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10-30-08  09:52am - 5978 days Original Post - #1
Khan (0)

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Heads Up About Egold

Just a quick heads up for the Users who've selected egold as their choice for raffle winnings ...

Seems egold is going through some changes right now. They're starting to require a bunch of VERY SPECIFIC documents for ID. In the meantime, they've suspended all spending activity until they get their system sorted out.

So, at least for the time being, you may want to switch your preference to Amazon or eBay gift certificates.

Along those lines ....

We're always on the lookout for alternative systems that will allow other options for raffle payments. Obviously, they need to allow adult related participation. Many of the hopefuls we've looked at will not allow anything remotely related to the adult web. We really prefer a gift-certificate type of set-up if possible. So, if you know of any, feel free to send your suggestions to "support [at] pornusers [dot] com" Note that new additions must be gift certificates of some kind ... all other "cash" merchants have been a pain to work with and eventually don't work out.

To head off those who will ask if we can't just pay directly to bank accounts or credit card accounts; No, at this time we can not and for a number of reasons, are not looking to start in the foreseeable future.

Anyway ... just wanted you to know about potential snags with the egold system. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson
Edited on Oct 30, 2008, 09:58am

10-30-08  10:56am - 5978 days #2
Monahan (0)
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Just for everyone's info, I selected PayPal (eBay) gift certificates and, having been a lucky winner, I can report that it works perfectly.

10-30-08  11:26am - 5978 days #3
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Monahan:

Just for everyone's info, I selected PayPal (eBay) gift certificates and, having been a lucky winner, I can report that it works perfectly.

Amazon works as well, it has allot of stuff not just books.
I have ordered a nice mp3 player with video and am/fm plus LCHD screen , Diamond Necklance and a very hot gaming keyboard to give you and idea of what you can do with your winning and if you watch you can get free shipping too talk about awsome.
And it has worked flawless for me as well.

Hey Monahan like to hear how the ebay things worked out too if you do not mind sharing?

Cybertoad Since 2007

10-30-08  01:05pm - 5977 days #4
badandy400 (0)
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Now I am a true porn addict. I throw my winnings right back into the pot and use it for porn supplies. I have bought several hard drives with my winnings and am looking into another 1 TB drive with what I have left.

I have been receiving payment through paypal and have had no issues with it. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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10-30-08  01:39pm - 5977 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 02:06pm

10-30-08  10:56pm - 5977 days #6
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Just curious, how many terabytes are you up to now? Then there's me and collection of less than 250 gigs ;)

250 gigs ? LOL I keep my pics on one slightly smaller.
Umm what kinda material do you keep on the 250? Since 2007

10-31-08  10:28am - 5977 days #7
ace of aces (0)
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for all not english nativ speaking persons isn`t amazon a good choice, because it is limited to the us amazon market.

i have no eyperience withe ebay, but i think also that this is limited to us or only english speaking servers. i without hurting anyone out there, i don`t want to read books in english ;)

10-31-08  12:24pm - 5976 days #8
Khan (0)

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Originally Posted by ace of aces:

for all not english nativ speaking persons isn`t amazon a good choice, because it is limited to the us amazon market.

i have no eyperience withe ebay, but i think also that this is limited to us or only english speaking servers. i without hurting anyone out there, i don`t want to read books in english ;)

Not sure of other limitations for non-US users but feel obliged to point out that Amazon carries MUCH more than just books. If you think they just carry books, I have to think you haven't' visited Amazon lately. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

10-31-08  05:38pm - 5976 days #9
ace of aces (0)
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there are plenty shipping restrictions too....btw..books was a joke...no humor anymore?

11-01-08  10:19pm - 5975 days #10
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

...Hey Monahan like to hear how the ebay things worked out too if you do not mind sharing?


Works fine.

Works on EBay just as if it were cash, a credit card or a positive balance on your PayPal account.

The winnings are posted to PayPal as a gift certificate. When you win (buy) something on EBay you copy the gift certificate number into a box on the EBay pay now form and the amount of the purchase is deducted immediately from the gift certificate and the seller is paid immediately by PayPal.

If the purchase exceeds the amount remaining on the gift certificate, it will eat up the gift certificate and will ask you to pay the balance due in the usual manner.

I've bought a 500 Gb external hard drive for my porn downloads and some other stuff not associated with porn with the gift certs.

I suspect the Amazon deal works about the same way.

11-02-08  09:18am - 5975 days #11
ace of aces (0)
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do you know if that also works in europe/germany?

11-02-08  09:47am - 5975 days #12
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by ace of aces:

do you know if that also works in europe/germany?

No, I don't know, but I see no reason why it would not work in Europe.

If you buy something denominated in US$ and pay for it in US$, then why wouldn't it work? (So long as the EBay seller will ship to a European address.)

11-02-08  11:00am - 5975 days #13
Cybertoad (0)
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The key is too that from what I see Amazon has no adult material or related, so wonder what others use Amazon for .

( I use it ) Since 2007

11-02-08  02:55pm - 5974 days #14
atrapat (0)
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Originally Posted by ace of aces:

do you know if that also works in europe/germany?

Looks like it doesn't. Quoting raffle rules "eBay Gift Certificates may be purchased or redeemed by residents of the United States or Canada only."

Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

The key is too that from what I see Amazon has no adult material or related, so wonder what others use Amazon for .

Amazon sells subscriptions to Playboy and Penthouse but only for US residents. Softcore DVDs (Peach, Mystique) can be bought by anyone. But they also sells books :) and that's what I ordered with my winnings. I'd probably have ordered a non-adult magazine subscription if they did deliver in Europe.

11-03-08  09:57am - 5974 days #15
ace of aces (0)
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Location: Germany
amazon doesn`t work. i know that by own expereience :(

but does EBay PayPal works in germany /eu?

11-03-08  01:08pm - 5973 days #16
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 02:06pm

11-03-08  04:16pm - 5973 days #17
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Ohhhh yeah, I am the mega collector :) I'm pretty much a picture guy so about 70% of my space is jpegs. A lot of what I have gets edited down so the sets aren't huge (I get bored easily and don't really dig sets with more than 30 to 50 pics at most) so that's a big reason I don't have a huge amount of space. Once in a while I clean out the stuff I'm not interested in as well so it keeps the content limit down to a manageable level. I don't keep stuff I don't intend to look at.

Now that's why you photo guys have it good. It's easy for you guys to delete the boring and repetitive stuff in an otherwise great photo set. We vid guys can use the Windows movie editor but at the cost of a degraded video quality, or we can buy an expensive piece of software that can preserve the quality, or we can do like we used to do with our VCR's and just fast forward through the boring stuff.

And videos are space hogs in comparison with even HD photos.

So that's why us video guys have to buy a big old 500 Gb external hard drive to store our stuff and you photo guys only need a 250 Gb or smaller.

At least the external hard drives are getting cheaper at the same time as they are getting bigger. I saw a 1 Tb external hard drive on sale today for $129.99.

11-08-08  04:52am - 5969 days #18
Khan (0)

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Location: USA
Just a quick update to kind of close this topic out.

As we hope you noticed, we made an Announcement yesterday. You can read it at https://www.pornusers.com/announcements.html#26502

We've now dropped egold and added GiftCertificates.com Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

11-23-08  02:16pm - 5953 days #19
lk2fireone (0)
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I am a photo guy. Have very few vids. But on a personal basis, I find it very hard to delete any photo sets I downloaded, unless the sets were lousy quality or with an unattractive model. I must be anal retentive or something.

Am thinking about getting an external hard drive, because the prices keep dropping so much and the storage available is so massive.

The more photosets you store, the harder it is to find the sets you want to look at.

But storage space is the main reason I never got into vids. That, plus photosets can easily have high quality, and quality vids are much harder to find.

11-23-08  07:27pm - 5953 days #20
badandy400 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Just curious, how many terabytes are you up to now? Then there's me and collection of less than 250 gigs ;)

Somewhere around 17 now. I believe it is 17.5, but I have not actually counted, worth of storage. I would say about 15.5 of it is already being used for porn. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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11-23-08  07:30pm - 5953 days #21
badandy400 (0)
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Originally Posted by Monahan:

And videos are space hogs in comparison with even HD photos.

So that's why us video guys have to buy a big old 500 Gb external hard drive to store our stuff and you photo guys only need a 250 Gb or smaller.

At least the external hard drives are getting cheaper at the same time as they are getting bigger. I saw a 1 Tb external hard drive on sale today for $129.99.

That is very true. I have used significantly more space for videos than photos. I have been getting my 1 TB drives for about $115 shipped. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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11-23-08  08:32pm - 5953 days #22
WeeWillyWinky (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

The key is too that from what I see Amazon has no adult material or related, so wonder what others use Amazon for .

( I use it )

Amazon does carry some adult stuff, I think. I haven't searched to any great extent in that area but I have seen some adult books as well as sex aids, such as the infamous Fleshlight. My memory is not good, and it may have been another site where I saw that stuff, but I'm pretty sure it was at Amazon.

I've used my winnings at Amazon to purchase music and books. With my latest I am probably going to buy an 800 page tome I've wanted for some time and which is relatively difficult to find: Louis Zukofsky's "A", a seminal work in American post-modern verse. I'll have to shell out a few bucks of my own since the cheapest used volume is 60 USD.

My experience with ordering through Amazon has been excellent all the way, and they really do have a ton of stuff.

**edit: yeah, they carry adult videos, but most of them look pretty tame. You know what I hate the most about selfish people? It's that they don't think enough about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Edited on Nov 23, 2008, 08:37pm

11-24-08  05:10am - 5953 days #23
lk2fireone (0)
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badandy400, with 15 terabytes of porn, you could open your own web site.


I'm a newbie with no winnings. So I've had no experience or problems with my choice of ebay gift certificates.

Be glad to report on my winnings if I ever get any.

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