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Porn Users Forum » What should a PU review include?
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05-19-09  03:04pm - 5776 days #51
Drooler (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Yup, pushing this one to the top of the heap again. I just wanted to add a couple of things here.

First, a lot of reviewers here like vids and make very little mention of pics ...

It's true, it's true! I make it a point to give video lovers info about the vids. I'll download and preview and everything, even though I usually don't care much for them (unless they're to my exacting, eccentric specs). But hey, I'm writing a review.

So vid fans, please do us pic nuts a soler and provide the info. It's actually easier than vids, anyway. And hey, you're writing a review.

Thank you. I wanted something new, so I left England for New England.

05-19-09  04:28pm - 5776 days #52
lk2fireone (0)
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My reviews tend to focus on what I personally find positive or negative. Since I'm more interested in pics than vids, I probably give insufficient vid information to a vid-lover. In my defense, most of the sites I belong to are vid-lite, where the vids are much less important than the pics on the site, not just because of my personal preferences, but also because the vids on the site have minor value compared to the pics.

Sites I've reviewed:

Porn Access- video site, where the photos are almost worthless.

Just Teen Site- photos and videos both have value, but photos have more value, at least for me.

Just Teen Movie- video site.

DOMAI- photo site (no videos).

Glam Deluxe- photo site, with very few videos.

Met Art- photo and video site, but almost all the value is from the photos instead of the videos. Edited on May 19, 2009, 04:32pm

05-19-09  11:07pm - 5776 days #53
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Yup, pushing this one to the top of the heap again. I just wanted to add a couple of things here.

First, a lot of reviewers here like vids and make very little mention of pics (some of you do, I'm just generalizing here). Some of us like me and Drooler dig our pics. If the site you're reviewing has pics, please take a minute a let us know what size they are (largest size) and the number of sets available. That would be great and fill in some blanks that TBP doesn't yet cover.

Second, not to be Out-Toadsithed I blatantly stole from Toadsiths earlier post (post number 7 above) and put together my own modified "Toadsith Review Cheat Sheet" that adds and subtracts from his original list to provide what I think is a better review platform:

* Screen size / resolution and is HD available?
* Any DRM or any download limits?
* Watermarks? (only mention if annoyingly large or block out the action)
* Video Quality? (Crisp, fuzzy, average, etc.)
* Number of Videos? (preferably by category: HC, lez, solo, etc.)
* Full Length Videos or clips or both?
* Streaming video options available if any?
* Avg. Video Length? (Mention only if very short or very long, TBP does mention this in their reviews)
* Download options? (WMV, Mpeg, Quicktime, etc.)
* Download Managers? (only if you tried to use one, Badandy will love you for this)
* Download Speeds? (fast, OK, or slow -- mention download bitrates if consistent and you know what they are)?

* Photo Resolution (mention largest size available)?
* Watermarks (only mention if annoyingly large or cover the action)?
* Photo Quality (grainy, poorly lit, sharp, out of focus, etc.)?
* Zip Files and if zip available in multiple photo sizes? If there is a problem with zip names please note this.
* Number of Sets in various categories (hardcore, lez, solo, etc.)
* Matched to Video? (purely optional, also good to know if pics have less action than the vids as they sometimes do).
* Average number of pics per set if possible

* Search Engine? If so, is it good (can search under mulitple options like body type, boob size, action, etc.) or less so (no search or just categories)?
* Search by model name and/or model directory and is directory complete?
* Site Design? (only mention if really bad or really good)
* Update schedule? (once a day, once a week, etc.) and if site, if a network then "sites", is still updating with new content.
* Advertising? (Mention if annoying or too much)
* Cross sales on signup? (always note if this is the case).
* Problems with billing or cancellation? (others might be best served by posting a comment separate from the review).
* Lots of deadlinks or nonloading features? (Again, note only if a problem with this).
* Note if any problems getting timed out on a site so that donwloads can't finish.
* If a network, number of sites and general content on the various sites.

* Exclusive content or not so much if you know?
* Originality (only mention if a unique or well done niche)?
* Models Attractiveness?
* Amateur / Professional in terms of models and quality?
* Good Angles or Lighting? (optional, discuss if very good or very bad).

* Bonus Sites (only mention if decent quality)?

Obviously, this is a bit over the top in terms of what I would expect or even what I do in each review. However, as we all want to be like Toadsith here's a starting point ;)

Terrific list. I'm quoting it so it appears on page two of this thread.

05-20-09  03:31pm - 5775 days #54
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

Ok, as Wittyguy accurately predicted, this is going to be a long one from me...again.

yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda yadda

....so I am going to bed. Maybe I will edit it later.

I just now saw this thread and I have to say it - Toadsith, you are one sick man! ::BIG laugh:: But that is one awesome guideline you've put together. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

05-20-09  05:19pm - 5775 days #55
lk2fireone (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

pushing this one to the top of the heap again.

I believe I posted this idea a while back, but I really believe this thread deserves a permanent position as the first thread listed. It shouldn't be that hard to make this a sticky position as #1.

The reason for the prominent position is simple: This thread deserves to placed where it can easily be found and noticed, because it gives solid guidelines for writing good reviews.

Other topics might be important/interesting/whatever, but none of the other threads have the basic, permanent relevance of this thread. Major credit for this goes to Wittyguy, Toadsith, et al.

05-20-09  05:24pm - 5775 days #56
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

I believe I posted this idea a while back, but I really believe this thread deserves a permanent position as the first thread listed. It shouldn't be that hard to make this a sticky position as #1.

The reason for the prominent position is simple: This thread deserves to placed where it can easily be found and noticed, because it gives solid guidelines for writing good reviews.

As Wittyguy pointed out earlier:

Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

I also wanted to note that Rick was kind enough to post a link to this thread on the Porn Users Introduction Page under the Reviews heading (here's the link: https://www.pornusers.com/terms.html#reviews ) so hopefully more people will come across it when they first sign up.

But I gotta say, I think the FAQ or a permanent sticky would be easier found by newbies. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

05-20-09  06:45pm - 5775 days #57
Khan (0)

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Sorry guys, we don't permanently sticky user posts. We've given the thread a permanent link in the terms and I frequently point new users to is in my staff notes when they submit initial reviews that are skimpy. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

05-20-09  09:41pm - 5775 days #58
asmith12 (0)
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Personally, I would be REALLY REALLY disappointed if PU becomes just yet another site with formal review criteria and formal heartless statistics like that one which can be found on TBP. There is very easy to write such reviews, and there is very difficult to get something useful from them. I'm coming to PU to read what users FEEL about the sites, not to get yet another edition of TBP or RabbitsReviews. And BTW, ANY formal system can be EASILY circumvented; it will be very easy to create a completely B/S site which will get perfect marks in every category, but will be still utter B/S :-(. No formal criteria will ever tell me how ugly or beautiful the girls are, how good is "chemistry" in the scenes, and so on; and it is THIS what makes or breaks the site, at least for me. Besides, sites with formal criteria I can easily find by the dozen.

For those who thinks there is a value in keeping facts up to date: yes, there is some value in it, but it is nothing compared to the value of informal description of FEELINGS which reviewer has got when he/she got to the site. Motto: "All niches except for boring one!"

05-20-09  09:45pm - 5775 days #59
asmith12 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:


Double ouch! Are you sure that you REALLY want that ALL reviews on PU will look as this? Frankly, I will be outta here in a few minutes (come on, this kind of information can be easily found on several dozens of different sites). Motto: "All niches except for boring one!"

05-20-09  09:52pm - 5775 days #60
asmith12 (0)
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Originally Posted by ramscrota:

One vital point about reviews is they must include comments about the QUALITY of the material. By this, I don't just mean the lighting, etc, but whether the photoraphers / videographers have got a genuine sense of the erotic, or whether they seem to be following repetitive standard formulas. For example, I prefer pubis hair, but the real problem is thst most photographers seems to know jackshit about how to photograph a pussy, shaved or not.

Exactly. For me this information is worth MUCH MORE than information that their video clips have great 5MBit/s quality; what's the use in 5MBit/s if it's not worth looking at in the first place? Besides, I'm collecting things to WATCH them, not to be proud of the size of my... ahem... hard drive. Motto: "All niches except for boring one!"

05-20-09  11:16pm - 5775 days #61
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 12:56pm

05-21-09  12:22am - 5775 days #62
asmith12 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Like I said before, not even my reviews cover all these bases.

And even more importantly, your reviews cover MUCH MORE than these bases (and that's why I like them). But imagine what will happen if a complete newbie reads this cheat sheet of yours - I'm sure there is an EXTREMELY HIGH risk that he will see it as an EXHAUSTIVE guide of "how to write reviews", and will make writing review a mechanical process with an attitude of "video resolution - check, number of picture sets - check, ...". As I've said before, this REALLY scares me.

Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

However, I think the more cheat sheet content that appears in reviews the better off we all are.

I'm sure it is NOT the case; going this way (and ESPECIALLY publishing such "cheat sheets" as a guide for newbie reviewers) we're risking to stimulate hiding of the forest (overall subjective opinions and feelings) behind the trees (technicalities like video bitstream rates and picture sizes).


05-21-09  02:01am - 5775 days #63
lk2fireone (0)
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As far as reviews go, I think the structure of the review could be loosened up a bit. In each review, you have:
1. A Pros box, with a limited number of lines and characters.
2. A Cons box, with a limited number of lines and characters.
3. A Bottom Line box, with a more generous number of lines and characters.

It's nice to have a formal structure, but also somewhat limiting. I would like to have a less structured format available, where I can just write the review, and not have to worry about the number of lines and characters in my Pros, Cons, and Bottom Line. My reviews tend to ramble, so maybe the PU members won't appreciate them as much as a more structured, better organized, more tightly written review, but I sometimes bump up against the line/character limits in my reviews.

If a PU member thinks my reviews are too long, he can just stop reading, where ever he feels like stopping.

And the simple truth is, no matter how long my reviews, they still leave out many of the technical/numerical details that many PU members look for.

05-21-09  04:36am - 5775 days #64
Toadsith (0)
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Originally Posted by asmith12:

Double ouch! Are you sure that you REALLY want that ALL reviews on PU will look as this? Frankly, I will be outta here in a few minutes (come on, this kind of information can be easily found on several dozens of different sites).

Actually it can't - not accurately. While it is important to say that the review shouldn't be entirely made up of technical specifications, the Pros & Cons should mostly consist of this. The Bottomline is the place for long opinion and discussion, but a number of accurate specifications prior to it can do a world of good. For example, TBP does a great job with their specs, but they only update so often. So I can compare their specs with a recent review on PU and get a good idea of if the site has been consistent with its updates, if it quality has had an recent improvements and so on. The advantage of PU is that popular sites are reviewed much more frequently on other review sites, so if people remember to keep in mind the technical specs, then we will have a long history of a site's development. Being able to see that a site has continually made progress and updated allows users to buy with confidence.

What's not useful to me is when people list in the Pros "lots of hot girls" for one man's definition doesn't always match with an other's. Opinion should be available, but for a truly top notch review, I believe it should start with fact. For opinion to be useful, it needs elaboration. There are users that define beauty as young, shaved and thin - and others that want mature, curvy and natural - if the "hot girls" aren't described as such, how is a user to know which they'll be getting? The preview pages may provide an accurate glimpse into the site, or they may be misleading - so the review should describe the site without the user having to check out the preview page at all.

The basic point is that you can have both opinions and technical specs in the same review. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo
Edited on May 21, 2009, 04:44am

05-21-09  06:07am - 5775 days #65
lk2fireone (0)
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A possible approach to making reviews more pertinent would be to split PU into sections or categories.
Section 1 would be for tech-heads, who enjoy reading tech specs.
Section 2 would be for artistic types, who believe there is more to life and beauty than mere numbers.
Section 3 would be for video fans.
Section 4 would be for photo fans.
Anyone who doesn't fit into one of the above categories, could be re-educated, a la George Orwell's 1984, and converted into a useful, contributing member.
We should form a ruling body, with myself as head, and Drooler, Toadsith and Wittyguy as my able advisers.

05-21-09  08:19am - 5775 days #66
asmith12 (0)
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Originally Posted by Toadsith:

The basic point is that you can have both opinions and technical specs in the same review.

You can (though I disagree that only technical specs should go into pros and cons); but my point is that if some newbie will read this "cheat sheet", he/she will likely to include ONLY this technical stuff in the review, leaving out all the information about the content, and this I would REALLY REALLY hate.

BTW, your signature is "I'm not a number, I'm a free man", and IMHO the very same should apply to sites - they shouldn't be treated as just a bunch of numbers, they (at least good ones) are much more than this :-).


05-21-09  08:36am - 5775 days #67
Toadsith (0)
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Well sure, only specifications wouldn't be a review, it would be a status report. I would hope that anybody new to this site and finding this thread would read the whole thread and not just read the very specific "cheat sheets". The point of a cheat sheet is to be a reference guide, not an educator. The rest of the text on this thread is the education aspect. If you go back to my original posting of my own cheat sheet, you'll find a rather lengthy discussion of all of the elements covered in the cheat sheet and then some.

Also, note that I did not state that the Pros & Cons be exclusively specs, just mostly. The problem with putting much opinion in the pros and cons is that it is hard to put down a useful and clear opinion in a bulleted point - not impossible though by any means. I just find it more effective in the bottom line. Also, the specs are much better suited to be placed in the pros & cons as specific little details. I understand that most people don't feel like collecting all the specs that the cheat sheets suggest, hell - that is part of the reason I don't review too frequently. The cheat sheet is merely a good way of pointing out aspects of the site they may have forgotten to research. Looking into those parts may change their outlook on the site.

As for my signature, I suppose it does pertain to your stance in that way - though I really picked the whole "Prisoner" theme due to the constant censorship campaigns that threaten porn. Still, a site is more than its numbers - this is true - and while I've never understood what a four barrel blood pump has to do with it, opinion should be the main show in a good review. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

05-21-09  08:50am - 5775 days #68
asmith12 (0)
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I knew that we don't have significant disagreement about how to write reviews :-), but I still think that referring newbies to this "cheat sheet" is WAY TOO DANGEROUS, as it can easily cause them to misunderstand what you've really meant, and use it as an EXHAUSTIVE list of requirements for a good review. I think it is THAT dangerous that it's better not to have it at all, rather encouraging newbies to "take a look at recent reviews of top 5 users". At least for new site members who's writing their very first review, I think it will be much more useful and much less dangerous than referring them ANY kind of formal "cheat sheet".


05-21-09  08:57am - 5775 days #69
Khan (0)

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To be accurate ...
Users are referred to this THREAD, not the cheat sheet specifically.
That's true both on the "terms" page and when I point them to it privately. Former PornUsers Senior Administrator
Now at: MyPorn.com

"To get your ideas across use small words, big ideas, and short sentences."-John Henry Patterson

05-21-09  09:52am - 5775 days #70
asmith12 (0)
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Originally Posted by Khan:

Users are referred to this THREAD, not the cheat sheet specifically.

I still don't think that it's such a good idea. People are usually VERY reluctant to read long pages of instructions (and even more discussions they're not really interested in), so most will just look for a quick recipe "how to improve my review". And the first thing which catches the eye in this thread will be original Wittiguy's post (with nice bullet points "A", "B" and "C"), and the next eye-catching thing is Toadsith's "cheat sheet". And as I've said, IMHO both of them (as ANY other formalized list) represent REAL danger of the new reviewer to go into the routine "video resolution - check, video bitrate - check, ..., end of list - phew, I'm done, press 'submit'", and this still REALLY scares me. Motto: "All niches except for boring one!"

05-21-09  12:44pm - 5775 days #71
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 12:57pm

05-21-09  10:09pm - 5774 days #72
asmith12 (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

Obviously, this review is worthless. If this user had found this thread and relied upon it then at least everyone who read the review will get a ton of info about the site if not much individual perspective.

And that's exactly what scares me. Facts I can easily get by the dozen everywhere else (especially about sites like VideoBox), so while review according to cheatsheet will indeed have tons of info, IT WILL STILL BE WORTHLESS (at least for me, but I suspect that also for many other people). Moreover, it will likely prevent somebody who otherwise would write something more informative, from providing information people are really looking for here on PU (for example, that 90% of DVDs on VideoBox are the very same that DVDs on VideosZ - THIS kind of info you won't find ANYWHERE else, but on PU).

I'm REALLY afraid that if EVERY newbie will start their reviews from reading those cheat sheets, it can mean premature end of PU as a place to get UNIQUE information about the adult sites. Motto: "All niches except for boring one!"

05-22-09  11:53am - 5774 days #73
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 12:57pm

07-09-09  06:20am - 5726 days #74
mbaya (0)

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It has been a long time since I first read this thread. While useful, I think not many PUers have followed much of the advice. I suspect that the sheer amount of detail given here can be intimidating to those who don't have a lot of confidence. I think a lot of details can be interesting, but you should never lose focus on the intangibles. Most newbie reviews have this in spades, but lack the back up for their opinions. This is what they need to work on. Giving long detailed advice is useful for those with experience writing reviews, but that is only a small handful of us at PU. What I would offer as the best advice is to take a step back and don't be too quick to write a review. Give yourself a little time to think about what is truly important or unimportant to say. Take the time to compare in your own mind how this site matched up with your own expectations. How does this site compare to others you have joined? Think about what a person who has never seen the site would want to know. In many cases it is in the examples offered here in the thread, but in many cases the intangible fun factors or those that make a site work erotically are what is most important. If you slow down the writing process and spend more time to put this all into perspective, I feel you will write a more interesting review. We all have biases, so explain yours and don't be afraid to get into your totally subjective feelings. After all, good reviews are a lot more than lists with a few opinions, they are about the opinions explained as well as you can. Edited on Jul 09, 2009, 10:59am

07-09-09  08:03am - 5726 days #75
Monahan (0)
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Originally Posted by mbaya:

... I suspect that the sheer amount of detail given here can be intimidating to those who don't have a lot of confidence...Giving long detailed advice is useful for those with experience writing reviews, but that is only a small handful of us at PU.

What I would offer as the best advice is to take a step back and don't be too quick to write a review. Give yourself a little time to think about what is truly important or unimportant to say. Take the time to compare in your own mind how this site matched up with your own expectations. We all have biases, so how does this site compare to others you have joined? Think about what a person who has never seen the site would want to know. In many cases it is in the examples offered here in the thread, but in many cases the intangible fun factors or those that make a site work erotically are what is most important. If you slow down the writing process and spend more time to put this all into perspective, I feel you will write a more interesting review. We all have biases, so explain yours and don't be afraid to get into your totally subjective feelings. After all, good reviews are a lot more than lists with a few opinions, they are about the opinions explained as well as you can.
Well said.

I see the list as being a summary of things to consider, not a form to be completed.

The short "reviews" that have only a few sentences and little or no detail really should be in the "Comments" section, not the "Reviews" section.

But as you suggest, a great review tells a story with facts and opinions that help other PU members know what makes the site good or not so good.

When I write a review I refer to the Toadsith Cheat Sheet [as modified by WittyGuy] to make sure I don't overlook an element that should be mentioned, but there's no way I would include a comment about something just because it was in the list if there wasn't something worth mentioning. For example, if the site is lousy and would get a 40 score if the floor wasn't set at 50, there's not much point in discussing all the elements.

To me the attraction of PU, which is the only porn site review site I really use and rely on, is that I get straight, unedited opinions from guys like me who want the real deal and not a promotional writeup disguised as a review as one often finds on other review sites.

07-09-09  11:57am - 5726 days #76
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 12:57pm

07-09-09  04:14pm - 5725 days #77
turboshaft (0)
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Originally Posted by mbaya:

...We all have biases, so explain yours and don't be afraid to get into your totally subjective feelings. After all, good reviews are a lot more than lists with a few opinions, they are about the opinions explained as well as you can.

I think this is good advice; a little subjectivity never hurts in a review. I personally like it because it can make for a more interesting review and you can learn about members' tastes, which can help in judging their other reviews.

I have said it before, but you have to take the reviewers' biases in to consideration. For example, I have little patience for the softcore, more art-oriented sites out there, and as a result I have neither joined nor reviewed, or even commented, on any. It would be hard for me to really give a great review because I just could not get over my personal distastes for those sites. If I ever did review one, and I was totally objective, readers might not understand my arguments, and it would make for a pretty useless review. This is also why people need to look beyond scores (individual and average), since they are not the greatest guides when trying to judge a site.

A lot of members already state their personal tastes and preferences, usually with a sentence or two in the bottom line, or further clarification when responding to members' replies. Many members even go one step further in their reviews and mention content that did not bother them but might turn off potential subscribers, such as condom use or hairy models.

A list of cold hard facts should stay in the pros and cons, and the reviewers' feelings should really be in the bottom line, where they can defend their viewpoint better. If readers are really interested in every technical detail, the "[Site's Name] Site Facts at TBP" link at the top of each site's page is helpful, and maybe this link should also be somewhere on the individual review pages (the ones where the replies are shown).

The cheat sheet definitely helps, but I see it as a rough guide, not the letter of the law, and the fact that every member has his or her own way of writing reviews, we end up with lots of interesting opinions and ideas, many of which might not be seen if we all followed the sheet precisely. "It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hardcore Commie works." - Gen. Jack D. Rippper, Dr. Stranglove

08-03-09  03:56pm - 5700 days #78
dracken (0)
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Thank you for these tips. My first reviews are kinda just my opinion jotted down, with several mistakes in them. I will try to improve based on the advice in this forum. Thank you for such a helpful topic.

08-03-09  07:39pm - 5700 days #79
GCode (0)
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I have not ever commented in this thread yet and just wanted to post a few feelings on the topic. While I find it interesting and commendable to the people who have contributed to creating the list, I also feel like a few of the others that it should never become a check list for writing reviews. Honestly, I feel that new users come here to first boast about their favorite sites or destroy a site they disliked and write them accordingly. However and unfortunate, there are an extremely large amount of new users that come here to do this and that's it. So, I think in the scheme of things, the users who join that really want to stay active will attempt to improve their reviews and this thread will help. But, I think this thread is a great read to go hand-in-hand with new users who should just scope out other users with a lot of trust ratings to see different styles of reviews as examples. But, always attempt to keep your review as your own. I know I did this when I first started here (which was not long ago) and it helped me realize that technical things are wanted more. With that, I developed my own style somewhat according to writing a formal essay. I try to explain technicals and broad viewed opinions in the pros and cons. Then with the bottom line I attempt to write 4 paragraphs, with an intro about overall opinions, then about videos, than photos, then wrap it all together in a overall conclusion.

So, my take on the subject is to add technical stuff in, it really helps others but remember opinions are great as well, even if they are subjective. Bias will always happen but try to look at a site as whole and not just what you liked or not. For example, a site may feature all small breasted models and maybe this is not your thing, but this is WHAT the site specializes in so how can you say it's a bad site when they deliver these precise models? It's things like this that I think you cannot take too many points away for and I see it often. However, never be afraid to write your opinions in but I just like to see a reason to back up them either in a review or reply. Too many times I see a PU ask a question about their opinion for more info in another's review without a response, how can anyone else take this opinion within the review whole heartedly if they won't even inform or increase details as to why they feel this way in a reply?

These are just a few thoughts from me and I hope it may being a little more insight to the subject. Sexted From My iPad Edited on Aug 03, 2009, 07:48pm

08-04-09  12:09am - 5700 days #80
Jay G (0)
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Location: USA
Originally Posted by Khan:

We feel the information in this thread is VERY useful. Especially in letting new Users know what kind of info their fellow Users are looking for.

But for the record ...

Please do NOT feel we're saying what's described here is the only kind of Review we want to see. Each user has their own style and their own level of commitment to writing Reviews. We'd hope no-one is ever reluctant to submit a Review just because they can't (or won't) go to the depths outlined in the posts above.

I appreciate all different kinds of reviews, but really want mainly to get the opinion of users on their experience with a site.

While the technical stuff here might be very important to some, I'd hate to see less technical users decide to not submit reviews because they lack some of the information asked for in this forum. The ability to ask a reviewer for more information is already part of PU format and can be of help for those who want lots of technical info.

Thanks for keeping it open to a larger group of reviewers! Jay G

09-01-09  04:54pm - 5671 days #81
Wittyguy (0)
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Location: Left Coast, USA
As you may have noticed, the new TBP reviews are basically copies of the PU format.


TOADSITH CHEATSHEET VOLUME 2: Electric Boogaloo! for writing reviews following a TBP 2.0 review:

TO REVIEW OR NOT TO REVIEW: This is no Shakespearean dilemna. In a word, "REVIEW". This topic was discussed in another forum thread, here, so check out the ideas. Basically, TBP reviewers are in and out of these sites, while we've got the edge on how a site feels and operates over a longer time and we have more info about the content and downloading aspects of the site.

PHOTO CONTENT: I know many of you don't care that much about pics. However, it only takes a minute or two to give the rest of us the low down by noting:

1. What is the largest size pics? Usually the new stuff is biggest so click on a pic. Right click on the photo, select "properties" and click on that and it will tell you the resolution size.

2. Watermarks? Big and bold, small and tasteful, or nonexistent. TBP doesn't always do a good job of this and sites do change their watermarks.

3. What is the breakdown of content? What portion of photo sets are hardcore, what are solo, what are lesbian etc. It's also good to know the average number of pics per photo set. Just an educated guess if the site doesn't have them categorized is good enough. TBP doesn't do this.

4. Is there is a resolution size difference between newer content and older content? If so, about what percentage of photo content is in the older (and presumably smaller size) versus the bigger pics.

5. Are there multiple pic sizes? Yes or no.

6. Are zips available? If so, are zips only for one size or do they come in multiple sizes. TBP still doesn't get that deep into numbers 5&6 here.

7. Cropping? Good, bad or not worth mentioning. TBP says nothing about this and you don't have to either (just a peeve of mine). Sometimes though sites crop the hell out of pics leaving us with what appear to be sets of amputee sex.

8. Updates? TBP mentions them but these change. Please confirm or deny the update schedule or just simply tell us what it is. If TBP is spot on, no need to mention.

VIDEO CONTENT: TBP does a very good job of getting into videos by addressing various resolution sizes, playback formats, download managers, file sizes, download speeds and number of videos. My advice is to just confirm that the TBP facts are correct. Your checklist is the statistics on the right side of the 2.0 reviews. If your findings differ from the stated TBP facts, please tell us your experience. There are some things TBP doesn't do, so feel free to include:

8. What is the breakdown of the content? Like with pics, what percent are hardcore, softcore, lesbian, etc. An educated guess will do if the site doesn't have them categorized. TBP doesn't do this.

9. DRM or Stream Only? Stream is the new DRM and should be considered the same as DRM. Please mention DRM or the lack of it in your review because DRM is an immediate deal breaker for so many here. TBP notes this but it's important so be redundant here.

10. Full scenes or clips only? In looking at new TBP reviews I have seen some sites listed as having clips only when they do have full length videos. Please set the record straight by telling us.

11. Is there a resolution difference between old and new videos? TBP will say there is but doesn't say how much content there is of the new and presumably bigger size and the older smaller stuff. Give us an estimate of how much big vs. small stuff there is.

12. Updates? Again, these change. Tell us what the schedule is for video updates if different from TBP.

12.5 Watermarks? (and yeah, I'm too lazy to renumber this one). Again, watermarks frequently change on sites. Let us know if they're big and nasty, small or nonexistent.

"BULLSHIT FACTOR": This is a new category, not previously on the Toadsith Cheat Sheet. Please note:

13. Prechecked cross sales.

14. Difficulty in signing up or cancelling.

15. Sites loaded with advertising, both for other sites and their own products.

16. Automatic and unauthorized upsells ("Click here to see hot HD vids" which take you to another site and ding your credit card).

17. Nonresponsive (or very good if that's the case) webmasters or customer service.

18. Report if a site has lots of problems with dead or broken links.

19. Report problems with getting timed out on downloads and report frequent log-in requests.


20. Search Engine? If so, is it good (can search under mulitple options like body type, boob size, action, etc.) or less so (no search or just categories)? Also, if part of network, note if the search works across the network or is site specific.

21. Search by model name and/or model directory and is directory complete?

21. Site Design? (only mention if really bad or really good).

22. If a network, number of sites and general content on the various sites.


23. Exclusive content or not so much if you know? TBP mentions this but they're not real good at it. Also mention if the site is recycling old content as new.

24. Originality (only mention if a unique or well done niche)?

25. Models Attractiveness?

26. Amateur / Professional in terms of models and quality?

27. Good Angles or Lighting? (optional, discuss if very good or very bad).


28. Bonus Sites (only mention if decent quality)?

29. Site extras like a forum, exclusive model interviews or cams, special events exclusive to the site, etc.
___________________________ Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 12:59pm

11-06-09  05:25pm - 5605 days #82
picdude (0)
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Location: Italy
Just wondering if I join a network of say 10 sites (but each one is quite individual) should I write a review for each site? especially if there is no other PU review up?
Or should I write a review only for one site?

11-06-09  10:53pm - 5605 days #83
Monahan (0)
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Registered: Jan 17, '07
Location: SF Valley, CA
What I prefer is a review of an individual site, not of the entire network, but that the review also mention the other sites and any duplications that might exist among them.

08-31-15  11:24am - 3482 days #84
mbaya (0)

Posts: 891
Registered: Jul 07, '08
Location: new jersey
This is an old forum topic that I feel that every reviewer should read. Maybe, just maybe if potential new PUers knew more about writing good reviews we might see more and better ones.

We have had a lot of turnover since this was a new topic. Anyone care to add or comment?

09-10-15  03:15am - 3472 days #85
Toadsith (0)
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Posts: 936
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Originally Posted by mbaya:

This is an old forum topic that I feel that every reviewer should read. Maybe, just maybe if potential new PUers knew more about writing good reviews we might see more and better ones.

We have had a lot of turnover since this was a new topic. Anyone care to add or comment?

Wow! You picked one of the few threads I apparently have a subscription to. Way to wake up a long silent user!

Well, as you know, this topic is near and dear to my heart, despite the fact that it has been many moons since I've reviewed a porn site and my porn purchasing habits tend to be ones of habit. My hours of exploration are a bit behind me and instead I stick to old favorites. I suppose I could do updated reviews for those sites though.

Shockingly, Wittyguy's update of my old cheat sheet still rings pretty true. Most of that stuff is things you would want to cover, and little of it needs to be added to.

One thing that would need to be addressed is how well a site handles mobile access. Being the cheap bastard I am, I only just updated to a smart phone last December and now I'm very annoyed when my favorite sites don't function well on my phone's tiny screen. I was shocked when I loaded up VideoBox (who used to be a power house of innovation for online porn) and their mobile site was almost unusable and had only part of the catalogue accessible. Modern porn sites need to have a responsive webdesign that will adjust for any screen size.

I'm glad to see some sites are now supporting 4K videos — ATK has been entering this arena — and streaming it to boot.

That's actually been a huge culture change for me. I'm no longer obsessed with downloading. If a site has a good favorites system, especially one that allows me to create my own custom bookmarks with folders, I'm not nearly as concerned with downloading the content. Internet connections have made for high speed streaming a reality, and you aren't seeing as much of the encoding errors that were common place not too many years ago. Sure I still have... 731 GBs dedicated to porn (the ellipses is because I needed to go check), but honestly, I probably watch that only 25% of the time when I'm looking to watch porn. I usually hop onto my flavor-of-the-month site, browse their latest updates, and if I don't find anything, hunt down an old favorite model to rewatch. I probably view maybe 20% of my archive a year. I think it is mostly there as a safety blanket — and because one of my favorite sites still has a terrible site design. I won't boycott a site for terrible design if they have unique content, but god have I thought about it.

Some of the network sites seem to have really gotten a hang on integrating, Met Art seems to be doing a pretty solid job right now. Though there is always room for improvement. While Content is King, site design can really improve the user's day-to-day experience immensely. Modern UX designers are actually actively beta-testing new site designs by having the server throw different experimental designs at different chunks of users, while leaving a percentage of the users on the old site as a control group. They can then use code to watch where the mouse cursor is going as a stand-in for watching eye movement (or where they are tapping on the screen) and can decide to move elements around to more expected locations and so on. Sometimes a simple pop color can make all the difference in user interaction.

I'm also more interested in these sites that are trying to enable easy interaction directly between the stars and their fans. I follow one performer on ConnectPal for something small like $7 a month, and I get to see iPhone videos and pictures that she uploads throughout the day. Unfortunately most of the users are filling the comments section with the usual inane shite you expect on porn sites, but it is interesting to see the content provider striped away nearly entirely and letting the models market themselves as they see fit.

Of course there has been the usual talk about 3D porn popping up again, with the continual hype surrounding the Oculus Rift, but like most 3D ventures, it seems to be of little benefit and a lot of hassle. Maybe their sort out goggle / glasses-free 3d in the future, but for now I think I'll stick to the ol' reliable two dimensions.

I'm glad to see that porn continues to innovate and surprise. While some sites are dying, lots of new sites are popping up each day. With the rise of Porn Hub (not to mention the eventual launch of MyPorn.com), it'll be interesting to see how the content creators and these freebie content providers sort out their roles. It seems we still live in interesting times in porn, and I've no idea what companies are going to stay on top anymore.

Cheers and have a good night! "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

09-10-15  04:03pm - 3471 days #86
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:00pm

09-10-15  06:30pm - 3471 days #87
LPee23 (0)
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Posts: 399
Registered: Jul 14, '13
Location: USA
Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

5) Screencaps for pics. Given that most everything is shot in HD now, it follows that a lot of sites aren't using still cameras for the photo sets anymore, they just pull frames from the vid to add as a picture content. What they don't do is take a moment to slow down the action for a segment of video to pull good quality photos from. Instead, they just pull screen shots from the vids with the result being blurriness, so-so lighting and often a lot of bad angles (they may be OK for vids but lose a lot in the translation to pics). For those of us who like pics this can frustrating at times.

Yeah, screencaps for pics is the sign of a really half assed job.

I love photos. Even small photos from the early 2000's and 1990's. I was just looking over some of my favorites from this era, photos you can't find anymore, and I am still struck by how amazing some of them are.

Even though our screencaps of today are better resolution than many of the early photos, they are a poor stand in for photos. I don't even bother to save screencaps if I have the video. All you have to do is pause the video, and you get your screencap again. And this is from the guy who still holds on to 350x500 photos in his collection. Better to be pissed on, than to be pissed off.

09-11-15  04:31am - 3471 days #88
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

1) Bitrates are becoming more important because there's a lot of psuedo HD stuff out there;

2) File names. Lately I've been seeing more sites with generic file names than I'd like. Laziness on the site's part means a lot more work for us.

I definitely agree with #1. I've been including bitrates in reviews for a while now because even though I don't fully understand the technical side of coding videos I can understand the importance of bitrates when I download a 1280x720 resolution video and it looks like crap with pixilation only to find that the bitrate is low. So while I don't necessarily understand bitrates, and I don't really need to, I've learned that you need both resolution and bitrates to have a good quality video. I'll continue to note this in future reviews because, as Wittyguy says, it's too easy to mask a crappy quality video behind resolution alone.

#2 is an issue for me but not a deal-breaker. I almost always rename files as I'm downloading but for those times when I don't it's nice to have something that is both unique and identifies the scene.

02-07-19  09:36am - 2226 days #89
mbaya (0)

Posts: 891
Registered: Jul 07, '08
Location: new jersey
Well worth reviving, no?

02-07-19  01:19pm - 2225 days #90
lk2fireone (0)
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A very useful thread about how to write an excellent site review.

There are a lot of factors to review.
This is a roadmap for a complete review, which no one follows any more.

But it would pay for newbies, and oldtimers, to scan the thread, to read what some of the top PU members had to say about how to write a review.

Like I say, no one follows the cheat sheet or guidelines that were set out so clearly: mainly because it would take so much time and effort and thought to write such a comprehensive review.

Toadsith was the master. Wittyguy his lead acolyte.
Gone but not forgotten.
(They will occasionally drop by, but they used to really contribute to the PU site.)

Seriously, this thread should be given a permanent place at the top of the thread headings: as a guide for newbies to write a review, as a reminder to older members of what a review could be.

The cheat sheet does not have to be followed completely.
It's just a guide.
But still very useful.

02-07-19  01:28pm - 2225 days #91
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Perhaps all new members, staff could have a link to this area upon joining.

I do not think however those two posts were accidents that didn't know the rules. So having this why helpful wont help unless new people read it lol Since 2007

02-07-19  02:18pm - 2225 days #92
rearadmiral (0)
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Location: NB/Canada
^ This was the thread that I mentioned in my post to you last night on the raffle thread.

I'm glad it got resurrected.

02-08-19  08:25am - 2225 days #93
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Looking at several threads on the difficulties lately, it seems to appear that the operators of both these websites have an extreme difficulty adjusting to any changes.

Looking back even 10 years, there was ideas, projects, and other changes that would be done to the website, or the procedures and time and time again staff seem to have huge amounts of difficulty adjusting to the changes. Not so much the members they seem to be able to roll with it
So I think having a post like this discussing what is needs to be in the review is not the problem. It's the problem is the staff does not know what is supposed to be in a review apparently based on some of how past reviews that we've been seeing for quite a long time, staff is not aware of their conduct that's needed. We can hardly start a thread to help staff since they are not aware of the difficulties they are having. It's not the members here that have a problem. It's the staff that can simply not adjust to the changes they are making. Which makes no sense at all.

It may seem that I am not very forgiving our understanding, just the opposite if this was a brand-new website starting out for the first time I would be very helpful in understanding about any problems of fledging company has. But this particular company has been around for very long time I am not confident in the way it's being run personally myself right now. I don't trust the reviews because they are spotty and obviously filled out by trolls. The staff is not reviewing the reviews like it should be done. So why would somebody put trust in the reviews that are being done here?

If I look at all the regular members, that you reviews they do them quite well. Always exceptional and detailed. Why staff members could not see the other reviews that vary so greatly that a monkey could fill them out. Yet they don't notice it. Yet now we're supposed to just simply understand that they don't know what they're doing? They forgot what they were supposed to do? I have no idea where this is going. Everyone keeps blaming it on the changes? Meanwhile most of us are simply adapted to it easily. So it's not the process of reviewing needs to be taught to members, the staff also needs to know what is proper in a review and how to identify that quickly. Since 2007

02-08-19  11:56am - 2225 days #94
mbaya (0)

Posts: 891
Registered: Jul 07, '08
Location: new jersey
Originally Posted by Cybertoad:

Looking at several threads on the difficulties lately, it seems to appear that the operators of both these websites have an extreme difficulty adjusting to any changes.

Looking back even 10 years, there was ideas, projects, and other changes that would be done to the website, or the procedures and time and time again staff seem to have huge amounts of difficulty adjusting to the changes. Not so much the members they seem to be able to roll with it
So I think having a post like this discussing what is needs to be in the review is not the problem. It's the problem is the staff does not know what is supposed to be in a review apparently based on some of how past reviews that we've been seeing for quite a long time, staff is not aware of their conduct that's needed. We can hardly start a thread to help staff since they are not aware of the difficulties they are having. It's not the members here that have a problem. It's the staff that can simply not adjust to the changes they are making. Which makes no sense at all.

It may seem that I am not very forgiving our understanding, just the opposite if this was a brand-new website starting out for the first time I would be very helpful in understanding about any problems of fledging company has. But this particular company has been around for very long time I am not confident in the way it's being run personally myself right now. I don't trust the reviews because they are spotty and obviously filled out by trolls. The staff is not reviewing the reviews like it should be done. So why would somebody put trust in the reviews that are being done here?

If I look at all the regular members, that you reviews they do them quite well. Always exceptional and detailed. Why staff members could not see the other reviews that vary so greatly that a monkey could fill them out. Yet they don't notice it. Yet now we're supposed to just simply understand that they don't know what they're doing? They forgot what they were supposed to do? I have no idea where this is going. Everyone keeps blaming it on the changes? Meanwhile most of us are simply adapted to it easily. So it's not the process of reviewing needs to be taught to members, the staff also needs to know what is proper in a review and how to identify that quickly.

I could not agree more. There is a comment written by an obvious out in the open troll. What does it take to get it deleted? I added a reply that said exactly that.

It was approved, but no action was taken. WTF? Was the comment approved without even reading it?

Another point that I feel obligated to make is concerning complaints that PU is too inclusive. Ok, I get it, lets do what we can to make the site more open.

I revived a thread for new members to introduce themselves. It used to be pinned to the top of the forum listings. Why it is not now is completely beyond me.
Both Mike C and Freddie seem to be committed to rewarding new members to get them to stay and contribute.

Nether one replied to a member who has contributed a first review that was excellent and then took the time to get on the new members thread. WTF? Why not?

You cannot let the site slide downward and then complain that it is not what it should be. Edited on Feb 08, 2019, 12:08pm

02-08-19  12:40pm - 2224 days #95
Cybertoad (0)
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Location: Wash
Originally Posted by mbaya:

I could not agree more. There is a comment written by an obvious out in the open troll. What does it take to get it deleted? I added a reply that said exactly that.

It was approved, but no action was taken. WTF? Was the comment approved without even reading it?

Another point that I feel obligated to make is concerning complaints that PU is too inclusive. Ok, I get it, lets do what we can to make the site more open.

I revived a thread for new members to introduce themselves. It used to be pinned to the top of the forum listings. Why it is not now is completely beyond me.
Both Mike C and Freddie seem to be committed to rewarding new members to get them to stay and contribute.

Nether one replied to a member who has contributed a first review that was excellent and then took the time to get on the new members thread. WTF? Why not?

You cannot let the site slide downward and then complain that it is not what it should be.

I'm not sure how did think about this website at this point, I think about the hard work in the very beginning, and the dedication by staff and members back then everybody worked hard to build a community, to build the form and to provide quality reviews. I would gather tens of thousands of dollars has been spent by members helping to provide quality reviews for this site. But the current administrators, and staff are acting like it doesn't mean anything. They're basically throwing away all the hard work we as members have put into this site as well as the original designers. Personally if I own the website I would fire every one of them they don't deserve to have a cite this dated to run willy-nilly and not even care about what's going on. Since 2007

02-09-19  12:03am - 2224 days #96
Toadsith (0)
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Location: USA
Jeez, I leave you folks alone for a mere 775 days and it all goes to hell?

This raffle drama looks like it unleashed some seriously pent-up grievances. I'm sad to hear the site usage has been declining so much. I recently got back into the world a bit due to the purchase of the Oculus Go (I'll see about crafting some new reviews for VR sites this weekend) and healthier paycheck than I'd seen in a longtime.

I may even wade into the raffle debacle for a smidge. I may have been absent for awhile, but I still have a love for this place. I feel like we owe it to Khan for the site to soldier on as a stalwart and respectful watchman over an industry that will forever be plagued by apathetic creators and fraudulent business-folk because the taboo nature of sexuality leaves a vulnerability that can be taken advantage of. "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

02-09-19  12:54am - 2224 days #97
lk2fireone (0)
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Location: CA
The return of the master.
Did Gort come as well?
Fear the disintegration ray from Gort's head.
That will destroy the evil doers on the PU site.

Welcome back, master of the cheat sheet.

02-09-19  01:30am - 2224 days #98
Toadsith (0)
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Gort is dating Alexa now and has taken up decorative engraving of antique shovels that he sells to hipsters on Etsy. We are all safe from him as long as Alexa doesn't ditch him for Siri.

Thank you for cheerful welcome back! I'll try to be more active, though I doubt I'll be able to match my old level of dedication to this site. My current job kind of frowns on people browsing porn during the work day, lol

Glad to see you are still keeping that suicidal kitten alive and unwell, some things are better left unchanged by the sands of time! "I'm not a number, I'm a free man!"

Second Grand Order Poobah in the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalo

02-28-19  05:44pm - 2204 days #99
Loki (0)
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I feel kind of sheepish about this, but I never even THINK about whether download manager support is available for a site. I don't ever use one. It simply never occurred to me. I also think whether or not a site supports download managers is in the official TBP review.

Everyone has their own style with reviews, and if we focus too much on "what makes a good review" will admittedly give us all the same information to work with, but also limits the potential writers of reviews. Not all reviews will be helpful, especially as we're all (supposedly) amateurs at it. PU has criteria for reviews. As long as those criteria are met, publish them all. Otherwise we self-limit the potential contributors to the site. We all bring different qualifications to the reviews we write. If the goal is to get amateur reviews, the cost is that some of those reviews will be, well, amateurish. "A man talking sense to himself is no madder than a man talking nonsense not to himself."

02-28-19  05:46pm - 2204 days #100
mbaya (0)

Posts: 891
Registered: Jul 07, '08
Location: new jersey
i take the advice here as what you can add if you don't have much to say in your review.

Many new reviewers write very little.

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