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02-18-21  12:54pm - 1412 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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While the article is fine as one person's perspective, it's pretty much letting Mindgeek / Pornhub off the hook for issues that still exist and for practices that should never have been allowed to exist. My whopping 2 cents as someone who is not an insider in that world pretty much comes down to 2 points:

First, Pornhub (which is owned by Mindgeek which owns a lot of the major porn production companies and digital platforms) is the 2,000 lb. gorilla of internet porn – think of them as bad actor Amazon or YouTube (pre Instagram and TikTok days). They dictate what goes on and how, they control the search and ranking algorithms and they dictate terms of payment and their attitude is pretty much that any sellers who work with them should just shut up and be happy with whatever money flows their way.

For years Pornhub pretty much stiffed people and production companies on royalties by allowing pirated content (basically unverified users submitting their own cuts and montages of download porn). They relied on multiple layers of corporate entities to create a buffer from legal claims and the fact if you didn't want to play by their rules they could make life real difficult for you since they control so much of the porn real estate by acting as the main gateway for a lot of general porn users into the porn universe. Pornhub's focus until quite recently was on it's bottom line and control of market share, not the people it worked with (the author of the article linked to in this thread freely admits that). This may be changing, I don't really know, but I doubt that the royalties coming in to legitimate contributors are what they probably should be – a problem the porn industry has faced since day one.

Second, Pornhub itself is ultimately responsible for the shitshow that happened. Until recently, Pornhub exercised very little content control / oversight in comparison to the volume of content it carried. Imagine if Youtube only had a few hundred people to review content for copyright infringement and illegal content – it doesn't take long for bad things to start popping up. From my understanding it was also pretty easy to sign up and post material – basically checking boxes that would never be verified as origin, copyright, etc. That's why it ended up with boatload of pirated content and content that, yes, featured rape and underage sex that could be searched for pretty easily as long it was wasn't explicitly tagged as such. It was only after the NYTimes article appeared and the Visa/Mastercard blow up happened that Pornhub suddenly woke up and said “Whhhhaaaaatttt?” When faced with an existential threat (aka loss of money and legal problems brewing) it's surprising how quickly companies change.

Cherie Deville wrote the article in question here. She's been in the porn biz a long time and is in a position to make money from Pornhub. That's not the case for most. I'm sorry she's looking at a loss of revenue right now as I like some of her stuff and I want the porn industry to exist and keep putting out good content. In times like these I can see where the Pornhub mess is costing her a lot. At the same time though, I compare it to be being caught in a difficult situation and being forced to rely on someone who got you into this mess to start with and still isn't really being your friend.

10-16-19  11:52am - 1903 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:17pm

03-23-19  10:42am - 2110 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:17pm

08-20-18  10:27am - 2325 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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Glad to hear that the rolls are actually going up. Hopefully we'll get some more active participants here.

I have a more complicated twist on Mbaya's suggestion about recognition for long time PU'ers. While general recognition is cool the truth is that most people who have signed up really don't contribute much which is fine. I might suggest a separate lottery for long time members who have, say, earned all or most of their badges (they're still around for whatever reason so why not make use them) or have contributed a certain number of accepted reviews in the last 5 years and put them in an annual raffle for money and/or memberships. For example, every member who has is celebrating their 5th or 10th year anniversary here and meets the contribution requirement(s) gets tossed into a one time annual raffle for prizes.

This would probably be a lot of work given the tech issues MikeC laid out but it's just an idea I had that I thought bore mentioning.

08-16-18  12:19pm - 2329 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:20pm

08-08-18  12:34pm - 2337 days #4
Wittyguy (0)
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I agree that ranking would be an improvement. The polls in general are getting sort of stale anyway with lots of repeat polls and probably fewer people suggesting any new polls. I'd also add in that more non porn specific polls would be a nice change of pace too.

08-03-18  11:16am - 2342 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:09pm

08-01-18  11:08am - 2344 days #8
Wittyguy (0)
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Thanks for all of your work over the last few years and good luck for the future

07-10-18  11:38am - 2366 days #4
Wittyguy (0)
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For a long time now I never stored my password / username for here because it wasn't https so thanks for finally getting to that.

06-29-18  01:25pm - 2377 days #13
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:19pm

06-25-18  11:59am - 2381 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:19pm

06-07-18  11:02am - 2399 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:10pm

04-16-18  10:32am - 2451 days #4
Wittyguy (0)
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Another option is to us all a solid and post a "review" in a comment on the site. You just won't the raffle entry. However, once the six months has run you can do a cut and paste on the comment review into an actual review and pick up the raffle then (reviews can be posted months after actually belonging to a site). Admittedly not a perfect solution ... just potential delayed gratification.

03-29-18  10:54am - 2469 days #14
Wittyguy (0)
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I've never considered myself a hoarder but at times in the past I've probably been borderline addicted to porn. Here's a few basic rules I try to keep in mind to keep my dopamine levels in check:

Never use a download manager. It just encourages jumping from site to site without going through what I got and it chews up a lot of drive space for the small amount I'll end up keeping.

Mange your time. I budget a certain amount of time to going through a site, downloading only what I want. Then I try and edit that content down again before getting a new membership. I try not to do a “feast or famine” approach, just figure out what you can reasonably do without sacrificing the real world.

Limit your space. I mainly collect pics and edit down the zip files to about 20-40 pics per scene so hard drive space isn't that big of a deal to me but I still keep a top limit as to how many photo sets I'm going to keep. If I were big into vids then I would certainly limit the number and size of my external drives. The more you have the more you worry about losing it all and the more time you have to spend on backing crap up.

Take time to curate your collection. If you never look at it then there's no point in keeping it. I also chose a time when I'm in a not so great mood to purge because then my mind set it is “when in doubt, toss it out”. I almost never regret tossing anything and I know it will be replaced with something new pretty soon. I don't keep many vids once I've watched them a few times. Being easily bored helps at this.

Don't get hung up on value. This is hard for me because I naturally want to squeeze everything out of a membership. I just remind myself that a monthly membership is usually less than the price of a movie ticket and soda so if I don't see all that I want to I'll just keep the membership an extra month or come back in 6 to 12 months to see the rest and soak up the updates. Porn is a commodity that isn't going away any time soon.

03-24-18  12:13pm - 2474 days #12
Wittyguy (0)
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My basic answer is that if you don't like the political posts then don't read them. I just skip over a lot of that stuff. I see the increased politicism here as merely representative of the over politicization of life today.

As for the forum losing it's focus, it's sort of been doing that for a long time. Khan scolded us in the past for going too far at times and I got no problem with Amanda doing that if she feels like it.

Banning topics (other than blatant spam) will never work and will probably just drive people away. Early on I had some pretty political threads going that were popular based on views (“Free Speech and Porn” for example) and if Jeff Sessions gets his way I may refire that thread up again. The forum was never meant to be limited to porn when it was created, it was created to allow for expanded conversations among PU members. Everyone here is an adult on an adult oriented web site. Personally, if you're offended by someones politics then don't take it personally. If you feel the need to make threads political then use some adult self censorship and think before you post.

About the only way the porn topics will probably pick up is if we get a fresh infusion of new contributors, which at this point is like hoping to see a unicorn, or else others will have to start chipping in. Everyone is free to start forum topics so if you wanna talk porn, start the conversation; don't rely on others to set the agenda if you're not happy with it.

01-03-18  01:50pm - 2554 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:12pm

12-03-17  04:49pm - 2584 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:13pm

10-19-17  01:03pm - 2630 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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Dude, you're not weird, you're just old.

Alright not entirely. My most irrational belief is that one day I could actually win one of those big ass lotto's but at my current rate of investment (a couple of bucks a week) I'm thinking I'm going to need that money to pay off the debts I accrue after being alive for thousands of years.

Let's face it, we'll all weird. I still drive a car with (gasp!) a manual transmission without any GPS devices and do my own car repairs though I couldn't do that without Youtube. I could care less about the “on demand / need it now” consumer economy (sorry Amazon Prime). I prepare almost all of my meals. I too marvel at the current gym trend of seeing how little one can actually lift in an hour while working those thumbs to death on the phone. I've never watched porn on my phone. My weekly dose of social media takes about as long as it took me to write this post. I still think pop music is better when you have guitars, not computers, playing along. I still read physical books. I disdain identity and tribal politics on both the right and left. I still open doors for total strangers and on occasion will actually talk to strangers in public instead of burrowing into my headphones or screens. I read the terms of use on phone apps to see how much privacy I'm giving up and mostly then decide to not download it. If at all possible I try and fix shit when it breaks instead of tossing it … though my mind is another story. I actually enjoy walking over driving. I almost never use emojis

Oh yeah … I still pay for porn. Welcome to my weird world.

10-11-17  12:41pm - 2638 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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At this point I'm with Jook in that VR seems cool and at some point I'll be interested in it but at the moment it's not not quite ready for prime time.

First, I'd have to upgrade my computer which wouldn't be a bad thing, just money I don't want to spend at the moment. Phone based VR seems a bit limited at this point and in order for the experience to be good I'd have to dump a lot of $$ into a top end phone. Since I'm not someone who uses their phone to watch much video that doesn't strike me as a great use of money.

Second, as an old timer I don't want to get trapped into the whole "VCR vs. Beta" saga where you have to put your chips on one pile and hope it becomes industry standard. This seems less likely to happen with VR since it seems to me to translate across multiple platforms but I still don't want to get stuck with the VR hardware/platform from a manufacturer who ends up bailing on the industry leaving me without updates and unsupported products that then quickly become obsolete. I guess I've grown out out of the phase where I want to be an early adapter and instead want something that works well and doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Maybe my fears are unfounded but so far VR seems to appeal mostly to the gamer crowd and is just starting to get a foothold in porn. Until more entertainment or practical applications appear I don't see myself getting on the band wagon ... in the mean time I'll be sitting here in the Model T lane.

09-18-17  11:53am - 2661 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:13pm

07-25-17  10:56am - 2716 days #7
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:11pm

05-11-17  12:45pm - 2791 days #18
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by LPee23:

There are two reasons why I think it should be fine. The first is that AES-256 is strong encryption. Even if it is not so strong after my backup has sat online for 5 years, there is still the second reason. No one should really care that much about my porn collection. I obtained it all legally anyways.

Anyway, what do you guys think? I honestly worry about losing my local copies somehow, or needing to access my collection internationally without carrying 8 drives through customs, more than I do about unauthorized snooping.

Quick answer, it doesn't matter how you obtained your porn, most cloud services don't want anything to do with it since you might have materially that could be legally deemed "obscene".

While encryption is a fine idea for cloud storage it still doesn't get around the fact that you're putting your trust in a corporation that will never tell you how or what it does with your files and where they are kept. Never mind the fact about their own security protocols or lack thereof.

There is also the fact that a cloud service could go out of business some day. What then? What if they get hit with a DNS attack some day?

Porn is still enough of a taboo subject for the world that in my mind it's not worth putting it out there in the cloud in my book. I may be a bit paranoid on this front but given the unknowns and the monthly costs it still seems like loading up on externals is still the safest and cheapest way to go long term. If you got like 50 tb of data then you seriously need to pare the collection down since you could never look at it all in your lifetime. Edited on May 11, 2017, 12:48pm

05-07-17  12:51pm - 2795 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:15pm

04-22-17  02:00pm - 2810 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:15pm

04-16-17  01:40pm - 2816 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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PU and TBP ratings are separate. The PU rating is the average score from all reviews posted withing the last 2 years (expired reviews don't count towards a PU score). TBP does their own thing which tends to trend more towards what other review sites score.

03-08-17  11:51am - 2855 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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What I find interesting is that people are getting their undies in a bundle over some character being gay when the whole damn story is about a girl falling in love with an animal that speaks. Apparently beastiality isn't as damaging to populace as homosexuality.

02-12-17  02:14pm - 2879 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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Although I haven't run into this bait and switch problem yet, it does seem clear that more sites are going to the tiered pricing from the activity going on here (“stream only” memberships are, unfortunately, probably here to stay in the porn industry's eyes). Just a couple of notes from the cheap seats where I sit:

First, I don't think TBP is really doing anything wrong per se. As previously mentioned above, the access that TBP gets as review site isn't necessarily the same as we would get and even if it is, the TBP reviewers don't download and analyze the content like we do. I have observed though that TBP has been consistently handing out good scores to stream only sites for a while now and that there is a fair amount of turnover of TBP reviewers. This combination has accelerated TBP more towards the norms that a lot of other review sites employ where so long as the experience doesn't totally suck or your site is really small, you'll get a good score. I guess what I'm saying is that I see a naturally growing disconnect between what TBP values as a business model and what we here at PU value as collectors.

Second, I will say that it seems a fairly simple fix on TBP's part to address the bait and switch practices at issue here. The first part of any TBP review includes a section titled “Cost and Billing”. I would suggest adding another line under “Monthly Billing” to say “Monthly Billing / Full Download”. If that's not practical due to programming or cost concerns, then do this: In the monthly billing line, TBP often inserts parenthesis with the recurring fee listed. They could just add in those parenthesis if it's full download or not. In my opinion, mentioning “full download” should not be left for discussion in the pro's or con's sections of a TBP review since a lot of casual users or newbies may not get that far.

I do think that TBP does need to address this issue going forward though or else it risks cheesing off a bunch more of us PU types.

01-16-17  02:01pm - 2906 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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I would disagree with Merc77 in that I think you can be addicted to porn. Granted, there are far worse things you could become addicted to but a lot of the compulsions, feelings, and reasons that other addictions occur can also occur with porn. Addiction can wreck your life whether it involves putting stuff into your body or doing things that mess with your mind.

In any case, I've taken sabbaticals from porn from time to time. I'd say for a few years I was way too heavy into it - choosing to spend time on porn versus other important life matters. I almost deleted my collection once but thought better of it (no matter, I've gotten rid of a lot of that old stuff now due to low quality). Today, I spend a lot less time tending to it and collecting it but am generally happy with the balance I have with it.

12-17-16  12:56pm - 2936 days #4
Wittyguy (0)
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I'd post a comment about this on the websites affiliated with this processor so people who might think about joining will have some notice.

12-14-16  11:02am - 2939 days #121
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:02pm

11-15-16  03:17pm - 2968 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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Let me try and fire back on a few things here:

First, Jook raised some concern about docking a site a certain amount of points for being stream only and was wondering about standardizing reviews in general here at PU. While standardized reviews is a bit off topic the two go hand in hand. There was a big ass kerfuffle when the thread “What Should a PU Review Include” thread made it's appearance during the last Stone Age (at least in internet years) about what people should include in their reviews here. It pretty much ended with people agreeing to disagree – meaning that it's a free country and a free PornUsers so people should contribute however much they do or do not want to and that we celebrate it all. In my opinion, no one has to dock a stream only site any set number of points in a review, I'm just advocating for it as a small attempt to beat down this growing trend and make it slightly less appealling for consumers and producers to head down that path.

Second, several people noted how their porn hoarding propensities have led nothing more than a bunch of hard drives full of naked bits collecting dust. OK, so you've finally admitted you have a problem (that's always the first step). However, like most addictions there are winners and losers. The winners are the pay sites collecting membership fees from people like us who want to download good quality porn. The losers? We'll unless your porn addiction is taking over your life I'd say that it ain't bad to have a bunch of goodies to look at in the future if you ever want to. I think I'm safe in saying that if stream only was the only game in town, you wouldn't spend nearly as much time on porn (and not nearly as much on memberships).

Also keep in mind that all of us are looking at this from the perspective of someone who has already built a private porn stash of epic proportions. Streaming looks good to some of us because some are burning out on the act of collecting or because some have already seen so damn much xxx action that we've fried out our dopamine receptors and don't get that thrill from it so much anymore. In other words, we already got ours. But what about those who have yet to join the PU ranks and who want to build their own collections? It ain't gonna happen under a stream only system. And what happens when you get tired of paying that monthly membership just to look over your “favorites” section only to see that for no reason whatsoever the site dumped some of your favs? Why give up what little control we have as legitimate consumers in an often pirated business for the sake of convenience when the reality is that we would just be letting others decide that whatever is convenient for them will also be convenient for us?

11-13-16  05:27pm - 2969 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:02pm

11-11-16  12:46pm - 2972 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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Any additional thoughts here? Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:01pm

11-11-16  12:08pm - 2972 days #12
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:20pm

11-09-16  03:33pm - 2974 days #14
Wittyguy (0)
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Khan is probably the person most responsible for forging the identity of PU that persists to this day. It's one of the few civilized user oriented porn sites on the web and that is in large part to his vigilance and guidance, especially in the early years. A tip of the hat to Khan for all his work and my condolences to his family.

11-09-16  03:26pm - 2974 days #2
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:20pm

10-04-16  01:48pm - 3010 days #98
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:01pm

10-03-16  02:26pm - 3011 days #7
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:23pm

08-28-16  04:23pm - 3047 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:23pm

08-15-16  02:55pm - 3060 days #4
Wittyguy (0)
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I take the position of the silent majority on this site and confess that “my meaningful porn collection” is meaningful to no else but me. Not that my tastes are exotic or limited to a few niches, rather it's due to that recurring line I frequently find myself using when writing reviews: “search and navigation sucks”.

I don't really care much about model names, site of origination or specialty content. Everything just gets dumped into a few generic folders to be rediscovered at a later time. The bulk of my collection is pics which I at least edit down before tossing them into files for future viewing. I only collect 720 sized vids since I don't want to clog up my hard drive space since I only view porn on a standard monitor and don't plan on going big screen in the future. My only requirement is that I have to like what I save because I go back and look it (hoarding is not my nature). Excessively low rez content and stuff that doesn't interest me any more gets the boot. My collection works for me. For anyone else who looked at it, they'd probably say their dog could a better job at it.

I had to laugh at Toadsith's line about someday coding out a search engine for their collection. Having been here since the birth of the forum, I'd say that at least 4 or 5 PU members have gotten all amped up about building this holiest of holy grails only to never really hear back on their progress. All I can say is that if someone here does manage build this holiest of holy grails that 1) You know people will come (I know, bad joke), and 2) You will have a statute built in your honor for the porn hall of fame … to be situated between the guy who invented ass-less chaps and the first cable repairman uniform ever used in a porn film.

Lastly, I sort of wonder if us collectors are really just dinosaurs. Before declaring me a heretic and burning my hard drives at the stake, hear me out. Most us grew up in a time when people still collected actual tangible things. We also got our taste for internet porn during the wild west days of the internet when you couldn't bank on porn sites being around, couldn't trust the government from not trying to regulate it, and before the dawn of the tube site when you had to join sites to see good quality vids. In other words, I think at least for the gen-xer's, there was an incentive to collect because you couldn't necessarily bank on porn being there forever and we were more culturally primed to collect this taboo product.

In comparison, today's youth have always been able to access porn for free pretty much where ever and when ever they wanted. Because it's always free on tube sites or pirated it's also now associated as being a generally low quality though ubiquitous product. They don't need or even own computers, hard drives, etc., a phone is all you need to access the world. The cultural ethos today is to collect experiences, not objects. And, certainly not least, social media rules the world. If I were to reverse the amount of time I spend on social media with the time I spend on porn my collection, my collection would be a few movies and a dozen pics.

Add all this up and my completely uneducated guess would be that the millenials and the next generation have fewer porn hounds than us geezers. I wonder if the question is so much what a meaningful collection is or is not, rather it's if anyone cares about collecting any more.

08-15-16  02:09pm - 3060 days #14
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:24pm

04-04-16  06:14pm - 3192 days #36
Wittyguy (0)
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Marketing 101: Put the discounts where the most eyeballs are going to be. I assume that would be somewhere on the main page of thebestporn as opposed to here (forum thread). Here is fine by me but it is just a forum thread that most people probably don't click on when they hit the PU site. I would avoid creating multiple threads based on niche in order to keep the forum from getting too clogged up in the future.

03-16-16  02:09pm - 3212 days #16
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:25pm

02-14-16  05:53pm - 3242 days #4
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:26pm

02-11-16  07:09pm - 3245 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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While I vote for Drooler's interpretation, here's an actual jpeg oddity. Basically, it's how a Playboy centerfold helped create the jpeg and the ramifications of it in today's "Bro" tech world.

12-31-15  09:03pm - 3287 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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... "good health, some decent wages and people who love you" is definitely not part of the Republican platform for 2016. I'll keep my political rhetoric to a minimum and just say "Happy New Year" to all. I probably won't even make to midnight myself.

12-17-15  12:48pm - 3302 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:27pm

12-17-15  12:37pm - 3302 days #6
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:00pm

12-10-15  02:04pm - 3309 days #6
Wittyguy (0)
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Thanks for following up and the clarifications!

12-09-15  01:29pm - 3310 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:27pm

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