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12-23-08  09:00pm - 5922 days Original Post - #1
JDMagic99 (0)

Posts: 1
Registered: Dec 23, '08
Location: Baltimore, MD
Newbie Question

Hey everyone. First post. Glad to join the community.

I've seen a lot of youporn.com vids of this one big guy with some type of a jersey accent shooting "point of view" vids w these sexy girls. I was curious who he is and what the name of his site was.


12-23-08  09:04pm - 5922 days #2
badandy400 (0)
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Hummm...gonna need to be a little more specific than that.

Try using the advanced search option on TBP and select POV and any other factors you can think of. You might find something this way.

And welcome to PU, where all us porn addicts go to make ourselves feel better in knowing that others are as hopelessly addicted as we are! :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

12-23-08  09:15pm - 5922 days #3
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by JDMagic99:

Hey everyone. First post. Glad to join the community.

I've seen a lot of youporn.com vids of this one big guy with some type of a jersey accent shooting "point of view" vids w these sexy girls. I was curious who he is and what the name of his site was.


The name of his site? Reminds me of that riddle, "Who's buried in Grant's Tomb?"

The site you link to isn't listed at the best porn. And I'm not yet ruling out that this is just some sly attempt to post spam here. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-23-08  09:15pm - 5922 days #4
Toadsith (0)
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Can you give any more specifics? By big do you mean fat, tall, muscled? Does he have any tattoos? Any peculiarities? For example:

Is he a late 30's white guy with short hair, a crooked dick, pierced ears, assorted tribal tattoos and a musculature that reminds you of a werewolf? That would be Lee Stone.

Early 40's, long hair, the longest limp dick ever seen on a white dude, the most cleft chin ever seen, a physique common to Chippendales dancers, a cheesy grin and is always cracking stupid but funny jokes? That is Evan Stone.

Or you could just link to the video in question. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

12-23-08  09:18pm - 5922 days #5
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

The name of his site? Reminds me of that riddle, "Who's buried in Grant's Tomb?"

The site you link to isn't listed at the best porn. And I'm not yet ruling out that this is just some sly attempt to post spam here.

The site isn't listed on TBP because it is a freebie site - let's not go scaring off new users with pitch forks and torches calling them spammers :-P

Anyway, spammers are never subtle, so we shouldn't go feeding our paranoia. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

12-23-08  09:23pm - 5922 days #6
badandy400 (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Anyway, spammers are never subtle, so we shouldn't go feeding our paranoia.

But our paranoia is so hungry, besides it is christmas time!

You bring the tar, I got the feathers. :) "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

PU Interview

12-23-08  09:26pm - 5922 days #7
Toadsith (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by badandy400:

But our paranoia is so hungry, besides it is christmas time!

You bring the tar, I got the feathers. :)

I was thinking maybe Caramel and Sprinkles, or perhaps Oreo Cookie crumbs... decisions, decisions... What would Topper Harley do? "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

12-23-08  11:49pm - 5922 days #8
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

The site isn't listed on TBP because it is a freebie site - let's not go scaring off new users with pitch forks and torches calling them spammers :-P

Anyway, spammers are never subtle, so we shouldn't go feeding our paranoia.

Toadsith, with all due respect, this pitchforks and torches business is hyperbole. You don't know if this is a spammer or not. I've already allowed that I could be wrong, but I'm not yet convinced that it isn't. There's no link to the video of the person in question, so why is that? Just wondering. It doesn't make it "paranoia" to have doubts and to express them.

Reading the post doesn't make me think "Aha! I knew they were coming after me!" ;) I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-24-08  12:22am - 5922 days #9
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

Toadsith, with all due respect, this pitchforks and torches business is hyperbole. You don't know if this is a spammer or not. I've already allowed that I could be wrong, but I'm not yet convinced that it isn't. There's no link to the video of the person in question, so why is that? Just wondering. It doesn't make it "paranoia" to have doubts and to express them.

Reading the post doesn't make me think "Aha! I knew they were coming after me!" ;)

lol, hyperbole? But I saw the reflections of the torches in my window! Honestly, though, I don't know if it is the holiday fervor, or whatnot, but people have been jumping on people a bit the past few days and I didn't want to scare off a new user just because they were a bit vague. You are right, I don't have any method of knowing for sure (yet) if this post is spam or not - but I can point out there isn't any affiliate data in the URL - it is a just a basic auto created URL that Porn Users does to whatever you add a dot com to. Even if it is canadianmarsupialseatingplaybillsfrom1985.com (I wonder if that site really exists...).

I just don't think there is any reason to force a new user to defend their actions - if they never reply to this thread, then it would become apparent that it was probably spam. We don't need to suggest that they are posting spam for that idea to be floating around. If it is real obvious that it is spam, we can report it and Khan removes it in a flash. Granted there has been a lot of that going around. I've reported so many that I've moved on from writing references to the Monty Python Spam skit to writing Spam oriented limericks in the Report text. I'm not sure what will be next, maybe an epic ballad.

So long story short, I understand the need to defend our turf from Spam. I too help in that crusade, but I think we should minimize collateral damage as much as possible. It could be spam, it could not be spam, but outright stating that it is possibly a sneaky, subversive spam attack and it turns out it isn't will simply start bad blood and possibly send a user running away. If it really is spam, reporting it as such would have been the only effective thing to do to it - stating it is rather unnecessary because I'm sure it crosses everyone's mind when we see any link to a freebie porn site.

So sure, it isn't paranoia, we all know I like to write in a bit of drama in my little quips. Everybody has doubts about these links and my point is that there is little benefit in expressing them and possible harm; especially in the event of a potential new member. I like to think this is friendly, welcoming community of porn users, but we've got people being weirdly grumpy to an upstart webmaster over in another thread (especially considering he came to us for advice) and now we are suspicious of a user after one harmless post. I'm not saying you had ill intentions, I just want make sure newbies get at least a little bit of a grace period - unless it is freakishly obvious they are spamelicious shill.

Of course it is your right to express thy doubts - freedom of speech and so on, its your choice. I just think we should try to give newbies some slack. In truth, I might not have come to the user's defense so quickly had people not been being a bit rough on that new webmaster so recently - I know you've always done a bit of the tough love style on the forums in the past, but I felt like you could have at least given a suggestion as to whom the mystery porn star might have been. Given that we know the guy is from Jersey and is big, I'm currently betting on Gandhi. I don't know why though... "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo
Edited on Dec 24, 2008, 12:26am (Toadsith: Typo.)

12-24-08  09:21am - 5922 days #10
Tree Rodent (0)
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Hear ye hear ye hear ye. Come to squirreldisgustingporn.com. We offer 500,000 hours of amazing hardcore and softcore over 314 different sites covering every conceivable perversion ever thought of (some even bordering on illegal - but definitely not crossing the line of course) An absolute bargain for $1.99 (That's 500 euros if you're in Europe) A big bonus is you only end up paying $2452 (even if you remember to uncheck all the cross checked boxes). Trust us - we're a great site.

If you need some legal help in getting out of your lifetime subscription to squirreldisgustingporn.com and squirreldisgustinginsurances.com (which you automatically sign up to) I would highly recommend Cybertoad. He even tried to represent himself as my advocate. I was highly disappointed in him, as he tried to automatically cross check me buying his soul for an enormous amount when I signed him up to "the firm." This is the sort of dishonesty that would even turn me red, if I weren't already. Everyone knows lawyers don't have souls, so we had to sack him.

Yours sincerely Satan (Lord of Darkness, Evil Incarnate etc etc aka TheSquirrel)

Anyway have a Merry Christmas. Edited on Dec 24, 2008, 09:40am

12-24-08  10:55am - 5922 days #11
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by Toadsith:

lol, hyperbole? But I saw the reflections of the torches in my window! Honestly, though, I don't know if it is the holiday fervor, or whatnot, but people have been jumping on people a bit the past few days and I didn't want to scare off a new user just because they were a bit vague. You are right, I don't have any method of knowing for sure (yet) if this post is spam or not - but I can point out there isn't any affiliate data in the URL - it is a just a basic auto created URL that Porn Users does to whatever you add a dot com to. Even if it is canadianmarsupialseatingplaybillsfrom1985.com (I wonder if that site really exists...).

I just don't think there is any reason to force a new user to defend their actions - if they never reply to this thread, then it would become apparent that it was probably spam. We don't need to suggest that they are posting spam for that idea to be floating around. If it is real obvious that it is spam, we can report it and Khan removes it in a flash. Granted there has been a lot of that going around. I've reported so many that I've moved on from writing references to the Monty Python Spam skit to writing Spam oriented limericks in the Report text. I'm not sure what will be next, maybe an epic ballad.

So long story short, I understand the need to defend our turf from Spam. I too help in that crusade, but I think we should minimize collateral damage as much as possible. It could be spam, it could not be spam, but outright stating that it is possibly a sneaky, subversive spam attack and it turns out it isn't will simply start bad blood and possibly send a user running away. If it really is spam, reporting it as such would have been the only effective thing to do to it - stating it is rather unnecessary because I'm sure it crosses everyone's mind when we see any link to a freebie porn site.

So sure, it isn't paranoia, we all know I like to write in a bit of drama in my little quips. Everybody has doubts about these links and my point is that there is little benefit in expressing them and possible harm; especially in the event of a potential new member. I like to think this is friendly, welcoming community of porn users, but we've got people being weirdly grumpy to an upstart webmaster over in another thread (especially considering he came to us for advice) and now we are suspicious of a user after one harmless post. I'm not saying you had ill intentions, I just want make sure newbies get at least a little bit of a grace period - unless it is freakishly obvious they are spamelicious shill.

Of course it is your right to express thy doubts - freedom of speech and so on, its your choice. I just think we should try to give newbies some slack. In truth, I might not have come to the user's defense so quickly had people not been being a bit rough on that new webmaster so recently - I know you've always done a bit of the tough love style on the forums in the past, but I felt like you could have at least given a suggestion as to whom the mystery porn star might have been. Given that we know the guy is from Jersey and is big, I'm currently betting on Gandhi. I don't know why though...

Wow. You've certainly had your say on the matter.

Sorry, though, that I still can't place that "Joisey Guy," da one dat got dis whole ting started. I'll keep troiying! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-24-08  12:14pm - 5922 days #12
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 02:20pm

12-24-08  12:55pm - 5922 days #13
Tree Rodent (0)
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Congratulations! You win a lifetime membership for you, and your soul, to squirreldisgustingporn.com and squirreldisgustinginsurances.com. Our guarantee is that should you be unable to pay, our crack security team of security penguins (securitypenguins.com - the most violent security company on the face of the planet)will turn up on your doorstep and leave you enough use of your legs to crawl to your wallet and pay up immediately.

12-24-08  01:03pm - 5922 days #14
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 02:20pm

12-25-08  07:48am - 5921 days #15
lk2fireone (0)
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The proper answer to "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" is "No one". No one is buried in the tomb. (It's a tomb, not a hole in the ground where you bury somebody.) But both Grant and his favorite ride are supposed to be inside the tomb.

12-26-08  03:53pm - 5920 days #16
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

The proper answer to "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" is "No one". No one is buried in the tomb. (It's a tomb, not a hole in the ground where you bury somebody.) But both Grant and his favorite ride are supposed to be inside the tomb.

I watched a TV show today that explained how Grant's Tomb was modeled after the tomb of Mausolus, a governor in the ancient Persian empire, and from whom we get the term "mausoleum."

Sure, it's trivia, but hey, why not? I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-26-08  05:41pm - 5920 days #17
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 02:21pm

12-27-08  01:17am - 5919 days #18
Drooler (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Dude, what the heck are you doing watching tubervision when you should be downloading? Don't become obsolete, join the porn revolution ;) Shouldn't this really become the PU motto?

The peer pressure! It's just overwhelming! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

12-27-08  03:58am - 5919 days #19
exotics4me (0)
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Two names/series come to mind. One would be Bruno B, who is Canadian, I think, but he has the whole younger Tony Soprano look. He has several sites and some of the hottest Canadian models on the internet.

The other ones are the Tony's Amateur Tapes that Videobox has a dozen or more of, a lot of those are POV.

I would think it has to be one of those, aren't all men from Jersey named Tony or Bruno? My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk

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