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03-08-10  11:28am - 5422 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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I was sort of curious about Reg's remark about the TBP reviews and download speeds. I recently upgraded to a cable internet system that allows for 12 mbs download speeds. Even though I have that I rarely if ever seem to reach DL speeds stated in TBP reviews. I didn't realize that 1) they were on a 50 mb direct connect and 2) that being on a higher capacity connection would make that much difference.

Just curious if any others out there have noticed really high DL speeds posted in TBP reviews that they can't achieve either even with moderately robust internet connections.

03-05-10  08:22pm - 5424 days #90
Wittyguy (0)
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I'm waiting to see what other's have to say about Alice in Wonderland. While it could be interesting I'm not sure I want to fork out big $$$ to see the 3 D version and, if I'm not willing to do that, why see it all?

As an aside, here's my quick pic of Oscar winners (remember, take these picks to Vegas and bet everything you got on them because they're sure fire winners ... at least that what's Rick told me and he lives in Vegas ;)

Best Pic: Hurt Locker. I've seen 9 out of the 10 nominees for best pic and this one is the best of the bunch in my opinion. I really like Up in the Air as well but that wasn't really a great film in terms of overall effect, that was just decent writing and good actors. Avatar is all about effects so it shouldn't really win either. None of the others really measured up in my book so there it is. Besides, even if some other people liked other movies this is probably going to be a number two on voter's ballots (this year they have to rank the pics 1 - 10, no more voting for just one) so it has several avenues available for a win.

Best Director: Hell, even if I'm wrong on my best pic bet it goes to Kathryn Bigelow for Hurt Locker. Good movie, she'd be the first woman to win in this category, 'nuff said. Book it Dan-O.

Best Actor: Fuck if I know. Oh wait, I'm making predictions here. I didn't see Crazy Heart so I'm just guessing that The Dude did an abiding job there. The pro's like The Dude. I like Morgan Freeman from Invictus (he was born to be Mandela ... thank god he wasn't) so you're going to have to split or skip on your Vegas odds here.

Best Actress: Personally, I thought that The Blind Side was tolerable and formulaic at best. Sandra is hot (I'd buy a subscription to her MILF sex site) and not a bad actress but Academy Awards should be about making a great movie, not a lifetime achievement award. The young gal from An Education was good but she's too young to win (no more Tatum Oneil's ... it's nothing but the almighty curse of young actors who turn into coke heads and wanna be morons when they grow up) so that only leaves Meryl Streep. Meryl deserves it more than Sandra so I'm going out on a limb here and saying make Meryl my dark horse over the pretty horse pick of the week.

Best Supporting Actor: Good 'ol "What's his face". The Nazi dude from Inglorious Basterds wins hands down. No need for him to show up, just mail the damn glittery gender neutral nude dude to him already.

Best Supporting Actress: Mo Nique for Precious. Again, another hands down winner. Compelling heart wrenching acting (when's the last time you've seen that in a porno damn it) compared to everyone else. When the fat lady sings (I think she does ... sometimes) it's over.

That's all I got other than saying that Avatar will sweep the technical awards -- that's right, I'm really going out a on limb there. Any other thoughts before Sunday night?

03-05-10  07:59pm - 5424 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:06pm

03-05-10  11:46am - 5425 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 19, 2023, 01:12pm

02-28-10  10:03am - 5430 days #23
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

Wittyguy, you're at constant risk of overstepping and making yourself look small. You did it this time. Not my problem.

Sorry dude, no offense meant. Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:02pm

02-27-10  11:52am - 5431 days #13
Wittyguy (0)
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[Postscript: Original comment edited out.] Edited on Mar 01, 2010, 05:51pm

02-26-10  11:30am - 5432 days #121
Wittyguy (0)
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I've made several references in this thread to people using software or ISP services to circumvent censorship in their country. In case anyone wants to know more about these types of services and which ones really work here's a link to a long and somewhat scholarly article about what works. The good stuff (names of services tested and results) starts at page 21 on the downloadable document. Here's the link: http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/publication...ion_Landscape_Report.

02-26-10  11:26am - 5432 days #9
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:03pm

02-25-10  05:03pm - 5432 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:02pm

02-25-10  02:00pm - 5432 days #77
Wittyguy (0)
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"Alice in Wonderland" in 3D is due to come out soon. I'm not sure what to make of this one. It seems somewhat appealing given the star power and funky animation effects. On the other hand, I don't know if the story line seems that compelling to me. Apparently this movie is causing a bit of a ruckus too since Disney wants to accelerate the release of it on DVD to 3 months, down from the usual 4 to 6 months. Apparently some theater chains are going to boycott showing the movie because they don't people skipping the theater knowing they can see it on dvd in a few weeks.

As an aside, the Oscars are coming up in about 10 days. List your picks for best picture, actor and actress, and supporting actor and actress. The winner will get some awesome prize from the fabulous Wittyguy prize vault ... also known as the home of Walt Disney's cryogenically preserved body and other assorted artifacts. I'll post my picks in the next few days.

02-25-10  01:53pm - 5432 days #120
Wittyguy (0)
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When Good Searches Go Bad - aka Politics and the Net

By now, most of you have probably heard about Google's Italy problem. Last year, some teens posted a video of themselves bullying a Down's Syndrome kid on Google. Italian prosecuters, applying Italian law, charged Google executives with violating privacy laws and were convicted in abstentia of those charges (apparently it's a crime there to depict any abuse of developmentally challenged people). The basis for the conviction was that Google only took down the video after receiving an official complaint two months after it was posted and because Google used the video for profit because Google makes money from advertising on pages showing uploaded content. By "handling the video" ( by placing advertising with it and by using marketing algorithems on it) prosecutors contend that Google was just not a host site but, instead, a media content producer like a newspaper or commercial website. The justification for this censorship is that the Italian government has a vested interest in protecting human dignity.

Part of the reason for this conviction is politics. The prime minister also happens to run the largest tv and publishing conglomerate in Italy. By forcing companies like Google, You-Tube, and Facebook to get media licenses and police their content, it helps level the field for the "old school" media players.

The Italians make one tiny valid point. Google uses it's computing forces to make money (a little at least) from uploaded content. So, it's not like some retired dude simply putting up a bulletin board for people who like to talk about model train sets and makes no money from it. In that sense, Google and Facebook are not 100% shielded by the service provider protections. However, as we all know, unless companies can make some money at some point you'll never have robust online communities with nifty functions and easy search capability. Facebook wouldn't exist if the owners were liable for everything someone might say on there. Let's face it, these companies are a hell of lot closer to a true bulletin board system than, say, a porn site that sells memberships and produces all of its own content.

The Italians also argue that, like it did in China, Google can filter content. Nice try, morons. We of the porn world who have some understanding of the perils of a legal system where "obscenity" is defined after the fact can see through that. What the hell exactly is "protecting human dignity". Once again, a minority of one has the ability to censor the entire web. Unless Italy changes it's laws or this case gets flipped on appeal, Italy will simply slumber through it's own self imposed internet "Dark Ages" as all social networking companies simply block access to Italian users. Italians aren't necessarily the brightest when it comes to embracing modernity but this, I think, is more of a blip on the radar than a thunderbolt from above when looking at the long term implications.

Lastly, and unrelated, Microsoft has now decided that it's the new spam sheriff in town. A US court has permitted Microsoft to tell ISP's to shut down certain web addresses that they believe are spreading malicious botnets. Since when does a private corporation get the right to shut down websites without prior notice (like an ISP, especially a small one, is going to thumb it's nose at MS). Is the FBI too lazy or too stupid to do this? Of course, MS would never do anything bad, right? I guess that Italy doesn't have the market cornered on stupid legal decisions after all.

02-24-10  06:10pm - 5433 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:01pm

02-24-10  02:14pm - 5433 days #41
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:06pm

02-23-10  04:06pm - 5434 days #17
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:05pm

02-23-10  12:42pm - 5434 days #6
Wittyguy (0)
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Actually, we already got the Canada vs. US hockey final ... in womens hockey. Should be a good game with the only real power houses in that sport matching up. Heaven would be a US vs. Canada mens final too although I'm thinking the outcome would probably be reversed from the first meeting.

02-23-10  12:38pm - 5434 days #114
Wittyguy (0)
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As usual, Khan makes very good points including a few I overlooked in my post on the whole ".xxx" thing. I'm just going to chime in with a few more observations:

I think the whole .xxx thing is going to be a "lose - lose" proposition for all parties involved. ICANN could make the .xxx registry legal but they don't have binding enforcement power over which companies use the .xxx domains. It would be up to lawmakers in individual countries countries to require adult sites to use a .xxx domain. However, a lot of western countries with established commercial and trade laws simply won't let the government shut down a domain address without compensating the owner (this is "the takings" clause in the US Constitution). I can't see many politicians voting to compensate the porn industry. So, worst case scenario here in the U.S., is that the government could pass a law requiring all new adult domain addresses to have a .xxx domain. Guess what, that is what's called content based restriction which is illegal in the U.S.

Assuming the .xxx domain is approved you can bet that almost immediately some nations will outright ban them. Adult webmasters will see this happening and realize that they have no interest in spending money to brand a new domain that is so easily blocked. The domain registration people hoping to see huge prices for domains like "sex.xxx" are going only going to see moderate sales for the really good domains while the rest are left to rot. Anyone trying to buy up "pixandvideo.xxx" or "videobox.xxx" will probably get their ass sued off for cybersquatting or trademark/copyright infringement so there's no real money there either.

End result, the domain registers lose because they don't see the huge profits they had hoped. Websites lose when nations require that while they may claim a .com or .net domain that they must host their wares on a .xxx site which is then banned by the government or by an isp or isp provider (in the case of public wireless networks). Then, we as consumers lose out on the goodies.

About the only good thing I could see happening out of all of this is that more companies would create a web presence in the U.S. where we have decent first amendment protections in order to avoid the .xxx label that other nations might impose on them.

02-23-10  12:13pm - 5435 days #7
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:05pm

02-22-10  11:55am - 5436 days #109
Wittyguy (0)
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Dude! Where'd my porn go?!?!?!

It might not be that long before some PUers start saying that to themselves. Why? Well, here's the short story. Several years ago a player in the domain name market tried to get the .xxx (instead of .com or .net, it's literally ".xxx") registry approved by the international body (ICANN) that regulates domain names. They were shot down. Now, ICANN has been ordered to review that decision. While there is no final decision it is likely that the .xxx domains will be legalized at some point in the near future.

So, what's the problem you ask. One word: "censorship". How easy would it be for a government or ISP to simply ban access to all .xxx sites as an easy way to appeal to the Puritan mainstream? Most existing companies would not be looking to change their domains and probably have protections in the domain names they have, but governments could require that all future porn sites use the .xxx registry. In countries outside the US, governments could require that porn sites link from their existing url address to a new .xxx host site for their content. Again, this just makes censorship easier by bunching all "offensive" content in one easily blockable package.

The outcome is that if porn sites starting getting blocked in other countries several things start to happen. First, consumers in less restrictive nations pay more for porn. Second, as I've alluded numerous times in this thread, people simply go underground by purchasing software/hardware that masks their their user IPO address. The result is that intelligence and law enforcement spends a hell of a lot more money trying to filter out the bad guys from the good guys on the web (aka - consumers and taxpayers pay more).

The only good I can see from a .xxx domain is that it makes parental controls easier. However, there's plenty of good software available to today that already accomplishes that task. While the people behind the drive to get the .xxx domains approved see money in their future, I see more problems than what it's worth for the rest of us.

02-18-10  01:25pm - 5439 days #7
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:01pm

02-16-10  03:21pm - 5441 days #11
Wittyguy (0)
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... And would we all be fighting over the few scraps of meat that would come off of an eagle during Thanksgiving?

02-16-10  01:42pm - 5441 days #7
Wittyguy (0)
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"It's hard to soar like an eagle when you work with a bunch of turkeys."

02-16-10  01:39pm - 5441 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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There are reasons why local pornshops still persist:'

1. Not everyone has a computer or internet connection. You can buy a new dvd player for $25 today and everyone has a tv but those who live life on the economic edge can't necessarily afford a decent computer and monthly internet fees and, on top of that, monthly membership fees to websites. Buying something when you only have the cash once in a while is what works for more people than you might think.

2. You can look before you buy. This can be important when it comes to clothes and toys. What you see marketed online isn't what you always get. Besides, if it isn't what you expected making a return (assuming unused ;) is a lot easier in person than sticking it in the mail and hoping you're card gets credited.

3. It's an adventure. It is sort of fun / taboo thing to go into an adult store with friends.

4. It's a place to rent. Hey, feeling horny and want to rent a dvd to watch tonight? I think a lot those places still rent to people.

5. Those stores service more than just porn pervs. Strippers need a place to buy outfits, couples want toys and clothes to spruce things up, maybe someone wants a dirty magazine for whatever reason, etc.

6. Now a days, it's probably easier to hide a naughty dvd from a spouse/girlfriend than it is to be absolutely sure you're computer isn't bugged with spyware.

7. Trying to set an example for the kids by having the family computer in the living room and then trying to fight for keyboard time with junior who needs to finish his report and wants to World of Warcraft? Just stick a dvd in your tv in the bedroom and avoid the crush. Where are you going to have the dvd delivered? Work (not if you want to keep your job)? Home (want junior to open up a whole new world of home schooling sex ed)? This argument also supports why viewing boths in adult stores still exist.

There are lots of reasons why brick and mortar is and will be sticking around. There won't be as many of them as yesteryear but for the foreseeable future they'll still have their place.

02-13-10  01:04pm - 5444 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:00pm

02-13-10  01:03pm - 5444 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:00pm

02-12-10  01:15pm - 5445 days #45
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:05pm

02-12-10  12:46pm - 5445 days #106
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:33pm

02-11-10  09:23pm - 5446 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:58pm

02-10-10  12:20pm - 5448 days #37
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:59pm

02-09-10  08:09pm - 5448 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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Man, trying to make money from the web by sitting back and watching the customers come to you is like planning your retirement around winning the lottery ... it's a nice idea but only 1 out of every million (or less) succeed at it. Unless you have mad computer skills you're not going to make money running websites ... unless you're Rick in which case you beat the odds ;) Your best bet would be to take some classes and get some certifications in programming or quality assurance and try and get remote worker job (at some lousy intro rates) with a company. Then again, if you're looking for the quick hit, I suggest a Ponzi scheme to help fund your new Las Vegas mansion ... just don't plan on that being you're long term residence ... Max Hardcore is looking for a new cellmate I hear.

02-09-10  03:21pm - 5448 days #19
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:58pm

02-09-10  03:18pm - 5448 days #18
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:58pm

02-08-10  12:40pm - 5449 days #18
Wittyguy (0)
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Cap'n apparently can't get a badge; thus I now give him the honorary position of "Admiral of the PU Hindenburg" (officially overseeing Toadsith who was given the honorific of "Captain" of said vessel). Exotics is sort of like Scotty from Star Trek: busting his butt in the engine room keeping the damn thing moving forward ("I'm giving the reviews all I got 'Capn, I'm not sure if the dilithium crystals can take much more though!").

As an aside, I see that that Vegas Ken is promoting the fact that we hit 5k reviews on the AVN website. Here's the story: http://business.avn.com/articles/37324.html. Edited on Feb 08, 2010, 12:44pm

02-05-10  12:28pm - 5453 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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This is a difficult topic for several reasons. First, this little development actually causes me to question Google's real motivations more than I did earlier. On one level, their voluntarily giving info the NSA seems like a good idea because an attack against a large web based corporation that permeates the net is really an attack against us all. However, because the Google web attacks originated from overseas I assume the NSA has already been looking into it. Because the NSA (and the CIA) is legally prohibited from spying against people inside the US (however they can spy on calls going in or out of the US and anything else in the world ... every major international telecommunications link coming into the US has an NSA tap situated on it) they don't really have to report what their doing with their data in the public light. The NSA basically reports "in the black", meaning closed door oversight hearings with select members of Congress. Thus, whatever infomation Google turns over could impact private citizens in ways that we may never know. Does turning this info over to the NSA make it easier for them to potentially spy on us Google users in the future? We'll never know. Additionally, my cynical side (OK, almost my entire body) says that Google is doing this in part as free publicity to show that they're "doing the right thing". It also concerns me in that by agreeing to turn this stuff over, it signals that the Chinese hack may have penetrated much deeper than Google publicly let on. That would also be very alarming. Essentially, the public is left reading the tea leaves on this situation and it will probably be years before we ever learn what really happened.

Second, my point goes to an amalgam of responses I've given earlier regarding privacy and the web. The US government has no official repository of web communications and cannot legally intercept and store the email and web surfings of people living in the US. However, the standard for getting a terrorism search warrant from the secret judicial panel that grants them to the FBI is pretty darn low thanks to post 9/11 laws. Also, as I noted above, anything that travels outside the US over the web is searchable and saveable by the NSA, CIA and military. To the extent that there are vast archieves of material saved on people is probably true in terms of the web itself and extra territorial communications but to what extent and how heavily the stuff Americans look at is mined for data versus say the Jihadist sites is anyone's guess.

Part of the problem, from my undestanding, is that these black bench warrants don't have to be made public, at least not for a while. Thus, if nothing comes up in a search, the subject of that search may never know they were spied on. The current legal framework for handling web affiliated terrorism is still in development and, for most of us, unsatisfactory in it's current form.

As I mentioned in the "Free Speech and Porn" thread, the net is only going to become more regulated and controlled by governments as time goes by. The only difference will be the langauge government seek to gain control. You can go the route of Austrailians and the Chinese whereby you claim control by desiring to stamp out child porn and impure thoughts (the "nanny state" model) or you simply take the "national security" angle. The nanny state won't fly to far in the US, especially with first amendment issues, to expect to hear the mantra of national security growing louder over time. Part of this is to be expected because as more industries and government functions become web based, the risk of attack directly impacts more of us. However, to the extent that risk becomes an excuse for large scale spying is where the danger lies.

02-05-10  12:05pm - 5453 days #4
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:57pm

02-04-10  01:37pm - 5453 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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I've noticed some of the recent site reviews on Thebestporn have "Billing Certified" certificates attached to them on the right hand side of the page, under the "Site Facts" section (here's a link to once such review: https://www.thebestporn.com/review/thehardcorenetwork/).

On the surface it seems all well and good but what does it really mean? Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:57pm

02-04-10  12:20pm - 5454 days #57
Wittyguy (0)
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Went and saw "The Hurt Locker" this last weekend and really liked it. I'd have to say one of the better war movies ever made. Excellent acting (not over the top or too subtle), interesting script, interesting perspective as viewed from an IED disposal unit, and takes you into the screwed up places people sometimes go when put into life and death situations. Defintely worthy of a best pic Oscar nod. Anyone else have thoughts on this one?

02-03-10  05:24pm - 5454 days #11
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:27pm

02-03-10  02:31pm - 5454 days #5
Wittyguy (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

Not sure about the ins & outs of it, or if it fulfills all the specifics of your criteria, but take a look at


It allows free download of bleeped samples prior to purchase.

It's a royalty free site, meaning that you don't see any mainstream stuff listed there. They advertise themselves as music for websites, videos, games, etc. Pretty much all unknowns playing unknown songs. Sorry.

02-03-10  02:05pm - 5454 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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I was also wondering if itunes has what I'm looking for?

02-03-10  01:49pm - 5454 days Original Post - #1
Wittyguy (0)
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I recently joined the 21st century by acutally acquiring an MP3 player (slowly but surely dropping my Luddite ways). Anyway, I was recently searching around for sites from which I could ala carte (pick and choose singles) download songs from. When I started looking into a lot of them I quickly became disenchanted.

A lot of sites like Rhapsody and others have this fairly inexpensive monthly subscriptions (less than $15) but you can only stream the music. Stuff that you can download goes "poof" when your subscription ends. Basicially, it seems like DRM rules the land now-a-days in the music biz and I'm not terribly happy about it (sorry if I'm coming late to the party here people and telling all of you crap you already know).

So, what I'm looking for is a site that is legal (support the musicians you like just like the porn sites you like so they keep making more of it), that has one off songs you can load and then transfer around without restrictions (no DRM b.s.), has a large catalog of artists and songs (not just the old crap either), has, preferably, download options (preferably .wmv files along with .mp3 files in case you actually want quality over quantity) and that have reasonable prices. Am I asking for too much or am I left pissing into the wind?

02-02-10  02:01pm - 5455 days #105
Wittyguy (0)
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Time for a little rant about school district censorship, moronic parens and the problem with teenage sexuality.

Seems that a school district in Virginia gave in without a fight and pulled copies of Anne Franks Diary. Seems that the school had copies of the definitive edition which included some diary entries where she talked about problems with her parents and a few less than direct references to her genitalia and puberty. The offending reference in the book was when Anne referred to her vagina as "her little hole" when wondering how women actually give birth. (Here's the article: http://www2.starexponent.com/cse/news/lo...explicit_text/51217/)

Sometimes I can relate to school districts avoiding these types of fights. They cost money for lawyers, it creates nasty p.r. and it causes divisiveness in the community. Here, the school just pulled the book without a fight. Apparently the idea of teens reading about the Nazis slaughtering millions of Jews after collectively drinking the "master race" Kool-Aid (Nazi Party name brand) loses out over some indirect reference to human body parts from a 13 year old girl going through puberty. Just like the movies and rating systems, apparently it is too much to show some skin or sex but it's just fine to slaughter as many people as you want.

It's pretty obvious that there are many parents who think that by keeping kids clueless about sex and human anatomy that doing so will in turn keep them from ever thinking about sex let along having sex (unless they get married ... at age 17 ... because they got pregnant ... where does Dad keep his shotgun again?). To me, this is sort of like the record companies claiming victory by successfully prosecuting some guy who is selling bootleg recordings out of his van down by the river. Unless you're growing up Amish or orthodox whatever, your kid probably has internet and cell phone access at home, school or at a friends house. If they haven't looked up porn or stumbled across it then it's obvious your kids are retarded because they don't know how to type, spell "sex" or use a search engine. If you have a teenage girl and she doesn't know why blood is coming out "down there" or thought about what sex must be like then you have successfully created offspring who are incapable of critical thought, the ability to problem solve on their own (by looking up why this is happening) and who are pretty darn likely to believing most of the sexual fallacies and urban legends that get passed around at that age.

The way the law treats kids with sexting, porn and child porn is that kids are essentially sexless beings until they turn 18. Suddenly on that day, they go from being asexual beings that will be psychologically damaged from seeing any genitalia to suddenly being paid for doing a double anal sex video with no one batting an eye about it. The problem is that most kids today end up having sex or at least seriously making out before age 18 and teens still have the issue of hormone levels that put most of us over the age of 25 to shame. No amount of parental hovering or banning of books or even banning sex ed will stop all kids from doing it and stop them from looking at "bad things" they can find in our cyber connected world.

I'm not saying that school libraries should be stocking up on Playboys and skin flicks (though I bet more kids would come to school and find the library much more interesting). I guess I don't understand the need to avoid all controversey, especially when the content at issue is autobiographical, a recognized literary classic, and conveys significant historical and moral values. The My Lai massacre, crucifixtion, Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, genocide, war in general, etc. are all part of the human condition and need to be taught to kids so that they understand the fragileness of life, the need to reflect and make good decisions and to learn from mistakes our society and others have made in the past. Most people don't complain the teaching of such violence because it is history and it is every where in our media culture. Through in some reference to sex or anatomy and it suddenly becomes taboo. If a school can't win on the issue of Anne Frank then they might as well just roll over and clean out the libary, ban the internet and sign up a bunch of nuns to teach abstinence only "sexless" education.

02-02-10  01:13pm - 5455 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 02:11pm

02-01-10  12:51pm - 5456 days #2
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:57pm

02-01-10  12:06pm - 5457 days #10
Wittyguy (0)
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Actually, I think most big budget movies that geared specifically to the 16-21 boy crowd probably go down as royal pieces of shit but I don't bother to see enough of them to be able to rattle off a litany of titles. The same goes for the god awful comedies that come out these days ("Wild Hogs", almost anything with Steve Martin or Robin Williams or any washed up has been cashing out and playing a clueless parent, etc.).

On the other extreme, a lot of artsy movies can be excrutiating too. For example, last years Academy Award winner "No Country for Old Men" was really sort of a jumbled existentialist crime story. Not much to write home about, certainly not the best movie to come out of 2008.

Worst mainstream movie ever, I think I was sick once and watche most of Dana Carvey's worst ever contribution to humanity called "The Master of Disguise" which also ended Brent Spiner's (Data of TNG) movie career as well. I recall that it briefly made it into movie theaters a while back, emphasis on "brief". By far the most unholy mainstream thing I can recall seeing in recent memory.

01-29-10  03:29pm - 5459 days #12
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:56pm

01-29-10  12:10pm - 5460 days #9
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:56pm

01-27-10  12:26pm - 5462 days #5
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:54pm

01-26-10  01:40pm - 5462 days #32
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:55pm

01-26-10  01:38pm - 5462 days #3
Wittyguy (0)
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13) Get caught shoplifting from the store and get barred for life (extreme measures and not recommended unless you truly despise shopping).

14) Ponder out loud about which kinds of vegetables your wife might "like" the best. Ask the supermarket girls which veggies they prefer.

15) Test the sneeze guards near the deli area to make sure they work correctly.

16) Walk around randomly shaking up soda and beer cans/bottles.

17) Whenever she picks up something that is overly healthy complain out loud about how it's just going to aggravate your hemorrhoids or gout.

18) Start reading all the nasty ingredients and fat content info out loud to her.

Frankly, I find all that I have to do is pretty much be myself in order to get out of shopping. However, since I like to cook and do a much better job of cooking than she does I actually look forward to the weekly store trip. She knows better than to take me a shopping mall and make me follow her around.

01-25-10  05:00pm - 5463 days #12
Wittyguy (0)
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x Edited on Apr 20, 2023, 01:53pm

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