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02-12-18  05:12pm - 2523 days #8
jook (0)
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Location: jersey city
I never used a download manager. I never had the patience to learn how to use them or set them up. I still manage to download a few hundred or more videos in a few hours depending on size.

Do they really facilitate downloading? I never understood how they work. Would someone mind explaining?

02-04-18  03:18pm - 2531 days #4
jook (0)
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Learn new tricks. I felt the same as you 10+ years ago. However, the switch to Mac was mostly seamless and I never looked back. You can run windows on a Mac, but most who do so only do it to run proprietary programs.

01-08-18  04:51pm - 2558 days #26
jook (0)
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I basically take the same position as RA... sort of - I guess but I just don't know. I think I started a thread on this once and had a strong opinion. Honestly, I forget what that opinion was, haha.

I could go either way. If a network has noticeably different genres or niches that can stand alone, I have no problem with separate reviews. However, if a network has mostly indistinguishable sites, then I would stick to reviewing the network as a whole.

There is no right or wrong, at least in my world.

01-08-18  04:46pm - 2558 days #25
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

One other take-away from this thread:

turboshaft wrote: All I ask is that reviews have some substance to them not "Pros: Hot! Cons: None! Bottom Line: Best site ever!"

I disagree.

If I wrote a review like that, so brief and concise, I would be hopeful of earning at least 5 gold stars.


I will personally send you an Amazon gift card if you write such a review. -)

12-31-17  02:58pm - 2566 days #6
jook (0)
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I guess listing the site and discussion wasn't meant to be as the link was seemingly cut off automatically.

12-31-17  02:57pm - 2566 days #5
jook (0)
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RA, it's interesting you put Woodman Casting X in your negative category as I was actually considering joining the site. I was basing my decision on Pierre Woodman's work in privateclassics.com. I take it from your post that his later sites are not exactly equivalent?

This may get me in trouble, but I found an interesting thread that sort of parallels this discussion over here..

12-31-17  10:02am - 2567 days Original Post - #1
jook (0)
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I still consider myself a relative newcomer or an amateur when it comes to porn videos. Hence, my request. I'd love to your opinions about what you think are some of the more provocative directors and sites.

Some of the sites that I consider unique and interesting are private classics (not private.com!), ersties and kink.

Happy new year!

12-26-17  03:49am - 2572 days #10
jook (0)
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I would venture to guess that most anyone who joins porn sites with any frequency has run into the same problem. Banks and credit card companies have seemingly similar algorithms to detect fraud. A porn credit card transaction immediately draws a red flag. Another factor is probably the frequency in joining such sites... any extreme will draw a flag. As was stated, the simplest solution is to call the bank and tell them to allow the transaction to go through. That is, if you don't mind a half dozen security questions.

On a related note, I never once noticed a site that accepts American Express, my preferred method of payment in general. I'm guessing that it's either that Amex won't do business with the porn industry or that the discount fees charged by Amex are too steep.

12-18-17  02:29am - 2580 days #16
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by Onyx:

Goto http://www.speedtest.net/ and run the test. It should give you a download result as a # in Mbps. Divide that # by 8 to get your download speed in MB/second.

Thanks. The download speed reported is 518.25 Mbps. Can you explain the rationale for dividing by 8?

Btw, this is roughly half the speed reported by the Verizon speed test site. I ran the tests one right after the other.

12-17-17  07:37pm - 2580 days #14
jook (0)
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Dumb question - how does one test the MB / sec speed? Speed test reveals I get what I pay for - 1GB download, 1GB upload, or close to it. When I pay attention, it seems like I get about 8MB / sec download per my download manager. But how do I test the per second theoretical speed? Or am I not phrasing that properly?

This is a far cry from what I used to get with Verizon FIOS. The maximum download / upload speed up until 6 months ago was 50MB / 10MB, and I would often not even come close to that. After 2 years of kvetching to Verizon, they upgraded the equipment in my section of the building so I get my present speed. For 2 years, my complaints fell on deaf ears.

I also realize now that some of my reviews in the past complaining about a problem with download speed and streaming was my problem, not a problem of the site.

11-28-17  06:05pm - 2599 days #5
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:


Shame on you! After losing a post or review 99 times to outer space, it dawned on me to either write it elsewhere and paste it or just copy to the clipboard before sending it. -) Then again, I have memory lapses.

It should be a given that the perfect site would have an honest cc processor, good navigation, high resolution, etc. I guess it's the content that I'm most curious about what others think.

I think one perfect site would be a censored Japanese site without the censoring, if you get my drift. -)

11-26-17  04:44am - 2602 days Original Post - #1
jook (0)
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It’s that time of year to take stock of the good, bad and notable events of the past year. My mind wandered off into the past as I was waiting on line, that is, one of the lines, at Murray’s Bagels for bagels and lox. It must have been a year since I visited, mainly because of the long wait and chaotic system. I was, at first, pleasantly surprised to learn things had changed. They used to have an interesting checkout system. First, stand in a long line to place your order and get a ticket. Then, stand in another line to pay for your order. Then, wait for your number to be called to pick up. Visiting Japanese tourists would become so confused they’d fall to the floor sobbing. The system has now been streamlined to two lines. However, you get out no faster. A classic NY mystery.

So far, I’ve written 17 reviews in 2017. Only 2 sites merited scores 90 or above, one scoring a 94. I probably gave the high scores cuz I was thrilled that the sites were not like the kajillion cookie-cutter sites that proliferate the Internet. Frankly, most porn bores me. It wasn’t always like this. Perhaps because the market wasn’t saturated? I want so much to be thrilled and titillated like the good ol’ days. I wonder, have I simply grown old and jaded?

What brought this to mind was the most recent review on PU (as of this writing) - mbaya’s review of the Japanese site, Staxxx. To digress a bit, this was a fantastic review; probably the biggest thrill I get from porn these days. That is, reading informative reviews by the handful of PU members that choose to contribute. I have a fascination with Asian / Japanese porn and probably would have joined Staxxx if I knew about it. After reading mbaya’s review though, fuggedaboutit. Mbaya’s review made me think though… in the past, I would avoid censored Japanese sites. Nowadays, I’m beginning to rethink this. The censored sites seem to be so much different and exciting (if you use your imagination) compared to the uncensored ones seemingly aimed at the European and American markets. Btw, if you haven’t read mbaya’s review, Staxx is not censored but in mbaya’s view, “I have seen more interesting Japanese porn sites.” I’ve come to implicitly trust his reviews.

As I previously mentioned in the forum, I lost most of my porn collection several months ago when 2 of my HD drives suddenly died at the same time. No backup. While it was upsetting, I surprised myself by taking it in stride. After all, I rarely watched the older stuff any longer. I’ve since rebuilt my collection. I just recently re-downloaded what was once my favorite site, Trike Patrol, a Filipina reality site. I was going to write a review but didn’t realize I had written a review less than 2 years ago and raved about the site. What planet was I on?! However, truth be told, it still is one of my favorite sites but I disagree now with so much of the praise I gave it. I’ve become quite fussy about video quality, camera work, obnoxious male actors, blah blah. Perhaps I’ll write another review rebutting my previous one!

Odds are, I’ll probably watch much of the porn I recently downloaded one time only, if that much. Do I sound worn-out?

All this leads me to my question. Sorry to put you through the above rant just to ask - name an example of a perfect or near-perfect site? If you have none, what qualities must a perfect site include? I’m still struggling with this.

11-24-17  03:10pm - 2603 days #10
jook (0)
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From MacLife...

Augmented reality (AR) offers much more than Pokémon Go style entertainment. It promises exciting new options for delivering context-relevant information… as well as new ways of having fun with your tech, like the Selfie Scenes options on the iPhone X, which we talked about a couple of weeks ago. You remember — they use the front-facing camera to composite you into virtual environments, such as the interiors of the Millennium Falcon from “Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.”

Now we’re hearing a rumor that Apple has acquired an AR company called VRvana, which has crowdfunded (though not yet shipped) a camera-based headset that mixes virtual reality and AR experiences. This rumor rings true.

We know that Apple’s ARKit has been with developers since WWDC, and Apple connected the importance of that to the A11 Bionic chip in iPhone 8, 8 Plus and X. This latest acquisition seems to suggest that Apple is not only serious about AR but is determined on ramping up its strategy over the long term.

We’ve seen fads come and go, and it’s notoriously difficult to predict what will turn out to be “the next big thing.” But we’re already seeing what is effectively a proof of concept for AR in iPhone X. Combine all this with Sir Jony Ive’s comments about iPhone X doing a lot more in a year than it does now, and it feels like we’re in for a treat over the next year – and maybe beyond.

11-05-17  04:58am - 2623 days #11
jook (0)
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I take it you don't own stock in Starbucks. -)

11-01-17  04:55pm - 2626 days #243
jook (0)
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10-19-17  03:37pm - 2639 days #4
jook (0)
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The modern world is not so bad
That's what the students say
Put down the cigarette and act like a true girl
[tm, Jonathan Richman, 1976]

I love you guys. I'm a little schizo though. I'm a 20th century man who likes the conveniences of the 21st century.

Cell phones! The bane of my existence. The worst invention ever. Not a day goes by that I don't curse my fellow man while trying to traverse the streets of New York. Dang cell phone zombies. There's even talk in several cities of banning the use of cell phones while walking the street. Good luck with that.

I readily give up my subway seat to anyone that looks remotely deserving. However, I can't tell you how many times I've seen the elderly or pregnant women have to stand while sitting yuppies are too occupied to notice their plight cuz their head is buried in their cell phone. Remarkably though, I've had people offer me a seat which only pisses me off. I may be a bit elderly but I'm in good shape. I think to myself "do I really look like I'm in need?" But it restores my faith in mankind.

10-12-17  05:22pm - 2646 days #6
jook (0)
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I love this show to pieces. I grew up in the NY era depicted and SHAMEFULLY (sic) indulged in much of the debauchery. I was a regular at Times Square.

While it's easy to nit pick about some of the unrealistic and untrue scenarios, and there are plenty of those, the scenery alone is worth the price of admission. I found it to be mostly realistic.

My big complaint is that they minimized the plight of the women, most of whom were heroin addicts. The pimps held power over them by getting them addicted and dependent on them. However, the show glosses over that.

My other complaint is the story line which is borderline preposterous. It sure as hell is no Wire. However, the scenery alone is worth tuning in.

10-12-17  05:10pm - 2646 days #7
jook (0)
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Caveat...while I love Apple products and own enough of them, I am not a fanatic who believes they are the second coming.

Having said that, I don't find Apple's position with VR pretentious at all. They've always been cautious. Their products are well-thought out, even if many of them were bombs. Along with Microsoft and Google, they have been developing AR technology for a while. While I have never experienced VR, the premise of being 100% immersed in it and unaware of the world around me, scares me.

I am withholding judgment until I can see the final product. There must be something compelling about AR if all the giants are involved.

10-06-17  02:01pm - 2653 days #4
jook (0)
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I had no idea there's no VR for Mac. Jason33, I checked out the HTC and it does look like it is compatible after you jump through lots of hoops. Hoop jumping is not my thing -).

In my research, it appears that Apple (along with Microsoft and Google) is developing AR, or augmented reality. If you believe the hype, it's going to be a better technology than VR. There are iPhone apps for AR available now with the just-released OS11, but I want a computer headset. However, I'm guessing it will be quite a while before it's ready for prime time.

10-05-17  04:50pm - 2653 days Original Post - #1
jook (0)
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The technology has been around a few years now and has hopefully matured. I'm looking to get started and could use suggestions on equipment. Yes, there's been threads, but I was hoping to get the latest dirt. I'm mostly ignorant about this stuff and I apologize in advance for stoopid questions.

I have a Mac. From what I can see the equipment is somewhat proprietary. It seems Oculus is only compatible with Windows. Any thoughts - mid end to high end gear?

For those who have been immersed in the VR world, is it worth it?

09-10-17  02:57pm - 2679 days #12
jook (0)
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Not that anyone cares, but I finalized my backup solution with my new iMac. Some may call it extreme, but I feel safe now. It's been a back and forth process and involved several returns (Amazon and B&H rule when it comes to returns) and lots of questions on the various forums. It's been quite a learning experience. Maybe my experience will help someone else.

I bought two USB 3.0 JBOD 4-bay enclosures. JBOD = just a bunch of disks - for real, as opposed to a NAS or RAID enclosure. Frankly, RAID confused me -). RAID is also more expensive and seemingly overkill for a simple backup issue. Each bay holds up to a 10TB drive though I plan to fill mine with 8TB drives. That will give me 32TB of storage on one enclosure with the other enclosure for backup. That should meet my needs well into the future.

I also needed a backup solution for my music which is over 1TB. This is more important to me than all the videos in the world. I bought two external 2TB WD Passports which are very cheap nowadays. One is for storage and the other is for backup. And last, I bought a 1TB Passport for my computer backup - I got the smallest local drive (on my iMac) at 512GB, though it's SSD and as fast as lightning.

All in all, I will eventually have 11 drives not counting my local computer drive! That's 4 drives for each enclosure and the 3 external drives for my music and local backup. Seems ridiculous, no? Whatevuh, it meets my needs and I have the space and I'll hopefully never have to go through a painful loss again.

09-10-17  03:10am - 2679 days #25
jook (0)
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VSX Billing


09-06-17  04:34pm - 2682 days #12
jook (0)
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I totally agree. The benefits must outweigh the drawbacks for the porn sites to continue with the cross sales. And I also agree that in all likelihood, the majority of people don't dispute these charges due to their nature. It is embarrassing to explain it to a bank or whomever. Not for me although it's a PITA.

09-05-17  06:11pm - 2683 days #8
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by TVFR:

I am not sure i understand so let me rephrase.

In their system they detect you argued not once but twice. From their point of you they legitimately flag you as risky.
Instead of simply ignoring you they ask you you confirm you will not do argue a third time.
And you share the story because you estimate their statement is not fair.

Did i miss something ?

Not exactly true. I'm not dumb. I never would have joined a second time. It was a double cross-sale and I was probably charged somewhere in the area of $60. I would love for you to justify why the practice of pre-checked cross-sales are okay in any form.

And merc, I know how you feel and don't blame you for disputing on principle. If more people did so, we'd probably see less instances of this practice.

09-05-17  02:36am - 2684 days #4
jook (0)
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As tempting as it was to tell them off, I was Mr. Diplomacy and agreed to pay whatever fees they decided to steal. -)

merc77 - if I was only charged the trial fee, I might not have bothered. However, they charged me for a full month for 2 sites.

09-04-17  03:28am - 2685 days Original Post - #1
jook (0)
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No, I'm not talking about that dumb TV show.

I mentioned elsewhere that I was blacklisted from using sites with Vendo as the CC processor. I found out when I tried to join WOW. I assumed it was cuz I disputed a charge. I was correct. However, I requested that they reconsider and let me join, and below is the response.

Mind you, this was early on in my video collecting career and I was not accustomed to pre-checked cross sales. I remember getting billed full price for the sites I left pre-checked. I let it go past the trial period because I wasn't aware I had joined. Vendo refused to waive any of the charges. If I had to do things differently today, I wouldn't. I would still dispute the charge. I find this practice deceptive and among the biggest transgressions of porn sites. The difference today is that I am much more vigilant about checking for such deception before joining any site.

I'm fairly certain that agreeing to their request is meaningless. Besides, the odds of my getting screwed again by a pre-checked cross sale are minimal since I am on guard. However, I honestly feel like telling them to go f890 themselves!å

Sep 4, 10:42 CEST

Dear Customer,

Thank you very much for contacting our customer service at Vendo.

We would like to inform you that your payment details were blocked in our database because back in 2013 you claimed fraud for 2 purchases with the sites Me And My Asian and AmaLand Live.

If we allow you to purchase again, we need to make sure this will not happen again. Are you willing to confirm that purchases will be made by you and not ask for a refund afterwards?

Best regards,

Customer Service

09-02-17  10:45am - 2687 days #6
jook (0)
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Hah, so I finally ran into a problem with disputing a credit card charge. I have no recollection, but apparently I did so with Vendo and I'm blacklisted from their sites, which includes WOW. Not a big deal, they must have done something shady. I did notice several pre-checked cross sales when I went to join and it's my guess the dispute was as a result of that. Anyway, there's plenty of other fish in the sea.

09-02-17  08:49am - 2687 days #11
jook (0)
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It sounds like you're on the right track.

I hooked up the OWC and so far so good. It's a solid device though a little bit of a pain to set up. Then again, I have a feeling all good enclosures require a little hassle to set up. I'm not accustomed to screwing in each drive. But it seems more secure that way and it wasn't that much of a hassle. I have it hooked up as JBOD but can always change to RAID in the future. Like I said though, RAID would require another enclosure for backup.

You asked about protecting 10TB of data on a RAID system. You can get a cheap enclosure for that purpose - I've seen 3 and 4 bay enclosures for under $100.

I think it's important to plan for future needs. Otherwise, you'll end up with a bunch of single external drives. But I hear you about the expense.

09-02-17  08:41am - 2687 days #5
jook (0)
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RA, good suggestion, WOW seems a good place to start. I was a member in the past.

And thank you Pat and elephant for your thoughts. And yeah, I'll probably go back to some recent sites that I liked and join again.

Not to worry, at least I won't anymore -). A well-thought out backup plan is in effect - see the thread on external drives. I've already backed up the 4TB I had remaining. I've come up with such a crazy system but fairly thorough.

Believe it or not, videos are not my most valuable commodity. I have over 1TB of a life-time of music collecting which I would die if I lost. I got 2 small externals for them. Then I got another small external for my computer backup. And for videos, I got a drive enclosure which can accommodate 40TB. I think I'm set, at least for a while.

Any other specific suggestions would be appreciated.

08-31-17  04:03pm - 2688 days #9
jook (0)
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You must be a gamer with that system. Mighty fast.

Both my Startech and new OWC have fans. The typical life of HDs is about 4 years, so I took a stupid risk. I thought it odd too that two disks would go at about the same time. That's why I assumed it was the enclosure.

The new OWC seems quite solid and it's not expensive compared to other quality enclosures. I haven't hooked it up yet though.

How much data do you have in the way of videos and how much do you plan to have over the next few years? That should determine how many bays you need in an enclosure and the size of HDs you need. Frankly, I don't see the point of a single bay enclosure since you need a backup solution too. You have to decide how you're going to backup, not if you're going to back up. Learn a lesson from me! That was my biggest stumbling block - buying sufficient storage space with a system to backup.

With your system, you'll probably want to download at a minimum 1080p videos which can be quite big - upwards of 1GB each. It adds up, so keep that in mind.

08-30-17  05:30pm - 2689 days Original Post - #1
jook (0)
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As mentioned elsewhere, I lost the majority of my collection to drives that went bad. Stupid me had no backup. Whatever, what's done is done. I still have 4TB of older stuff (about 2 years), but lost 8TB which included all my newer stuff.

So, where to begin building up my collection again? I can't decide. One thing I'm not interested in is joining a supermarket network that has bland stuff just to build up my collection. I know what I like and wanna stick with it. And that is mostly ethnic (Asian, Latina and some European) and nothing remotely connected to the likes of San Fernando.

Feel free to pop in with suggestions!

08-30-17  05:23pm - 2689 days #7
jook (0)
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Howdy again Tonto.

I should know better. I just wrote a long response and it got lost into PU outer space. Beware, that's a problem with the software on this board. So, here goes again.

I ordered another Startech. As a result, I found out it wasn't my original Startech enclosure that went bad. Two 4TB hard drives died almost simultaneously. Bummer!

Anyway, I need a new enclosure for 2 reasons. My old Startech seemed flaky and on its last legs and it wasn't USB 3.0. I ordered the latest Startech. But the new Startech was cheaply built and required a screwdriver to put drives in and out. I sent it back.

And then I started asking everyone in the world about NAS vs JBOD (just a bunch of disks). RAID is a safer solution since you don't lose any data if a drive goes bad. However, it's not feasible to backup within the same enclosure which prompted my decision to go with another JBOD. If you're going to go RAID, you'll need a second enclosure for backups, or another backup solution. I wasn't prepared to go to such lengths. However, I would recommend such a solution if you didn't want to leave anything to fate.

The problem with a JBOD and backing up on the same enclosure is that if the enclosure went bad and fried all your disks, you're shit out of luck and everything is lost. My rationale is that the odds of such a thing happening are minuscule, and besides, I'm not as guarded as others about my collection (which is now a fraction of what it was).

So, I'm going with this - https://eshop.macsales.com/item/OWC/M3QX2KIT0GB/. It works with Windows or Mac and can also be gotten at Amazon. I'll have it tomorrow. The drives are enclosed and you have the best of both worlds - you can make it a RAID or JBOD. I am going with the latter. I will have four 8TB disks, two for backup.

If you let me know your needs and present setup, perhaps I can offer an opinion. I went from knowing nothing a few weeks ago to becoming one of those guys who has a little too much knowledge for his own good. -)

08-30-17  04:50pm - 2689 days #67
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by Tonto1:

Hey all,

Full Disclosure: I originally joined this site because of a google search for 'cancellation issues with Fetish Network' & merely came to add my 2-cents.

But, as i've spent a little time poking around the forums & such I find I kind of like it here, so I figured i'd go ahead & drop by here & introduce myself.

My real name is Ray, though friends call me Tonto. I actually just got out of prison about 6 months ago & to be clear; prison was not a career decision for me, it in fact, saved my life. It was merely the culmination of 23 years of alcoholism & addiction. I have armed robbery charges by the way, so no sexual stuff.

Having said that, I have been sober for over 8 years now, but my addiction to women & sex still haunts me, though it is the one addiction that I am willing to let go for now.

Aaand so, i'm here. Looking forward to checking things out. Peace.

Welcome Tonto and thanks for sharing! I've been in the same place you were and like you, my life changed once I was finally able to kick my addictions. It's not an easy thing to do and most people don't end up as lucky as us, that is, alive.

You'll find this is a small and genial community as well as tolerant, not your typical board, though we have our family squabbles now and then. Hope you enjoy your stay here. Edited on Aug 30, 2017, 05:58pm

08-20-17  02:23pm - 2700 days #5
jook (0)
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I think it would be cheaper to buy a zillion floppy disks! 8" of course.

It's amazing to think back to the uh, good ol' days when storage needs were minimal. Unfortunately though, as price for storage decreases, the need to store larger amounts of data increases.

I ordered two 8TB disks today and will eventually order 2 more. I was using four 4TB disks which no longer meet my needs. I haven't decided where I'm going to put the disks yet, a docking station or NAS.

The plan is to use 2 of the disks for backup. And I know in a couple of years I'll probably outgrow a "measly" 32TB but alas, I need to win a few dozen more raffles to pay for all this. -)

08-20-17  12:41pm - 2700 days #3
jook (0)
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Murphy's law. Either my docking station is on the blink or 2 HD's died. With no backup! If I can't recover it, there goes a large portion of my collection. What a bummer! I'm hoping it's the docking station that went bad, not the HDs.

Anyway, life goes on and moving on... I'm looking at purchasing a new storage plus backup solution and I could use suggestions. I've done the research and can't seem to come up with many options. The least costly system I can think of is to get another docking station with 4 bays. My collection was 12TB, assuming I can get it back. That translates to a minimum purchase of 24TB to include backup and have all the HDs on the same docking station. I would actually like 32TB to allow for future downloads. This is not an inexpensive option but the least expensive that I can find. I'd love to get RAID, but I think that's probably overkill and even costlier.

Any suggestions?

08-16-17  04:46pm - 2703 days #196
jook (0)
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Thank you!

08-12-17  07:56am - 2708 days #24
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

jook - my apologies but I didn't notice that you posted a question to me on this thread...

I haven't had to dispute a charge yet with Customercare because I start early enough in the membership to get the account cancelled. They aren't outright frauds like Centrobill. Customercare simply uses a business model that is precisely the opposite of what their name implies.

I think my response to you didn't show like many other of my posts. I think the PU gods don't like me!

The only times I can recall disputing charges were for the stupid cross sells when I end up getting billed for a full month after the trial, which I wasn't aware I even had. The better processors credit my account, at least for the full billing though maybe not the $2 or $3 for the trial. The ones that gave me a hard time I disputed and won.

Cross sells are so sleazy, but I digress.

08-12-17  07:51am - 2708 days #226
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by Amanda:

Hi jook! We just listed it!

You can leave comments/reviews here: https://www.thebestporn.com/review/creampieinasia/


08-07-17  02:56am - 2713 days Original Post - #1
jook (0)
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It's time for a new computer, a new iMac. I'm wondering if I should upgrade storage or leave it as is. I presently have four 4TB Sata drives in a docking station connected via USB 3.0. As you may know, the new iMac offers much faster connections, but I wonder how important that is except when transferring files. Any thoughts?

08-05-17  05:23am - 2715 days #221
jook (0)
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I received an email about a new site - Creampie in Asia. It's part of the same team that is responsible for the terrible sites, Submit Your Thai and Thai Girls Gone Wild. No discount, $30. I'll take one for the team and join and review it if PU lists it. I need to get some angst out of my system and write a terrible review. That is, unless they defy tradition and come up with a decent site. -).

07-08-17  09:48am - 2743 days #21
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I wouldn't red-flag this 'processor' but I would recommend anyone using it exercise some caution.

The 'processor' is Customercare.co. I was billed by them when I joined BAM Visions recently. The problem is that Customercare.co isn't actually the biller. When you want to cancel your membership and you go to the Customercare.co site you learn that they just broker the billing to any of a listed number of biller. There are some reputable ones that they work with but there are also some that are unknown to me. Nothing in your account or in the confirmation email indicates who your actual biller is so you have to go to each one in the list and try to find your account. I did that and came up dry on all of them so I had to email Customercare.co and ask for assistance. Their automatic reply promised a reply within 24 hours but that deadline is rapidly approaching and since it is now Saturday I don't expect anything. I'll likely end up with a re-bill.

My advice is that if you are billed through Customercare.co make sure to start the process of cancelling any subscription at least a week before your membership ends if you don't want to be re-billed.

Hi RA, just curious... many/some of the members here seem to be reluctant to dispute charges. I was told long ago the reason is for fear of being blacklisted. Is that the reason for your hesitation for not disputing?

I don't recall how many times, but over the years I've disputed at least several charges for one (valid) reason or another and got my money back immediately. There were no ramifications. As far as blacklisting, I doubt any company has the ability to take such action beyond their company. Besides, I wouldn't want to deal with a company that I had to dispute a charge with.

Personally, I refuse to go out of my way in legitimately trying to get my money back from a processor. I go straight to my bank after one or two requests to the processor.

06-14-17  12:45pm - 2767 days #18
jook (0)
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I'm basically an outsider with little knowledge of how things work in the porn industry. It seems to be cloaked in secrecy which made me that much more curious. I thought the movie was very educational, at least for me. I didn't draw any conclusions or judgments about the industry from the movie.

I will say this. I don't agree with the analogies discussed here to mainstream work. My take is that these girls are naive and greedy and want to earn a quick buck any way they can, legal or not, principled or not. I'm guessing that porn is a last resort for virtually all of them. However, it is their only viable choice to obtain glamour and fast money. Basically, the only talent needed is the god-given talent of good looks. While I feel their pain, I find it hard to sympathize. This is the price one pays for taking the easy way out. Like a pact with the devil? I bust my chops by going to school for a zillion years and working my way up the corporate ladder, and they make 10x more than me. No, I can't sympathize.

06-07-17  03:08pm - 2774 days #5
jook (0)
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Jeez, I never even heard of Benin! And you made me research Dahomey! Actually, interesting stuff. And if you look at a map, Nigeria is next door. Anyway, it must be on the up and up since Pastor Mr. Ben Edu is involved.Hurry up to WU and send $110!

While we're talking about good fortune, I'll digress a bit and sneak this in. I got a free one-year membership to a site I wrote a nice review about. No more bad reviews from me. -)

06-07-17  12:46pm - 2774 days #3
jook (0)
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Wow, and I bet you didn't even have to visit Nigeria to get in the drawing. Share the wealth.

05-31-17  09:39am - 2781 days #202
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by Amanda:

Hi Jook! A clone site is a basically a copy of another site. In this case, although Third World DVD is presented differently, its members' area actually offers all of the content from Hot Movies. These sites are actually owned by different programs.

Hah, yes, I understand what a clone is, though I'm all sorts of confused what it means in the case of TWM. However, not important. My real question is whether I can either leave a review or comment about TWM on the clone page.. Thanks!

05-30-17  07:45am - 2782 days #199
jook (0)
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Amanda, getting back to my comment on Third World. PU lists one of their sites and a clone of their VOD site. I'm not quite sure what the clone site is. In any event, I would like to either leave a comment about their pay site. Can I do so on the VOD clone site?

05-30-17  07:05am - 2782 days #19
jook (0)
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Hey Loki, it seems as if you've emerged from a long hiatus. -)

The question was meant in a different context and answered by wittyguy. However, as long as you bring up the subject, my rating system is not entirely different from yours.

I also write my review first before arriving at a decision what number to give it. This is the least important aspect of the review for me. I do have a few caveats, a departure from the past. It is rare that I will go to either extreme, under 55 or over 95. A site has to do pretty much everything wrong or right for me to go to an extreme. I also try to be objective and not let personal feelings about content influence my rating.

05-30-17  04:50am - 2782 days #198
jook (0)
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Originally Posted by skippy:

I can't seem to find vixen.com when I search for it although I swear I saw it here someplace. Very small site but good quality stuff.

It's hiding in plain site, https://www.pornusers.com/review/vixen/ -)

rearadmiral gave it a very good review recently.

05-28-17  04:10pm - 2783 days #15
jook (0)
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I was curious and did some research on credit card processors that cater to high risk industries. High risk equates to above-average chargebacks and risk of the business shutting down and leaving the credit card processor holding the bag in the event of chargebacks.

For a reference point, medium-size restaurants ($5m a year in sales) pay Visa and MC on average just under 3%. CCBill charges 9% to 14%. Quite an expense!

However, I haven't gotten to the bottom of why they handle more than just credit card processing. Stay tunes.

05-28-17  02:46pm - 2784 days #196
jook (0)
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Please list Third World Media...thirdworldxxx.com

The VOD site is already listed, though as a clone site. And there's also a shemale site listed, a part of the TW studio. AND, Hotmovies which seems to be owned by them is also listed on PU (and Rabbit). Strangely, they have a different listing for a DVD / Streaming / Download site which is what I'm referring to (link above).

Very confusing setup.


Edit: a big oops... I just noticed the message on TBP that you are not doing business with them (because they suck). Edited on May 29, 2017, 04:04am

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