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05-23-16  12:22pm - 3209 days Original Post - #1
Pyrenees (0)
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A Sub-Reddit Devoted to Legalizing Prostitution

Hello fellow Porn Users.

Here is a link to my Sub-Reddit devoted to Legalizing Prostitution, preventing Rape, child molestation, human trafficking and improving American Health care.

There is a huge dose of truth on this Sub-Reddit and I could use all the help and support I can get from Porn Users, Pornographic Performers and the Porn Industry in general.

I want this to be the place for Pro-Pornography talk on Reddit. I will need some people to help with AMA's.

I am all about freedom of Speech. Having said that, this is a Pro Prostitution/Pornography Sub-Reddit only. Which means it is a safe place for us because I will ban hammer anyone who tries to troll or Dox us.

Please take a look and see if it is worthy.

https://www.reddit.com/r/LegalizeProstitution/ 1Ti 6:17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

05-23-16  11:17pm - 3208 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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The idea that proven rapists, murderers, human traffickers will be executed within 24 hours of verdict seems illegal.
That idea might appeal to some people, but I doubt that such a law would ever pass.
Or be found legal.

Trying to put such an idea or law into your forum makes the forum seem unrealistic and pie-in-the-sky.

05-24-16  09:41am - 3208 days #3
Pyrenees (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

The idea that proven rapists, murderers, human traffickers will be executed within 24 hours of verdict seems illegal.
That idea might appeal to some people, but I doubt that such a law would ever pass.
Or be found legal.

Trying to put such an idea or law into your forum makes the forum seem unrealistic and pie-in-the-sky.

I thank you for your comment. I would ask if I may be allowed to address some of your concerns? In a friendly non combative way. Because you totally deserve your opinion and I 100% respect it.

1) A person can only stand trial if the state meets the enhanced burden of proof. DNA plus a witness, DNA plus a video, Video plus a witness or two or more witnesses. If the enhanced burden of proof is not met they cannot even stand in the first trial at all. This ensures only the really guilty provable people are punished. I love justice but I HATE circumstantial convictions.

2) There are two trials. 1 normal trial. 1 expedited trial. This gives them two chances among a jury of their peers to prove their innocence. Bear in mind with the enhanced burden of proof there will be far fewer trials held at all. The people who do go to trial will be guilty they are just getting due process.

3) What is legal? Legal is what we the people decide is legal. Did you know it is legal for members of congress to participate in "insider trading". Once upon a time when the public found out they passed a law, then a year later repealed the law making it legal again. I am not trying to make anyone rich. I am trying to prevent thousands of rapes and child abuses.

I personally feel like we as Americans should have the right to watch porn, be a porn actor, buy a prostitute, be a prostitute. All without the threat of Legal woes, physical abuse, rape and murder hanging over our heads. In over 80 countries around the world Prostitution is legal and in most of those countries Prostitutes are protected.

Meanwhile in America legislation is passed every day hurting women, children and our rights to consume. I am an adult and my tastes are natural and should be protected by my government.

Watch this documentary on Rich people, politicians and even the president's of the united states. And you will see that the abuse of women and children is at the highest places in American society and politics. Yet they try to criminalize pornography and prostitution.


Again I thank you for at least looking at the subreddit. And thank you for your opinion, I am grateful to talk to you about it. I have a dream, that America protects women's rights as well as New Zealand does! 1Ti 6:17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

05-24-16  11:34am - 3208 days #4
lk2fireone (0)
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I am not a lawyer.
And my understanding of the law is simple. Not backed up by study in school--college or otherwise.
You are arguing (or writing or however you want to put it) based on moral principles.
The law is not based on moral principles--although people might argue that it is.
The law is based on rules that have been passed by the lawmakers--and by state and national constitution.

To ask that the US Congress or a US Constitutional amendment allowing the death penalty the way you have proposed, seems to me to be almost impossible.

I am not talking about moral principles. I am talking about the way the law works-and what changes are possible.

Can you talk to a lawyer about your ideas about capital punishment (without having to pay him any money)?

It took many years for some states to allow the use of marijuana.
That, in my opinion, was a far easier task than getting the law changed to permit fast legal executions for certain crimes.

Again, I am not talking about moral issues here. I am talking about how difficult it would be to change the law to allow fast legal executions for criminal offenses.

You have a dream. And you think that you are trying to protect the freedoms of people to act responsibly. I'm not saying you are wrong in a moral sense. But I am saying that your idea of capital punishment is just not practical in the legal sense. Although you might find some people that will agree with you. But you would need to convince or convert the vast majority of the US voting population-or the lawmakers-- that your ideas are sound.

I don't think that will happen. Not in my lifetime. Or in yours.

Just my opinion. But I suggest you talk to a lawyer, and ask whether your idea on capital punishment is legal--or possible without a Constitutional amendment or the support of Congress, or both.

My guess is that the US Supreme Court would declare your idea unconstitutional, if they bothered to hear a case based on your idea.

05-24-16  11:54am - 3208 days #5
Pyrenees (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

I am not a lawyer.
And my understanding of the law is simple. Not backed up by study in school--college or otherwise.
You are arguing (or writing or however you want to put it) based on moral principles.
The law is not based on moral principles--although people might argue that it is.
The law is based on rules that have been passed by the lawmakers--and by state and national constitution.

To ask that the US Congress or a US Constitutional amendment allowing the death penalty the way you have proposed, seems to me to be almost impossible.

I am not talking about moral principles. I am talking about the way the law works-and what changes are possible.

Can you talk to a lawyer about your ideas about capital punishment (without having to pay him any money)?

It took many years for some states to allow the use of marijuana.
That, in my opinion, was a far easier task than getting the law changed to permit fast legal executions for certain crimes.

Again, I am not talking about moral issues here. I am talking about how difficult it would be to change the law to allow fast legal executions for criminal offenses.

You have a dream. And you think that you are trying to protect the freedoms of people to act responsibly. I'm not saying you are wrong in a moral sense. But I am saying that your idea of capital punishment is just not practical in the legal sense. Although you might find some people that will agree with you. But you would need to convince or convert the vast majority of the US voting population-or the lawmakers-- that your ideas are sound.

I don't think that will happen. Not in my lifetime. Or in yours.

Just my opinion. But I suggest you talk to a lawyer, and ask whether your idea on capital punishment is legal--or possible without a Constitutional amendment or the support of Congress, or both.

My guess is that the US Supreme Court would declare your idea unconstitutional, if they bothered to hear a case based on your idea.

You make a lot of good points. You know in all reality the whole capital punishment thing was the smallest part of what I actually want to happen. In the simplest terms I just want to empower men and women while at the same time protecting them.

Really want I want is for Prostitution to be legalized and protected. From pimps, abusers and STD's. That is all I really care about. When you give people an outlet for their sexual fantasies/frustrations you can help them with their "not" healthy desires. For example when porn first showed up in America Ronald Regan spent millions to prove it lead to rape. In fact those reports showed that raped dropped some 85% and has not risen since.

I agree with you that bad people will probably never get the punishment they deserve. I consider myself a realist =). So we are in agreement that passing harsher punishments will probably never happen. I am certainly not a lawyer.

But imagine if you will how many people we could protect by decriminalizing prostitution. That is what I really want to see happen in America. I just want to prevent as much suffering of men, women and children as possible. This also will probably never come to pass. America is still fighting its puritan roots. 1Ti 6:17 Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy;

05-24-16  04:20pm - 3208 days #6
badandy400 (0)
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DNA plus video of a rape = death.

Years later we learn that the girl had a rape fantasy she wanted to play out and she was mad a while later because the guy wanted to dump her. Same old story... "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

05-25-16  03:30am - 3207 days #7
lk2fireone (0)
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In prostitution, the law can penalize the client or the sex worker or both.
Personally, I think it's dumb or hypocritical or whatever term works best for you to describe the laws against prostitution as stupid and unhealthy and immoral. But the laws reflect human nature: People in authority (and people without authority) always seem to enjoy telling others what to do, and passing laws to enforce it. At the same time many of the people in authority have a double standard: do what I tell you to do, not what I do.

Religious leaders speak out about the evils of prostitution, and then many famous preachers are caught in scandals because they had sex with prostitutes or had homosexual/gay sex.

So the religious leaders and politicians that are caught, say they did wrong, ask for God's forgiveness, and continue to condemn others for sexual depravity. It's a crime to have sex. For pay, for whatever other reason. Except that it's wonderful to have sex, because you are carrying out God's plan and sex leads to children (which is part of God's plan).

It's interesting to read debates on whether the changing laws about prostitution in different countries in Europe are helping or hurting to make prostitution safer for the clients and sex workers.

If you read a short article on prostitution in Europe, you can see it can be a very complicated issue.


05-31-16  04:24pm - 3201 days #8
lk2fireone (0)
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The legal system in the US is messed up.
This man should never have been convicted of second-degree murder.
He shot his wife in the back.
Then he told her: "If you like running, then run to heaven," before firing the second time.
(He shot his wife in each leg after shooting her in the back).
(His wife enjoyed running as a hobby).

The truth is, if he wanted to kill her, he would have shot her in the front.
So finding him guilty of murder is wrong.
And if he thought his wife was having an affair, of course he would be emotionally disturbed, and that means he is not guilty of murder, but manslaughter (even though he killed a woman, so maybe it should be woman-slaughter).


Former 'Shield' Actor Convicted of Second-Degree Murder

11:00 AM PDT 5/31/2016 by The Associated Press

Michael Jace
Michael Jace's lawyers acknowledged that he killed his wife April and argued that he should be convicted of voluntary manslaughter.

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A jury on Tuesday convicted an actor who played a police officer on TV of second-degree murder in the shooting death of his wife that was partially witnessed by their two young sons.

The verdict in the trial of Michael Jace, who appeared on the FX series The Shield, came after a weeklong trial in which Los Angeles jurors were told the actor shot his wife April in the back and then twice in the legs with a revolver that belonged to her father.

Jace, 53, did not testify in his own defense. He told detectives soon after the attack that he had retrieved the gun to kill himself but couldn't do it. Instead, he planned to shoot his wife, an avid runner, in the leg so she would feel pain, Jace told detectives in a recorded interview.

Deputy District Attorney Tannaz Mokayef told jurors the actor was waiting for his wife and he shot her in the back and taunted her before shooting each of her legs.

Jace's 10-year-old son testified that he heard his father say, "'If you like running, then run to heaven,'" before firing the second time.

Savoy Brown, an adult son of April Jace, said the family was pleased with the verdict. He said watching Jace has been difficult for the family, and said he is hoping the actor, who bit his bottom lip when the verdict was read but showed no other emotion, will show his feelings when he is sentenced.

Deputy District Attorney Tannaz Mokayef said the potential sentence would be 40 years to life in prison.

She said during the trial that the actor was upset that his wife wanted a divorce and believed she was having an affair, although no evidence was presented during the trial that she was cheating.

Jace's attorney, Jamon Hicks, said his client is remorseful for killing his wife. He said the actor may speak during his sentencing hearing to express his remorse, but he wants to be respectful of April's family.

Hicks previously told jurors the actor accepted responsibility for killing his wife but should be convicted of voluntary manslaughter because he shot her in the heat of passion.

Jace also had small roles in films such as Planet of the Apes, Boogie Nights and Forrest Gump.

He turned himself in to police after the shooting and has been jailed ever since.

April Jace, 40, was a financial aid counselor at Biola University.

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