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11-02-10  07:48am - 5242 days Original Post - #1
Khan (0)

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US Election Day - Go Vote

Just a reminder that in the US, today is election day.

Be sure to go out and vote. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

11-02-10  09:52am - 5242 days #2
lk2fireone (0)
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I was thinking of voting. But you didn't tell me who to vote for. So you left me hanging.

11-02-10  10:21am - 5242 days #3
Khan (0)

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Well you can always fall back on the tried and true method of selecting who to vote for ...

Vote for the person that you dislike the least.
Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
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"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

11-02-10  12:17pm - 5242 days #4
Drooler (0)
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I did. And I didn't vote to "throw the bums out." I voted to keep the bums from getting in! I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-02-10  12:28pm - 5242 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

I was thinking of voting. But you didn't tell me who to vote for. So you left me hanging.

I voted straight ticket this year: "Donner Party" ... it just seemed appropriate.

11-02-10  04:35pm - 5242 days #6
Tree Rodent (0)
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I'm seriously worried for Obama, and for America. No one yet has come up with a real reason why he's suddenly hated. Seems he hasn't solved all the problems and made sure everyone has a better lifestyle by giving money away, or taken from the poor to make sure the voting middle classs support him.

As usual people are voting for an extra ten dollars in their pocket. They'd vote in Osama Bin Laden if he promised that, and gave em all the usual bullshit they wanted to hear. It would be screw those who died om 9/ll I'm voting for Satan, and take the consequences later. Ironically that's how those fundamental tearful Christians appear to me. Totally and completely evil bastards, filled with hate and self interest.

11-02-10  04:41pm - 5242 days #7
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

I'm seriously worried for Obama, and for America. No one yet has come up with a real reason why he's suddenly hated. Seems he hasn't solved all the problems and made sure everyone has a better lifestyle by giving money away, or taken from the poor to make sure the voting middle classs support him.

As usual people are voting for an extra ten dollars in their pocket. They'd vote in Osama Bin Laden if he promised that, and gave em all the usual bullshit they wanted to hear. It would be screw those who died om 9/ll I'm voting for Satan, and take the consequences later. Ironically that's how those fundamental tearful Christians appear to me. Totally and completely evil bastards, filled with hate and self interest.

The media here have reported that the media (themselves) is mistrusted, yet I also can't help but have this gnawing feeling that the negativity toward Obama that has been so often reported is just a lot of BS. The real giveaway is the reporting that so many more people than before believe he is a Muslim. Now how the hell can that be? He doesn't pray to Mecca five times a day, and he doesn't eat halal (not that that would be a bad idea, I suppose). Anyway, the media just tells us what it wants us to believe, and a lot of it is horseshit. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-02-10  07:00pm - 5242 days #8
PinkPanther (0)
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This was one of those "who makes you vomit least" election for me - but it wasn't even a close decision and I'm too old to claim that it doesn't make a difference, so I did my civic doodie - uh, duty.

I'm in Cali, so it'll be a few hours before I find out how many of my fellow CalleeForneeyans, as our departing governor calls us, saw things the same way as I did.

11-02-10  09:31pm - 5242 days #9
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

I voted straight ticket this year: "Donner Party" ... it just seemed appropriate.

Hey, they were way more focused on survival than the Democrats have ever been and yet still saner than any Republican. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

11-02-10  09:41pm - 5242 days #10
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

I'm seriously worried for Obama, and for America. No one yet has come up with a real reason why he's suddenly hated. Seems he hasn't solved all the problems and made sure everyone has a better lifestyle by giving money away, or taken from the poor to make sure the voting middle classs support him.

As usual people are voting for an extra ten dollars in their pocket. They'd vote in Osama Bin Laden if he promised that, and gave em all the usual bullshit they wanted to hear. It would be screw those who died om 9/ll I'm voting for Satan, and take the consequences later. Ironically that's how those fundamental tearful Christians appear to me. Totally and completely evil bastards, filled with hate and self interest.

I hope for America's sake the new semi-red Congress doesn't completely lose its shit and says, "Fuck it, he's black, probably a Muslim, and definitely a commie--let's start impeachment hearings!" If all it took was a few blowjobs--and the standard political operating procedure to lie about said blowjobs--to impeach Clinton than it probably wouldn't take much to get Obama. The only reason I could see putting that off would be that it would totally cost even the thought of further victories in 2012.

And yeah, the tax thing...what are you gonna do? America treats taxes like it treats its gays; objects of ridicule that are seen as totally unwanted and un-American (unless they are used to pay for Medicare, Social Security, defense, or faith-based programs). "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

11-02-10  10:26pm - 5242 days #11
slutty (0)
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They interviewed a bunch of voters on NPR when I was driving home, one of which said something along the lines of "I just can't pay any more taxes", sounded like an older guy too, hard to believe he doesn't realize how low tax rates are right now...

Starting impeachment proceedings would be a waste of time and end up making republicans look really really stupid, I can't see that happening. The worst case scenario will likely be some budget funny business coming out of the house.

Unfortunately we live in a society that wants instant results, like the economy is going to magically improve overnight. Also, it is pretty typical for the party in power to get nailed in mid-term elections.

I just can't believe Quale's kid is going to be a representative from my state, what a fucking douche... Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.

11-02-10  10:28pm - 5242 days #12
anyonebutme (0)
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This guy wins 28% of the vote for a U.S. Senate seat:

11-02-10  10:44pm - 5242 days #13
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by slutty:

They interviewed a bunch of voters on NPR when I was driving home, one of which said something along the lines of "I just can't pay any more taxes", sounded like an older guy too, hard to believe he doesn't realize how low tax rates are right now...

I bet some of our European members would like school us Americans on what "high" taxes really are.

Originally Posted by slutty:

Starting impeachment proceedings would be a waste of time and end up making republicans look really really stupid, I can't see that happening.

I didn't foresee it happening back in the '90s when the whole Lewinsky scandal started to erupt (spring of '98?), but I'm not a politician so what do I know? Presidents are held to a higher standard of sexual misconduct?

Ah, the '90s... "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove Edited on Nov 02, 2010, 10:50pm

11-03-10  06:16am - 5241 days #14
Tree Rodent (0)
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Obama lost seats across the board including poor areas and those with high unemployment.

This only confirms what I have always known. The poor are generally very stupid, so maybe they deserve to be poor. Can't blame the middle incomes for being selfish bastards who don't care about anyone except themselves. A bad night fot planet earth, not just America.

11-03-10  06:20am - 5241 days #15
PinkPanther (0)
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The interesting thing is going to be the absolute need to raise the debt ceiling early next year. Here you have the Republicans taking the House of Representatives with all these Tea Party characters and they're going to have to either raise the debt ceiling - something that they have made clear is against their principles - or plunge the world into another huge recession by having the US be in default of the debt it already has.

MSNBC analysts were trying to get straight answers on that from Republicans last night - none of them would give one. Their analysis was that the Republicans would wind up raising the debt ceiling by blaming it on Obama for his 2 years of "reckless spending" - hoping that people in this country would continue to have the memories of senile mosquitos - not a bad bet!

11-03-10  06:59am - 5241 days #16
Tree Rodent (0)
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Perfect analysis Pink. I think that is exactly what will happen. Just blame it on Obama. In a way it's a shame the Republicans didn't win the last election. But no matter how bad things are, and for how long, once the other side get in just wait a year, then blame it all on them.

11-03-10  02:02pm - 5241 days #17
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

The interesting thing is going to be the absolute need to raise the debt ceiling early next year. Here you have the Republicans taking the House of Representatives with all these Tea Party characters and they're going to have to either raise the debt ceiling - something that they have made clear is against their principles - or plunge the world into another huge recession by having the US be in default of the debt it already has.

They'll probably start by trying to pass some massive cuts, including putting "Obamacare" out to pasture.

On a somewhat different note, I had hoped I would be wrong, but it looks like my district is still so close in vote counts (by less than a thousand votes) that it may end up having a recount--damnit! "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

11-03-10  02:57pm - 5241 days #18
anyonebutme (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

MSNBC analysts

There's your problem right there Turn off that hyper-partisan rhetoric, you're life will be much more pleasant.

11-03-10  03:19pm - 5241 days #19
anyonebutme (0)
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Posts: 294
Registered: Aug 23, '09
You guys really should take a step back and see just what you're saying.

So many people believe Obama is a Muslim...
Congress will begin impeachment trials against Obama...
The idiots voting Republicans would also vote for Bin Laden for a dollar...

Even though I'm not at all, I know some of you would label me "extreme far right", and I can say with 100% certainty you guys are out of your mind making things up that really have no basis in reality. This stuff is not coming from Fox News, nor Rush Limbaugh, or even Glenn Beck. What are they telling you over on MSNBC? Seriously!

Edited on Nov 03, 2010, 03:22pm

11-03-10  04:16pm - 5241 days #20
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

You guys really should take a step back and see just what you're saying.

So many people believe Obama is a Muslim...
Congress will begin impeachment trials against Obama...
The idiots voting Republicans would also vote for Bin Laden for a dollar...

Even though I'm not at all, I know some of you would label me "extreme far right", and I can say with 100% certainty you guys are out of your mind making things up that really have no basis in reality. This stuff is not coming from Fox News, nor Rush Limbaugh, or even Glenn Beck. What are they telling you over on MSNBC? Seriously!

Yeah, none of us really know what the fuck we're taking about. Sorry that it bothers you. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

11-03-10  06:10pm - 5241 days #21
kkman112 (0)
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I voted, but was disappointed with both the outcome, the views of many this election, and the mismanagement of the election this year. Let me explain:

First of all I consider myself central-left but with some conservative views (mainly in finance)... but I was disappointed with this election because of the rhetoric. First, the blatant labeling of Obama as a Muslim, a foreigner, a socialist, communist, even a Nazi! I am more disappointed in the Republican party and the media for not doing what was necessary to end these false rumors. To me, Obama is not the extreme leftist that most are paining him. He seems very center-left to me. I am deeply saddened that even people I know hold that belief, some even tried to hide it. I am disappointed with the take-over of extremist viewpoints and mass following of shock-jocks like Beck and Limbaugh. And lastly I am disappointed in the conservatives still pushing the belief that liberals are not American. Liberals and conservatives and socialists and the tea party are just as American, we don't need to promote the most extreme of each end.

Next, the Republicans now have control of the House. That's fine. But they need to now step back from their constant "NO" and non-compromise just as much as the Democrats do and work together to put a moderate agenda forward. I am a bit concerned that that may not happen considering the Republican's speeches already. They claimed that Americans were disappointed with the direction of America (we are climbing out of a recession, who wouldn't?), that Republicans needed to get back to their roots and promote less government. They then threatened that they would only work with Obama on THEIR terms. That certainly sounds like non-compromise so far. Having minimal federal government (eg. less regulation) is what got us in this mess. Letting business do what it wants is good to some extent but letting it get out of control is another. There were plenty of warning signs of the impending bust and everyone blissfully ignored them. While I don't think we need excessive regulation, we do need SMART regulation. The kind that prevents disastrous decisions while keeping out of businesses' hair. Also, the claims that we are a center-right country are false. We are a center country. Period. The Republicans need to realize that they are not just representing conservatives but also liberals. Ignoring the economy, pushing bad policy, or focusing on social policy WILL hurt them in the next election. They need to keep that in mind. Their wins today are not indicative of the entire country's views. 2008 proved that. Both parties need to start adopting middle-of-the-road views.

I think there also needs to be a new department set up with the aim of watching the economy for warning signs (some people realized that the explosive growth out-pacing inflation was bad) that has the ability to call emergency meetings involving congress, the president, business leaders in sectors they believe may be causing the problem, and the media to warn us when these flags are tripped so that we can take a look at what is going on in hopes of stopping what could become another free-fall.

As far as the economy is concerned I think we are in the right direction. We are SLOWLY climbing out. Had we been rocketing out (like many seem to want) I would be worried about another bust. Slow and steady is what is needed for out economy. If it means taking longer to get back to normal then so be it. I also think it is troublesome that many seem to think that we should be back where we were in 2007/2008. That was a boom. That should not happen. Period. Growth that fluctuates 1-3% above or below normals is fine, but I believe we were at 8%. That is not sustainable and clearly we got there by the wrong means. I just hope we can get people to understand: WE SHOULD NOT BE HOPING FOR THE ECONOMY WE SAW A COUPLE OF YEARS BACK. We need roughly half that and to keep it steady. Don't expect the large gains and prosperity of those few years cause they are typically warning signs of problems. An economy can prosper without massive growth and gains. We need to get back to the steady growth, but that does not make everyone grab for dollars.

Lastly, this election seemed to be horribly mis-managed. We were not NEARLY READY for the number of voters expected this year. People I knew did not vote. Not because they did not want to, but when they went to vote after a long day at work they turned away seeing massive lines and 30+ minute wait times. That is on top of the voter fraud claims, and electronic voter machine tampering and errors now surfacing AGAIN across the country.

We need voting machines using ONLY open-source software so that anyone (from the average joe, to programmer bob, to security analyst sue) can take a look at how the machines operate and contribute any issues they find BEFORE the election happens. We also need a secure website online that allows those who can not or will not wait in long lines at the polls to cast their vote online if they choose. There also needs to be emergency polling locations where extra machines, absentee ballots are available so that in the event of grid-lock at voter locations extra polling locations can be set up and some voters can be sent to that emergency location to shorten lines and get voters through faster.

That's my 2 cents.

11-03-10  06:14pm - 5241 days #22
pat362 (0)
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Here is an article that might interest some of you. It gives a pretty hard to refute argument on why why the US is where it is at the moment. It's taken from a Canadian newspaper so it's not funded by Republicans or Democrats.

Tomorrow's off-year elections in the United States have me thinking about boats.
No, not the ark I'm going to build to save my family and friends when the great republic to the south turns its legislature over to a motley collection of creationists, gun nuts and people who want to get into government in order to get rid of government.

I think I've got enough canned foods, single malt and DVDs to ride it out until the Americans come to their senses -and until they start sharing my concerns about the Big Boat.

It's called the Emma Maersk. Photos of and information on the ship turned up in my email, sent by a friend who obsesses about Walmart.

You've probably seen "Maersk" on shipping containers being hauled around town. The Danish company has more than 500 vessels transporting almost 2 million containers around the world.

The Emma Maersk, which has been in service for four years, cost $145 million U.S. to build and is one of the world's largest ships, with the capacity to carry 15,000 20-foot containers. It has 11 crane rigs that can unload the entire cargo in less than two hours.

At 1,300 feet, the Emma Maersk is longer than an aircraft carrier (with acrewof 13, vs. 5,000forthenavy vessel), and it has a beam width of 207 feet.

The ship is too wide to fit through the Suez or Panama canals. You would think this might be a problem for a shipping vessel.

It's not.
The Emma Maersk sails a route that does not require canal shortcuts for its trips between the U.S. and China. It is one of three Maersk vessels commissioned by Walmart. Two more will be in service by 2012.

A typical container ship travels at a speed of 18 to 20 knots. The Emma Maersk can crank it up to 31 knots, which means it can cross the Pacific Ocean in five days (vs. nine days for a standard container ship), which means it can transport perishable goods.

More than 90 per cent of what Walmart sells is made in China. The value of these imports passing through San Diego every year exceeds the gross national product of 93 per cent of the countries in the world -and that's just one U.S. port.

Okay, at this point your eyes are glazing over and you're wondering how much of this shipping news will be on the final exam.

Here's the scary part:
On its return trips to China, the Emma Maersk sails deadhead. The containers that were full of Chinese goods are empty going back.

Now I'm not an economics expert. Most months, I can't balance my chequebook.
But you don't have to be Paul Krugman or some other Nobel laureate to start worrying that one-way trade is maybe not so great for a nation's economy.

But don't worry. Everything will be fine once the Republicans cut taxes, waging what Krugman calls, in ironic reference to the war on terror, a "war on arithmetic."

Here's some grim math from a study cited by Krugman's fellow New York Times columnist, Thomas L. Friedman:
The U.S. is 11th among developed
nations in the proportion of 25-to 34-year-olds who have graduated from high school, 16th in college completion rate, 22nd in broadband Internet access, 24th in life expectancy at birth, 27th among developed nations in the proportion of college graduates who have degrees in science or engineering, 48th in the quality of kindergarten to Grade 12 math and science education, 29th in the number of mobile phones per 100 people.

Forty-nine per cent of U.S. adults do not know how long it takes the Earth to revolve around the sun. U.S. consumers spend more on potato chips than their government does on energy research and development.

The average American kindergarten-to-Grade-12 student spends four hours a day watching TV.
During a recent period when two
highrise buildings were built in Los Angeles, 5,000 were built in Shanghai.
Sixty-nine per cent of U.S. public school students in Grades 5 through 8 are taught mathematics by teachers with neither a degree nor a certificate in math. For physical sciences, the proportion is 93 per cent of teachers.

Friedman has been writing about this stuff for a long time. He thought the U.S.'s future in the world's economy should have been the overriding issue in the campaigns for the Senate and House of Representatives.

Americans -and Canadians - should be thinking about the Emma Maersk and wondering if China's authoritarian capitalism is what Oxford historian Timothy Garton Ash calls "an alternative model of modernity."

Instead, we think about Justin Bieber and Lindsay Lohan. And U.S. congressional races focused on the alleged ineptitude of a chief executive who a not insignificant number of voters suspect is a Muslim communist.

Batten down the hatches. Long live the Brown Coats.

11-03-10  07:00pm - 5241 days #23
Tree Rodent (0)
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To kkman and pat - respect. Those last two intelligent posts together sum so very much up. I would ask two questions. If the average American read those two posts would he or she understand them or their implications? If they did understand them, would they still vote Republican anyway?

I'm not sure what scares me more: That the average American wouldn't understand those posts, or that they would understand them, and still vote Republican.

11-03-10  07:58pm - 5241 days #24
messmer (0)
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I got the same e-mail regarding the Emma Maersk and how it was so large that it couldn't navigate the Suez Canal and that it's primary function was to carry goods from China to the U.S.

This was one week after I had watched a documentary on one of my HD channels about the maiden voyage of the Emma Maersk that took it right through the Suez Canal to a European Port and finally to the U.S.

Despite this distortion of fact people have every right to be concerned because many of our jobs have been exported and outsourced in the name of free trade. That's what happens when politicians accept money for their interminable election campaigns from Big Business.

People should ask themselves WHO received the most money before they get angry at the wrong guys.

As one economist suggested: the manufacturing jobs are pretty much gone .. what we have to concentrate on now is to do what America always did best: invent and build new things and sell those to the world ... but there's a snag.

In order to do that America's education system has to vastly improve. Teachers have to receive better training and need to be treated like professionals. A sad fact: At the moment "our kids (his words) are ranking 27th world-wide when it comes to Science."

End of his statement.

11-03-10  09:04pm - 5241 days #25
PinkPanther (0)
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I was on a trip down the Danube a couple of years ago - passed through Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic. The thing that impressed me was there are a lot of hungry, ambitious, energetic young people there. People in the US can chant "USA, USA" whenever they want, but facts are facts and it's the people who deal with the world as it really is that are going to wind up on top eventually, with a lot of people who used to be on top wondering what the hell happened - and probably electing more bitter imbeciles to tell them how it wasn't their fault.

11-03-10  09:43pm - 5241 days #26
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

Even though I'm not at all, I know some of you would label me "extreme far right", and I can say with 100% certainty you guys are out of your mind making things up that really have no basis in reality. This stuff is not coming from Fox News, nor Rush Limbaugh, or even Glenn Beck. What are they telling you over on MSNBC? Seriously!

Making things up? Hey, Tom Tancredo talked about impeaching Obama back in July. To Fox News' credit, when they had him own the next day the interviewer said this was "ridiculous." He also changed his affiliation (away from the Republicans) to a third party a few days after the piece was published and he has since lost the election in Colorado, however a number of politicians in the House who supported the idea have won reelection. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

11-03-10  10:45pm - 5241 days #27
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by TheSquirrel:

I would ask two questions. If the average American read those two posts would he or she understand them or their implications? If they did understand them, would they still vote Republican anyway?

I'm not sure what scares me more: That the average American wouldn't understand those posts, or that they would understand them, and still vote Republican.

Don't worry, Squirrel, most Americans wouldn't bother reading it, much less try to understand it.

The idea that blue collar Americans vote against their interests by voting Republican is partly true. Yes, the Democrats, if ever so slightly, are usually more supportive of labor issues than the Republicans. But make no mistake: there is no major worker or labor party in the U.S. whatsoever.

For one thing this truly would be socialist and seriously against the philosophy of the American dream, where one is supposed to believe he or she can be rich and successful purely through hard work and determination--without help from unions, increased workers' rights, or social welfare. Never mind that this dream is never achieved for the vast majority of Americans, it is certainly celebrated on the rare occasion when it is. It's the whole reason we worship the rich and the pursuit of more money.

Sadly both parties do little to stop the massive export of industrial labor and manufacture to foreign (i.e. cheaper) countries. We really aren't an industrial nation anymore, but a post-industrial one, save for maybe defense where we still lead the world. Of course defense manufacturing is supported either by our government (and therefore our money) or overseas governments but at least we actually end up exporting something for a change.

Ultimately what I am really more worried about--in addition to falling behind in education, and the outsourcing of the economy--is the inequality gap. The middle class is in the middle simply because it's neither very poor nor very rich but it is in no way close to being rich who control so much of the wealth. The lower classes (if you at least believe that the U.S. does have classes) should realize, regardless of politics, who really "makes it" in the country.

Very few have an enormous amount of income and wealth, yet we still blame politicians or "elites"--which seems to change definition every election cycle--and still howl about taxes, excessive government regulation, and/or "handouts." Well, at least our elections are bloodless, if still corrupt. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

11-03-10  11:54pm - 5240 days #28
slutty (0)
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Originally Posted by justme:

You guys really should take a step back and see just what you're saying.

So many people believe Obama is a Muslim...
Congress will begin impeachment trials against Obama...
The idiots voting Republicans would also vote for Bin Laden for a dollar...

I think this statement is a little unfair justme, from what I have read of your posts I probably wouldn't say you were very far to the right at all.

Many people still don't believe Obama was born in Hawaii, despite papers re-publishing both his birth notice and his birth certificate.

Politics in this country have gotten so combative, it really wouldn't be surprising if some Republicans tried to use their newly obtained subpeona power to try to impeach Obama. Some folks tried to impeach Clinton for getting a fucking blowjob and lying about it. Hopefully no one will be that stupid, but I guess I wouldn't be surprised.

I forget who the interview was with, but there was some Republican congressman stating Dems better start moving towards the center given this "mandate" from the people. Did any Republican's move left given the "mandate" in 2008? I'd say quite the opposite.

It is unfortunate, but Americans do often vote with their wallets. I don't know that it is Republicans necessarily, I think a lot of moderates and independents vote in this fashion.

The trade deficit pat362 talks about is quite a concern, but America has survived in recent years by being more or less a service/intellectual economy with banks, tech, and pharm leading the way. This is probably not sustainable given the current low quality of education in the US.

I'd love to see reasonable, accountable policitians in Washington, but that just seems unlikely to happen. Most of the "new blood" Tea Partiers I have heard just sound dillusional to me (we need to decrease taxes, cut the deficit, and cut government). Exactly how much government needs to be cut for the deficit to be reduced at the same time as taxes are? Espcially given most of the programs I've heard them talk about cutting funding to are pretty much drops in the bucket (NPR/PBS, NSF, Endowment for the Arts, EPA, etc.) Seems entirely unrealistic to me. Quayle's quote in the ad the kept playing in my area made me laugh so hard "Obama is the worst president ever", seriously? Nixon anyone? Or from a true conservative perspective I'd even buy FDR or LBJ (although personally I would very strongly disagree with both of those). Its just extremest politics, he's a socialist, worst ever, a nazi, a marxist, a racist, whatever. Stupid bullshit. Bunny Lebowski: I'll suck your cock for a thousand dollars.
Brandt: Ah hahahahaha! Wonderful woman. We're all, we're all very fond of her. Very free-spirited.
Edited on Nov 04, 2010, 12:06am

11-04-10  08:30am - 5240 days #29
PinkPanther (0)
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Slutty, on MSNBC on Election Night, every time they had a deficit-hawk on, they put it to them - "OK, what would you cut? Defense?" "Oh, no", "Social Security? Medicare?" "No, you can't do that." "Education?" "No, we don't want to cut education" and so on - there's this magical thinking that there is a world of discretionary spending that can be done away with that will offset their desire to give the richest people in the country incredibly low taxes while the country continues to spend huge amounts for the military and lots for other programs they know they couldn't get away with cutting.

As Keith Olbermann put it, if you have your money in the discretionary bond market, you're screwed.

Of course, there is no such thing, so these people have no plan that they're willing to say publicly.

11-04-10  11:39am - 5240 days #30
graymane (0)

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Well, I voted for my choices. Twas sorta like participating in that parlor game wherein guests get to choose just one of an assortment of beautifully wrapped packages from a neat pile. At a designated time all are opened to see what they have inside the wrappings. Most packages contain little worth , while one or two others are holding keys to unlock great opportunities for themselves as well as the others.
Sadly, there are times the one or two packages that possess the goodies are simply over-looked or not choosen at all...... hence the spirit of "what could have been" never materlializes.

The aforementioned will be preceived by some as an exaggerated example to heighten my point......and they would be right. Edited on Nov 04, 2010, 06:43pm

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