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07-27-11  10:41pm - 4914 days #534
pat362 (0)
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Registered: Jan 23, '07
Location: canada
^I guess this is where taste vary because I thought Hayley was really good looking. She reminded me a lot of Kate Beckinsdale. My only complain is that she used too much red lipstick for my taste. At least the relationship between her and Captain America felt real. In any case you know the relationship is doomed from the first few minutes of the film.

I like the Biel suggestion but I don't think she would have taken the part. Hayley isn't on the screen all that often. Having a name like Biel attached to the movie might have put pressure on the studio to write a bigger part for her and that would have been detrimental to the movie since her extra screen time would have taken too much from the rest of the movie and added very little in exchange. I like Alba but she is not a very good actress or at least she hasn't proven it except for her stint on TV. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-26-11  08:18pm - 4915 days #71
pat362 (0)
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At the speed new girls are coming into the biz with at least one tattoo and older performers are getting them than I'd say some time around next wednesday.

I'm in my 40's so I'm an old fart in my thinking but there is no way on this planet that a teen girl in my day was going to get a tattoo on her body and that's whether she actually wanted one. Her Parents would have put an "X" on that idea. I got one when I was 18 and although I don't regret getting it. Neitheir am I proud of it. It's on my aupper right arm so it's only visible if I'm wearing somekind of wife beater or no shirt.

I went to a water park last year and the number of underage girls with tattoos was unbelievable. I don't even want to tell you the number who had more than one or those that had really inapropriate tattoos. Needless to say that we are stuck with a generation of performer with tattoos. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-26-11  08:09pm - 4915 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I gather from what I've read that Apple would much prefer that it's product not be used for porn. At least that's the official story. Whether that is true is for someone with more than an ipod to answer. I love my ipod but I don't use it to surf the net and I also don't use it to view porn. I've never owned a Mac so again I can't answer
for that product. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-26-11  06:54am - 4916 days #68
pat362 (0)
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^Thanks for the link otoh. This is a great place to see just how ignorant/stupid some people can truly be. There is at least one similar site but those guys usually post tatttoos with ideograms.

The most recent post with Justin Bieber and his dad both got matching tattoo is a perfect example because they misspelled the name. Why would anyone get a word or message that isn't in a language they spek or know. What makes you think that a Tattoo artist is more knowledgable than you when it comes to Foreign languages. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-25-11  06:37am - 4917 days #3
pat362 (0)
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Congratulatuon rearadmiral. Another sneaky Canadian who's able to get under the PU radar. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-24-11  07:50pm - 4917 days #34
pat362 (0)
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^You could be right about my not liking the majority of the models on the site. I am starting to enjoy a wider range of body type but I may not be at the level where their models really do something for me. Then again they have such a useless preview section that there is no way I`m getting burned with another very expensive membership to an unverifiable site.

This is not always true but too often accurate:
Shitty preview = shitty content. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-24-11  07:43pm - 4917 days #531
pat362 (0)
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^A huge reason why the movie worked for me was the great performance by Chris Evans. It must be hard for an actor to bring depth to a 2 dimensional comic book character but Chris managed it. I'd love to say more but I don't want to spoil the movie. I'll eagerly await your opinion of the movie. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-24-11  12:49pm - 4918 days #529
pat362 (0)
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I saw Captain America and this is by far the best comic book character to movie I have seen since Superman. They hit all the important points from his simple beginnings to
when he becamre a hero. The effects were amazing and I got a feeling that there was more stunt work than actual CGI. Since I have never been a fan of the comic book then I can say that the movie stands on it's own and you don't need to know anything prior to enjoy the movie. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-24-11  12:41pm - 4918 days #31
pat362 (0)
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^I'd gladly pay 77$ to join a site if I was guaranteed that the content inside would be what I've been looking for. My biggest problem with mature.nl is that I really don't know that because they have a supremely crappy preview section. I got royally burned when i joined Ferro. That was 85$ and I haven't kept a single scene. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-23-11  11:15am - 4919 days #528
pat362 (0)
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I was going to start a thread but since it's already here then yes it is very sad but not a surprise. It's too bad that she wasn't able to help herself and worse that no one around her helped either. That last tour should never have been organized because she certainly not in a good mental state but she was a cash cow and that's what you do when you have a cash cow. I didn't find this but it is quite interesting never the less.

Brian Jones
Janis Joplin
Jimi Hendrix
Jim Morrison
Kurt Cobain
and now, Amy Winehouse.

All dead at 27.

Here is the wiki page with more musicians who died at 27.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club Long live the Brown Coats.

07-23-11  07:11am - 4919 days #524
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

In the upcoming remake of Total Recall, the director, Len Wiseman, put his wife, Kate Beckinsale, in the role of the evil fake wife played by Sharon Stone in the earlier version with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Paul W.S. Anderson just put his wife, Milla Jovovich, in the role of the evil M'lady De Winter in the upcoming remake of The Three Musketeers.

I know that directors sometime marry these gorgeous women:
Len Wiseman and Kate Beckinsale
Paul W.S. Anderson and Milla Jovovich

My question is why the directors put their lovely wives into the roles of villains? Who often get killed off?

Is this some secret wish on their part, a prelude to dumping the wife for someone else? It's cheaper to kill them off, instead of paying alimony.

This may or may not be the correct answer but most actors dream of playing the bad guy. They find that playing the good guy is too limiting but you can do some serious crazy shit palying a bad guy. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-22-11  06:40pm - 4919 days #519
pat362 (0)
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They couldn't have had Jason Momoa play a standard Conan because he simply doesn't have the proper body type. A big reason why Arnold was so great in Conan is because that is what we think Conan should physically look like. No one expects Conan too look like a muscular, dreadlock wearing surfer dude and that's why Jason has to play a more ninka like style. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-22-11  10:58am - 4920 days #517
pat362 (0)
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^You are a funny man. Here is the latest Conan trailer. This new Conan is significantly more blood thirsty but that as a lot to do with technology. Using CGI to make blood is a lot les messy and easier to clen up. I still prefer the old tech myself.

http://www.aintitcool.com/node/50456 Long live the Brown Coats.

07-22-11  07:55am - 4920 days #515
pat362 (0)
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^In his defense he's talking about the Twilight movies which have been ll received. No one will ever consider these movies as cinematic masterpieces. At least no one who is't a pre-teen/teen girl. Rotten Tomatoes isn't necessarily the best way to measure a movies critical acclaim but only one of the 3 Twilight movies got a 50% score. The first movie got a 49% and the second a poor 27% approval. Those scores didn't stop the movies from making a killing at the box office and that's not even using dvd sales.

Twlight cost 37 millions and made 392 millions worldwide.
New Moon cost 50 millions and made 709 millions worldwide.
Eclipse cost 68 millions and made 698 millions worldwide.

If I were him and someone asked me about the 2 movies that I directed then I'd put the best face on it. The fact is that whether the movies are good or awful won't change the money they are likely to make because they already have an audience for these movies. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-20-11  07:44pm - 4921 days #4
pat362 (0)
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I think you are out of luck on this type of dare I call it fetish. It's not a bad idea per say but you don't really see porn made today where people talk about what they like to do ahead of the sex scene. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-18-11  10:07pm - 4923 days #109
pat362 (0)
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I kind of miss the simpler times when personal computers were the new thing. I had many wonderful years playing with my Apple IIc computer. The first time I bought a joystick to play games on it was amazing. Said joystick was a small box with a stick that was used with a finger and thumb plus one action button. A big game would have required a couple of 5 1/4 disk which had to be swapped from time to time. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-18-11  10:00pm - 4923 days #37
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

Lately I've been having a problem with some files (videos) that were partial downloads. I would download a video file, and play it, and the video would stop playing long before it was supposed to. I use Firefox 5.0. It turns out that the file size is much smaller than it's supposed to be. This is a new problem for me. I don't know if the problem is because of Firefox, or what.

I've also had a similar problem where it appeared that I had downloaded the complete scene but discovered that I was missing at least a 1/4 of the end part upoen playing it on my computer. Mind you it only happened with videos downloaded from the hardfucktales site.

I use both IE and Firefox and find that they are starting to look identical. I still primarily use IE for surfing and Firefox for downloading and don't have too many problems with this. I am starting to use IE a little more often to download videos now that they have a download manager. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-15-11  06:30am - 4927 days #511
pat362 (0)
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^I think most North American cities whether in Canada or the US suffer from the same problems. The first one is the syndrome: Oh my God that garbage can is so far and no one is looking at me so I'll just throw this here. The second syndrome is simalr to the first: It's the I threw this in the garbage cans direction. it's not my fault my aim was off. It must have been the wind's fault. The third syndrome: I don't give a shit because I didn't do it syndrome. That's when you see some trash on the ground and instead of picking it up and throwing it in a garbage can. You walk by and tell yourself that you didn't throw it on the ground so why should you pick it up. The last syndrome is one that seems to afflict most city workers.
It's the syndrome: It's not my job/Why do more if you can do less and still get paid.

The fact is that most citizens in large cities don't have any pride in their city and therefore don't care if the city looks like a garbage dump. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-15-11  06:14am - 4927 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

I have never understood why that should be the norm.
I do agree that is generally the case.

Personally, I find both "lesbianism" & "gay" equally unattractive.


The reason for the double standard could simply be that if 2 girls make out then it will appeal to lesbians and guys that like that kind of porn. Hetero women will probably not want to watch 2 girls make out. If 2 guys make out than it will only appeal to gays since guys will really not want to watch that and I don't think women will want to either. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-14-11  12:35pm - 4928 days #508
pat362 (0)
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^Actually Captain America does have powers. They just aren't necesarily as impressive as other heroes which is probably why some people can more relate to him. He's stronger, faster, has more endurance and is able to survice where other normal men wouldn't be able to. This version and the one from the 1990 movie have a similar story arc. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-14-11  12:25pm - 4928 days #5
pat362 (0)
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Reality kings has 847 anal scenes listed on their site followed by Brazzer with 800 then Bang Bros with 414 and last is naughty America with 283. I didn't look at Mofos but I suspect the number is going to be very small. I don't know for Dogfart because they don't offer a search by sex acts but I wouldn't be surpsied that it's a hundred or more.

Now RK wins by sheer number but a certain amount of those scenes are with South American and European models. I don't know any of the South Americans but most of the Europeans are known porn performers.

Brazzer has mostly Americans with some Europeans & almost no South Americans.

Bang Bros has a large amount of Americans but they also have a larger number of African American girls/women.

Naughty America uses mostly American performers.

If I have to pick only one then Brazzer would wins hands down because they are one of the few that still regularly updates with new anal content. Bang Bros also still does some regular anal updates but not as many as Brazzer. RK doesn't do too many anymore and NA was never known for their anal content anyway.

The only major pisser is that all of these sites might have the only anal scene that a specific pefformer has ever done. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-14-11  11:57am - 4928 days #11
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

What I'm saying is that you can't blame it totally on the young when they haven't been given the proper tools in the first place. And what was your attitude when you were younger? I think we're all pretty dumb and feel way too invulnerable when we're young, though this is even more reason to have serious and comprehensive sex education, super-Gonorrhea or not.

Possibly because I'm Canadian but I can't believe that someone born in the last 20 yrs hasn't heard about AIDS. It's been with us for 3 decades so what would be their excuse. I'll grant you that some are really dumb and think that because they have invented pills to help treat people that this is a kind of cure but I would hope that's a minority. The simple fact is that young people just don't look at the consequences of their actions. It's the now that counts and I'll pay later. In their defense they probably learned it from their parents or the TV....I would guess the Tv wins on that one.

I agree with you that I didn't necessarily look too far ahead but then again I was never a casual sex guy in my youth. My upbringing has a lot to do with it but I also grew up in the late 70's and early 80's. That was the beginning of the first cases of AIDS and doctors didn't know too much about except that it was transmitted sexually. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-14-11  05:58am - 4928 days #7
pat362 (0)
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Location: canada
Originally Posted by slutty:

I'm sure the super clap will just force porn producers to be that much more careful with testing as they have done with HIV.

This will simply add ammunition to CAL OSHA's push to force
all porn companies to film penetration scenes with condoms. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-13-11  07:47pm - 4928 days #5
pat362 (0)
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Possibly a large part of the problem is that young people still don't use a condom and have sex with far too many people. To that you have to add that they have sex with different people in a short amount of time and therefore are more likely to catch something and transmit it before they are diagnosed with an STD. Most of them probably don't worry about the consequenes because they assume (wrongly) that most STD's can be cured with a pill. I don't know the statistics but I wouldn't be surprised to hear that the same people keep getting treated for. It's one thing to get an STD and then learn your lesson and make sure that a condom is used after that but since our society believes that pills can heal all things then they don't learn their lesson and cacth another STD or even the same. Bacteria, viruses are living organism who's main function is to survive. We create vaccines and drugs to kill them and we do an excellent job but not a perfect one. Those that survive are much tronger than their predecessors and they become stronger than the drugs or vaccines that were meant for their predecessors. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-12-11  11:26am - 4930 days #3
pat362 (0)
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1- I think that the newsletter could be at least once a week or every 2 weeks. This way there should be enough content inside to make the work worth while.

2- I'd prefer in HTML but that would be fine if it's in text only.

3- I like your suggestion of new discounts, New sites and New reviews.

4- I don't particularly care about customization.

5- I would love to get deals for other products whether they are porn related or not. Of course if you get deals on DVD's then that's right down my alley since I still purchase these regularly. The only issue I might have with the deals is if they aren't really deals. An example would be if you get 5$ off a dvd but the distributor is normally more expensive than other distributors. It might be a discount on the price of his dvd but another distributor already sells it for less than the amount with the discount applied.

6- Yes, to contest where you can win prizes or moeny. Who wouldn't want to win money or prizes?

7- I like the idea of more porn news. I'm a member of 2 other porn forum and that's where I normally get most of my info on porn performers and different porn events. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-12-11  11:09am - 4930 days #13
pat362 (0)
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I remember inquiring about a French only site a couple of years ago and Khan explained that this was not possible.
I agree with their decision but I still wish we could do some reviews. I have joined at least one site that is at this moment only French but i know that they are looking at chnaging that. It would be in their best interest in the long run. Russian sites learned that a long time ago. Their content is all Russian but the navigation is still in English. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-11-11  10:44am - 4931 days #504
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

I kin tell yur a reel royal-watcher. Wit de inside scoop. When did Katie dump Billy for Harry on this trip? Or does she take dem on 2 at a time? Wud that be considered groupie action? A video wit dem performing would sell like hotcakes. Lol.

PS: No disrespect intended. To any loyal royal watchers. I missed the wedding, but only because I wasn't invited.

I knew I was going to get caught with my error. I meant Kate and William. I don't think a sex tape of them would sell well unless he's got a giant Royal scepter that she polishes using her (I leave it to your imagination).

I'm not really a Royal watcher but I did follow what they were doing when they were in Quebec. They make a nice couple and seem genuine. At least as genuine as any person from the immediate Royal family can ever look. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-11-11  06:49am - 4931 days #502
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by lk2fireone:

The lights have gone out in Southern California.
Prince Billy and his new wife Katie have left the state to return to Englund.
Here's hoping they make a movie about the Royal Visit to California, so we can watch and re-watch this earth-shattering tour of the greatest state in the world, Southern California!

I don't think that's going to happen. They've already done a made for TV movie about their romance during their time at university. It bombed. I'd much prefer to know what Kate and Harry thought of the different celebrities they met during their short visit. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-10-11  07:00pm - 4931 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by gaypornolover:

Thank you! I have tried to take on board the suggestions I've received to improve them, but I really need to be strict with myself about length () cause I write way too much and have to edit it down, so adding extra stuff is hard.

If all your reviews look like the ones you've already done then I don't see any problem with the length. I envy most of the other reviewers because they are so much better at it than I am. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-10-11  11:20am - 4932 days #500
pat362 (0)
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I saw the Green Lantern and I enjoyed it. Of course I saaw it after Transformers 3 so that might have something to do with it because that was a bad movie. Green lantern is not great cinema and their use of 3D was a joke but there are some good moments and Ryan Reynolds was well casted for the role. If the studios gives the go ahead for a sequel than there is good potentail for a franchise hit. This is the kind of movie that will make good money on dvd. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-10-11  11:13am - 4932 days #3
pat362 (0)
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Welcome to our little corner of the world. Although gay porn is not my cup of tea. I found both of your reviews to be quite good. We don't get too many gay site reviews on PU and I'm glad to see that we have you and manholover offering some very good reviews. Hopefully you will also participate on the forum. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-10-11  09:40am - 4932 days #49
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by manholelover:

I like the idea of a mini membership to save the hassle of cancelling, but obviously if it was value for money. Fixed term membership is pricier than recurring, as a disincentive.

I've been lucky in my porn search over the years because I have found a couple of trial memberships that gave you full access for a limited amount of time. These are quite rare because someone with a decent internet service could download a lot of content in 3 days. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-07-11  08:30pm - 4934 days #499
pat362 (0)
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I saw the latest Transformer movie. I guess if you liked the first two then you will probably like this one as well.
I enjoyed the first Transformer movie and really liked the second but strangely I think that Bay dropped the ball on this one. The special effects are there, his directing style (with an abundance of slow motion shots) are here and most of the cast from number 2 are back. The main exception being Megan Fox's character. We all know why she got the booth.

First off I miss Megan Fox. I miss her even more after seeing Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Most models can never make the transition to acting because what you're expected to do in acting versus modeling are diametrically opposed
talents. Models are expected to look beautiful(most times)
but have no personality to themselves so that what they're wearing or selling takes center stage. You have to have a personality in acting. It's the one you are playing on screen. Micheal bay has picked a model to play in this movie because he wants something beautiful to look at but that won't overshadow all the explosions. He has his Barbie doll and he got her to do all the things he thinks we want to see.

The second problem is that the story is complicated and the movies premise made no sense at all. I can't even say what it is because it would spoil one of the movies big secret.

The third problem is that it's called the Transformers and the humans are more often on screen than the robots. You have some new Autobots and a shitload of new Decepticons but most of these are only there to be blown up so they are never given actual dialogue or a vehicle to transform into. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-07-11  07:53pm - 4934 days #24
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

Would any of us even have found the blog if she wasn't an ex-pornstar?

Penny who?

Probably not but just because you've found it doesn't mean that you have to read it. I knew about her blog but I've never read anything from it nor do I plan on reading it. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-07-11  07:51pm - 4934 days #6
pat362 (0)
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I wasn't aware that softcore sites had started shooting hardcore content. I'm a mostly hardcore site guy so I don't often visit sofcore sites. What suprises me the most is that it makes very little sense from a business stand point. People that own softcore sites have to know that the reason they have members is because their content is not hardcore. Of course it's quite possible that they are making less and less money each year because people have only so much money for porn and they've made the choice top spend it on HC content. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-07-11  01:48pm - 4935 days #22
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

These days an increasing number of people feel that they don't exist unless they're diarizing their every thought. I liked Penny's blog. I doubt that I'll be going back to it, but she comes across as a cool, thoughtful person.

I've got to say that I was talked into getting onto Facebook within the last week by 2 old friends and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. Within 1 day, I was in contact with a huge number of old friends - really cool people - that I hadn't been in touch with in years, sharing music, stories, jokes, etc.

Here's a question for you about Penny's blog. Would you have read anything she wrote if she wasn't an ex-pornstar?

I know that facebook can be a pretty good way to keep in touch with old friends or family members when they live far from you. The question is how much time do you spend doing that? Long live the Brown Coats.

07-05-11  05:02pm - 4936 days #14
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I hadn't thought of Khan Tusion and you're right that he is probably as bad as Max. I had a membership to Meat Holes several years ago and found it a bit disturbing. That and Midnight Prowl. I think Midnight Prowl was the worse of the two. What I found disturbing was the mental abuse he inflicted on them, having each of them speak to their parents through the camera and having them call themselves a "piece of shit whore."

Now that I think of it, another possible candidate is a guy who I think goes by the name "Steve Sweet." He used to run Sweet Members out of British Columbia and I think he may have faced charges in Canada. What may keep him off this list is that many of the girls came back for more and usually seemed like willing partners. There was one girl named Maya who did a lot of extreme stuff for him.
Facial Abuse isn't in the same league as most porn. It isn't even the same sport. I had a membership there and watched some of it, but girls genuinely crying and begging for mercy isn't a turn on for me. If it ever happens that it becomes a turn on, I'll sell my computer and take up Sudoku.

Midnight prowl was also a Khan site so that's why you got the talk to your parents shit in it. He is/was a major douchebag when it came to treating the girls like crap. He wasn't into making good porn. He wanted to humiliate the girls and sadly it must have been popular because his sites had quite a few members at one point.

I was a member of the sweet network of sites. Unless some of the content you are talking about wasn't on when I joined. I don't remember him being as bad as you say. I know that something happened to him but I don't know if it was a legal issue or what. On a side note. Maya did one video with Max. I'm not sure if it was availbe on steve sweets site or Max but she didn't do anything more intense on that video than she had done on steve's site. That girl loved extreme sex.

Amazingly I've been a member of facial abuse twice. The last time was in 2010 and it will be the last. I'm still not sure why I joined a second time because I don't remember enjoying myself the first time. I think he had a couple scenes with girls I really like but I should have known that the action would be unwatchable. Now I do and I will stear anyone away from facial abuse. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-05-11  04:51pm - 4936 days #13
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by BadMrFrosty:

I think the thing that differentiates ol Max from the other kings of humiliation is his obvious pedophilic tendencies. I like harder porn. I like humiliation porn. I like rough sex. I like to see fisting in porn. You would think I would be a loyal fan of Max's work. This, however, is not the case. I feel very uneasy seeing very young, although 18+, girls dressed up and instructed to act like they are 12 years old. What makes me feel even more ill is the thought of what this guy gets up to off camera...

See I never saw Max's stuff has pedophilic in nature. I agree that he loved to dress the girls in mini skirts and make them play young teenagers but I always took that to be is shtick or trade mark. That particular fondness of dressing the women like young teenagers goes back to his beginning in porn.

The thing about having a woman dress like a teenager or young girl and then play the part isn't really going to satisfy a pedophile. These people aren't interested in looking at women that play as little girls they want to see little girls that play as women. I personally love the long white socks, plaid skirt, white blouse and pigtails look. I don't care that the woman is 40yrs old or 18yrs old. The look is what I'm interested in and not the fact that it's usually worn by young girls. That's why I never had a problem with his choice of play acting and clothing. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-05-11  04:34pm - 4936 days #17
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

pat, is it possible that we were separated at birth? We seem to have a lot in common.

We are both 44 yrs old so from the same generation. We have seen the world change with time and that has to have a strong influence as well. We are from the generation that the first thing you usually did when you got home from school was go out and play until dinner time or your Mom called you. We still played cowboy and indian using a branch if you were desperate and your own made rifle and gun if you were good.

I still don't own a cellphone. I think it's a great piece of technology but my view on technology is that it's suppose to make my life a little easier and above all else it serves me not the other way around. Now people are tied to their cellphone to the point where they can't be parted from it for a second. They even take it to the can. God forbid they miss a call because that was the most important call they were ever going to receive. The reality is that it was a wrong number or someone with acellphone who just wanted to chat about nothing for an hour.

What's Twitter except a place to talk about absolutely nothing. The fact that you are limited to 200 characters should be a dead giveaway that you can't express anything of substance. Following someone on Twitter seems even worse because all you are doing is looking at the day to day life of people you don't know, probably will never meet, who don't care about you because you are a complete stranger except for some back and forth banter.

Sorry I'm in rant mode. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-04-11  09:40pm - 4937 days #8
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

That whole incident with Tanner Mayes bugged me about Powers. Sure, she was acting like a kid having a hissy fit, but, well, she sort of was a kid having a hissy fit. The fact that he filmed it, included it as footage on a DVD and also put it on the web is pretty low. Anything for a buck...

I've never seen the video myself but I've read plenty of accounts and Tanner wasn't exactly snow white pure in that little incident but Jim is still a dick for having posted it and included it on the dvd. The people at Brazzer did something slightly similar not too long ago to Jennifer White. Another cute teen with serious substance abuse.
The main difference is that the Brazzer incident was a live shoot so it was kind of hard not to post it as it was happening in real time.

The good news for Tanner is that she seems to be getting better. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-04-11  09:31pm - 4937 days #14
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by hodayathink:

It must be, because I don't know a single person that would call having a blog presumptuous.

It's definetely an age thing because I tend to think like rearadmiral that it's presumptuous for someone to think that what they have to say is of any importance to the rest of us. I don't mind if people do it but frankly who gives a rats ass what you have to say on that subject. It's not like she's exchanging ideas with other people on a forum. She's just blabing about what''s going through her mind in a medium is read by complete strangers who don't know her.

Mind you Twitter is one of those things that makes no sense to me. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-03-11  07:30pm - 4938 days #15
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

The reason that Max gives in Jailbait 3 is that once she got into the business a bit more she was being told that she didn't need to do anal and piss drinking to get work

I wonder why anybody wouldn't want the opportunity to get fucked in the ass by Max and have to drink his piss? That seem to be the kind of thing any girl starting in porn would gladly add to her resume. Lets not forget his less than appealing penchant for chocking, forced BJ, slapping, vomiting and fisting.

I think Max was close to the point of not being able to hire anyone except the super desperate or newbies that he himself found. It's for sure that most talent agencies would have been a little affraid of sending newbies to him because that would be the last shoot they'd ever do or change agencies on the spot. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-03-11  07:20pm - 4938 days #2
pat362 (0)
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I think one of the reaons why Jim Powers isn't considered on the same level as Max is because a most of his stuff doesn't involve girls that are mistreated. It's mostly pretend but I'm sure he has crossed the line a few times but those generally don't appear on screen. Most people don't look at the BTS content so they wouldn't see what might have gone on before, during and after a shoot.

Khan Tusion who's the guy behind the Meat holes site as well as others has a pretty bad reputation when it comes to the treatment of performers but he was never as big as Max so less notoriety.

The guys behind Facial Abuse and a few other sites seem to have taken Max place in regards to the mistreatment of girls. I've seen some photos from one girl who started doing one of their shoot but had to stop because of how bad it was. We aren't talking about a naive 18yrs old who's just getting into porn either. She basically got tricked by someone she thought she knew and paid the price.
Part of her scene is on their site but you won't see anything beyond the BJ part because she walked away before it got worse. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-03-11  10:47am - 4939 days #12
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

Nothing dries me out like joining yet another site and being disappointed. I join fewer than I used to because of that.

But I don't think that dry spells are a bad thing at all. It's better to accept them as something that is normal. Sometimes it's just time for a break; then when you really feel like getting back into it, you'll enjoy it more.

I completely agree with you but a big fear of mine is that the current trend is for more and more disapointments in upcoming porn. I just look at sites who's content I was always eager to see and now I visit and will skip some of them because they aren`t worth my using up my alloted download quota. Sites like 21sextury and teen mega world are 2 examples of sites that I always visited but either they have no new updates or what they offer is mediocre. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-03-11  10:43am - 4939 days #12
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by PinkPanther:

Re: Courtney Simpson - there's a scene in Erik Everhard's Jailbait 3 where Max is helping him find a hot teen and Max is going on about how Courtney Simpson blew it by getting so full of herself that she didn't want him to fuck her ass anymore,

I think a large part of why she may not wanted him to fuck her ass was that he didn't care whether the girls enjoyed themselves and maybe wanted them to be uncomfortable. That's the only conclusion I can take from seeing much of his later stuff. Mind you he's not the only guilty person. Quite a few other directors went the Max route and that has managed to ruin quite a few sex scenes. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-03-11  10:40am - 4939 days #11
pat362 (0)
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^Actually I'm pretty sure that Courtney was A list but without all the hoopla that normally goes with it. She was super popular and in very high demand with most porn companies when she left the biz. I know that she got major flack for wearing her official cheerleader outfit in some shoots and that may have been an issue since the school was considering legal action.

It's true that Courtney's first scenes were with Max and that he held on to them a little longer because he had the only anal scenes with her and having a super popular girls only anal was a sure way of making a killing with dvd sales. It's why I don't think her time with Max was a deciding factor for her leaving porn because we probably wouldn't have seen much of her after her time with Max.

Not to piss on Max parade but being a Max girl would not have helped Courtney's career but have been an indrance. Just look at what it did for the careers of the other Max girls and I'm not talking about those in his earlier stuff.

I know that he was responsible for a couple of girls leaving porn. His treatment of them scared them so much that they were affraid of similar treatment on other shoots. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-03-11  10:20am - 4939 days #6
pat362 (0)
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Penny has made my list of women that I would love to see make a comeback but that I know never will. She has been pretty vocal about her state of mind when she was in porn that a comeback would be a 180° change for her.

It's too bad for me and other fans but a good thing for her that she got out before something terrible happened to her. Porn is really not for everyone. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-01-11  07:40pm - 4940 days #6
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

I can't imagine that any girl's time with Max is much fun, but surprisingly there have been a few who come back for more and more.

As for Courtney, maybe her time with Max made the rest of her career seem tame to her. She didn't really do anything extreme after that, and, as you probably know too, her only two anal scenes were with Max. Interestinly, I once read an interview with Max where he claimed that as her career got bigger, Courtney denied ever having done and anal scene. That seems unlikely since the evidence was there for all to see.

BTW, pat, happy Canada Day.

I think it's more a case of her wanting to forget it ever happened. I can't imagine that her time with Max was any fun. Most of his later stuff was not designed with giving the girls a drop of pleasure. I believe that he chose a path that was leading him down the road where he wanted to do crueler and crueler things to the girls. That's the only way I can explain his choice of filming girls choking on their own spit and vomit or the obvious pain we could see on the girls during the sex scene.

The only thing that I've always been a little curious about Courteny is whether she filmed both scenes the same day or actually came back at a later time to do the second one. She wouldn't have been the first girl to do that and I always wonder if that tells me something about a girls psyche. It's one thing to film a scene with Max Hardcore where you really didn't enjoy yourself but to comeback knowing that it's going to be the same or worse(I'd say worse was common). He must have paid girls quite a lot of money to appear with him. His stuff was filmed before the porn business took a major hit so girls could make a very good living at it.

P.S:Happy Canada Day to you as well. It was a gorgeous day in my little corner of Canada. I hope it also was for you. Are Kate and Harry suppose to vist NB? They were in Ottawa today and if I'm not wrong they will be visiting Montreal and other cities in Quebec for the next couple of days. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-01-11  07:22pm - 4940 days #32
pat362 (0)
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Originally Posted by RustyJ:

I played that one seriously many times. All magic character, all tech character,

The first time I played the game was as a mixture of tech and magic but then I read info on fan site and all my subsequent times I have played it as a magic character. All the schematic look great but most of them aren't as impoartant as a good teleport spell. Thewn there's the energy based spells. Trying to destroy a rock or lava monster with weapons is bad on the weapons since hitting them tends to do damage or bad on the body since it does damage to you and your armour. It's much better to zap them out of existence. It's kind of cheating but quite fun. Long live the Brown Coats.

07-01-11  10:46am - 4941 days #3
pat362 (0)
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I have to agree with Denner that this is a tough one. Even more so since she was last active more than 5 years ago. I did the same thing as Denner and no luck finding mre than that Freeone link.

I don't think her time with Max was much fun for Courtney but I don't think it was a major deciding factor because she went on to do many more movies after the two she did for Max. She's one of those performers who I would love to see make a comeback but don't think she will. Long live the Brown Coats.

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