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Porn Users Forum » In Partial Defense of DRM / Stream Only Porn
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08-26-10  12:37pm - 5232 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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In Partial Defense of DRM / Stream Only Porn

OK, first things first. Before all you porn jihadists get fired up and issue a fatwa on my ass like the last go around on this (here), let me clarify by saying this is only a "partial" defense and probably not for the reasons most people think. Also, in my defense, I post this picture from last night to explain my mindset:

In the past, I've pretty much taken the view that DRM and Stream only videos (DRM equivalent) are "evil" because you don't get to keep what you see beyond your membership time. From a collectors point of view (and most everyone who is active on PU is collector, not just a casual viewer) this is sacrilege. Given the thousands of hours I've put into my collection (surfing, sorting, viewing, discarding, organizing, editing, etc.) it's understandable that we treasure keeping what we seek.

However, two things have recently caused my to shift my mindset. First, I've sort of reached a plateau or saturation point in my collection. I have stuff that hasn't seen the light of my monitor in years. I join fewer and fewer sites because I don't have the time, don't want to spend the money and I know that I got enough to keep me happy for a while. I have the mental perspective that if I don't look at my collection and tend to it then what's the point of having it. I know many here are basically freakin' hoarders who want nothing more than the next new thing and take pride in the terabytes of material they've got. That's just not how I approach my collection.

Second, it's only technology that has allowed us to become collectors. I think a lot of us wouldn't have the porn collections we have if we had to actually collect dvds, magazines and tapes like the days of old. That's a bit hard to keep tastefully hidden and pretty damn expensive too. It's the big ass hard drives and higher speed web connections that have paved the way for our hobby. We also formed our collections because, realistically, that is/was the only viable way of viewing porn. If price points are the same for DRM vs. download, I'll choose to join the site that lets me download most every time. I think it's also technology that might pave the way for a resurgence in DRM or stream only porn too.

If I were young today and living off of my smart phone, texting away all the time and simultaneously trying to manage both my real and virtual life while working or going to school I just wouldn't have the time to devout to building a real porn collection. Chances are pretty good too that my main computer would be a laptop with a wi-fi connection that isn't the most reliable in the world and doesn't offer blazing fast downloads and I'd be seriously thinking about ditching the laptop for an Ipad or similar device in the near future. I'd also have grown up in an age where porn is nothing more than a commodity; not knowing there was a time when download quality was mostly crap and having to hunt and peck through the online porn universe to find sites that I liked. Instead, I can go to review sites like here and instantly price compare and look at reviews and make a decision as opposed to shopping off of dubious site tours.

For this fictional version of me, I'm thinking that stream or drm only makes sense in that I don't have time to build up a big ass collection (Farmville and Facebook -- the "F You's" of social networking to porn world -- take priority) and that if priced right then stream or drm lets me sample a variety of sites, sites I might later want to join later and download from to build a collection.

Now, here's where the "partial defense" part comes in; and it does so in two words: "price point". Websites come into the stream / drm debate from the protection angle. They want to protect their intellectual property rights and protect their content from being posted else where or shared for free. They typically slap the same flat rate on their sites, thinking that people will still really love their product and want it just because they made it. They forget that porn is just a commodity to today's generation and that us old school types won't fork over dough just for the privilege of basically renting some of their porn flicks.

Today, both my fictional self and porn/time saturated real self would consider joining a stream / drm site if the price were right. That means tiered pricing where I can pay less for stream only / drm (what exactly that price point is relative to most people so I won't delve into that issue). I'd even be happy if some of the top rated sites had a "classics" site where I could join for less and only see content that isn't the newest release -- I got enough for now so that I have the patience to wait. This doesn't mean that I only want vids geared towards smart phones, I still want quality. However, I might be willing to compromise and give up the download only if the price were right. Hell, if I really liked the stuff, then I might pay more for the privilege of downloading it (pure DRM / stream will never really work as an economic model in this porn saturated age with everyone making porn vids). Most sites don't seem to get this concept, still offering flat rates or tiered pricing based upon access to content, not the format of viewing available.

So, my partial defense is really more of a defense of a fictional future, not the current reality. That's too bad since I think there is a market with today's younger generation and some of us porn saturated types.

08-26-10  01:07pm - 5232 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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My only question: Is that you on top, or on the bottom?

Second question: Who's your partner? That wouldn't be Khan, by any chance?

Third question: Are the two of you considering a diet anytime soon?


I certainly don't like DRM or stream-only sites, even if I'm not into vids that heavily. It's the psychology more than the economics. I think to be successful, you would have to "educate" your potential customers into accepting the stream/DRM concept. I believe most PU members are hoarders, who collect their porn, store it, and almost never watch the bulk of it beyond the initial viewing.

08-26-10  02:12pm - 5232 days #3
Yariana (0)
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Great picture!

In response to this post, I thank you for your partial support of DRM. As an adult membership site webmaster, I must say DRM is a valid solution for those of us suffering from internet piracy. Though I am not currently using this solution, I recently appealed to my members about this agonizing decision that must be made soon if I am to keep my site operating.

For those who believe all porn should be free and that everyone surfing the net has an absolute right to obtain all posted porn free, I must ask you this question: Who do you think is fronting the bill to produce this porn? It cost me a fortune every week to supply to my honest paying members, true, original, exclusive amateur content.

In addition to the cost of filming these shoots, there is a cost to run the site. I have to pay for dedicated servers, business licensing, trademarks, copyrights, legal fees, and the cost of bandwidth. The more members I have, the more bandwidth cost.

When people download all my content and upload it to free sites, it is stealing. My honest paying members are furious with those doing it because the end result will eventually be the loss of their ability to download my content. It is not fair to them.

Until recently adult webmasters have been fighting the tube/free sites but the tide is turning. I have recently enlisted my legal team to go after those downloading content from our sites then uploading to free sites. Bam!

Those doing this are DISTRIBUTING adult content on the web without 2257 compliance documentation for our models. I am the only one that holds models agreements for our models. Anyone caught distributing our content without 2257 documentation (models agreements/ID) will face federal charges for doing so.

I just posted an article on my website and distributed it through article sites regarding this issue. I am fed up, my members are fed up, and I do not want to have to resort to DRM. I should not have to resort to this. And honest collectors should not loose their ability to collect their beloved porn because some think they are entitled to something they are not. If a person does not have the legal rights and the proper federally required documentation to distribute said adult content, they are foolishly risking their freedom doing so. Edited on Aug 26, 2010, 02:15pm

08-26-10  02:45pm - 5232 days #4
Capn (0)
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You have to remember though, the internet is global.
US law only applies in its jurisdiction.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

08-26-10  03:08pm - 5232 days #5
lk2fireone (0)
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Yariana, I believe you are at least partly preaching to the wrong crowd. The regular members of PU are people who pay for their porn site memberships. They do not regard porn as free. And while I have no hard evidence for my belief, I do not think most PU members download material from pay porn sites and repost it on the tube/free sites. I have no hard evidence, but from the many postings and comments of our members, it seems that almost everyone here recognizes and believes that porn sites have the right to charge for their material.

At the same time, I think most PU members that have expressed an opinion on the subject, dislike DRM and streaming-only sites. Even though we don't "own" the porn we download, we want to be able to access it on our computers if we have paid the membership fee to the site. And that includes the ability to access that downloaded porn even after our site membership has expired.

08-26-10  03:54pm - 5232 days #6
Yariana (0)
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I do apologize for my frustration. I did not intend to imply users of this forum are the ones responsible for this. Actually, I was in appreciation of the original post but inappropriately allowed my frustration to show.

Though it is true many of these offenders are outside the US, I have researched this topic for years within the states. Being a producer, I have opportunity to speak one on one quite often with porn collectors on this subject. It is amazing to me how many feel I should be giving it away for free.

It isn't just those that download then upload to other sites, it is also those passing out passwords all over the web, and even worse, those that sign up for sites, download all the content, then do charge backs and refund requests. In these cases, not only are we losing the revenue from the original purchase, but incurring charge back fees and having to pay for all that bandwidth.

I am installing a shopping cart to do away with the membership site. Our members love the site and are asking me not to do this but I don't have much of a choice. We have worked very hard to build great relationships with them and are really tormented over this decision. It certainly will not eliminate all the problems but will at least give us more tools to identify offenders before it is too late. Again, I do apologize for my frustration. I just think the whole thing is really sad.

08-26-10  03:55pm - 5232 days #7
Wittyguy (0)
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As for Yariana, I think you've sort of missed the point. I have no problems with websites chasing down the people who post copyrighted material for others to take for free. That's against the law, period. My point is that you won't be successful in stopping it all; just like the music industry hasn't been successful in stopping pirated tunes. I think most webmasters are missing out on a market created by technology and shortened attention spans of the younger crowd to offer streams / drm at a discounted price from the standard "one size fits all" membership fee. Once the genie is out of the bottle you can't put it back in (you'll never stop pirating because even a drm video can be hacked without much problem). Thus, you need to focus on marketing more aggressively and I think this is one possible way to do it. Edited on Aug 26, 2010, 04:01pm

08-26-10  06:19pm - 5232 days #8
anyonebutme (0)
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Originally Posted by Yariana:

As an adult membership site webmaster, I must say DRM is a valid solution for those of us suffering from internet piracy. Though I am not currently using this solution, I recently appealed to my members about this agonizing decision that must be made soon if I am to keep my site operating.

Not really. If you implement DRM, streaming, whatever you want to stop your content from being distributed for free...

Their only interest in downloading your content is because they can. Sad truth is, eliminating your works from the piracy realm does not increase your sales. Those who used to grab your works for free, if the new sets are no longer available through piracy, they more than likely will not subscribe they will just move on to the next freely available porn.

08-26-10  07:06pm - 5232 days #9
Yariana (0)
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Wittyguy, I do understand your point and agree with you on your point of view. There are several angles one might view this subject. I can only attest to what is happening financially to myself and other producers I speak with. As for streaming, it is true it offers very little protection. My neighbor sat here the other day and showed me what programs he uses to capture streaming video from pay sites. There is no simple solution here. You are right, market, market, market. Edited on Aug 26, 2010, 07:12pm

08-26-10  07:21pm - 5232 days #10
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

Not really. If you implement DRM, streaming, whatever you want to stop your content from being distributed for free...

Their only interest in downloading your content is because they can. Sad truth is, eliminating your works from the piracy realm does not increase your sales. Those who used to grab your works for free, if the new sets are no longer available through piracy, they more than likely will not subscribe they will just move on to the next freely available porn.

True, but though my sales have been much higher with the membership site, my profit margin has taken a dive. If the piraters don't resubscribe because they can't steal, I am better off. Producers have to make money or they cannot continue to update weekly.

08-26-10  08:20pm - 5232 days #11
anyonebutme (0)
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I work in a small family run business that does not compete against internet piracy, and our profit margins have taken a dive over the past fifteen years too. Happens to everyone. That is capitalism.

While I understand the need to protect your content, I do not believe DRM is the answer if the question is "How do I increase my revenues?" If you believe that DRM will decrease your expenses more than it will decreases your revenues, then by all means go ahead and give it a try. Edited on Aug 26, 2010, 08:23pm

08-26-10  08:36pm - 5232 days #12
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

I work in a small family run business that does not compete against internet piracy, and our profit margins have taken a dive over the past fifteen years too. Happens to everyone. That is capitalism.

While I understand the need to protect your content, I do not believe DRM is the answer if the question is "How do I increase my revenues?" If you believe that DRM will decrease your expenses more than it will decreases your revenues, then by all means go ahead and give it a try.

Ok, Ok... So if you own a gas station and someone pulls in, fills up, then drives off without paying, then hey, it happens to everyone, it's just Capitalism! I think the only way to increase my profit is to get rid of the membership site! It is a bandwidth hog. I do not use DRM and never will. I think my honest members should be able to download and keep it. All I am saying is that I do understand the argument for it. Edited on Aug 26, 2010, 09:18pm

08-27-10  12:56am - 5231 days #13
Toadsith (0)
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I honestly believe Streaming is going to be nearly the only the way porn is going to be distributed in a few years. Internet Connections are becoming so reliable that people aren't even renting DVDs what with Netflix watch instant (now available in HD) and Hulu (who keeps promising HD). A lot of "old timers" like myself don't want to admit it, but the era of downloading and keeping a giant treasure trove of porn is coming to an end outside of the DVD market - which will eventually die too.

With streaming content providers can armor themselves with massive amounts of DRM with little to no impact to the viewer (think Microsoft Silverlight). I think this will slowly kill off the free tube sites as their content sources dry up and in the end will drop the price of porn as less "free" porn will be available. More gross profit among the producers will give them the ability to knock down membership fees to combat competition with other sites. It is a good and bad future, but it seems to be inevitable at this point. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

08-27-10  05:46am - 5231 days #14
RustyJ (0)

Posts: 79
Registered: Aug 04, '10
DRM in my mind translates always to "Me buying something that I cannot keep if: I stop subscribing/they close their servers/certain amount of time passes/whatever".

In the end it only hurts the ones obtaining their product legally. Average pirates never even notice it because someone else removes the DRM before it gets to their hands. Is there really anything digitally distributed with DRM that cannot be obtained for free if one is willing to sink that low?

08-27-10  01:22pm - 5231 days #15
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

I honestly believe Streaming is going to be nearly the only the way porn is going to be distributed in a few years. Internet Connections are becoming so reliable that people aren't even renting DVDs what with Netflix watch instant (now available in HD) and Hulu (who keeps promising HD). A lot of "old timers" like myself don't want to admit it, but the era of downloading and keeping a giant treasure trove of porn is coming to an end outside of the DVD market - which will eventually die too.

Hey, glad to you see back Toadsith. My take is that I think stream will become the standard platform in the future, there will always be a market for downloads since people will still want to own stuff. The delivery may be different, more like I-Tunes where you buy "singles" instead of a monthly membership. I also think that companies would adapt and allow downloading of older content or give downloading privileges for longer term memberships. I think it will be more expensive to pay for the downloading experience though.

08-27-10  01:57pm - 5231 days #16
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

I honestly believe Streaming is going to be nearly the only the way porn is going to be distributed in a few years. Internet Connections are becoming so reliable that people aren't even renting DVDs what with Netflix watch instant (now available in HD) and Hulu (who keeps promising HD). A lot of "old timers" like myself don't want to admit it, but the era of downloading and keeping a giant treasure trove of porn is coming to an end outside of the DVD market - which will eventually die too.

He's back!

Welcome back, and great to have a fellow "old timer" around.

I think there will continue to be a DVD/Blu-Ray/whatever-next-gen definition disc market out there for the dedicated collectors and aficionados--yes, including the perverted arts. A more art house company like Criterion will likely still be around for the non-adult market, especially since they aren't really in the business to sell millions of the latest Apatow fart-and-douche comedy.

'Mainstream' porn studios--okay, the big ones, they're not really mainstream--will very likely abandon discs unless things change for that model of selling and watching movies. And given the fact that many porn customers don't really, ahem, have the 'need' for a feature film to satisfy their viewing pleasure then streaming, whether through a computer or device hooked up to a TV (PS3, Wii, etc.) will get the 'job' done for the majority of the iron wrists out there.

Hopefully there will still be a healthy sized market of companies that allow customers to download and keep forever. I wanna keep my collection growing! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-27-10  04:41pm - 5231 days #17
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I wanna keep my collection growing!

Once you hit the big 30 mark, you will suddenly gain added maturity, and realize that porn is not the true path. You will then start collecting stamps or coins, which you can hold in both hands for a tactile sensation. What does a porn collection allow you to hold?

08-27-10  08:07pm - 5231 days #18
pat362 (0)
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I think one of the major deciding factor will rest with ISP's and the amount of data you are allowed to download each month and the cost for that priviledge. If, like it seems to be going, most ISP start to limit your download
capability or at least your limit without an overcharge. Then I can't see streaming or online downloads to be all that popular with most surfers long term. At the moment I'm locked at 100G maximum download/upload per month. Anything above that and I'm up s..t creek in overcharges.

I've said it before that HD is a pain for me because I can't download those scenes without incuring penalties because a regular 30 minutes video in h.264 or wmv is about 300 to 400 MB and the HD format is 1.75 to 2.7GB.

I'd love to be able to download in HD but the 400$ charge at the end of the month makes that impossible. Long live the Brown Coats.

08-27-10  08:43pm - 5231 days #19
lk2fireone (0)
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I've said it before as well, but with the current size of photos and videos, 100 GB seems overly restrictive. I'm surprised that a huge number of customers aren't complaining about the issue, because even "regular" people can easily exceed those download limits.

My DSL connection is extremely slow compared to most PU members, but I'm finally going to upgrade my service for a faster connection. And I sure as heck hope that I won't discover that I'm going to be hitting download limits set by my ISP.

If I do hit limits, I'll be looking for a new ISP.

08-28-10  03:16am - 5230 days #20
elephant (0)
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100Gb you are lucky mine's 15GB peaktime limited, which is a huge pain, offpeak hours its unlimited though, so whatever downloaded has to be done during work hours. Great article from the OP, very good insight to the physique of an average porn collector. Yeah I'm a hoarder and have stuff I have downloaded from sites that I think oh that looks good, I'll watch it later but never do as I'm always looking for a new site to join to find that new movie. I am at a stage now that I recently sorted and am putting it onto my own website on my desktop to just make it more interesting to look through and have things organised into the things I like the most and my fav models. Its an ongoing project and hope to concentrate on this before joining any new sites and getting more.

On the whole DRM debate, its a real tough one this as I hate the thought of been restricted to see a movie I love the look of but can only view it when I'm a member of a site. I like to revisit sites I like 6 months or a year later and get the new updates so it would annoy the hell out of me having to always be a member. I do see it from the producers point of view its a tricky one cause seeing your creations been passed about for free must be so downhearting and would make you want to quit altogether. It would be horrible to live in a world without porn but its heading that way with the porntube sites and things ripping off movies. The only way forward is to make your site a community and a great place to be with quality material and market market market like someone suggested and have your price $20 which most would think is a total good offer and the honest porn buyer will pay and purchase. I can't see a DRM site working cause you just would not get many joining in the first place. The only way I could see that working is if someone started a porn hub site with all the good pornsites sign up for and a member gets access to them all for a price a month and then drm wouldn't be all that bad cause you'd know you could just sign in and you've got a huge variety to watch. Probably creates more problems with popular sites though sharing revenue with lesser known sites though. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

08-28-10  06:54am - 5230 days #21
Drooler (0)
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The next time I open a brand-new Wittyguy thread, I'll be sure to do it on an empty stomach ... I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

08-28-10  10:05am - 5230 days #22
Sevrin (0)
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I think this future has already caught up with me. Nothing to do with DRM, but I currently spend far more on live streamed content than I do on archived video or photo sites. That's not to say that I don't like pics or video, but I find myself enjoying live content a lot, and it simply costs more because we are paying for the model's time directly. It is possible to capture the moment for posterity, but it's never the same as the live streamed experience.

08-28-10  11:03am - 5230 days #23
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Hey, glad to you see back Toadsith. My take is that I think stream will become the standard platform in the future, there will always be a market for downloads since people will still want to own stuff. The delivery may be different, more like I-Tunes where you buy "singles" instead of a monthly membership. I also think that companies would adapt and allow downloading of older content or give downloading privileges for longer term memberships. I think it will be more expensive to pay for the downloading experience though.

Glad to be back I agree, that sounds like a very probable future. Hell, in 20 years, I wouldn't be surprised if you can actually buy porn through iTunes. The sad thing is I think when porn becomes mainstream enough, a lot of the smaller "mom & pop" porn sites will go under. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

08-28-10  11:08am - 5230 days #24
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

He's back!

Wow! That's the best response to my return yet, Glad to be back thanks

Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I think there will continue to be a DVD/Blu-Ray/whatever-next-gen definition disc market out there for the dedicated collectors and aficionados--yes, including the perverted arts.

'Mainstream' porn studios will very likely abandon discs unless things change for that model of selling and watching movies.

Hopefully there will still be a healthy sized market of companies that allow customers to download and keep forever. I wanna keep my collection growing!

It would be great, but I think like Wittyguy pointed out, if you want to keep downloading they are going to make you pay heavily. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

08-28-10  11:38am - 5230 days #25
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

...The sad thing is I think when porn becomes mainstream enough, a lot of the smaller "mom & pop" porn sites will go under.

Strange part about porn is that it's the "forbidden fruit" aspect that is part of what makes it special. That aspect is gradually disappearing.

08-29-10  04:48am - 5229 days #26
Jay G (0)
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The frustration of content providers with those who steal their product is understandable, but reminds me of the supreme court case "Disney Vs. Betamax" in the 1970's. Disney and other movie companies were convinced that video recorders would END the movie business because everyone would STEAL movies rather than pay for them. They lost their case and have made billions of dollars since then with people buying videos the moment the price came down from the original $300 or more per movie for a film rental back before videotape. Pricepoint and quantity is everything for profits.

At first many people did copy movies, but then the price of video rental or buying got to be a few dollars and it wasn't worth the time or trouble to copy. Soon people like myself were buying more movies than they ever actually even viewed (my shelves are full of impulse buys that I haven't seen yet, because I can't resist buying "video collections" and seasons of TV shows I love). My porn collection is far worse and I've probably viewed less than 20% of it, but keep joining new sites and collecting more every month anyway.

If intellectual property fanatics had their way the actual market would dry up as prices went through the roof and public libraries would be shut down for allowing non-purchasers to read books they haven't bought.

Fans of quality content will always pay for quality product if they are treated with respect and not lumped together with cheap thieves who would never BUY any material anyhow. We would like to have a quality market relationship with producers of quality material and support them.

Finally the problem with DRM for me has always been that it doesn't work well, it is not a quality product. Like a Mercedes with big scratches on the body, the scratches are distracting and ruin the experience of an otherwise great automobile. Jay G Edited on Aug 29, 2010, 04:53am

08-30-10  04:53am - 5228 days #27
Yariana (0)
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Originally Posted by Jay G:

If intellectual property fanatics had their way the actual market would dry up as prices went through the roof and public libraries would be shut down for allowing non-purchasers to read books they haven't bought.

Respectfully, not all intellectual property owners are driving prices up just to be greedy and make huge profits. Not anymore than all porn collectors are stealing free porn. It isn't as though we are selling books that sit on a shelf in a book store and complaining if someone reads a few pages but doesn't purchase the book. Books that have metal strips in the binding so if someone walks out the door with them an alarm goes off.

It has often been said that our products make a lot of money because we produce them once and they are sold over and over and over. Not necessarily so when the bandwidth costs go through the roof when the memberships increase, worst yet when brute force attacks stagger bandwidth costs. If a producers bandwidth cost normally runs $500 per month and they wake up one morning to a $5000 bandwidth overage charge (speaking from experience here!) it can put a real damper on their ability to produce content for the next weeks update. Especially if they are a small production company just getting started.

Membership sites require frequent updates if producers expect to retain their subscribers. Producing updates weekly is very expensive and sometimes extremely hard to do if the costs are out of control. I often give away extended memberships and free months to frequent subscribers. I love our members and I love doing it.

Lately I have extended quite a few of my regular members a free months access because they have contacted me to explain they have to leave because of economic hardships. I feel for them. They have been with me since the beginning, and some for only a few months but they have been so supportive of me and I love them for that. They are not leaving because they want to, just because they are financially burdened.

It isn't always about the money, or about making the "Big Bucks." Sometimes it is just as simple as keeping one's head above water. And more importantly, believe it or not, it is sometimes just about caring for others. Edited on Aug 31, 2010, 12:57pm

08-30-10  09:32pm - 5227 days #28
mbaya (0)

Posts: 891
Registered: Jul 07, '08
Location: new jersey
That is very decent of you to offer breaks for those members that have been loyal. I also see on your site that you have given a preference to those models that need the money. I can see that you are not greedy and quite sincere. That may not be a great buisness model to follow, but I hope you have success. Your site looks interesting and quite different from the norm.

08-31-10  12:10am - 5227 days #29
hodayathink (0)
Active User

Posts: 312
Registered: Mar 27, '09
Location: Illinois
Originally Posted by Yariana:

Respectfully, not all intellectual property owners are driving prices up just to be greedy and make huge profits. Not anymore than all porn collectors are stealing free porn. It isn't as though we are selling books that sit on a shelf in a book store and complaining if someone reads a few pages but doesn't purchase the book. Books that have metal strips in the binding so if someone walks out the door with them an alarm goes off.

It has often been said that our products make a lot of money because we produce them once and they are sold over and over and over. Not necessarily so when the bandwidth costs go through the roof when the memberships increase. If a producers bandwidth cost normally runs $500 per month and they wake up one morning to a $5000 bandwidth overage charge (speaking from experience here!) it can put a real damper on their ability to produce content for the next weeks update. Especially if they are a small production company just getting started.

Membership sites require frequent updates if producers expect to retain their subscribers. Producing updates weekly is very expensive and sometimes extremely hard to do if the costs are out of control. I often give away extended memberships and free months to frequent subscribers. I love our members and I love doing it.

Lately I have extended quite a few of my regular members a free months access because they have contacted me to explain they have to leave because of economic hardships. I feel for them. They have been with me since the beginning, and some for only a few months but they have been so supportive of me and I love them for that. They are not leaving because they want to, just because they are financially burdened.

It isn't always about the money, or about making the "Big Bucks." Sometimes it is just as simple as keeping one's head above water. And more importantly, believe it or not, it is sometimes just about caring for others.

So for some reason, I had waited until just now to see what site you are actually the webmaster of. And now that I have, it's time for a "funny" story. I'm the person that recommended your site get listed here. And I found out about it from a video on a tube site. Mind you, I don't go searching them. People send me links, I click on them, if I find them interesting I search out the sites they came from. Someone sent me a link to a video from your site, and I looked at it and said "I like this". The video wasn't the whole scene, just a few minutes of it. And I think there was a part where a female voice started talking over the scene, telling you where it was from, so I thought it might have been the actual webmaster uploading teasers and/or trailers. So I went to the site and looked at a few other trailers, and decided that it was a site I'd like to put on my list of sites to join in the future, and wanted to get it listed here to see if someone else would review it so I had an idea of what to expect inside. Unfortunately, like a lot of your members, times are hard for me too, and I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'd hate to see the site get taken down before I have the chance.

Long story short: There is (or at the very least could be) a use for something like a tube site for promotional purposes. But I can't stand behind full-scale piracy, and the fact that these sites hide behind international law and the DMCA has to stop. I don't know what the solution is, but hopefully there are smarter people than me working to figure that out.

08-31-10  10:54am - 5227 days #30
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by mbaya:

That is very decent of you to offer breaks for those members that have been loyal. I also see on your site that you have given a preference to those models that need the money. I can see that you are not greedy and quite sincere. That may not be a great buisness model to follow, but I hope you have success. Your site looks interesting and quite different from the norm.

mbaya, Thank you! I must tell you how this whole thing started. I have a very good friend and business partner that insisted on trying out the adult market. We have other main stream businesses and I wasn't so sure I wanted to get into adult productions. But he insisted it was a good thing to do so I agreed to give it a try.

We tried it his way and it wasn't working. He was doing what everyone else was doing and there is simply too much of it out there to compete on that level. We lost a ton of money. So I decided to try a different approach. Being that I personally do not like the way the adult industry in general approaches the subject of sex, I followed my heart and thus was born the site as we now know it.

We tend to attract a 40+ demographic. We have several loyal subscribers that are in their 70's. We cater to their thirst for sensuality and real sex, no acting. I am very interactive with them. I answer all emails personally and we all share our thoughts with each other. We have built a very unusual community for people to just relax and decompress. They love my respect and heart toward the girls.

Though I have been criticized by some because the site is very plain, I keep it simple and free of busy graphics because my members say it is refreshing. The site has become popular because it is focused and it is different. When people ask me what they should do to get into the adult industry, the first thing I suggest is that they come up with an original idea, something different and fresh.

This site does not appeal to all, as no site ever will. But it appeals to those that are hungry for something simple and real and to those that want a community to share their thoughts with. I spend a lot of times on boards like PU, not commenting very often but reading a lot about what people like and do not like. I commented on this thread because it is such a controversial topic and one I am currently struggling with as a webmaster.

But regardless of the piracy problems this industry faces, there are always honest people who will pay for products they like, especially if the company respects them and appreciates their loyalty. If any business, main stream or adult forgets that the customer is the only reason they remain in business, then they are sure to fail. The first rule of any great business model is this, "Don't forget to appreciate those that keep you in business, your customers!".

Thanks again for your thoughts mbaya. Always appreciated. Edited on Aug 31, 2010, 11:04am

08-31-10  11:29am - 5227 days #31
Yariana (0)
Suspended Webmaster

Posts: 56
Registered: Mar 10, '10
Location: Salem Oregon
Originally Posted by hodayathink:

So for some reason, I had waited until just now to see what site you are actually the webmaster of. And now that I have, it's time for a "funny" story. I'm the person that recommended your site get listed here. And I found out about it from a video on a tube site. Mind you, I don't go searching them. People send me links, I click on them, if I find them interesting I search out the sites they came from. Someone sent me a link to a video from your site, and I looked at it and said "I like this". The video wasn't the whole scene, just a few minutes of it. And I think there was a part where a female voice started talking over the scene, telling you where it was from, so I thought it might have been the actual webmaster uploading teasers and/or trailers. So I went to the site and looked at a few other trailers, and decided that it was a site I'd like to put on my list of sites to join in the future, and wanted to get it listed here to see if someone else would review it so I had an idea of what to expect inside. Unfortunately, like a lot of your members, times are hard for me too, and I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'd hate to see the site get taken down before I have the chance.

Long story short: There is (or at the very least could be) a use for something like a tube site for promotional purposes. But I can't stand behind full-scale piracy, and the fact that these sites hide behind international law and the DMCA has to stop. I don't know what the solution is, but hopefully there are smarter people than me working to figure that out.

hodayathink, that was me on the voice over. I figure, if you cant beat em, join em! So I post teasers on all the tube sites. The one's that don't allow watermarks, I do voice overs! And I do not feel bad about it since they have no problem allowing my full length movies to be posted there.

I have thousands of followers and friends on these sites. The one's that can not afford to join, get some enjoyment from the trailers I post and I do get benefit from reading their emails and posts because they tell me what they love about the videos, which is always in reference to the "Lack of Acting", ie: realness, and the respect we have for the girls.

These sites are great for marketing because they are great communication resources to find out what people are looking for. The art of marketing is simple. Find a need and fill it.

As for the piracy issue, it was posted earlier in this thread " You have to remember though, the internet is global. US law only applies in its jurisdiction." My legal team busted 3 uploaders in the past 2 weeks on the grounds they are distributing adult materials without 2257 documentation. All 3 offenders are in the US, 1 a current member on our site. It can be done, it just takes diligence.

Thanks for the listing recommendation on Best Porn. I very much appreciate you taking the time to do that. Edited on Aug 31, 2010, 05:22pm

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