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09-21-09  07:38pm - 5589 days #4
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Posts: 893
Registered: Jan 23, '07
There are a lot of porn forums to be found on the 'Net that have sections devoted to this very thing - hunting down a particular model. You might do better to have hundreds of people looking at your request rather than the smallish group we have here. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-21-09  07:32pm - 5589 days #2
RagingBuddhist (0)
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So I guess coffee, black, isn't on the list, huh?
The last drinking I did was all about J.W. Dundee's Honey Brown lager. Don't know what the deal is with it, but even people who said they hated beer said it was good. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-21-09  05:11pm - 5590 days #47
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Khan:

Just a quick heads up ...

We got this change made last Friday afternoon. That's the change described by Rick in Post #29 (above). While it obviously won't stop spam altogether, if this weekend is any indication, it should greatly reduce the number of drive-by spams that show up on the forum.

Thanks to all for the suggestion and ongoing support.

Thank you very much
Mooch Us Grassy Ass
Murr Sea Bow Koo Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity. Edited on Sep 21, 2009, 05:15pm

09-19-09  03:32am - 5592 days #61
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I stumbled onto this link during some aimless surfing, and immediately thought it fit this thread prefectly. Entitled, "10 Ways The Adult Movie Industry Can Save Itself From Premature Extinction".
http://www.thefrisky.com/slides/246-the-...try-can-save-itself/ Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-19-09  03:19am - 5592 days #8
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

I would have never thought it possible. Chubby or downright obese is not a fetish of mine...

That's pretty funny... And I'm gonna let it launch me into a bit of a story.

I'm a thin guy - always have been and, by looking at my family and if genetics mean anything, I never will be a big guy. So, I guess big women always seemed like too much to handle and stayed away from 'em. Anyway, I had a best friend years ago who was definitely a big guy - 230 pounds on the best of days. He always told me that big women were "I.T. it!" and, "if I wanted some good lovin', go get yerself a fat woman". I never could see it that way. So, when we used to go out on double dates, it looked like two toothpicks sitting next to two sumo wrestlers.

Well... that friend of mine was also a cop who was killed in the line of duty back in 1992, which happened to be a few months after my divorce. So, at the funeral, I found myself alone, surrounded by all these huge women he'd been going out with. Every one of 'em was asking me to tell them that they were "The One" - the woman he really loved. And all I can remember thinking was, "Dammit, dude - couldn't you have dated at least one halfway thin woman? Being 160 pounds in the middle of half a dozen women who went at least 180 was scary! I just could not deal with big women.

Now to skip ahead 15+ years and the reason I'm telling the story. Turns out my friend was right. The last few women I've been out with weren't even close to small. Not obese, but still healthy plus sized women. So now, like you, even though I never thought it was "my thing" either, I've also found myself with a couple of folders of big women flicks. All this to say, messmer - don't knock it, don't question it. Run with it. They won't hurt you. : - ) Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-19-09  03:07am - 5592 days #108
RagingBuddhist (0)
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If people would stop cheering for fake tits, maybe they'd go away. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-16-09  01:33am - 5595 days #3
RagingBuddhist (0)
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If no one here knows the movie, go to Google and search for Vintage Porn Forum. Post your question on the first link you see. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-13-09  11:41am - 5598 days #12
RagingBuddhist (0)
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And you know there has to be some real life Mike Hunts out there, trying to explain that, yes, that really is their name. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-12-09  06:25pm - 5598 days #4
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by rearadmiral:

...if there's no response then I'll open both barrels on them in a new review.

Very well put and thanks for the laugh.
If it comes to that, I hope you get a webmaster reply on here. For some reason, I get a kick out of going at it with the people running sites with major issues. Nice to see other people willing to stand up to 'em too. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-12-09  06:08pm - 5598 days #2
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I wish I could help you with the problem, but I have no experience with the site. I was sorry to see you'd downloaded a few files because I was going to say that I've actually gotten a refund through the billing company when I've run into a site with a ton of dead links and I hadn't downloaded anything. You still might be able to argue your case if the percentage of dead files is really that high. That's lame as hell. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-12-09  11:36am - 5599 days #3
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Drooler - were the 70s the same blur for you as they were for me? What in the hell made you think of a question like that? : - )
And, yeah, I'd give the gift.

Of course, this reminds me of a guy I used to work with named Dick Cox. His parents most definitely should've been shot. I never bothered to ask him, but I always wondered if his middle name is Peter. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-11-09  08:51am - 5600 days #44
RagingBuddhist (0)
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A time frame never crossed my mind. I just figured I'd check in one day to see a nice announcement. : - ) Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-10-09  05:42pm - 5600 days #29
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Hey, Wee - You don't have to jump out of hardcore altogether - you could just stay away from the gonzo sites and go with the amateur stuff. You'll find considerably less people playing to the camera and less trying to give people what they think we want. But, yeah, it's almost too much work, looking for the right sites.

I've seen it said on some other forums I'm on that brand-name porn has just gone to shit, and I'm in total agreement. Unfortunately, I think it's going to be a long time before something changes. As long as people continue to pay for whatever garbage is being put out, the people making money have no reason to change anything.

I watched some classic porn the other day and starting thinking about the VHS rip quality. Then the thought occurred to me how nice it would be if someone revived the same stupid plots and dialogue they had in the 70s and 80s and shot it in hi-def. But I guess it's easier and cheaper to pay a few people to fuck, suck and run amok for an hour, rather than have to hire a second-rate writer and a crew of performers. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-10-09  12:17pm - 5601 days #8
RagingBuddhist (0)
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You could also try clearing your Internet temp files, cache and browsing history. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-10-09  06:28am - 5601 days #37
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Khan:

There seems to be a little confusion with at least one user thinking this change is already in effect.

I certainly never expected it to happen overnight - I'm just glad you took the suggestions and put something in the works. Thanks again! Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-09-09  08:06am - 5602 days #3
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Assuming you're not stuck with an old motherboard like I am, here's a nice splitter for SATA drives: http://www.cooldrives.com/cosapomubrso.html
If you build PCs, you might like that site. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-08-09  04:18pm - 5603 days #33
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Rick:

Here's what Khan and I came up with as a good and simple solution...

An absolutely wonderful solution! Thank you, and thanks to all for the brainstorming on this. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-08-09  10:13am - 5603 days #47
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

I guess I better watch for a pissed off buddhist at my door. Does holding an electric razor fend him off like a cross and a vampire?

I've said it before - I think the desire for shaved crotches can be at least partially attributed to your age. I'd had this discussion with quite a few guys at my last job, almost all of them in their 20's and they're all with you - they hate a full bush. It's what you all saw when you first saw porn and/or a naked girl, so it's what you like. I think you all are wrong, but my father's generation thought I was wrong on everything, too. So it averages out, and it's okay for you to hope shaving never goes out of style.

And, to answer your question, no, it doesn't. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-08-09  04:46am - 5603 days #26
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Okay, I'll concede that the 5 trust votes is a steep price of open admission to the forum - but at least the situation is being looked at and maybe something can be done to minimize the problem. I like the idea of having newbie posts approved by the staff before they're put online. That allows responsible new members a voice and keeps out the junk posts. At first, I thought that would require more work for mods, but it can't be any worse than having to go through and delete the spam, can it? Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-07-09  02:57pm - 5604 days #29
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Another point made on that page was that women, going for the clean look, set themselves up for potential problems.

"The look can sometimes come with a price, however, as one in six women (17%) experience itching and/or irritation following pubic hair removal.
"Women should be aware that hair removal in the genital area can make it more susceptible to irritation, trauma and infection," says Dr. Nardone."

Shaving seems to be a bit inconsistent with today's supposedly health conscious society. Bring Back the Bush! (and I don't mean the G.W. variety) Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-07-09  02:41pm - 5604 days #16
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Drooler:

...wouldn't spammers just post in threads without creating new ones themselves? There's the rub!

That's why I said reduce, not eliminate : - )
Any rule, or safeguard will have a way around it. But, even if they're bent on spamming and post in existing threads, it wouldn't be knocking good threads off the page.

The more I think about this, the more I think I should've sent this to the powers that be before bringing to the forum. I notice we haven't had any official comment on any of this. I was just wondering if they'd ever kicked around any ways to knock off some of the spamming. But it is nice to see I'm not the only thinking the spam is an annoyance. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-07-09  12:48pm - 5604 days #25
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

Is it porn only or does the average woman shave as well?

Once again, Google is amazing and I thought it was funny to see the auto suggestion feature keeping up with me as I typed "what percentage of women shave their pubic hair".

Out of the several links I looked at, this is the one I liked the best.
No guarantee of accuracy, of course, but the numbers look plausible. The other links I looked at were all in the same range. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-07-09  12:23pm - 5604 days #10
RagingBuddhist (0)
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By "trusted by the five", I meant a user gets his five thumbs ups and becomes a trusted user. By then, they realize what this forum is for and what is not for.

And I definitely see having moderators as the start of chaos. No forum that I know of is a democracy anyway, so why have more regulators? I think one of the reasons this forum has remained so civil is because we're all equal peons, subject to Khan and Crew. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-07-09  10:01am - 5604 days #8
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Advent - I almost get the feeling you thought I started this thread with you in mind. It wasn't you. Most of the site reps on here, like you, have been a welcome addition. It was a user who signed up to post some Rapidshare links. They were just the latest in along string of junk posts like that, so my three remaining brain cells got together and thought of a possible solution to the problem. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-07-09  06:31am - 5604 days #3
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I wasn't thinking of keeping newbies out altogether - just stop their ability to start threads. I like new voices - as long as they aren't spewing garbage : - ) Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-07-09  04:26am - 5604 days Original Post - #1
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I'm curious if any thought has been given to not allowing people to start threads in the forum until they've been "trusted by the five". That would stop people from stumbling onto the site, signing up, and posting whatever they feel like posting. That would be less cleaning up for the mods and a cleaner site all around for all of us. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-06-09  11:38pm - 5604 days #27
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by turboshaft:

I think it is the first time -- that is, assuming the user is actually Ruby Knox and not someone else just (mis)using her name.

If it really is her, then I hope she actually contributes to PU, instead of just talking about her site, as a another female member, even a webmaster/mistress, is welcome here to help broaden our views a little.

I never underestimate a human's ability to try something stupid. That's why there are the Darwin Awards. I doubt it's an impostor but, if it is, they gots some balls.

I definitely welcome any webmaster to join us because there are so few involved on this site. But I always thought the web site reps would be here more to ask and answer questions about our concerns about porn sites. It just doesn't sit right with me that she's taken this forum as a place to post what she's doing on her site in (to keep it polite) a suggestive manner. Like Colm4 said, "On any other forum, people would probably ask her the most dirty questions and requests." We didn't ask, so why are we getting these details? Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-06-09  01:24pm - 5605 days #13
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

How the hell would you shave your back!! :00


Seems most people need a helper. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-06-09  11:40am - 5605 days #9
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Capn:

I suppose it is how you define fetish.
By your definition all porn is fetish! LOL!

Cap'n. :0)

In the Random House Dictionary, one of the definitions of the word "fetish", is an abnormally obsessive preoccupation or attachment; a fixation. So, yes, anything in porn can be a fetish. : - ) Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-06-09  09:26am - 5605 days #2
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I think we've touched on this subject a few times in the forum. You're in the same old man category I am - and we're more or less programmed to like the hair because it's what we pulled ourselves through puberty to. (Like I bet you remember the first time you saw some bush in a Playboy magazine.)

I don't know that I see a return to the natural look - at least not in mainstream porn. I see it mostly in the amateur sites, especially sites featuring mature models. I guess that's why I'm the quintessential amateur fan - I love the natural look too. But it's definitely a fetish, as is any preference a person would seek out when viewing porn. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-06-09  07:06am - 5605 days #23
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by Ruby Knox:

I did a scene today with new girl Amber Presley. I was her first girl . . . ever!! I would post pics of her, but she's fresh off the boat. This was her first scene! I love corrupting the youth of America. LOL.

The scene was shot for Devil's Films and should be cumming out soon. It's a hot scene.

XXXs & Ohhhhhhhs,

Ruby Knox

Have I missed something, or is this the first time someone from a site has come on here to shamelessly self-promote themselves? Something in this post doesn't sit right with me, like it doesn't fit what we're here for. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-04-09  11:41am - 5607 days #10
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Sorry - I clicked on the home page and couldn't get past the 1995 pink and blue with hearts, flowers and cartoon-like lettering. Something truly novel wouldn't rely on what looks like an ancient template. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-04-09  11:31am - 5607 days #4
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I've always thought that gagging scenes started because the porn industry was running out of things to push the envelope. When I was young, not every porn star did anal. Now it's rare when they don't. It used to be rare to see a creampie, now that's been done to death too. It's like an evolution of the product. "Gotta keep it fresh, so what can we come up with?" That's how we wound up with crap like a site dedicated to cumshots in eyes held open.

I've also thought that there are far too many women with self-esteem issues and, somehow, the whole facial/gagging/choking stuff ties into it. I've heard it from more than a few guys that, if you want a woman to pay attention to her, treat her like shit. Considering what I've seen in my dating life, I don't see that as being too far from the truth. Abuse is "fashionable". I guess that leaves me out of the loop - I think it's stupid, degrading and repulsive. I don't like to see it and certainly wouldn't have any parts of it myself. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-03-09  01:26am - 5608 days #10
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I'm here just about daily. I'm still putting in my two cents where I feel the need to, but I guess you could say I'm "porn bound". There aren't enough sites out there that really appeal to me, and reviewing the same sites over and over again gets old. That might be part of why the site's slowed down some. Maybe people have realized that sites really don't change enough to warrant their being reviewed to death. I guess if I was here just for the raffle, you'd see reviews for IFeelMyself and AllOver30 every few months from me. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

09-01-09  01:20am - 5610 days #7
RagingBuddhist (0)
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I don't know if you meant bloopers that made it into the final product or not, but I saw a clip just yesterday where a girl was squatting over a guy in the tub. One foot on a soap dish that suddenly gave out and down she went. And not in the fun way. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-24-09  11:16am - 5618 days #16
RagingBuddhist (0)
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If the externals aren't turned on, it is definitely safe to leave them plugged into the USB ports. Your PC won't see them unless they're turned on. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-24-09  10:17am - 5618 days #14
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by badandy400:

A fan blowing on the drive itself is great, while a fan blowing across a case that houses a hard drive is a whole other issue. Many cases have no or very few hols to allow the air inside to circulate out, so it is the same as the insulated windows that have a void inside them.

I think you'll find that most compact externals without ventilation holes, usually metal housed, have some configuration to allow the housing to act as a heat sink. One of the models I have just has the top of the drive in contact with the housing itself, the newer ones I've bought have a thermal pad between the drive and the case. I was wondering about temperature myself, so I took the screws out of the end caps on two drives, had a fan running across one of them, and transferred a ton of files back and forth between the two for about a half hour. Then I took off the end caps and used my Biological Digital Temperature Estimator (a.k.a. my finger) to see what was what. The drive with the fan was slightly warm. The drive without the fan was hot enough to make me shudder a bit - definitely hotter than I was comfortable with.

If anyone cares to send me the money so I can get a temp probe for my multimeter and get some exact figures, I do accept PayPal. :cheesy grin: Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity. Edited on Aug 24, 2009, 11:18am

08-23-09  05:25pm - 5619 days #10
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

You're a genius. :-)

I've printed your last reply and I'm taking it to be matted and framed. I never get called that.

Glad I could help! Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-23-09  02:26pm - 5619 days #8
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by messmer:

I was wondering if the externals could somehow damage the motherboard or hard drive of my computer if I leave them plugged into the USB ports all day.

That's hard to say. If your USB controller is integrated into your motherboard and your motherboard is designed for x amount of usb ports, it'd be nice to think it could handle x amount of USB connected devices. But, just like anything else, I can imagine running something to it's rated capacity for extended periods of time could cause it to malfunction. It's not quite the same thing but, as an example, I'll tell you what happened with my last motherboard.

In the days before huge drives, I used to run 3 PCI controller cards, each running 4 drives. After several months, I started getting a lot of write errors and corruption. Turns out, I fried the PCI controller on the motherboard. I had the slots. I used 'em. I fried the board.

If you're worried about overloading the system at boot, why not just keep the externals off, then turn them on once you've booted up? Not as convenient as having one switch for everything, by definitely not so hard to do with the addition of another small power strip. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-23-09  10:13am - 5619 days #4
RagingBuddhist (0)
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At the risk of starting a hard drive brand war, I've never had any luck with the WD externals. The first one I bought died after a couple of weeks. Hoping I'd just gotten a lemon, I tried another one and it started making noise and seemed to be having problems transferring data after a week. It's a shame - they look nice, they even feel like a well made product. But, even well dressed, a turd is a turd.

I really don't want to scare you away from using externals. They're a great way to back up data, which is why I have about 20 hard drives sitting on a shelf, with some files duplicated more than once. To me, the key is keeping 'em cool and not piling 'em on all at once. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-22-09  08:44pm - 5619 days #37
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by pat362:

Not to disagree with you but I think the US recession was caused by a very small minority of exceedingly greedy individulas who had no problem F..G their neighbor over to make an extra million.

:laughing: There's no disagreement here - I'm with ya all the way on that. Selling our work overseas, allowing illegals to work without paying taxes and simultaneously lowering the wages companies will pay is only a part of how the greedy got rich. I wasn't about to make a list of all the contributing factors - I'd break a record for the length of a post on here and I'd rather do that for something like a review. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-22-09  08:38pm - 5619 days #2
RagingBuddhist (0)
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One of the drawbacks to externals is the lack of proper cooling, if they have a fan at all. Heat will definitely shorten the life of any drive. When I leave my externals on for any extended period of time, I keep a 120 mm fan blowing across the cases which I make sure are separated enough to allow airflow between them. It looks a bit "rigged", but it keeps 'em cool. There can also be an issue if you keep too many externals running at once because each drive requires power from the motherboard. Put too much strain on the motherboard, you can lose your USB (or Firewire) ports.

If you Google it, you'll see two schools of thought on unplugging externals without hitting the hotplug button to properly shut them down. Some say it's crap and makes no difference, others say it can lead to data corruption. I do know that if something is writing to the disk and you interrupt it, that can make a mess of things. But as far as pulling the plug on a drive that's just been sitting there, I always take the safe approach and shut it down correctly. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-22-09  03:24pm - 5620 days #35
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Well... ever the one to like looking at a story from another angle (and dig up a good conspiracy theory while I'm at it), check this out http://worcester.indymedia.org/news/2005/04/1119.php Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-22-09  02:02pm - 5620 days #35
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Originally Posted by lzrbnny:

I think that a major reason why this country is in a recession is because of the pirating of entertainment items like dvd's and movies and music.

It's a late as hell reply, but I'd seriously like to know when the economy here in the U.S. became tied to things like DVDs. I thought our economic disaster was due to such insignificant things like selling our work to other countries, having a work force that's made up of roughly a third illegal aliens and expecting people to live on minimum wage jobs. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-21-09  06:08pm - 5620 days #25
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Registered: Jan 23, '07
Originally Posted by Wittyguy:

I don't know about that. I don't actively seek out gonzo sites and have no real love for the genre. I also wonder in part if that is due to the fact that I've been a porn hound for a long time: the whole "been there, done that" feel of gonzo doesn't take long to set in. Guys who like big ta-tas come in all age groups; ditto with legs, butts and every other fetish/body part. My only less than educated guess about a definite age gap comes with MILF porn, especially the older MILFs (35+). I bet that most of the subscribers there are older themselves.

You say you don't know, but then you said exactly what prompted me to make the point I did - gonzo gets old quickly. It's not a question of fetishes - it's more a question of the style that porn's become and the reaction to it, as in, "Damn when will they come up with something different?" So I think it'd be natural for the people who've been looking at porn over a longer period of time, especially people who grew up with 70's and 80's porn who are more likely to avoid the gonzo sites.

I also guess it needs to be said that I know there's no clear dividing line here. I'm sure there are people of all ages who get into the gonzo style. Personally, I cast my vote for outlawing it. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-20-09  02:11pm - 5622 days #15
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Posts: 893
Registered: Jan 23, '07
I'd like to see a demographic breakdown of the signups at the sites I call porn mills. I'd be willing to bet that sites like Brazzers and Bangbros have memberships from mostly younger people. Outside of this forum, I don't get to talk to a whole lot of people about their porn preferences but, of the ones I have talked to and who are around my age, there seems to be a wish that gonzo porn would just go away. Yeah - I'd say there's a definite generation gap in porn. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-17-09  12:09am - 5625 days #3
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Posts: 893
Registered: Jan 23, '07
I think we all have our own ideas of what goes into a good porn flick, and could probably write a small book on it. But, basically, I like to see participants that don't play to the camera and look like they're actually enjoying what they're doing. I like a cameraman that keeps his mouth shut and doesn't try to be overly artisitic by shooting from 57 angles and 25 varying degrees of closeups. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-17-09  12:03am - 5625 days #6
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Posts: 893
Registered: Jan 23, '07
He was mostly Jewish in flavor, but Allan Sherman was twisting tunes when Weird Al and I (He was born a day before me) were just learning our ABC's. I think most people have heard his Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah song - but I think it surprises most that he put out ten albums, full of parodies of some classic old tunes.

Here's his twist on the Mexican Hat Dance.

Oh Americans dance on a dance floor.
And the Spaniards, they dance on a table.
And the Russians, they dance on a saber.
But the Mexicans dance on their hats.
Oh they dance on hot coals in Calcutta.
In Wisconsin they dance on fresh butta,
Which they squeeze from one cow or an udda.
Yes, the Mexicans dance on their hats.
There are Mexicans dancing on derbies.
There are Mexicans dancing on caps.
They just throw their fedoras
Wherever the floor is,
And start doing horas and taps.
They won't quit! They go on!
It's a Mexican custom,
To take hats and bust 'em,
By doing a dance thereupon.

Oh the reason they shot Pancho Villa
Was he danced on his mother's mantilla.
And the message did not reach Garcia.
He was out somewhere dancing on hats.
There's a fellow in West Acapulco,
The most elegant man you could meet.
He does sambas on hombergs
To tunes of Sig Romberg's,
And sometimes the Nutcracker Suite.
So take care! So beware!
Or they'll put castanets on
And ruin your Stetson,
'Cause they all think they're Fred Astaire!
If you're ever in Mexico proper,
And you're wearing a straw hat or topper,
When the band starts to play, call a copper,
'Cause by now you should know
That they'll grab your chapeau,
And they'll stomp till it's flat,
And that's that!
That's what Mexicans do on your hat.
(Ole!) Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-14-09  01:49am - 5628 days #17
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Posts: 893
Registered: Jan 23, '07
This is exactly why I'm a fan of amateur porn. For the most part, the people are in it for real. I don't see a lot of people looking like they're fucking to fulfill a contract. Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

08-07-09  03:57pm - 5635 days #10
RagingBuddhist (0)
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Posts: 893
Registered: Jan 23, '07
Originally Posted by messmer:

I like ... better that than too much cynicism...

There's no such thing as too much cynicism

To answer the question here, I really don't have a favorite - but the ones I do like it's because they fuck for cameras : - ) Sarcasm is a body's natural defense against stupidity.

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