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Porn Users Forum » The End Of The Line?
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02-11-13  02:21pm - 4412 days Original Post - #1
messmer (0)
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Posts: 2,582
Registered: Sep 12, '07
Location: Canada
The End Of The Line?

I really think that this is IT! No matter what I look at leaves me bored, be it photo sets or videos .. I have seen it all over and over, with the only niche that would really interest me being totally absent from the porn world.

I blame part of this indifference on getting jaded and desensitized, but after having gone through a dry spell for over a month without experiencing the slightest interest in downloading anything from most sites I subscribe to, and worse yet getting no particular kick from my treasured porn stash either, I really think that age has finally caught up with me.

Strangely enough written erotica still manages to do its job because my imagination provides what visual porn producers cannot, so all is not dead yet, but since it appears unlikely at this time that I will subscribe to any more sites through PU (unless a miracle should happen) I shall de-list myself shortly.

I consider this to be only right and fair since there is always a chance that I might accumulate enough tickets to win a raffle through a comment or two, and I would feel too badly about a win if I weren't able to reciprocate somehow.

It has been a real privilege and pleasure to know all of you and I thank you for the many entertaining hours you provided me within this Forum, with a special thanks to Khan for always being there for us.

May you continue to have great fun being collectors of the fine arts!

I know this sounds a bit over the top but you have truly been my only daily company beside my wife so I cannot overstate how much I shall miss the participants of this Forum, so my warmest goodbye to all of you and I shall miss you. For a bunch of pervs you're great!


02-11-13  02:43pm - 4412 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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Just because you might want to take a vacation from porn, doesn't mean you have to take a vacation from PU. This is a great site, and the members are what help to make it great. Khan can't arrest you or force you to stay, but do you really want to wake up one winter night, and have Khan's vengeful spirit hovering over your bed? That thought would give me nightmares.

And if you are lucky enough win a raffle prize, I think you've already contributed enough in the past to justify that win.

02-11-13  02:49pm - 4412 days #3
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
messmer, I would echo lk2fireone's thoughts (minus the ghost of Khan) ...

You participation here, in whatever fashion, is always appreciated and welcome. If you really feel strongly about the raffle (which I don't think you should) you can always withdraw your eligibility for that w/out giving up other participation here.

But in the end, it's up to you. I will support whatever you decide but really hope you'll reconsider and stay part of the community here. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

02-11-13  03:17pm - 4412 days #4
davel60 (0)
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Posts: 11
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Location: USA
Please don't leave. I just got here and enjoy reading your stuff.

02-11-13  03:19pm - 4412 days #5
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Posts: 893
Registered: Jan 23, '07
messmer - Despite the year I took off, I've still been here for years. So, obviously, I can understand wanting to drop out for a while. But there's no reason I can think of that means it has to be the end of your time here. You might notice that I don't have many points next to my name and I don't have a ton of reviews up. Points and reviews aren't the sum total of what PU is about. Discussions, opinions and just generally running our mouths (e.g. RANTS!) about whatever is on our minds is more the course we take here.

The choice is yours, of course. But I, for one, would miss your presence here. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity. Edited on Feb 11, 2013, 08:46pm

02-11-13  04:21pm - 4412 days #6
slutty (0)
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Just wanted to echo everyone else's thoughts there messmer, PU is a nice place to be around even aside from the porn. The forum is interesting forum lots of great discussions, though I don't have as much time to participate as I'd like, and most of the discussions here are genial, well thought out, and generally interesting (as compared to the rest of this trainwreck we call the internet) - most other non-porn related forums I participate in are significantly less friendly and often downright mean.

I wish you well if you leave, but hope you'll stop by from time to time. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.

02-11-13  05:09pm - 4412 days #7
Cybertoad (0)
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Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Hey Messmer,
Ask anyone here I think Khan knows I have taken a break what 2 or 3 times since I joined . I think taking a break is and unknown requirement of any hobby espeically porn.
After all sport players love Football and baseball yet they do not play all year. If they did I am sure it would boring too.
I second the stop by and say hello, you are respected member around here.

Perhaps don't say goodbye, but seeya guys ( and gals ) around ?

I know I often appreciated your wisdom and input.

Hope this is a seeya later thing !
Since 2007

02-11-13  05:14pm - 4412 days #8
jberryl69 (0)
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Location: neverland
STOP Messmer - take a deep breath and exhale - then start taking testosterone supplements.

Ok, I don't know if that helps or not - I've just seen ads on TV.

But as the others of us above have mentioned and most importantly, don't abandon us. We love you dude!!

If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-11-13  05:22pm - 4412 days #9
rearadmiral (0)
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I agree with everyone above. Except messmer, of course! I've become a bit bored with porn a few times and then something (more frequently someone) will come along and rekindle my interest.

But more important is that even if you take some time off from porn for a while there is no need to leave here just because you're not an active surfer and collector at the time. This place is a damn fine community and you're a valuable member here. So consider sticking around even to just give us weather updates or tell jokes (or weigh in on comments and issues).

02-11-13  07:00pm - 4411 days #10
pat362 (0)
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I hope that you choose to stay because I really enjoy your participation in the forum and not haing your point of view on different subjects would be a major loss for all of us.

Don't despair too much on the porn front because I'm also in the same boat as you to the point where I visits sites that I used to enjuoy and don't see any of their recent updates as worth bothering with. maybe it's the Canadian winter that's getting us down. If that's the case then it would be over soon. Long live the Brown Coats.

02-11-13  08:36pm - 4411 days #11
KET924aab (0)
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Registered: Dec 18, '12
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Messmer, sometime around 2005 I pretty much gave on porn too. At that time I was a magazine buyer and occasional video renter--I didn't go digital until 2006. I was completely frustrated with the total inability of the magazine editors to select a good set of photos--it seemed as if they were following a "script" of what they thought was good, but what they selected just didn't work for me. And most videos I rented back then I would now recognize as B and C grade porn. I knew there were websites for digital porn, but I had not been impressed with the photo quality of material I had seen on newsgroups--most photos were tiny by today's comparison. But eventually I did discover digital porn (I think TeenDreams was the first site I joined). I actually found some photo sets that I had seen in magazines, but these were the full 100 photo plus sets. And what do you know, most of those sets had photos I really liked, but of course, the magazine editors didn't select those. So I went digital. Fast forward to a couple of years ago. I was starting to get bored again. I was having trouble finding what I really wanted--that being video of a hot girl doing a nice slow sexy strip with a lot of tease and then masturbating to a real orgasm with just her fingers. There was a lot of material like that out there, but very little that I would consider really good. Then I found the webcam sites. Wow, I could tell a girl exactly how to strip and what to do, and record a video of it. The only thing lacking was good resolution. The best and most watched porn I have are the "custom videos" I make of private webcam chats. If I could only keep 10 videos from my entire porn collection, probably 7 or 8 of them would be webcam chat videos. They weren't cheap, but all things considered, they were well worth it. If you are looking for custom made porn, it is out there. I think I remember from other forum threads that your "niche" is mature ladies doing good striptease. There are plenty of women out there on the webcam sites who can do that for you. And its not necessarily at a $3 or more per minute rate--MFC girls will do a show in free chat for you for a set amount, and Streamate girls are open to customizing an inexpensive Gold Show if enough people join. I suggest you try it out. You can go over to MFC and see a lot there without spending a dime. If you do try it and like it, just don't go overboard with it.

I've only been here a couple of months, but like everyone else here, I'd hate to see you go.

And I'd hate to see a dude give up on porn too.

02-11-13  11:36pm - 4411 days #12
Capn (0)
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M, my friend.

Do not despair.

Your company & input here is always welcome.
Even if, for some of us, the initial motivation to be here may have changed, we are still a tight, polite, considerate community.

Please don't leave us.
We would be that much poorer if you weren't around.

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

02-12-13  09:59am - 4411 days #13
messmer (0)
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Posts: 2,582
Registered: Sep 12, '07
Location: Canada
Guys, I am really touched by the many replies to my post. I had no idea I would be missed by so many. I know that I would miss you for sure. And I really don't want to leave this Forum.

My problem was with a possible raffle win if I no longer contributed at least something to TBP through the odd subscription. It would make me feel like a parasite. However Khan's answer reassured me greatly and this Forum is truly "home away from home" so consider my tearful farewell cancelled.

I wish I could answer each and every one of you, because that would be the right thing to do, but I really think I would run out of steam (on some days I am stronger than on others) before I was halfway through with thanking you.

Well, if anything good came out of my post it is the knowledge that I have so many friends here.

And, Khan, if JB's testosterone supplements should work for me, who knows, I might just start subscribing again, but until that happens I would like to withdraw from eligibility. I just wouldn't feel right about winning in a raffle and by doing so rob someone else who supports this site in a more tangible way of the pleasure.

Continued access to this forum (and the polls and this site in general) is much, much more important to me!

Thanks from the bottom of my heart to all of you.

02-12-13  10:21am - 4411 days #14
RagingBuddhist (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 893
Registered: Jan 23, '07
Like the crazy white boys say around here - Fuckin' A!
Glad you decided to stick around! Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

02-12-13  10:34am - 4411 days #15
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
Registered: Jan 05, '07
Location: USA
Originally Posted by messmer:

And, Khan, if JB's testosterone supplements should work for me, who knows, I might just start subscribing again, but until that happens I would like to withdraw from eligibility.

As I said, I don't think you *need* to withdraw but I'll respect your wishes on the matter. I've changed your raffle status to "in-active" ... which means you should be able to change it back yourself any time you wish by just going to edit profile and selecting a payment option. If you have any trouble when you want it reactivated, don't hesitate to contact me.

I'm *very* happy you've decided to stay. Our friendly little community will be the better for it.
Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

02-12-13  10:35am - 4411 days #16
Capn (0)
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Posts: 1,740
Registered: Sep 05, '09
Location: Near the Beer!

Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

02-12-13  11:51am - 4411 days #17
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Cool !

Glad we will still see you around. Since 2007

02-12-13  12:04pm - 4411 days #18
Wittyguy (0)
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Location: Left Coast, USA
If you go, I wish you the best. Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:26pm

02-12-13  02:02pm - 4411 days #19
jberryl69 (0)
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Posts: 1,000
Registered: Nov 27, '10
Location: neverland
I knew we could talk him into it. Just spreadin the love. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-12-13  03:20pm - 4411 days #20
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
My Internet connection went down moments after I read this thread...... which had been introduced for only a couple hours.
This left me with no way to get my post in before I knew you'd reconsider ...... hence my delayed response.

My message was written as follows .....
"If you're like many of us here who've embraced porn, messmer, and whose devoted time and labor of love we've thus given in to this immeasurably exciting and satisfying pastime, then you know quite well it's not something we dismiss too casually.... even at our age.

Then we throw in a community of developing friends whose mutual interest allows us to share, argue, kidd-around, and exchange views with one another on all levels and aspects that go with this phenomena ....comparably, something we don't find at our local Walmart Stores.

Internet Porn isn't something we can easily shake off like flakes of dandrif..... we leave it occasionally, sure ....but the power always draws us back.

Frankly, messmer, what with your writing talent, reviewing accomplishments, awards, record-breaking achievements, accolades, and the admiration and respect earned from your fellow members here at Porn Users, I find it figuratively hard to believe you're turning in your badge and suddenly just gettin' out of Dodge. Our town needs a good sheriff, partner ...... and you'da man.

If for no other reason but to stick around, think of this as you and I being PU's oldest members left to battle the onslaught of new-age Internet trash.
I can't fight'em alone, big guy .....

02-12-13  04:19pm - 4411 days #21
Cybertoad (0)
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Posts: 2,158
Registered: Jan 01, '08
Location: Wash
Nicely Said, Graymane.

I think when we actually consider taking time or do. It is a sort refinement and growth occurs. My perspective is night and day from 2007, well 2008 when I joined forum, but hovered in 2007 sometime. Any how , life is change and change is adventure. I have no doubt you have allot to offer and then some. Since 2007

02-13-13  11:15am - 4410 days #22
messmer (0)
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Posts: 2,582
Registered: Sep 12, '07
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

If you go, I wish you the best. I took a break for quite a while and now only intermittently stick my head back into the fray. I suspect that, like me, you'll eventually be back but it's always good to take a break once in a while. And frankly, I don't think anyone really cares about who gets entered into the weekly raffles so don't let that issue bug you.

Hey, wittyguy, I am glad you stuck your head in for this one because we all sure miss you. As you may guess I am staying right here, now that I don't have to feel guilty about the raffle. To me it was a big thing and I am glad it is out of the way until (hopefully) my libido returns and I start subscribing to sites again. I have the feeling that won't happen but one never knows.

02-13-13  11:17am - 4410 days #23
messmer (0)
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Posts: 2,582
Registered: Sep 12, '07
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by Khan:

As I said, I don't think you *need* to withdraw but I'll respect your wishes on the matter. I've changed your raffle status to "in-active" ... which means you should be able to change it back yourself any time you wish by just going to edit profile and selecting a payment option. If you have any trouble when you want it reactivated, don't hesitate to contact me.

I'm *very* happy you've decided to stay. Our friendly little community will be the better for it.

Thanks, Khan, I feel a lot better now that the raffle is deactivated. What makes me feel even better are your kind and supportive remarks.

02-13-13  12:01pm - 4410 days #24
messmer (0)
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Posts: 2,582
Registered: Sep 12, '07
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by graymane:

My Internet connection went down moments after I read this thread...... which had been introduced for only a couple hours.
This left me with no way to get my post in before I knew you'd reconsider ...... hence my delayed response.

My message was written as follows .....
"If you're like many of us here who've embraced porn, messmer, and whose devoted time and labor of love we've thus given in to this immeasurably exciting and satisfying pastime, then you know quite well it's not something we dismiss too casually.... even at our age.

Then we throw in a community of developing friends whose mutual interest allows us to share, argue, kidd-around, and exchange views with one another on all levels and aspects that go with this phenomena ....comparably, something we don't find at our local Walmart Stores.

Internet Porn isn't something we can easily shake off like flakes of dandrif..... we leave it occasionally, sure ....but the power always draws us back.

Frankly, messmer, what with your writing talent, reviewing accomplishments, awards, record-breaking achievements, accolades, and the admiration and respect earned from your fellow members here at Porn Users, I find it figuratively hard to believe you're turning in your badge and suddenly just gettin' out of Dodge. Our town needs a good sheriff, partner ...... and you'da man.

If for no other reason but to stick around, think of this as you and I being PU's oldest members left to battle the onslaught of new-age Internet trash.
I can't fight'em alone, big guy .....

Wow, thanks graymane, I hardly recognize myself in your description of me but am very grateful for your friendship.

And you mentioned something very important when you said that "we don't dismiss porn casually" .. my sudden loss of libido has left me devastated and I fervently hope that it is something temporary.

Trouble is I've gone for week after week now, hoping that at least a reduced version of libido would return, but it hasn't so far.

Porn has played such a huge part in my daily life, since it has been the only sexual release available to me for years, that I am really struggling now to find something else to fill my day.

I read, I watch TV but you can do that only for so long. I have a sneaking suspicion that my (premature) loss of appetite for porn might be caused by one of the medications I am on but I cannot take myself off them so there you are!

In any case, there is still a flicker of life when it comes to written erotica, so I guess I shall use my android tablet and various web sites quite extensively until that little light goes out as well. Boy, I'd better stop because I am starting to depress myself (as well as anyone reading this) even more!

Thanks again, friend, for your very kind words.

02-13-13  01:12pm - 4410 days #25
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
My advice to you, pard, is if your libido has gotten lazy, then give it a swift kick in the ass.
Medications does do a number on your sex drive ...
I should know because I take so much of the stuff that my pharmacy has instituted a holiday each year in my honor.

Further, if urge isn't coming to you, then you gotta give it a offer it can't refuse....... God gave the gals a clit and the boys penile senetivity..... I'd say get to be good friends with Mr. Sensitivity by stroking him in the right places...... to hell with waiting for Herr Libido.
If that isn't working, then I can tell you without reservation that the male-toy-merchants have reeeealy got a deal for you. It ain't jus' for girls anymore.

Oh, last and of utmost importance......

Is That The sum of success one will expect from the above (aforementioned) .... is that your imagination absolutely must play the major role in making this all happen.
If it's weak, a little therapy on an erotically motivated treadmill might be in order.

Damned! we don't even have to stop there.
There's this little blue pill that, well, eh, I mean, you know, ........ duh!
If, remaining in this lifetime, even so much as an apparition of a sexy lady comes within my grasp...... hence, if nature can't handle it, then I'm ready to reach for that little-pussy-in-a-pill. Edited on Feb 13, 2013, 01:55pm

02-13-13  01:27pm - 4410 days #26
messmer (0)
Disabled User

Posts: 2,582
Registered: Sep 12, '07
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by graymane:

My advice to you, pard, is if your libido has gotten lazy, then give it a swift kick in the ass.
Medications does do a number on your sex drive ...
I should know because I take so much of the stuff that my pharmacy has instituted a holiday each year in my honor.

Further, if urge isn't coming to you, then you gotta give it a offer it can't refuse....... God gave the gals a clit and the boys penile senetivity..... I'd say get to be good friends with Mr. Sensitivity by stroking him in the right places...... to hell with waiting for Herr Libido.
If that isn't working, then I can tell you without reservation that the toy-merchants have reeeealy got a deal for you.

Damned! you don't even have to stop there.
There's this little blue pill that, well, eh, I mean, you know, ........ duh!
If, remaining in this lifetime, even so much as an apparition of a sexy lady comes within my grasp...... hence, if nature can't handle it, then I'm ready to reach for that little-pussy-in-a-pill.

One question in connection with the little blue pill ... does it just help you with an erection or will it actually make you wish to look at porn again? I've never had to use them before this?

02-13-13  03:05pm - 4410 days #27
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Originally Posted by messmer:

One question in connection with the little blue pill ... does it just help you with an erection or will it actually make you wish to look at porn again? I've never had to use them before this?

All I know is that it spur-rs the blood-flow generators to step-up acceleration to the scrotum ... even at the expense of borrowing from other regions.
Ha, Ha ..... you'll get an erection you can't turn down.
Just be prepared to put all that wood somewhere it'll pull the plug on the relief valves.

But ....If I get your drift, I think what you really want is for your sex urges to just stay on auto pilot ..... you know, like it was when we were young?.....like morning awakening boners, the sight of seeing a hot babe, friction from contact on a crowded bus ... or simply gettin' a rise oftentimes just out of the blue.
If that's what you're after, my friend, then take it from a guy who, at 80, bade fair-well to those phantoms long, long, ago.

My hopes for you is that it, too shall pass. You got no choice but to step aside and let it depart to wherever libidos go in their after-lives.

Erotica from the written word may indeed be your salvation.
Who knows, that just soon might sweep away all those mental battles you're having with uncooperative webmasters and replace your yearning for that more yielding and compassionate source of provider.

BOY! in retrospect, I'm gettin' all choked up jus' thinking about my own waning departure from what you're apparently so concerned about coming down.
Hang in there, Sir messmer......because:
Maybe somewhat morose, but with a little luck .... No, I'll upgrade that to certainty, that at least St Peter will have something we can loudly shout about when we pick up our earthly rewards. Edited on Feb 13, 2013, 03:47pm

02-13-13  04:07pm - 4410 days #28
messmer (0)
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Posts: 2,582
Registered: Sep 12, '07
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by graymane:

BOY! in retrospect, I'm gettin' all choked up jus' thinking about my own waning departure from what you're apparently so concerned about coming down.
Hang in there, Sir messmer......because:
Maybe somewhat morose, but with a little luck .... No, I'll upgrade that to certainty, that at least St Peter will have something we can loudly shout about when we pick up our earthly rewards.

Well, graymane, all I can do is 'Rage, rage against the dying of the light' (Dylan Thomas) for a while and then eventually accept the inevitable. I always figured that once your libido left you you wouldn't miss it, especially if you are in your seventies, and I was wrong. Life has suddenly become boring! Yet, there is still that faint glimmer of hope. After all if Hugh Hefner can still do it, why wouldn't it come back for me as well?

02-13-13  06:36pm - 4409 days #29
graymane (0)

Posts: 1,411
Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
Quote from messmer ....
if Hugh Hefner can still do it, why wouldn't it come back for me as well?

.... excuse me, my good friend, but I jus' gotta jump on your last statement with all fours.....
How do we really know if Hefner had anything to actually "come back to?"
From the many stories that's went around about that guy's sexual prowess, I'm all but left to believe that the other end of the Equation more accurately fits.
Lets not forget he owned a publishing empire, the theme of which delt with necked women....Reliable sources convey all the man does is walk around and through his mansion in pajamas drinking Coca colas. Sure, he had women hanging all over him, and naturally so because association with him could get them a ticket into show-business..... indeed, a lot of movie people hung out there. That alone would draw women like moths to a neon light.
Babe magnet was Huge's signiture ...... hence he was tagged that and went on to collect (and hold) the reputation of being a reputed pleaser-geezer. What Hugh wants, Huge gets .......an' though pussies are screaming out for a piece of him, that don't necessarily wash for exercising reality of his being a ladies banging partner. -- or maintaining libedo prominous.
I summit, no matter how haggard we become, locking arms with a fit-chick ringer-dinger and parading her around town, should certainly get tounges wagging.

I'm solidly in your corner, Mess. An I can't think of anything more important than your libido finding its way back home.

02-14-13  05:27am - 4409 days #30
elephant (0)
Active User

Posts: 585
Registered: Jan 11, '07
I just wanted to chip in here, this is a great bunch of people that have settled here, I find it heartwarming that we are brought together from all over the world with a link being we like porn, but its also a friendly place to chat in general. We I'm sure have all had dry period when porn seems to be very repetitive and I agree a good story is excellent for getting you to use your imagination, can be very powerful indeed.

I don't get as much time to post stuff but still like to drop in when I do find time, that's the good thing about places like this, no pressure, just visit when the mood takes. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

02-14-13  08:08am - 4409 days #31
jberryl69 (0)
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Posts: 1,000
Registered: Nov 27, '10
Location: neverland
yes - Blue pill for the wood, testosterone for the libido. If, of course, any of it really works. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-14-13  09:58am - 4409 days #32
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Originally Posted by graymane:

Quote from messmer ....
if Hugh Hefner can still do it, why wouldn't it come back for me as well?

.... excuse me, my good friend, but I jus' gotta jump on your last statement with all fours.....
How do we really know if Hefner had anything to actually "come back to?"
From the many stories that's went around about that guy's sexual prowess, I'm all but left to believe that the other end of the Equation more accurately fits.
Lets not forget he owned a publishing empire, the theme of which delt with necked women....Reliable sources convey all the man does is walk around and through his mansion in pajamas drinking Coca colas. Sure, he had women hanging all over him, and naturally so because association with him could get them a ticket into show-business..... indeed, a lot of movie people hung out there. That alone would draw women like moths to a neon light.
Babe magnet was Huge's signiture ...... hence he was tagged that and went on to collect (and hold) the reputation of being a reputed pleaser-geezer. What Hugh wants, Huge gets .......an' though pussies are screaming out for a piece of him, that don't necessarily wash for exercising reality of his being a ladies banging partner. -- or maintaining libedo prominous.
I summit, no matter how haggard we become, locking arms with a fit-chick ringer-dinger and parading her around town, should certainly get tounges wagging.

I'm solidly in your corner, Mess. An I can't think of anything more important than your libido finding its way back home.

You are right, of course, graymane. In Hugh's case it might very well be propaganda and he and the girls just play board games or Wii all evening. After all you got to maintain your reputation as a ladies' man if you are the publisher of Playboy!

02-14-13  10:00am - 4409 days #33
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by elephant:

I just wanted to chip in here, this is a great bunch of people that have settled here, I find it heartwarming that we are brought together from all over the world with a link being we like porn, but its also a friendly place to chat in general. We I'm sure have all had dry period when porn seems to be very repetitive and I agree a good story is excellent for getting you to use your imagination, can be very powerful indeed.

I don't get as much time to post stuff but still like to drop in when I do find time, that's the good thing about places like this, no pressure, just visit when the mood takes.

I am glad to see another reader in this group, elephant. I sometimes wish there were paysites listed here that carry a decent amount of written erotica. I would subscribe in a minute, always having been a voracious reader! And I am glad you found the time to drop in.

02-14-13  10:10am - 4409 days #34
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by jberryl69:

yes - Blue pill for the wood, testosterone for the libido. If, of course, any of it really works.

Testosterone it is. Believe it or not, jb, I never worried too much about "wood" when I still found porn exciting, which wasn't all that long ago. But to look at it and be indifferent .. that's hell!

How can anyone be bored while looking at beautiful women? Pretty soon I'll be watching re-runs of "Little House On The Prairie!" Shudder!

Must get off this morbid subject soon before the whole group starts throwing rotten eggs!! I am sorry now that I even started it. I have too much of a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve and always get embarrassed about it afterward.

02-14-13  11:55am - 4409 days #35
jberryl69 (0)
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I realize this might be too much information but then that's how I ride.

My shrink started me on a new anti-depressant (bupropion) about 2 months ago and damn if doesn't keep me horny. He said it would but while I might have had the urge to whack ever week or two prior to taking it, now it's just about every night. The one he replaced was part of the problem, inasmuch as it robbed my libido.

FYI - Side effects:

change in sex drive or performance (Yes!)
constipation (Sometimes)
headache (Sometimes)
loss of appetite (some)
nausea (no)
tremors (hmmm - not really)
weight loss (I fucking wish)

http://health.yahoo.net/goldcontent/bupropion/2?brand=Wellbutrin#H7 If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-14-13  01:00pm - 4409 days #36
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by jberryl69:

I realize this might be too much information but then that's how I ride.

My shrink started me on a new anti-depressant (bupropion) about 2 months ago and damn if doesn't keep me horny. He said it would but while I might have had the urge to whack ever week or two prior to taking it, now it's just about every night. The one he replaced was part of the problem, inasmuch as it robbed my libido.

FYI - Side effects:

change in sex drive or performance (Yes!)
constipation (Sometimes)
headache (Sometimes)
loss of appetite (some)
nausea (no)
tremors (hmmm - not really)
weight loss (I fucking wish)


Funny that you should mention your anti-depressant and its positive effects on your libido. It just went to Google and found that I am on three different medications that might cause a decrease in my sex drive over time: statins (cholesterol), opioids (for chronic pain), plus my blood pressure pills! I must have a talk with my doctor.

02-14-13  01:26pm - 4409 days #37
jberryl69 (0)
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Since this was a current topic, here is a photo from the promotion that Evil Angel today. Too funny but on topic.

If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-14-13  03:38pm - 4409 days #38
graymane (0)

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Registered: Feb 20, '10
Location: Virginia
JB, you're jus' too much, man. You've posted some great stuff, but This "faithful sexual partner" thing (above) gets you the gold-ringed cigar -- a writhing, knee-slapper for any serious log-flogger.

I ain't finished .... gonna add that a guy of your savvy jus' might ought'a be the one giving your "Srink" some advice..... as well as reversing his fees.
Who knows whats boiling inside the guy?

02-14-13  04:18pm - 4409 days #39
jberryl69 (0)
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^ Regarding Shrink - no fee VA Shrink and yes I should give him advice - he's clueless about so many things. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-14-13  07:08pm - 4408 days #40
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by jberryl69:

My shrink started me on a new anti-depressant (bupropion) about 2 months ago and damn if doesn't keep me horny. He said it would but while I might have had the urge to whack ever week or two prior to taking it, now it's just about every night.

Hey, maybe that's how it fights depression. If it can keep you occupied it seems like less of an opportunity to become depressed.

And while I'm not a doctor, it's certainly what I would prescribe (which is probably why I'm not a doctor). "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

02-15-13  10:46am - 4408 days #41
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Hey, maybe that's how it fights depression. If it can keep you occupied it seems like less of an opportunity to become depressed.

And while I'm not a doctor, it's certainly what I would prescribe (which is probably why I'm not a doctor).

LOL Since 2007

02-26-13  12:55pm - 4397 days #42
messmer (0)
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Hey, guys, I actually got my mojo back for a couple of days last week, so it appears all is not lost just yet!

02-26-13  02:05pm - 4397 days #43
jberryl69 (0)
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Where you able to pinpoint the problem or did you just wait to see what happened?

At any rate, glad to see you working out. If it ain't grits, it must be a Yankee.

If you're going to lay her head over the pool table and fuck her throat, get your fucking hand off her throat!

02-26-13  03:58pm - 4397 days #44
Capn (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Hey, guys, I actually got my mojo back for a couple of days last week, so it appears all is not lost just yet!

Good news, my friend.

Long may that continue!

Cap'n. Admiral of the PU Hindenburg. 2009 PU Award
Hilarious Post of the Year 2010 PU Award
( I would have preferred it to be Helpful Post of the Year for Guys who Hate 'Retail Therapy' ) :0/
Sanity is in the eye of the Beholder!

02-26-13  04:15pm - 4397 days #45
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by jberryl69:

Where you able to pinpoint the problem or did you just wait to see what happened?

At any rate, glad to see you working out.

Hey, jb, I think most of my problem is the poor porn that is being put out these days. I still have four subscriptions going.

One, I gave up on some time ago with 2 months to go because no picture set ever appealed to me and their videos were only so so, the other three I still look at on a daily basis but have not downloaded anything in ages because it's all too bland and familiar.

My temporary salvation came through a Kindle book I had downloaded. It struck all the right notes with me and made me realize once again that it might not be me but that when it comes to visual porn some of the more successful sites must have made a decision to stick to a certain way of taking pictures and how to have their models dress and every other site decided to imitate them until you can't tell one set from another.

Same with the videos, it has been some time since I saw anything of interest at VB unless I should suddenly be prepared to go retro and put up with poor technical specs (640x480 rather than HD). I am also a member of Fame Digital at the moment but find them cookie cutter as well if I concentrate on HD only. Some of White Ghetto's stuff wouldn't be too bad if the picture was better.

So, I guess until they put some of their models in dresses and lingerie once again and give me some good upskirts etc.once in a while it's going to be the written word for excitement!

I guess you wish by now that you had never asked!

03-04-13  04:12pm - 4391 days #46
messmer (0)
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Getting ready to subscribe again (hooray) so I have put myself back into the raffle pot, Khan! Phew, that was a scary period. I am not ready to be done just yet!

03-04-13  05:37pm - 4391 days #47
Cybertoad (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Getting ready to subscribe again (hooray) so I have put myself back into the raffle pot, Khan! Phew, that was a scary period. I am not ready to be done just yet!

Woohoo, way to climb back on that horse.
Really glad you stayed around keep us all in check Since 2007

03-04-13  07:43pm - 4390 days #48
Khan (0)

Posts: 1,737
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Great news messmer!

Glad you didn't gave any problems getting your raffle eligibility set back. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

03-05-13  09:54am - 4390 days #49
messmer (0)
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Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Woohoo, way to climb back on that horse.
Really glad you stayed around keep us all in check

Yeah, I'm sorta glad myself, CT.

03-05-13  10:07am - 4390 days #50
messmer (0)
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Location: Canada
Originally Posted by Khan:

Great news messmer!

Glad you didn't gave any problems getting your raffle eligibility set back.

I had no problems at all, Khan. Thanks. Funny thing though, the first site I was trying to subscribe to since my "dry spell" ended won't let me, for some reason. I left a comment under JAV HD. It is the weirdest thing: I do all the preliminaries with Epoch: user name, password, credit card info then when I click on "complete transaction" absolutely nothing happens. No information to the effect that I forgot to add something important, nothing .. it just doesn't go anywhere after I click "Complete Transaction."

JAV HD must get all my details at the same time I deal with Epoch because after the first time I attempted to subscribe unsuccessfully I ended up getting an email from them with the user name I had given to Epoch offering me a special. Out of curiosity, because their special was no better than yours, I tried to subscribe through their link and once again wasn't forwarded to anything when I clicked the Epoch "Complete transaction." Have you ever run across anything similar?

I clear my cache and cookies regularly, am not aware that Canada is on some Japanese black list and am stumped. It does not appear to be a scam either because I have not been charged by anyone for these attempts. I could have sent this info by email but am hoping that someone in this forum had a similar experience and can offer a solution.

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