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10-21-19  11:13am - 1969 days Original Post - #1
PornUsers Staff

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Current state of the porn industry?

Would love to know what you guys think about the porn industry and how it's changed in the last decade. I feel like social media has become a massive shaker in the industry, having nearly killed off the middle man. People can now create, post and monetise their own content with a studio and that's massive. It's probably only going to accelerate as social media becomes a bigger force.

10-21-19  12:30pm - 1969 days #2
mbaya (0)

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The biggest problem is high referral fees.

10-21-19  09:19pm - 1968 days #3
biker (0)
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The trend toward adding another charge for downloading is very disappointing. I will not be returning to those sites that have gone this direction. There are still plenty of sites that allow you to download for the initial subscription and I will stay with them. I guess there are those who are willing to pay the additional fee, but I'm not one of them. I continue to find new sites that satisfy me. If in the end this become the industries norm I will find other alternatives.

The quality of the video has gone up considerably. I used to just download pictures so I would get quality images. Now the video is so good I download that and take snapshots from them.

I wish there was more imagination. I have recently found a new site that created its own niche and I am enjoying what I have downloaded. But it take a lot of exploring to find such sites. How many gang blowjobs can you download before they just become a blur of repetition. Warning Will Robinson

10-22-19  11:59am - 1968 days #4
merc77 (0)
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I also don't like the additional downloading charges that aren't mentioned until a membership is purchased. All they have to do is state there will be a separate charge and I can make a decision if I want to pay for it.

Many smaller sites that were quite popular have been sold to the big producers. I can understand someone wanting to make a good amount of money so they sell their sites and content. What I don't like is when the bigger owners forget what made that site so special to begin with.

It does seem like streaming is the wave of the future. I prefer to download and make my own DVDs to watch on my TV instead of watching porn on the computer or on a cellphone/pad. I do think people might want to look into a possible porn addiction problem if they must watch porn on their phones.

There is an old saying the more things change the more they stay the same. This is true of porn as they are always thinking of newer ways to charge us. Some still use the tokens method in which members had to purchase tokens to get access to some videos. (They would give a member some extra tokens for each month they were paying members of the site.) "Dogs think people are Gods. Cats don't as they know better." - Kedi (2016)

Dogs have masters; Cats have staff.

10-22-19  01:26pm - 1968 days #5
rearadmiral (0)
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I'm with merc77 in that while I don't like having to pay extra for downloads I'm okay with it as long as the site is upfront about it. The problem with this position is that it seems very few porn sites have any interest in their paying customers.

Streaming does seem to be the future and that's a problem for people like most of us here who aren't users, we're collectors. I still go back and watch 20-year-old scenes in crappy resolution just because I like them so much. I'm confident that in 2039 I'll probably be going back and watching my favourite scenes from 2019. Unless, of course, the holodeck is invented by then in which case I'm hoping I won't need porn...

10-22-19  01:26pm - 1968 days #6
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by mbaya:

The biggest problem is high referral fees.

What do you mean? Are these charges that billers skim off the top or something else?

10-22-19  03:38pm - 1968 days #7
mbaya (0)

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Not the billers. When you join through a link on someone's site, they get a fee. That is how PU, TBP, Rabbits, Pornhub, Dealgasm etc. make their money. If you see a deal on some other site and then sign up that site gets a referral fee.

Webmasters complain about this all the time.

10-22-19  05:13pm - 1968 days #8
Shen (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I'm with merc77 in that while I don't like having to pay extra for downloads I'm okay with it as long as the site is upfront about it. The problem with this position is that it seems very few porn sites have any interest in their paying customers.

Streaming does seem to be the future and that's a problem for people like most of us here who aren't users, we're collectors. I still go back and watch 20-year-old scenes in crappy resolution just because I like them so much. I'm confident that in 2039 I'll probably be going back and watching my favourite scenes from 2019. Unless, of course, the holodeck is invented by then in which case I'm hoping I won't need porn...

You already know my stance on this. That makes three of us

I am very much unlike my generation. My age is precisely the target market when it comes to streaming. It's only going to continue in this direction really. No one buys porn at my age really either, seems unheard of so excuse my ignorance. Not saying I'm superior to these people by any means.

Porn happens to be something I'd rather download because of my viewing habits (I watch in either Full HD or 4K, 720p at least) and I don't want to risk buffering the best parts through my hit and miss internet. I just find it a lot more convenient. At the expense of storage space of course, which again is something many people my age don't have time for.

For reference, I'm in my early 20s.

10-23-19  02:33am - 1967 days #9
exotics4me (0)
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The newest level of dirty tricks is coming to porn sites. I told the webmaster that explained it to me he would be seen as a good guy for telling this but he told me he would get in trouble for telling it.

I joined a relatively well-known site last week. During the sign-up process, a picture was showing and said, "Includes free access to (site name)". With so many sites merging and Adult Time buying up half the industry, I didn't think anything of it. Two days later, I got charged $39.95. It's an American site and their address and phone number are listed on their website.

I called them up. I asked what the charge was for. He asked if I read my welcome email. I told him "probably not". In the welcome email it said, "Free access to (site's name) is for 2 days, $39.95/mo thereafter, if not canceled."

I told him what a dirty piece of shit he is. The guy was apologizing constantly. He said they hired a new marketing company and they had put this new style of cross-sale in. He said I was the 17th person to email or call that day. It had a 95% success rate because people don't read their welcome email. Even worse, it's at the bottom of the welcome email, requiring at least one scroll. I told him my name here. He said he read a review by me of one of their sites last year and really appreciated it. He refunded the $39.95, the price of the site and gave me a free month of access. He told me they were going to remove this new cross-sale and just go back to a standard pre-checked cross-sale.

He even gave me the name of the marketing company. He sounded completely distraught over it. He said he had given every person that was charged it, full refunds and a free month like he did me. I told him members here would be impressed by that. I even went and started a new registration and they have changed it back to just a clear pre-checked cross-sale.

He told me the biggest reason he didn't want me listing it and telling about him telling me how it works is "lots of other sites" are going to be trying it. He feared the backlash within the industry.

So, read your welcome emails all the way to the bottom. My first time I jacked off, I thought I'd invented it. I looked down at my sloppy handful of junk and thought, This is going to make me rich. - Chuck Palahniuk

10-23-19  05:06am - 1967 days #10
elephant (0)
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Yeah another one that has always collected and prefer to watch porn with downloads as it means you can watch your fav scenes over and over again, streaming hi res needs really fast broadband and you can't be a member of all the sites that feature your favs so downloading is much more appealing and I like biker will continue supporting the downloadable sites.

Yeah hate these shitty tactics to get money out of the good guys that pay for porn, these people are your core customers so treat them well and they will return. Putting up links to adverts to automatically charge people if they accidently click is so shitty and so is the tick box on join pages of these additional sites that charge you massively more than an average month after short 1 or 2 day trial, total scam. So this part of the industry is really shitty, so is using these dodgy billers that make it impossible to cancel and even worse charge you still when you have cancelled months down the line.

Also have noticed a massive swing towards the models being more the freelance pornstars themselves with these membership sites that they can charge for their videos. I'm not really into this though as the prices for one video is the same as what I like to pay for a site with loads of videos, I'm always one for a bargain lol. "Women are like tricks by sleight of hand, Which, to admire, we should not understand." WILLIAM CONGREVE

10-23-19  03:23pm - 1967 days #11
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by mbaya:

Not the billers. When you join through a link on someone's site, they get a fee. That is how PU, TBP, Rabbits, Pornhub, Dealgasm etc. make their money. If you see a deal on some other site and then sign up that site gets a referral fee.

Thanks for explaining that. I suspected that was what you meant by referrals but I wasn’t sure. I wasn’t aware that referral sites had become a problem for porn sites.

I may be wide of the mark here but it seems to me that referral sites can be grouped into two broad categories. There are those (that I won’t mention) that exist simply to offer deals to potential subscribers. While I think there is some value in that by bringing potential customers together with sites they may be interested in those referral sites don’t really offer much of anything else. All they do is amalgamate potential deals and put them on their site. I contrast this against sites like The Best Porn / Porn Users and Rabbit’s Reviews because I think those sites offer a lot more value to both the porn sites and their potential customers.

The reason I think that sites like The Best Porn / Porn Users and Rabbit’s Reviews add more value is because they give a lot more information which may drive more business to the site. In that way I think these kinds of referral sites do more to earn the referral.

To use myself and my relationship to TBP/PU as an example, prior to discovering and joining PU in 2007 I didn’t join a lot of porn sites mostly because I couldn’t find a lot of stuff that I liked and even when I did I didn’t know how safe it would be to join. Once I discovered TBP/PU my monthly porn budget went up exponentially. I had lots of information on sites that I might like to join and I also had information on how safe they are. I think that rewards porn sites regardless of the referral costs.

To this day I rely on TBP to give me tips on new sites. If I look back over the past 10 or so reviews that I’ve written I probably joined eight of those sites simply because they were listed on the “New Site Listings” part of TBP. Even without a review at TBP or any reviews or comments on PU I can see who the biller is and see if the site is affiliated with any larger company. If, for example, a new site looks interesting but it is associated with a larger company that I don’t trust then I can avoid it. On the other hand, if I recognize who is doing the billing and I recognize affiliated sites as ones I trust I will be much more likely to pull out my credit card.

To give an example I’ve just finished up writing a review of Hot Crazy Mess. I wouldn’t have known that this site existed but for the fact that it was listed as a new site at TBP. Without sites like TBP I’m not sure how I would learn about new sites going live that I may be interested in.

But, if referral sites are only putting up discounts with no additional valuable information and still charging a referral fee that I can see why sites aren’t happy with this.

10-23-19  03:24pm - 1967 days #12
rearadmiral (0)
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One other thing that just came to mind is the rise of venues like ManyVids, OnlyFans and Clips4Sale. I get why these are becoming popular for models because it allows them to actually own and monetize their own content rather than simply being paid to perform for a site and then turning the rights over to someone else. The drawback for us collectors is that this is an expensive way to get access to scenes with our favourite models. I’ve noticed that there are individual scenes available through these means that can cost as much or more than a monthly membership to a larger site.

Maybe it’s fair to say that my concern about the rise of this business model isn’t that it exists but that it is often prohibitively expensive.

10-23-19  05:34pm - 1967 days #13
LKLK (0)
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While I think it's a great idea for models to own their own content, if that's the way sites like Clips4Sale work, the prices for a single clip are way too expensive.
Like rearadmiral says, you can join a porn site for the cost of a single clip.
So who is going to pay for those individual clips?
Especially, since the trend for younger porn users is to get their content for free.
What--me pay for porn? Ridiculous.

10-25-19  09:48am - 1965 days #14
rearadmiral (0)
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Originally Posted by LKLK:

So who is going to pay for those individual clips?
Especially, since the trend for younger porn users is to get their content for free.
What--me pay for porn? Ridiculous.

Yup. 100% agree.

10-25-19  03:44pm - 1965 days #15
Shen (0)
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Originally Posted by LKLK:

While I think it's a great idea for models to own their own content, if that's the way sites like Clips4Sale work, the prices for a single clip are way too expensive.
Like rearadmiral says, you can join a porn site for the cost of a single clip.
So who is going to pay for those individual clips?
Especially, since the trend for younger porn users is to get their content for free.
What--me pay for porn? Ridiculous.

This goes beyond the scope of porn. The same applies to music, movies and TV shows etc. We'll do anything to get something for free, the entitlement is there and we show no remorse in doing so. No exaggeration. I happen to be in the very small minority.

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