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Post History:
jook (0)
301-347 of 347 Posts | < Previous Page | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | Page 7 |
03-20-14 03:14am - 3949 days | #26 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
"Whom'd or who'd?" That's it, I give up, I quit! I will never top that, haha. | |
03-14-14 06:53pm - 3954 days | #12 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
GM, I haven't been around here long enough to know you or anyone very well. I'm not old enough to understand the miseries you are going through, though I'm not far behind and it's frightening. But through your eloquent and witty writings, I feel I've come to know you as an old friend, someone I've know for centuries. You're the one that got me to stay here in this virtual pervert world in the face of what I thought was adversity. [though, I don't know if I should thank or curse you for that.] I don't have the gift for words that you do. Nor, like others, I do not know what to say to offer any comfort. At this point in your life, I hope you find whatever you're looking for, which I'm guessing is just a little relief. You are a role model and through your words, have a unique way of expressing what it's like to get old(er). Long live GM. Thank you. | |
03-12-14 02:37am - 3957 days | #15 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
When I'm trying to download as much as I can within 30 days so I can save on membership fees, it's kind of difficult to be overly choosy. Then again, half of what I download is boring or repetitious or crap or all of the above. One day when I have nothing better to do with my life, I'll go through everything. | |
03-10-14 05:51pm - 3958 days | #10 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Looks perfect except there doesn't appear to be a Mac verson. -( | |
03-10-14 03:37am - 3959 days | #8 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Or I could jut pay a college kid in trade to do the work for me -). Anyway, at least you confirmed my feeling that there's no easy way. | |
03-08-14 04:18pm - 3960 days | #5 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Same thing in a Mac. Perhaps I didn't explain correctly. The process would be to choose the file I want to delete from checking the file name in VLC and then going to the OS [finder] to delete the file. This could take hours and hours. I was hoping there was some way the file could be deleted directly from VLC. | |
03-08-14 01:49pm - 3961 days | #3 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Mac - Maverick | |
03-08-14 05:13am - 3961 days | Original Post - #1 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
In a short period of time, I downloaded about 2TB of videos. I had nothing better to do with my life than stuff my face with viagra and watch porn all day. Now that my 2 brain cells are kicking in and overtook the battle with the big nasty thingie down below, I realize I have lots and lots of junky videos that I want to eliminate. The problem is that most folders generally contain stuff I want to save and other stuff I want to send to outer space. So, I can't just delete a folder. I use VLC for viewing. However, there's no way that I know of to mark a video for deletion in VLC. Am I missing something? I have videos in all different formats - VLC is the only viewer that I seem to be able to view any format. I use a mac if that's relevant. Therefore, I can't think of an easy way to mark videos I wanna delete. Ideas pleeeeze. Thanks! | |
02-27-14 04:23pm - 3969 days | #6 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Great post! And you're right, I'll slow down. Eventually. Right now I'm like a kid in Mike's Candy Store left alone with Playboy and Swinger and baseball cards a million years ago. -) That was actually a fantasy of mine up until I was about 12. | |
02-26-14 06:54am - 3971 days | Original Post - #1 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I downloaded 1TB of videos from YES-Movie. So far, I've dl'd 500GB from a teen site. Still counting. And so on. At the rate I'm going, I'm gonna have to fill up my spare room with hard drives. I'm a relatively new collector of porn videos and I have nearly 3TB so far. The size of one HD video often exceeds 1GB. So, where does everyone store everything? Do you backup? At this time, I have more than sufficient space having bought a docking bay with 4 disks that holds a total of 16TB. With other external drives and my internal drive, I have 20TB. I backup everything including my videos, so double whatever I have to determine my needs. I'm going to do some pruning, but still, I'm going to run out of room in a year the way I figure it. I have other things to store on my drives, not just porn. I'm curious how others handle this issue. | |
02-11-14 02:50pm - 3985 days | #21 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I find this thread very ironic. My very first post here not so long ago was singing the praises of a streaming site. I got called out by a long time member as being a shill, or something like that. Now streaming seems to be in vogue, at least by a few members. Oh, and this long time user has yet to offer an apology. Sorry, I can't let that part go. Having said that, before joining this site (and thanks for having me!), I honest to God didn't know that most people downloaded and that there was a plethora of sites available for downloading. I've availed myself of about 1TB of downloads ever since. I have plenty of hard drive space to download, so that;s not an issue. Now that I've had time to evaluate both approaches, I think they both have their merits. I never spent much money on the streaming site, no more than $30 or $40 a month,usually less. Granted, I came away not owning anything, but I had a huge choice. I never watch entire videos anyway. Now that downloading is not such a big novelty to me any more, I find myself using the streaming site more though not nearly as much as before. There are numerous videos I like there that I can't find on any download sites and the amount of new ones on a regular basis beats any download site I've come across. To each his own. | |
02-08-14 05:44pm - 3988 days | #14 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
In that case, my personal opinion would be to buy an off the shelf computer. Most computers will fit your needs for not much more money plus you'll have up to date components and a warranty. While I've never been a big Dell fan, you can't beat it for the money. We use Dells at work and they serve our purposes fine. I understand customer support stinks though I've never had problems with any of their computers and no need to call. If you go on the site dell.com, you can customize a computer to a pretty large extent. Why do you want Windows 7? I understand Windows 8 is far superior. I'm no expert since I use Apple OSX at home, but Windows 8 seems a whole lot better judging from use at work. As for external drives, I bought my first bare drives recently along with a docking bay. I'll never go back to enclosed external drives. I am far from a computer whiz, but if a moron like me can figure it out, anyone can... just insert the drive into the bay. If you buy a multi-drive bay, you'll have plenty of room for expansion. For example, my docking bay can hold four 4TB drives. You almost definitely don't need that now nor do I, but before you know it, you might. Dollar for dollar, it comes out much cheaper. | |
02-08-14 04:14pm - 3988 days | #12 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Long ago I used to have my computers custom built. I happened to know someone who did it for a reasonable cost and I wanted the best sound system available and needed an unusual amount of HD space. I find I can now customize an off the shelf computer to suit my needs, but I do understand that others still may have special priorities which they can't get from off the shelf computers. I don't think the question is about which computer company makes a better computer, though biker would have to chime in on that. It's about special needs. Just out of curiosity, biker, would you care to share why you need a custom computer? And screw you guys, has anyone heard of Apple? -) | |
02-08-14 04:04pm - 3988 days | #664 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Hi Khan, If I may be so bold, can I ask why non-English sites are verboten here? Personally, I'm interested. Thanks, and sorry if I'm stepping on someone's toes. | |
02-05-14 12:38pm - 3992 days | #18 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I've come to the very unscientific conclusion that all the drives from the major players are about the same. All drives go the way of computer heaven one day and I don't know that any one particular brand is more reliable than another. There are premium drives available from your not so everyday players that pros use that are more reliable, but you'll pay the price. I think if you ask 10 people which drive they like the best you'll get almost as many answers. Personally, I like WD because of the customer service and no hassle warranty. Some of their drives are warrantied for 5 years. Over the years, I've had 2 WD drives go on me and they were replaced at no charge, one after almost 2 years. To digress a bit, I found myself running out of space. It was kind of shocking since I have a 2TB internal drive and 3 external drives sizes 2TB, 2TB and 1.5TB. 7.5TB was not enough! Well, to be fair, I back up everything twice, paranoid sucker that I am. Thanks to this site, my video collection grew astronomically. I have 1.7TB in videos and it's growing. I had no room to back the videos up even once. So, I needed a solution. I didn't want to add a 4th external drive; that just seemed too over the top. Here's what I recently did and I couldn't be happier. I bought a docking bay station that holds 4 drives of up to 4TB each. I am selling my 1.5TB drive and the docking bay station took its place. Only 1 USB port for the docking station. It comes in USB 2.0 or USB 3.0. I initially bought 2 WD 3TB drives for $130 each. Problem solved for the moment and I have plenty of room for expansion. I could probably sell one of my 2TB external drives but I recently bought it and these things sell for a fraction of the price used. Edited on Feb 05, 2014, 01:27pm | |
01-28-14 05:51pm - 3999 days | #6 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Maybe I'm just lucky, but I don't think so. Almost no spam makes it through to my inbox with gmail. I've used the same address since the inception of gmail (when you needed an invite ) and have subscribed to more porn than I care to remember using the gmail address. The problem used to be worse but I'm guessing that between gmail's filters and my flagging spam over the years, that did the trick. | |
01-23-14 02:10pm - 4005 days | #20 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
The latest site I'm, uh, playing with is YES movies - I'm discovering sites all the time as a result of this site. This one ranks up there as one of my all time favorites. It's a niche site, all Japanese, though the site's in English. Prior to that some of my favorites, again, all thanks to this site, are from the Torbe Network, Czech AV and Oye Loca. My niche is foreign films; in general, I don't like American films or studios. I rarely stream any longer as opposed to when I first came here a short time ago. Streaming has its place, but I'm primarily a downloader now - it's kind of like renting vs. buying, though there aren't many tax advantages to buying porn -). I doubt I'd be considered a typical viewer, but while I like to have a full movie at my disposal, I never sit through a whole movie. That's why they invented fast forward. I actually find myself watching scenes. I jump from one movie to another, watch a scene or two, and move on. I get bored by watching the same scene more than a few times with a a few rare exceptions. And yes to having 4 or whatever collective scenes. | |
01-23-14 07:59am - 4005 days | #15 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
My 2 cents although it's probably not even worth that much being a stoopid noobie. First, it took me one more time than Rick. I had to read graymane's post 3 times before understanding it. -) Personally, I don't ever see downloading clips. I'm speaking for myself. Aside from the fact that the genres I'm interested probably wouldn't be available, I like movies, not clips. And the cost, compared to download sites, will be impossible to compete against. But that's me and I'm beginning to find out just how different my priorities are after joining this site. However, I wish you the best of luck. I wish I had a crystal ball and could see what the model will be in 10 or 20 years. | |
01-15-14 04:12am - 4013 days | #14 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I never worked as a server except in my own restaurant, which I really don't count. However, I am intimately familiar with front of house operations. Most people don't realize that front of the house jobs are very difficult. The work is mentally and physically draining. Tips can range from dismally low to 6 figures. There are a lot of factors that go into how much a server earns. You may be surprised that one of the least paying server jobs can often be at an upscale restaurant. Since service is important, management will often hire more than enough people, i.e., bussers, runners and servers. After all, they only have to pay these employees a minimal amount, $5/hr in NY. Since the only people to get tipped directly are servers and generally bartenders, the server is almost always required (by the restaurant) to pay out everyone else -- bussers, runners, maitre d', bartender, hostess (sometimes). If it's not a busy shift, that can leave him with very little. The reason a server will have to "tip out" the bartender even if the bartender gets tipped directly, is for those drinks that are made for patrons not sitting at the bar. I think that you misread that law. Restaurants have always (as far as I know) had the right to add or not add an auto grat to large parties or as small as a party of one for that matter. The only requirement is that if an auto grat is added, it must be made clear to the patron one way or another. A word of warning. Always review your restaurant check carefully whether or not it is computerized. It is amazing how many restaurants I've worked at where menu prices don't match what's in the computer. It's generally not intentional but results from ineptitude and idiots that work in restaurants. Also, you'll want to check for an auto grat to make sure you don't leave a 40% tip, haha. As for minimum wage, I think every state allows tipped employees to be paid less than the state or federal minimum. However, the requirement is and always has been that the employee must earn at least the regular minimum wage with tips. Otherwise, the employer must pay the difference. It's really a terrible business to go into for many reasons. One of the primary reasons is that the average profit for restaurants is 10%, a very low number for an industry. It's a nickel and dime business and every cost must be controlled. Sorry if I digress. [I wrote a book, unpublished, about my experiences at a restaurant. It's mostly comical. If you're interested, I'll let you know where to find it online, no charge -)] Edited on Jan 15, 2014, 04:24am | |
01-14-14 07:24pm - 4013 days | #12 | ||||
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
It's only visa and mastercard that impose numerous fees, not AmEx. It's only recently that AmEx started imposing fees for different types of transactions and cards, but there are only a few such instances. Another thing that differentiates AmEx from Visa and MC is that there are no "middlemen" with AmEx. The merchant deals with AmEx directly. With MC and Visa, the merchant deals directly and indirectly, with a processor and the issuing bank. Everyone gets a fee and you need a scorecard to tell the players. There's a rate set by the credit card company called the interchange rate, and the bank and processor tack on rates to that. There are literally 100s of processors if not more, Heartland being the largest. AmEx is friendlier to merchants and customers alike, but at a premium. The customer pays a hefty fee for the card and the merchant pays a higher rate.
Never email credit card info. It's a lot easier for hackers to get that info than if you gave it over the phone or by fax.
Absolutely correct, always try to leave tips in cash. I just got finished working for a restaurant that had serious cash flow problems and owed the waiters over $30k in tips when I left. That's an extreme example though. Restaurants are allowed to pass on the credit card fee to the tipped staff. So, if they pay an average of 3.5% in credit card fees and the waiter's tips are $100, the waiter will only receive $96.50. And some restaurants accumulate the credit card tips and pay them on the paycheck. So, it could be up to almost 2 weeks before a waiter sees his tips. One of the attractions of working in the restaurant industry for waiters is they get paid daily. It's great for a kid (or adult) who doesn't know how to manage money.
Tipping is a stupid custom that started, depending on who you believe, in ancient times. Logicially, it should be thrown out the door. And slowly, restaurants are coming around, first by mandating an automatic gratuity (auto grat in the industry) and ultimately, to increasing the prices and eliminating tips altogether. That is the ideal situation. But one restaurant can't do it alone. This is a custom that is so ingrained in peoples' psyche that it will take a few forevers to eliminate. In Europe and other parts of the world, tipping is much different, particularly in restaurants. Most European restaurants add on a 10% tip and pay their staff more in wages. Europeans tip very small if at all as a result. When they come to the US, they continue in their ways even though they know our system is different. When asked why, they often reply that we should pay our staff more or something along those lines. Waiters absolutely hate getting a tourist or foreigner as customers, more so than elderly wimmin. -) Edited on Jan 14, 2014, 07:32pm | ||||
01-14-14 02:20am - 4014 days | #10 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
If only that were true. The consumer doesn't suffer nearly as much as merchants in the whole process. t is truly a nightmare for the merchant to shop around for a processor. It is impossible to compare costs between processors because they all have literally dozens of fees, i.e., for a foreign credit card, for a rewards credit card, debit card, if they have to manually swipe, etc. While they will tell you what those fees are, it is impossible to know how many of each customer the merchant will have. They start with a base fee for a no frills card and add a percentage or dollar amount for any "frill." The 2.5% rate many processors quote often turns out to be close to 4% in reality. There is no such thing like APR/APY for merchants as there is for consumers. American Express used to be the only one that had a simple system (no more) ... it was strictly a percentage, like 4%. Merchants often chose not to use AmEx because their rates were seemingly higher - MC and Visa quoted 2.5%. But that is totally misleading. They're not including all the add on charges. I've worked in restaurants for many years. I regularly take a look at our "true" rate after we get billed and Visa and MC are almost the same as AmEx. 4% is a very onerous fee. Our fees for all credit cards generally come out to about $5000/mo. There are no laws governing how much a processor or credit card company can charge merchants. They are pretty much free to do as they please while the consumer has lots of protections. As for giving a card to a waiter in a restaurant, I don't see how it's that much more dangerous than other retailers. Nowadays, there's not much the waiter can do except write down the number and use it to pay another transaction that was paid in cash and pocket the money. This is still done, but nowadays, many if not most people check their finances online regularly. The consumer will get his money back and the waiter is fired or worse. Edited on Jan 14, 2014, 02:26am | |
01-11-14 03:05am - 4017 days | #7 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Did we know that credit card fraud is ridiculously higher in the US than in Europe and many other parts of the world? In general, it is not the fault of the merchant, though they are certainly culpable. The big problem is the credit card processors. The US uses the same antiquated magnetic stripe when credit cards were first introduced. Europe switched over to a chip over 10 years ago and fraud was reduced by some ridiculous percentage, like 90%. The point of sale (POS) companies don't want to spend the money to upgrade. I'm sure they would if they could pass along the charges to the consumer and/or merchant, but both groups would undoubtedly rebel and the government would get involved. Having the government involved is the last thing the credit card companies want. However, this standstill can't go on indefinitely and I believe the government will get involved if change doesn't take place in the near future. Instead of spending the money to fix the problem, the credit card industry developed rules and regulations for merchants that is commonly known as PCI (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). These are a very detailed and complicated set of rules that requires the merchant to take certain cautions when handling credit card transactions. The fines can be very onerous, up to $50k, if the merchant is found to be out of compliance. The credit card industry has done seemingly everything possible to avoid fixing the problem properly. [full disclosure - I work in the financial area of a company that accepts credit cards in an industry that is notorious for encountering fraud and was required to learn all about PCI] | |
01-09-14 03:59am - 4019 days | #9 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
The site is eye candy. I might end up spending more time on the new site then watching porn. | |
01-08-14 03:31pm - 4019 days | #17 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
The last several sites I looked at were all $34.95. It seems the industry is taking a backward approach. Anyway, I did join one of these sites that claimed their 1 day trial membership for $1 offered full access. Not quite. You could only download videos at a low bitrate and there was no access to their "bonus" sites which comes with a regular membership. Anyway, I digress... when I went to cancel, the offer was made for $24.95 and I accepted. Every site that I've canceled with, which is every site that I join since a month is sufficient for me, there's always an offer for a lower price. | |
01-05-14 04:00pm - 4022 days | #20 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I totally agree. I have a 27" iMac and I don't think the resolution gets much better. I notice absolutely no difference with 1080p except that it takes umpteen times as long to download it. Even slightly lower than 720p is sufficient. I started a thread on video players, but this is more apropos here - of all the players I've used, iTunes with Snow Leopard has the best quality and is awesome with 720p videos. | |
01-04-14 06:17pm - 4023 days | #10 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Yes, they are M3U files as you mentioned earlier. The documentation clearly states you can have multiple playlists, but I have not been able to accomplish this. I guess you're not familiar with iTunes (playlists are in 3MU format with iTunes also). I've created several playlists, but nowhere does it give me an option to retrieve a specific playlist. Common sense dictates that it would be under the Playlists heading on the left, but it isn't. And I see no way to open a specific playlist. I don't know if it's something I'm doing wrong or it just doesn't work for Macs. I have to think the latter. While I'm no rocket scientist with computers, I've been using music players for many years which are essentially the same as video players, windows and mac, and know my way around. And as I mentioned, someone stated in a Mac forum that multiple playlists were not possible with VLC. Perhaps the Windows version is different. I give up; I've spent too much time on this. Many thanks for your help. | |
01-04-14 04:21pm - 4023 days | #8 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Thanks for the link. I find the videolan tutorial and the program a bit confusing, particularly regarding playlists. It does make reference to multiple playlists but there's no explanation (that I can see) how to do it. I'm looking under the section, "Using Playlists." I did ask a few days ago on a popular Mac forum (macrumors) and was told that this was a problem inherent in VLC and multiple playlists are not possible. | |
01-04-14 03:24pm - 4023 days | #6 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Therein may lie the problem. I have no such option "Docked Playlist" under View or anywhere else. I searched help and no results when I typed in "docked." Perhaps we're using different versions or maybe even different programs. I am using it on a Mac and it is VLC Media Player Version 2.1.2 Rincewind (Intel 64bit). Is that what you are using? | |
01-04-14 12:53pm - 4024 days | #3 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I'm not sure if we're talking about the same thing. I'm fairly certain that VLC does not support multiple playlists - a limitation of the code. To make sure we're on the same page, a playlist is a customized selection of songs/videos. iTunes also comes with pre-defined playlists, such as 90s music, top-rated music, recently added music, etc. I'm looking to have separate playlists for videos by their niche, i.e., hardcore, amateur, fetish, softcore, etc. To the best of my knowledge, VLC puts everything in 1 playlist. If I'm mistaken, great because I really like VLC. Just show me the way. | |
01-04-14 07:23am - 4024 days | Original Post - #1 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I can't seem to find the perfect player. All I wanna do is view - no editing, so nothing fancy is needed. What I do want is the ability to play multiple formats without converting and have multiple playlists. And of course, good quality. I have a Mac but I don't think that limits me. So far, I've tried the following... VLC - it would be perfect but multiple playlists not supported DivX Player - although they claim otherwise, I haven't been able to get it play MOV files iTunes - if all I had was iTunes compatible files, iTunes would be tops on my list if only for the great quality MPlayer - doesn't support multiple playlists Real Player - doesn't seem to accept multiple playlists These are all free, though I think I have a trial version of Real Player and it costs $50, but I'm willing to pay for something that has everything I want. I've asked this question on several video and apple sites and came up with zilch. I'm beginning to think what I want doesn't exist. The story of my life. | |
01-03-14 07:51am - 4025 days | #4 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Steady and quality are the key in my opinion. The example I used, Trike Patrol, only had 1 update a week which was not worth $30 a month. I'm willing to wait a year, pay $30 and get 52 videos. Parsnip, your comments about the industry are interesting. I had no idea. As for the sites relying on peoples' forgetfulness and/or fear of canceling immediately, I didn't take that into consideration. I forgot about the few times I forgot to cancel. However, since I check my finances daily, I caught it right away. I was given a refund with no questions asked. I don't think they're issuing a refund out of any sort of benevolence. It is probably against credit card regulations not to issue a refund for someone who cancels early enough not to receive any or much of a benefit. | |
01-03-14 03:33am - 4025 days | Original Post - #1 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I'm glad I found this site to ask the questions I've always been too timid to ask. And since I have a snow day and nothing better to do, I have some time to ask what is probably a dumb question. I've always been fascinated by various aspects of the porn industry. Some of the rituals, for lack of better term, as well as some business aspects are incomprehensible to me. Apropos to this site, I don't understand the economics of porn sites, at least the ones where you download movies. They all seem to work basically the same regarding fees. You join for $30 per month or thereabouts and you agree to recurring membership for the same $30. You can opt out immediately of the recurring membership after joining, but you have no choice at the time you join. I'm guessing this is a credit card regulation or some other governmental or quasi governmental regulation. When I join a site, the first thing I do is cancel my membership so it's not recurring. I've never had a problem in keeping my first month's membership. Again, I'm guessing this is a credit card regulation or the site owners simply don't want any credit card disputes whether they're right or wrong. I started thinking about this about a year ago. I joined Trike Patrol, an amateur filipino site, which I loved to pieces. I liked it so much that I downloaded every movie on the site within the first month. So, I cancelled my membership. I got an email from someone there, seemingly one of the owners, asking why I was canceling. I told him the truth and I suggested changing the business model so one doesn't have to pay $30 every month for only a few videos - they upload 1 video a week. He was very candid in his reply and said they did try several different business models and the one in place, the industry standard, was the one that worked best for them. I wondered, how could this be? Isn't everyone like me? I don't consider downloading an entire site's videos as fast as I could an obsession; it was simply a matter of economics. The faster I downloaded, the less I spent. Doesn't everyone think like that? Apparently not, otherwise the industry standard wouldn't be the industry standard, haha. Since joining this place, I've become more familiar with this seemingly multi-trazillion dollar industry. Some places limit you to how much you can download in a day. I was pissed when I joined such a site - the equivalent of about 10 HD videos a day. This did not fit in with my "standard." But it was only one site that I ever encountered this, and the site sucked anyway. My apologies for the long post. But like I said, I have nothing better to do at the moment, haha. Please bear with me if I am wrong in any of my statements or assumptions as I am not overly experienced with the subject. However, I am very curious to hear thoughts from others. Also, if there are any recommended books on the economics of porn, I'd be very interested. Last, I'd like to thank the moderators and members for making this site incredibly informing and entertaining. | |
12-26-13 02:15pm - 4033 days | #27 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Since I'm new, I've continued to review. I'm keeping a copy of the reviews in the event they don't get reposted on the new site. Can we get a little insight from corporate HQ what is recommended? | |
12-26-13 07:55am - 4033 days | #30 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Thanks, it looks good (even though I prefer the Americas). Another one on my list to join. I'm beginning to regret finding this place. I do hope they do away with the only English rule though. Some of the best porn is in other languages. | |
12-26-13 07:44am - 4033 days | #24 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
If I understand correctly, it doesn't make sense to add a review until the new site is up? | |
12-26-13 04:26am - 4033 days | #22 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
It looks like I stumbled across this site just in time, or maybe a tad early, haha. The new site looks fantastic. One question... will all reviews posted now be included on the new site? | |
12-26-13 04:20am - 4033 days | #28 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Yes, I am aware of that. However, there's no way to differentiate videos filmed in the US vs. their native country. I find by just selecting "Latina," you get the whole kit and kaboodle, and that kaboodle consists mainly of videos not filmed in their native country. You cannot choose 2 criteria for niche. Besides, I don't there is such a criterium here as foreign language or Spanish, so it wouldn't help. RE: PPM. It stands of "pay per minute." So, if you only watch a movie for 1 minute, all you pay for is 1 minute. On PPM sites such as hotmovies, you prepay for minutes. | |
12-25-13 04:39pm - 4033 days | #24 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Tangub, thanks for the recommendation. It looks like a good possibility that the scenes are filmed outside the US. There's no way of knowing without joining or asking though. So I asked. If they don't answer, well, that's reason enough not to join. Graymane, my gosh, you make life difficult! I change my mind every other second anyway. To give a fuller answer... I like foreign films preferably in their native language (I don't care if I can understand every word) and not over the top acting like you find in San Fernando and oftentimes in Europe. Decent quality is a must, but it doesn't have to be HD quality. Reality or amateur seems to fit these requirements, that's why I mentioned reality, but I am not a stickler. For example, I like a Russian series on Evil Playgrounds as well as lots of stuff on Third World Media, both major studios. I don't believe any, or at least many, of the videos are shot int the US or Europe. These are not reality films but the acting is not over the top. I can live without stentorian bursts of screams. -) [I had to look that one up!] [Do you play WWF too, Words with Friends?] | |
12-25-13 02:44pm - 4033 days | #21 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Maybe it has lots of Latino stuff, but my guess is the videos are shot in the US or Europe, not the native country which is what I'm looking for. You can't really see much without joining and I might have to pass unless you wanna join first and fill me in. -) I've got my hands full now. I'm beginning to see the light with hotmovies as far as expense. I was accustomed to ppm (although I joined download sites before) and was very happy with hotmovies. I didn't experiment much because I've gotten ripped off and it got to a point where I was afraid to give my credit card info. I'm fortunate to have found this site so that shouldn't be an issue any longer. I see the light and the benefit to downloading. However, I still maintain that hotmovies could be the best site around for ppm. I don't think I ever spent more than $40 in any month and that would be an exception. After looking around these past few days, I don't see any sites as well organized as hotmovies. I checked all the sites that jberry listed and they didn't seem to come close to hotmovies as far as features. I can't comment about the content though. But my time will be much more limited now with hotmovies. My preference leans towards reality and that's one reason I gave a thumbs up to Trike Patrol. One really bizarre site that I found as a result of a review here is Czech AV. I think everyone should join for a month just to see how bizarre it is. | |
12-25-13 11:38am - 4034 days | #19 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Greymane, you are truly a gentleman. Thank you. But what the heck are you slapping your back over? skinvideo doesn't seem to have anything to do with latinas. But I'm happy you're happy. -) You're the second person to make reference that changes are coming to the site. Is it a secret or can you fill me in? | |
12-25-13 04:22am - 4034 days | #16 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
It looks like the site is dead; my browser can't find it. Or maybe my brain is dead. I looked at your profile and couldn't find it under your reviews. Would you mind providing a link? | |
12-25-13 02:17am - 4034 days | #14 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Me, an offender? Maybe in my viagra/drug-addled years that ended long ago, like last spring. It's the holidays, a new year is approaching and a fresh start. Let's try it again. Now, for xmess, all I want is the name of a good native Latina site. Thanks to all for your kindness. Happy holidays. | |
12-24-13 12:31pm - 4035 days | #11 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
The issue is dead to me. The only think I'd like is an apology from Drooler, but I won't hold my breath and I don't care any more. More bothersome is that other members let him get away with saying the things he did. And frankly, I was born and raised with more manners; hearing the f___ word used like he did was offensive. Anyway, thanks for addressing my original question. Now, all I need is more decent foreign sites. I like a Czech site I found using this board... I think Czech AV. I'd love to find Latina sites that are shot in the native countries, not Latinas in the US. | |
12-24-13 06:52am - 4035 days | #9 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
I agree the content doesn't seem much different, though I think it has a wider range than most sites I've seen. What I think sets it apart is the ease of searching compared to other sites, the organization, the categories (I've never seen categories for foreign language films anywhere else, i.e., Spanish, Italian, Thai, etc.) and a customizable home page. Also, as mentioned, there's an indication of when you last watched a movie so, if you're forgetful like me, you won't view a movie you've just seen. I'll check out the sites you mentioned, I never heard of them. After so many years using hotmovies as my primary site, I'd like fresh content. I found a couple of interesting sites here already... I'm glad I found this place but am a little taken aback at the "welcome" I rec'd, i.e., "Get the fuck out." | |
12-23-13 09:40pm - 4035 days | #7 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Khan, thank you and the others for the benefit of the doubt. If you read past my tongue-in-cheek about being a shill, and if you read my review, you will see I am asking for a recommendation for another site since I am tired of hotmovies. Not everything I said was altogether positive. I also posted a second review and added a comment elsewhere. I'm sorry, but I do not respect the remark Drooler made. He prefaced his statement by saying he's going out on a limb. I didn't say what I truly felt when I saw his comments but I'll say it now. It was a very intolerant and small-minded remark which jumped the gun. It has no basis in fact and it was a plain idiotic thing to say. I honestly don't want "the benefit of the doubt" and to be put on trial because of an honest and sincere review, one which not only praised a site but spoke of several issues. As a result, I will not post any more reviews or comments. I will simply become a lurker. Fyi, I had written another review, a very poor review, of another site when I decided not to post it. People like Drooler might only say that I am condemning other sites to promote another site. I refuse to have what I say scrutinized like that and be put on trial. I refuse to write reviews or comments knowing that my every word will be analyzed. I know the guy's been here for a lifetime and has a lot of posts, but if I were in your place, I would take Drooler off the welcoming committee. As for my question here which started this, it appears that I will never receive an answer since the thread has turned into something else. And in that original question, I asked for an alternative to hotmovies, the site I am supposedly a shill for as per Drooler. I'm sorry if these remarks sound jaded, but I'm pissed and this board has turned away what might have been a productive member. Edited on Dec 23, 2013, 09:47pm | |
12-23-13 02:57pm - 4035 days | #4 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Thanks for the welcome. If you're typical of this board, I'm outta here. Were my comments so far fetched as to not be taken seriously? Edited on Dec 23, 2013, 03:06pm | |
12-22-13 11:21am - 4037 days | Original Post - #1 | |
jook (0)
Active User Posts: 325 Registered: Dec 22, '13 Location: jersey city |
Be kind, noobie here who did a search and couldn't find anything relevant... First, I am happy to find this site, had no idea such a site existed. Anyway, I'm tired of the same ol' same ol' big studios showing the same boring stuff. I like to see stuff from different countries and far away from the San Fernando glitz. Good quality stuff is hard to find outside the US, at least for me. Not the greatest example, but one example would be Trike Patrol. The girls are gorgeous, production pretty good, and leans towards amateurish, though the girls are mostly pros. As for mainstream sites, I don't see any sites that come close to hotmovies.com as far as ppm. It's got pretty much what all the other biggies have, but it also keeps track of when you watched a movie and it's got the best search tools I've seen. If there's any sites that are similar to hotmovies with a different or bigger selection, I'd love to hear about it. Sorry to ask ask ask without giving yet, but that will cum. Thanks. | |
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