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How do you feel about revenge porn?

Type: Niches

Submitted by Amanda (0)
I enjoy it. 15% 3 Votes
It's not for me. 30% 6 Votes
I feel badly for the person. 40% 8 Votes
Other (see reply) 15% 3 Votes

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20 Votes Total

Sep 24, 2015

Poll Replies (4)

Replies to the user poll above.

Msg # User Message Date


LPee23 (0) When you take photos or videos that were supposed to be private and share them with the world, and do it with the intent to shame the model, then that is revenge porn, and it's a dick move to do it to someone.

We have to be careful before we judge though, because if you download enough porn, you have undoubtedly saved scenes that the model agreed to at the time, but later sorely regretted.

09-24-15  01:53pm

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Pyrenees (0) I am against any rape porn that is really rape. Against any illegal filmed porn. But I do enjoy simulated both of these. The Japanese seem really good at Cuckold and Revenge porn set ups to me.

But if a actress signs the dotted line I love it. I extremely love it when I find out later they regret it lol. I could give you so many examples of this. Recently I have been enjoying Danica Dillion scenes because of the Josh Duggar thing. She is into really rough sex so I got a huge laugh when she claimed he ragdolled her. I find that impossible just look at her Kink work no way it was close to that.

09-24-15  02:47pm

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Drooler (Disabled) I remember watching a porn flick back in the pre-internet days that had the "girl fucks guy to get revenge on her cheating boyfriend" plot. But considering the responses that came before this one, I take it that the term "revenge porn" hasn't been in use enough to be clearly defined enough in meaning, at least for poll responses. I won't watch rape or sometimes even depictions of it.
09-25-15  09:03am

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Thomas20 (0) If you mean putting up private pictures and things without permission in real life then the person should get a custodial sentence.

If you mean made up like a script then then no I don't like it. I don't like anything that makes entertainment out of nasty non-consensual things even if it is pretend.

09-25-15  03:06pm

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