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X-Art (0)

lk2fireone (0) 12-09-14  01:53am
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X-Art raising prices?

Using the link from PU or TBP, when you hit the join page at X-Art, the prices displayed are:

One week for $9.95.
One month $39.95 single payment.
Three months $59.85.
One year $149.95.
Two years $199.95.

Compare the new prices to the prices listed at PU/TBP:

Monthly: $24.95 (recurring)
Monthly: $39.95 (non-recurring)
1 Year: $99.95 (non-recurring)

My guess is that new subscriptions/renewals will drop off significantly, if they keep those prices.
That's a shame, because X-Art is my favorite glamcore site.

But I certainly won't be paying the new listed prices.

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Comment Replies (6)

Replies to the user comment above.

Msg # User Message Date


Khan (Suspended) I had our editors look into this one and they seem to have the problem resolved. You should see the prices we list now.

Thx for the heads up.

12-10-14  08:41am

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Jazz (Suspended) This is my favorite site too.. I'm a super fan! I was scared that they were raising the prices but I don't think they are! Yayyy :)
12-10-14  03:59pm

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Parsnip (0) Does anyone know whether the $10 trial is fully functional?

X-art these days is a long way from the kind of site I'd want to be on, it seems to have become slightly glossy gonzo rather than the beautiful erotica they claim. But I think there are maybe 10 or 12 films from the last year that I would like to download. I'd like to give them as little money as possible given their godawful business practices, they're really not the sort of people I want to pay money to. It would be cool if a $10 trial would allow me to download the few films I'd like to watch.

12-13-14  02:41am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #3 - Parsnip :

Parsnip, send me a private email through the PU email system, and I will send you a link to join X-Art for $9.95 for the first month, rebilling at $19.95/month.

To send a private email, click on the hotlink of my username, that should bring up my PU data page; then click on the E-mail lk2fireone hot link, and write your message.

12-13-14  08:51am

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BrighamXart (0)

Hello lk2fireone ~

Thank you for your feedback regarding our pricing.

Colette and I take your comments to heart.

We decide to go back to our very inexpensive, super simple pricing options that we used when we launched the site...

$19.99/month recurring
$29.95/month non recurring
and $99.95 for 1 year, non recurring - the best value for sure, just $8.33 per month

Hope you'll check out our new content and improved pricing!

Thank you again.


Brig and Colette
X-Art and Colette dot [com]

04-11-15  02:41pm

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BrighamXart (0)
Hope you like our new, lower pricing! :-)

$19.99/month recurring
$29.95/month non recurring
and $99.95 for 1 year, non recurring - the best value for sure, just $8.33 per month


Brig & Colette from X-Art

04-20-15  08:48pm

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*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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