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11-09-16  01:24pm - 3045 days Original Post - #1
rearadmiral (0)
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How will the election outcome affect the porn industry and porn collectors?

I wouldn’t even dare to post this question on any other adult forum knowing that it would soon denigrate into name calling, but I’m asking this question out of genuine curiosity and as an outsider.

My first thought was that it will actually be good for porn. President-elect Trump likely doesn’t have porn on his agenda anywhere and in light of some of his comments he might even personally like it. But then when I factored in that the Republicans control both houses and many of those in the House and Senate are hard-right and Evangelical then it occurred to me that these could be dark days for the industry.

I’m not trying to trivialize the magnitude of what happened in the U.S. last night and I’m not picking a fight. I don’t for a second think that how porn will fare even bears a consideration when upwards of 30 million people will likely lose their healthcare in just a few months, women will likely lose much of the ground they had held on the abortion issue within a year or so and minorities must be terrified. But since this is a porn forum I figured the question was good fit here.


(And since I’m just an hour north of the Maine border in Canada any of you escapees can crash on my couch if needed…)

11-09-16  03:26pm - 3045 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:20pm

11-09-16  05:30pm - 3045 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I think the porn industry better be very cautious because the future isn't necessarily looking all that good. Not because of Trump because he is and always was a Democrat but Pence and the Republican party are not. In fact seeing as Donald doesn't really want to deal with the day to day that a President has to do than I suspect Pence will be the actual policy making President while Trump is a figure head. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-09-16  06:11pm - 3044 days #4
LPee23 (0)
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Trump signed a pledge to fight pornography. It refers to obscenity enforcement as well as a possible task force on the public health impact of porn.


He will certainly make conservative appointments to the DOJ, and they will probably resume obscenity prosecutions, like the ones that landed Max Hardcore and Ira Isaacs in jail. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

11-10-16  01:00am - 3044 days #5
lk2fireone (0)
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Well, if President Trump bans all forms of porn, we can always move to New Zealand or some other place that is more porn-friendly.

From Wikipedia:
In New Zealand, pornography is generally treated in a liberal manner although the most extreme forms of pornography (such as child pornography, rape, incest and bestiality) are classified as objectionable material by the law. New Zealand law is permissive, and magazines and other print copy are sold openly at newsstands.

11-10-16  06:19am - 3044 days #6
rearadmiral (0)
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I hadn't factored in Pence but you guys are right - he's definitely not a friend to porn.

Maybe my large porn stash will have to hold me over for a while...

11-10-16  11:05am - 3044 days #7
Toadsith (0)
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I would say the firstly that I doubt Trump personally has any hatred about porn, he's been on Playboy TV and similar venues before. Not to mention how often he's been on Howard Stern.

Secondly, the one thing that may be beneficial to all of us who call USA home and did not vote for Trump is that he has a long record of not honoring his promises, so I doubt he cares that he promised tons of crazy things to the Christian-Right in hopes to woo them. Before his political aspirations, he was pretty liberal on a lot of things, like being outspokenly Pro-Choice. That said, he also was a racist from a young age, so I'm very worried about persons of color — this may be a very difficult 4 years for them.

Frankly, the biggest problem with Donald Trump is that because he lies basically constantly, I don't think anybody knows what he's going to do. I'm including Trump himself. I think he believes in himself and his gut-reactions, and believes that he will make the right decision at the time. I don't think he likes plans much as I think he sees them as restrictive. I believe the man feels he needs flexibility to say and do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. What scares me most is that he is unpredictable. It will be interesting to see what priorities Donald Trump puts on the top of the list come January. I'm guessing that it won't be the ones people are predicting. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

11-10-16  11:42am - 3044 days #8
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Secondly, the one thing that may be beneficial to all of us who call USA home and did not vote for Trump is that he has a long record of not honoring his promises, so I doubt he cares that he promised tons of crazy things to the Christian-Right in hopes to woo them. Before his political aspirations, he was pretty liberal on a lot of things, like being outspokenly Pro-Choice. That said, he also was a racist from a young age, so I'm very worried about persons of color — this may be a very difficult 4 years for them.

Frankly, the biggest problem with Donald Trump is that because he lies basically constantly, I don't think anybody knows what he's going to do. I'm including Trump himself. I think he believes in himself and his gut-reactions, and believes that he will make the right decision at the time. I don't think he likes plans much as I think he sees them as restrictive. I believe the man feels he needs flexibility to say and do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. What scares me most is that he is unpredictable. It will be interesting to see what priorities Donald Trump puts on the top of the list come January. I'm guessing that it won't be the ones people are predicting.

That's probably one of the best explanations I've read about how people can lie and believe their own lies.
Trump probably sincerely believes he's a hero, a man who tells it like it is, and will lead America to greatness again.

11-10-16  11:56am - 3044 days #9
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

That's probably one of the best explanations I've read about how people can lie and believe their own lies.

Thanks — every once in a while my thoughts translate from my noggin into text accurately, lol

Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Trump probably sincerely believes he's a hero, a man who tells it like it is, and will lead America to greatness again.

I sincerely hope he succeeds and proves all of us nay-sayers wrong. I hope that Donald Trump, by some weird miracle, becomes a great president.

I hope this because, outside of the Electoral College showing off the true power they have, we are stuck with him for the next four years and I'd rather have to admit that I completely misjudged the man and that our economy is better and our foreign relations are intact or even improved, instead of having him prove me right and everything do the opposite. I would rather see my country flourish and have to shake the hand of every Trump voter I meet and admit I voted the wrong way.

Mostly I just hope he doesn't fucking nuke somebody. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

11-10-16  01:01pm - 3044 days #10
Cybertoad (0)
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I am and always will be the black sheep / Toad in this group.

Personally people need to really look long and hard, the same system that elected, Bush, and Obama did Trump we all need to let that sit awhile and sink in. I am happy he won as personally I was affected allot by Obamacare and other nice laws he helped pass that screwed the middle class. Having another person pushing that agenda would not be good for my life. Now all that said we do not have to like or even respect Trump, but we must if we are Americans respect the office. I really disliked Obama with a passion yet respect the office of POTUS. I am disturbed by the double standard I see on the streets the last few days. If there is a societal change it will because of lawlessness no one want to be the one to say such a thing but we all support rights to protest I sure do. But to do so illegally and harmful to others is wrong. I do not think Trump will work to ban porn when he was involved in Porn laws and questions it was not to ban like the hype would lead you to believe. It was to ensure safety in the industry was present I think he supported mandatory condoms in porn is where many are getting the story of banning it which is not true from what I have read.

I like Trump, its been a very very long time in this nation since a non-politician was elected. I think that alone spells fresh start. Will that be good or bad I have no idea.
I think he will be way to busy to push laws against porn, he is not a super conservative at all. You would think more liberal types would like him based on that but I guess depends how far left one is I guess. I like where I sit just to the right of center on most stuff. Even porn as I am not a fan of extreme, abuse and such .
Hope I didnt offend anyone around here, its how I feel myself, and is just my opinion not trying to change how people think.
I too really like the civility of PU its always a great place I will sure miss Khans place in all this and his perspective. Since 2007

11-11-16  10:51am - 3043 days #11
merc77 (0)
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The Donald is going to have a massive fight on his hands with his own party as he supports a huge stimulus spending project. Remember how they reacted to Obama's plan when he was elected.

That means there will be some low hanging fruit he tosses to the conservative wing of the party: Porn, Obamacare and others to get this massive project he promised to those blue collar workers through Congress.

People voted for him because the status quo promises and not because of his family values. Pence was chosen by Donald to shore up his evangelical base. That means Pence is the great unknown when it comes to influence.

In other words: Like the rest of the country, I just don't know what will happen next. "Dogs think people are Gods. Cats don't as they know better." - Kedi (2016)

Dogs have masters; Cats have staff.

11-11-16  12:08pm - 3043 days #12
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:20pm

11-11-16  01:25pm - 3043 days #13
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

So, if you like trickle down economics I think we're all about to find out how well that works.

It simply amazes me how many times that theory gets to be tested.

It isn't money that is trickling down on the heads of the middle class. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

11-11-16  04:50pm - 3043 days #14
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

So, if you like trickle down economics I think we're all about to find out how well that works.

Some of us know how well trickle-down economics works. It started with Reagan, which is pretty much the same time that the wealth disparity in the US began to grow to what is now a very skewed distribution. In other words, for approx. 99% of us, it doesn't work at all, never did, and never will. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-11-16  05:33pm - 3043 days #15
pat362 (0)
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^Clearly not enough Americans know about the debacle that is trickle down economics because they keep electing Republicans. Just the title should give you an idea of just how bad it's going to be. If you take a shower than the last thing you want is trickling water. The only time you want trickling anything is when discussing a leak of some kind. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-12-16  10:56am - 3042 days #16
merc77 (0)
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Michael Moore basically predicted the win by Donald Trump in his stand up show Michael Moore in Trumpland:


Working class people are hurting and working two jobs to make ends meet. Trump going to Ford executives and promising to put a 35% tariff on all cars and trucks made in Mexico was music to their ears.

Most of the elites on both sides of the aisles don't understand us blue collar families. Trump was a big Fuck You to both the Republican and Democratic Party system.

As for porn, I think the Donald likes his porn and won't let Pence try to ban it. "Dogs think people are Gods. Cats don't as they know better." - Kedi (2016)

Dogs have masters; Cats have staff.

11-12-16  05:46pm - 3042 days #17
pat362 (0)
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^As much as I'd like to credit Moore and every other so called expert who predicted a trump win. I say Bullshit to them like I say Bullshit to every other so called expert who said he could never win. The fact is that no one was certain of the outcome of this election and that includes both Trump and Clinton.

I think many people will study this election for years to come and maybe one day we will get a detailed report as to why he won but I would not take anyone's theory at this moment because it's without corroborating facts.

The only thing I feel comfortable saying is that whoever believes what Trump said throughout is campaign is deluding him/herself because he did what every other politician has done since there were elections. He told the people what they wanted to hear. Now the hard part for him is that he has to deliver on all those promises. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-10-17  04:46pm - 2983 days #18
rearadmiral (0)
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I just read that at his confirmation hearing today that Jeff Sessions, the proposed Attorney General, said that he'd more vigorously prosecute porn and bring back the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force.

01-11-17  10:11am - 2982 days #19
merc77 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I just read that at his confirmation hearing today that Jeff Sessions, the proposed Attorney General, said that he'd more vigorously prosecute porn and bring back the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force.

His job will be a bit harder as most porn is on the internet with many providers. Not like the old days where it was sent through the mail or bought in dirty book stores. (And I mean grimey dirty!)

Still, we have to remain vigilant as Sessions is a hardcore right wing ideologue. "Dogs think people are Gods. Cats don't as they know better." - Kedi (2016)

Dogs have masters; Cats have staff.

01-11-17  04:11pm - 2982 days #20
LPee23 (0)
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There are a few studios in the US that would be lightning rods for an obscenity prosecution.

I feared that this would happen under Trump, and now it is painful to watch it actually unfold. I wouldn't make light of the consequences for the people prosecuted by the last OPTF such as Max Hardcore, Ira Isaacs, MFX, and others, but the effects of OPTF go far beyond those prosecutions. The last OPTF caused a chilling effect on porn through self censorship which lasted from the Bush administration to today. Fear of prosecution is half the reason why there is so little watersports porn made in the US. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

01-12-17  03:41pm - 2981 days #21
pat362 (0)
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^I think the correct expression should be" There are very few studios that wouldn't be lightning rods for obscenity prosecutions". Think about it. Max Hardcore was accused of producing child pornography when everyone involved with the case knew that all the performers in his movies were of legal age. Of course they didn't prosecute him on those charges because of the above facts but he was still accused and that added an extra dimension to the prosecutions ability to bargain with Max's lawyers. Long live the Brown Coats.

01-13-17  01:06am - 2980 days #22
elephant (0)
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I always find it odd that a natural human act such as sex is more offending to some people than movies about cannibals, serial killers, chainsaw wielding psychos etc and they are allowed and fine but hey this sex thing needs banning. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

01-13-17  11:34am - 2980 days #23
merc77 (0)
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I remember when the AG Meese under Reagan went after many of the fetish sites (bondage, watersports, fisting etc) and put them out of business due to high legal expenses. They then went after artists and even some international movies.

It didn't help when Blockbuster joined them by going after Mom and Pop video stores knowing they had to offer porn to compete with a giant.

The idea wasn't to get a conviction on obscenity; the idea was to cause the defendants to spend all their resources on legal fees making them go out of business. That was a success in their eyes. "Dogs think people are Gods. Cats don't as they know better." - Kedi (2016)

Dogs have masters; Cats have staff.

01-17-17  06:45pm - 2975 days #24
PinkPanther (0)
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Trump isn't going to be doing anything other than tweeting to his heart's content. Pence - a complete Christian fascist - and his cabinet of predators and thieves - are going to be running things and everyone in the industry that I have seen express an opinion is pretty darn certain that this administration is going to be very hostile to porn.

01-17-17  08:03pm - 2975 days #25
LPee23 (0)
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I'm going to plan for the worst, but hope for the best. Porn has been under multiple threats for years, with piracy still being #1, so the future is never a sure thing for any given company. My advice is the same as always - there is no better time than now to download your favorite scenes. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

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