens to be the subject here. I leave that to the pro-anal people, who go on sites posting over and over again on the subject. Even on SexArt, there are members who never post about anything else - you can see their posting record and it is page after page of demands for anal and comments on girls' anuses. Fortunately they have so far not got anywhere on SexArt so they tend to drift away. X-art has similar members, but there they have succeeded, are now in the majority, and the site has been wrecked. I do agree, though, that for me it is symbolic of the ugliness and abuse of modern porn.

Saying the girls all enjoy it is ridiculous, the percentage of women who enjoy anal in the real world compared to the percentage who supposedly enjoy it in porn makes those claims utterly untenable. In Petra you may have found one of the miniscule number who really do enjoy it, but when you get up to 5, 10 or 30%, let alone the 80%+ on most sites it just can't be believed. Sadly you are perpetuating the dangerous myth that it is easy and enjoyable. So yes, I do punish you, as your claims that the girls all enjoy doing anal aren't believable. You don't have a magical source of girls who all love anal, you just have models who have to do anal to earn a living. This subject came up on SexArt a while ago, and one of the members there put it much more concisely than I could. So, with compliments to "Blackhawk":

If you ask a model if she wants to do a scene with anal or without it, she will say "Without". If you ask her if she wants to do the scene, or not do it and not get paid while someone else does it and does get paid, she will say "Yes". "Something they're comfortable with and want to do" simply means "something they've done before".

12-28-13  03:26am

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Parsnip (0) REPLY TO #9 - Joymii :

As of today, 3 out of the last 5 scenes are anal. You've made you choice, I've made mine.

Next year you'll be on here defending DP scenes, or double anal, or something similar. Of course, the girls love it, you treat them wonderfully - typical apologist BS. Glad to be gone, I'm afraid.

12-30-13  12:48pm

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