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07-23-09  02:44am - 5711 days Original Post - #1
Colm4 (0)
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To review or not to review?

I recently joined my18teens.com and wanted to make a review. But then I saw Denner made a review about a year ago. After reading it, I agree on his review completely.

So is it really worth to do my review knowing it will be almost identical?

07-23-09  03:17am - 5711 days #2
RagingBuddhist (0)
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You said it - almost identical. I don't think any review ever covers a site completely. When I've run into that situation, I look for a few details that the other review left out and include them in my review. Go for it! Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

07-23-09  05:55am - 5711 days #3
Denner (0)
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Originally Posted by RagingBuddhist:

You said it - almost identical. I don't think any review ever covers a site completely. When I've run into that situation, I look for a few details that the other review left out and include them in my review. Go for it!

I agree entirely with RagingBuddhist - and BTW - A year can do a lot on a site - so, Colm4 - of course you should write your own review - bet it'll bring some new aspects about the site...
Another BTW: Found some newer stuff from the site - out there - and it seems like thing has turned out to the better - but, just a guess... "I don't drink anymore - I freeze it, and eat it like a popcicle" Edited on Jul 23, 2009, 05:59am

07-23-09  10:17am - 5711 days #4
Jay G (0)
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While I agree with Raging Buddhist in principal, I'm too damn lazy to usually write a review for a site that already has lots of reviews.

If I find a niche site with no reviews or only a few that I could significantly add to, then I feel it's worthwhile taking the time to write a review.

I like to share, but I'll never be as hard-working or prolific as fellow reviewers like Denner (182 reviews!!!)

I appreciate every review written by all those who work at it harder than I ever could. Jay G

07-23-09  11:36am - 5711 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 11:49am

07-23-09  12:45pm - 5711 days #6
lk2fireone (0)
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I realize that some of the sites I've reviewed had earlier reviews. But I always figure that my reviews are the best ones written here, since I'm the only one whose opinion is worth thinking about. I think my reviews should have won a Nobel prize for literature by this time, except for the stigma that I've been writing about porn sites.

But unless you do a direct copy-and-paste from Denner's my18teens review, any review you write should be OK. I've read your previous reviews, thought they were easy to read, with nice details, and even gave you a positive trust rating based on those reviews.

Whether or not you score the site the same as Denner, if you add some details or opinions that you have about the site, then it's worth writing a new review.

07-23-09  12:53pm - 5711 days #7
monty2222 (0)
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The site you mention only has one review, so I wouldn't hesitate to write another if I were you. The more reviews a site has the better, especially these small sites with few reviews. In this case Denner could just be a bitter user slamming the site (strictly theoretically of course! Denner's reviews are excellent), another review would either add credibility to the previous review by agreeing with it or by disagreeing it could give people another point of view on which to base their decision to join or not.

07-23-09  12:54pm - 5711 days #8
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 11:49am

07-23-09  01:30pm - 5711 days #9
mbaya (0)

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I see you are tied for number one for forum posters. Congrats. What is your next goal?

07-23-09  04:19pm - 5711 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 11:49am

07-23-09  06:53pm - 5710 days #11
pat362 (0)
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I think you should write a review. Regardless that you agree with another reviewer. You are bound to write stuff that denner didn't bother with and since your review is fresh then at least you can comment on the level of content. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-23-09  07:31pm - 5710 days #12
mbaya (0)

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I think another review is a good idea. If nothing else, you give a more recent view of how the site has evolved. Also, your review would confirm a lot of what another reviewer has written, and that cannot ever be a bad idea.

07-23-09  07:37pm - 5710 days #13
GCode (0)
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I vote on yes like mostly everyone else. I have seen sites do huge or minor overhauls which dramatically change sites and newer reviews can always give updates on these. Plus, like it appears with abbywinters, sites can change their content style within weeks or longer which is always great to know about if this happens. Also, sites may end up offering newer video/photo quality and this can be touched upon as well. And, of course, opinions are always great to read even if the site has been reviwed plenty of times. Some reviewers may point out different facts or opinions that were never brought up before that helps as well. Finally, personally and I think I may be in the same boat as others, just reading reviews in general can be fun even if it was reviewed a bunch. Even if a site is reviewed a lot, I still read almost every review that is posted just to give me something to do. Sexted From My iPad

07-23-09  07:39pm - 5710 days #14
badandy400 (0)
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Always write your own review. First it is newer and can reflect any smaller changes, secondly and most importantly, it can show the readers that more than one person feels that way. This shows that it is not a fanboy review of a review of frustration which we see too often. Let people know that you concur with what was already said and tell us why. More information on a site does not hurt anybody. Plus, you get the points and perhaps even a raffle win out of it. So it is win win. "For example, badandy400 has taken it upon himself to become the one man Library of Congress for porn with a collection that surely will be in Guinness Book of World Records some day." ~Toadsith~

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07-23-09  07:43pm - 5710 days #15
GCode (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

Plus, you get the points and perhaps even a raffle win out of it. So it is win win.

Oh, so it's ALL about the MONEY now HUH!? :)

Just kidding, but this is a great point to bring up, why not just write the review so you can get some tickets for the raffle, everyone enjoys some money now and then :) Sexted From My iPad

07-23-09  07:48pm - 5710 days #16
PinkPanther (0)
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To review or not to review? I'm a lazy fuck, so I only review when I feel like reviewing - if you feel like the previous review said most of what you would have said in a review, write a comment for anything that's additional info.

Time saving and cuts down on the redundancy in the world - and Al Gore says that redundancy is a primary cause of global warming, so you can feel good about being green.

07-24-09  07:59am - 5710 days #17
Jay G (0)
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Good that there's another lazy ass like myself here. Glad for your words of consolation, I guess I'm green after all.

My vote, again, is anyone with the energy to add a review is a better man than I am. Go for it! Jay G

08-14-09  03:59am - 5689 days #18
mbaya (0)

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Lately I have seen a few answers to how to make a similar review interesting and worthwhile. Check out momsteachingteens.com and you will see James4096 continuing and building on a review I made. Two other recent examples of the same concept are moneytalks.com with a review by Dracken and one of mine and also nude2rude.com with another review of mine and one by Gcode. In each case the second review adds another dimension to the other. Each review focuses on certain aspects. If the second reviewer had taken the position that the first review was enough, we would never have had such a clear picture of what these sites were like.

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