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04-22-10 10:40am - 5432 days | Original Post - #1 | |
Denner (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,217 Registered: Mar 03, '07 Location: Denmark |
South Park/ off topic I'm not scared, but angry! ![]() Now - again - some extreme parts of the Islamic world have made serious and outrageous death threads against the western freedom of speech - and - again - it all seems so fuckin' weird: The guys behind the funny South Park have 'dared' to make a little fun of a character in the muslim world - so what? We all have been part of fun and ironi - and Christianity, too. But you do not threaten to kill a cartoonist for making a joke. It's just too much! http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100422/ap_o...v_south_park_muslims Oh, btw - where do these people come from? - Those countries where porn is banned and your freedom too! And your hand gets hacked off for shop lifting. ![]() | |
04-22-10 12:49pm - 5432 days | #2 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
It never changes; the fanatics are always angry and making death threats. ![]() Not to toot my own thread, but this reminds me of the thread I started last December, Switzerland Banning Minarets, and how I was against the idea because I thought it was intolerant towards religion but every time some fucknut gets pissed and makes a death threat because his religion was not revered then I start to change my mind. ![]() Seriously, it's just a fucking cartoon! It's a cartoon that makes fun of everything, including itself and every other religion it can think of. The same episode had Jesus depicted as a porn fan and Buddha as a coke head, but their brain-dead double standard requires that Islam is the greatest religion on earth and if you think otherwise than you should either get your head cut off or suicide-bombed or both. Sorry to get all huffy but this is one of the reasons I can't stand religion, because they are not only so deeply and easily offended by just about anything but if you wait long enough you'll find one that comes along and makes death threats in the name of its god. Years ago South Park depicted Muhammad 'uncensored' without any controversy, and even put him in the opening credits (along with hundreds of other characters) for a while without any protest or death threats. Then the Dutch cartoon controversy came along and because of the knee jerk reaction to those cartoons they suddenly realized that violence and threats of violence work so now all animation is off limits. And as a final reminder of how much people gave in to these threats, Yale University published a book "The Cartoons that Shook the World" about the controversy and didn't even show any images of the actual blasphemous cartoons in question. Wow. ![]() | |
04-22-10 12:56pm - 5432 days | #3 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I feel uncomfortable with these sort of people around me. Anyone who wants to kill someone because of something they say is, in my opinion, uncivilized. If this is racist, then I'm a racist, but Islam is a religion not a race. Religion is mainly 10 centuries behind what we regard as civilized behaviour. All I know is I do not want these people in my country. I am uncomfortable with them. Our governments invaded their countries over the years for the profit of big business and put the normal citizen at risk. It goes back centuries to where the Christians invaded, conquered, then killed all the survivors, not out of spite, but because they didn't have food to feed the prisoners. Governments are still as bad, but people have advanced, religion has not. It is still based around fear and ignorance. Edited on Apr 22, 2010, 02:59pm | |
04-22-10 06:35pm - 5432 days | #4 | |
Goldfish (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 265 Registered: Jan 19, '08 Location: Boston, MA |
Yeah, what a shitty thing to happen. It would be one thing if they complained but the threat is uncalled for. If this group is located in a Western country I hope the authorities are taking some sort of action. The statement on the Web site IS a threat. | |
04-23-10 12:43am - 5431 days | #5 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
No, looks like it's still legally considered free speech. ![]() | |
04-23-10 05:45am - 5431 days | #6 | |
Cpmx54 (0)
Active User Posts: 42 Registered: Oct 09, '09 Location: USA |
I'm still going out next Halloween as a Homosexual Prophet Mohammad strapped in dynamite. Even more so now than before. Islam is supposed to be a nation of peace. Idiots. | |
04-23-10 11:23am - 5431 days | #7 | |
Denner (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,217 Registered: Mar 03, '07 Location: Denmark |
Watch this - if you have not yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZbtgjx9xE0 Certainly agree with the worry that CNN expresses here... BTW: I just realized, that this US muslim group had the website with the threads/warning closed... But whats worse is that the company behind South Park has censored away those clips about this Mohamed-deal - THAT's scary in a United States where freedom of speech is essential like to us Europeans.....so in some way these idiots did win - shit! "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle" Edited on Apr 23, 2010, 11:35am | |
04-23-10 04:45pm - 5431 days | #8 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
I think that's what has me upset the most because it could have the worst long term effects. If people, corporations, governments, whoever keep giving in to these types of threats--er, "warnings"--then it's giving all the power to the people making the warnings. If Viacom/Comedy Central had not given in to this group than it would have set a great precedent for others to stand up to future fanaticism. People are going to be offended and make threats in reaction until the end of time but what really matters is how people choose to respond. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove Edited on Apr 23, 2010, 10:47pm | |
04-23-10 09:31pm - 5430 days | #9 | |
badandy400 (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 869 Registered: Mar 02, '08 Location: ohio |
One thing these threat makers need to realize is that South Park might not be the best show to attack. Consider the target audience of the show, young, barely adult males. Now compare that to the demographic the military focuses on. Physically attacking the South park creators might just be a good way to insure that the US military has all the young "men" that are eager to kill some "ragheads" it needs for quite some time. ![]() ![]() PU Interview | |
04-23-10 11:00pm - 5430 days | #10 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
Hmm, I doubt South Park or any other thing shown on TV would have much of an effect on military recruitment (including recruitment ads) but it will probably have a negative effect on audiences' views of the world or at least Muslims for decades to come. If you're a fan of South Park and the most significant thing you can think of Muslims doing--if only a relative few Muslims do it--that's newsworthy is making threats/warnings against what pretty much everyone else agrees is a puerile TV show then how hard is it to form a prejudice? I would say not very hard. It's this stupid behavior like the cartoon and now animation controversies that help reinforce every stereotype out there. Yes, we all repeat the mantra "but not all _____ are like these people, they are just a few bad apples," but the fact is it's always those few bad apples who make the most noise and get the most media attention as a result. I try to be more unprejudiced and continue to have a big contemptible ![]() | |
04-24-10 09:48am - 5430 days | #11 | |
james4096 (0)
Suspended Posts: 132 Registered: Mar 02, '09 |
I haven't seen the episode yet, and from what I hear it may never air again??? I went to view it at south park studios and there was a message that it was unavailable at this time. I don't want to weigh in too much until I've seen it. But in my opinion it's okay if the network censors a show on their own. If a privately owned cable network who has to sell ads thinks a show will hurt their business or brand then by all means don't show it or censor it. When the government says "you can't air this" it's a problem. It's true that comedy central were pussies for censoring it, but I understand their dilemma. It sounds like the episode was offensive and in bad taste, but funny which isn't anything new for south park. They south park creators may need to find an outlet other than comedy central for the really subversive stuff. | |
04-24-10 10:00am - 5430 days | #12 | |
Denner (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,217 Registered: Mar 03, '07 Location: Denmark |
Someone called 'Mr X Production' even got a porn-flic out by the name of: 'Talibang' ..and the the star here is named Mijah - a bhurka-dressed model doing masturbation. Man, I'd hate to be in their shoes, if....! BUT: Hey, guys, come on - this and the South Park deal is NOT about muslims, their religion or any religion - like freedom of speech we got to have freedom of religion, of course!!!! But what's going on with some Islamic extremist has NOTHING to do with religion. Islam is NOT a religion - but a culture - which is very much against our western/democratic/free way of living - and dealing with all matters. Hey, women of the world unite against this culture where the foremost deal is to SUPPRESS women: - the Sharia - if an American girl /woman ever got the whole idea of that kind of extraordinary suppression of the female sex that means - man.....we'd have a third world war... ![]() | |
04-24-10 11:09am - 5430 days | #13 | |
RagingBuddhist (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 893 Registered: Jan 23, '07 |
I have to disagree with you, Denner. Islam is both a religion and a culture. And, just because we don't live in a culture like theirs, doesn't give us the right to impose our will on their faith and their way of life. I wish we were all free to speak our mind with fear of repercussions. The reality is, we just don't all have that freedom. Do I condone their actions? Hell no! But, even though I don't agree with the actions of the Islamic extremists who issue these threats, I understand why they're issued. They're acting on what they see as protecting their faith - and history will show you that a lot of people have done some pretty disgusting things in the name of their God. This is one of those times when I wish everyone, everywhere, understood what John Lennon meant in the song "Imagine", when he said, "...and no religion, too". Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity. | |
04-24-10 11:13am - 5430 days | #14 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
I hate to sound too prejudice--which isn't my intention--but at some point people have stop being so 'respectful' towards every cultural practice dreamed up by mankind because many of them very easily violate basic human rights. Female circumcision is the most extreme example I can think of (and I guess the same may be said for male circumcision one day too). Yes, it's a traditional cultural practice but also extremely barbaric by even the loosest of modern medical standards and arguably one of the cruelest things you could do to a woman. So while it may be all well and good to slice and dice a young girl overseas we should not have to tolerate it in freer societies. By extension the same should be done about this website and its webmasters. The U.S. is not a Muslim state (nor technically Christian, but that's a tougher argument) and so its citizens should not have to conform to the violent whims of a few who have no respect or concept of free speech or freedom of religion. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove | |
04-24-10 11:15am - 5430 days | #15 | |
turboshaft (0)
Active User Posts: 1,958 Registered: Apr 01, '08 |
And he was shot to death... ![]() | |
04-24-10 11:30am - 5430 days | #16 | |
Denner (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,217 Registered: Mar 03, '07 Location: Denmark |
Never discuss politics and religion....It'll never do any good.... And RB, we can argue about the deal of Islam as a RELIGION or not from here to Kingdom Come - and it'll not do any good... When I was a hippie - way back, I flirted with Buddhism - and these words: 'Because the Buddha knew what was in the hearts of children and human kind, he taught everyone how to live a happy and peaceful life. Buddhism is not learning about strange beliefs from faraway lands. It is about looking at and thinking about our own lives. It shows us how to understand ourselves and how to cope with our daily problems.' That meant PEACE Islam has still in my opinion a lot of hostility... But I may be misguided. Still, no matter: ![]() | |
04-24-10 11:45am - 5430 days | #17 | |
RagingBuddhist (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 893 Registered: Jan 23, '07 |
I hope no one has thought of me as being politically correct and I don't want anyone to think for a minute that I agree with any group or belief that wants to harm another person. Yeah - I wish there was a simple solution to a problem when two opposing ideologies meet. If I had one for the problem we're discussing here, I'd be the first Nobel Peace prize winning PUer. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity. | |
04-24-10 11:52am - 5430 days | #18 | |
Tree Rodent (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 708 Registered: Oct 29, '08 Location: UK |
I think religions tend to go with the theory, kill all the opposition in the name of god, then you'll have peace for all the righteous people. | |
04-25-10 02:42am - 5429 days | #19 | |
lk2fireone (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 3,618 Registered: Nov 14, '08 Location: CA |
That probably sums it perfectly for the old-timey religions. And they haven't come up with a better way of silencing the opposition than just by murdering them off. On the other hand, if you're in the position of underdog, that's the time to preach tolerance. Until you get into a position of power and can kill off the scum that's polluting the kingdom that God gave you and yours. When will PUers unite to smite the wicked? Are we just a group of wussies? | |
04-25-10 05:17am - 5429 days | #20 | |
Capn (0)
Active User ![]() Posts: 1,740 Registered: Sep 05, '09 Location: Near the Beer! |
Any form of extremism is intolerant, be it religious, cultural or political. Cap'n. ![]() Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award ( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/ Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder! Edited on Apr 25, 2010, 05:21am | |
04-30-10 10:41pm - 5423 days | #21 | |
Cybertoad (0)
Disabled User ![]() Posts: 2,158 Registered: Jan 01, '08 Location: Wash |
Solution : Lets send over 250 tons of DVD porn and 1.5 million gallons lotion. That will mellow there asses a bit . Since 2007 | |
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