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Type Site - Score Feedback / Review Date
Visit Asian Boy 18

Asian Boy 18

Site doesn't exist

Nothing here. Listing should be removed.

04-03-23  07:41pm

Replies (0)
Visit 18 Stream

18 Stream


Looks like this site is done. Time to remove this listing.

04-03-23  07:36pm

Replies (0)
Visit Blacked Raw

Blacked Raw
Reply of elephant's Comment

I joined via Rocketgate and it really just kicked me over to VXN, and I've been having billing issues with them ever since (monthly rebills despite canceling right away, no record of membership when I contact them, etc.) The content on this site is good, but until they stick to ccBill or Epoch I think they're best avoided, based on all the comments about issues other users have been having with them.

04-22-19  07:12pm

Visit Blacked Raw

Blacked Raw

Also Having Billing Issues

I recommend avoiding this site until they change billing partners. I signed three months ago but was not able to gain access due to some glitch. I canceled immediately but keep getting billed month after month. I have emailed them repeatedly and they claim they can't find my transaction. Someone needs to explain how they can manage to use my credit card number to make recurring charges but can't look up that same number in their system to STOP making recurring charges. I now have to cancel my credit card. Hopefully if enough people complain, they'll switch to a more reputable billing company like ccbill.

04-15-19  07:19am

Replies (3)
Visit Gay Sex Massage

Gay Sex Massage


Site URL no longer works. Looks like this one is done.

02-18-19  11:46am

Replies (0)
Visit Jenny's Handjobs

Jenny's Handjobs


This site and the other sites that were once included w/ membership are all dead.

01-18-19  08:47pm

Replies (0)
Visit English Lads

English Lads

Not worth it anymore

Neither this, nor its partner site, FitYoungMen are worth the expense and trouble of joining anymore. The models are hot, and both sites update frequently, but as others have noted, the owner puts too many restrictions on the sites to make them enjoyable. Memberships are pricey, sign-ups require all kinds of extra authentication, and then you must be a member for multiple months before you can save ANYTHING. Even a single pic on FYM is now incapable of being saved to a computer until you've been a member for 4(!) months. WTF? And you also have to pay a much higher rate to have access to the sites' full archives. The sites' owner is, unfortunately, letting his greed ruin what could otherwise be an excellent experience. Until he changes his policies, English Lads and FitYoungMen are best avoided.

06-01-18  01:39pm

Replies (2)
Visit Gay Fruit

Gay Fruit


Looks like yet another long-time site has bit the dust. Surprised to see this one go, given how prolific they were over the years.

04-25-18  09:33pm

Replies (1)
Visit Jizz Whore Party

Jizz Whore Party

This one's dead

Time to remove it from TBP.

12-13-17  03:41pm

Replies (2)
Visit Authentic Footballers

Authentic Footballers


This site was put on hold down a while ago, supposedly to be revamped, but it looks like it's now officially dead.

11-18-17  07:32pm

Replies (0)
Visit Gay Sex Massage

Gay Sex Massage

Pretty Lame

Despite a couple of supposedly recent updates, the content all looks to be at least a decade old and like the site hasn't been updated in years. It's a pretty small collection of vids and the pic sets aren't linked to them, so navigation is crappy. Half the pics didn't have working thumbnails or load. Download speeds are very slow and it seemed like you could only do 2-3 downloads at a time. It's an interesting niche, but this is a really old, outdated site that probably needs to just die a quiet death. Not worth joining.

03-05-17  05:37pm

Replies (0)
Visit Hot Older Male

Hot Older Male

No more $7.95 Trial

TBP still shows this as having a $7.95 trial, but that hasn't been available since the site was completely revamped and the membership fee jacked way up some time ago.

01-24-17  10:28pm

Replies (1)
Visit All Of GFs

All Of GFs


Lots of content, but you'll find better stuff on Xtube for free. Very disorganized, vids and pics have terrible resolution, mostly unattractive models, and everything on the site loads very slowly. There might be a few good scenes buried in this mess somewhere, but no one should have to waste their time trying to find them. I saw better-looking, higher-quality porn sites in 2002 than this crap. Save your money.

09-01-16  12:49am

Replies (0)
Visit Hot Boys At Play

Hot Boys At Play

Overpriced and Many Years Old

This site appears to be recycling years-old material as if it's new updates. It's hard to tell if anything is actually new or if it's all old pics and vids - I joined this site once many years ago and it seems to be all the same model sets I saw then, and less videos. Video quality is subpar. You only get two file sizes and the very large ones (which are hard driving hogging 600-700 MB) don't look much better than the mobile versions at one sixth the size. Pics and vids do not correspond and many videos appear to have been simply stitched together from the shorter clips the site used several years back. There's some hot content here if you're into the twink niche, but it's not worth the money you have to spend to see it.

07-30-16  09:08am

Replies (0)
Visit Asian Swagger

Asian Swagger


I canceled this right after signing up for a trial because the site is terrible. I then got billed a full $39.95 monthly charge. I let it slide but went back and double-checked to make sure I had canceled and re-canceled, just to be sure. And now I'm being re-billed yet again. I called customer service and they have no record of my credit card - the one they keep rebilling. AVOID THIS RIP-OFF SITE AT ALL COSTS UNLESS YOU DON'T MIND PAYING $40/MONTH FOREVER FOR GARBAGE.

05-30-16  10:51am

Replies (2)
Visit Asian Swagger

Asian Swagger

NOT a Full Trial

Despite what TBP says, trial membership gives very limited access, so hard to tell if there's much content here or if it's any good. Lots of almost-hidden pre-checked cross sales with tiny print that is easy to miss. Canceling is also tricky and makes you think you're canceling when you're not (double check to be sure). This site should be avoided until they stop trying to play so many games.

04-27-16  04:20pm

Replies (1)
Visit Hot Guys Wrestling

Hot Guys Wrestling

Pure Garbage

I thought this might be an interesting niche to check out but the site was garbage. It looks to be from about 2002 and probably hasn't updated since a couple of years after that. Videos are very blurry and low-res. Pic sets don't match up with videos. There's no order to anything, it's just a mishmash of crap. Navigation is awkward. They have no business charging $30 a month for this junk. AVOID.

04-10-16  10:53am

Replies (0)
Visit All American Heroes

All American Heroes

Dated and Awkward

Site has some hot guys on it, but it looks really dated, a lot of the older stuff is really low rez, pics can be hard to access, navigation is really awkward, not all links work, and it's hard to tell if they're still even updating. If you've never subscribed before it may be worth a single shot to see some hunky guys you've probably never encountered before but otherwise there's not much reason to stick around.

03-27-16  10:02am

Replies (1)
Visit Unglory Hole

Unglory Hole

A bit shady

Interesting niche but hasn't updated in years. No pictures, just pages and pages of repetitive screenshots. Since most of the performers barely move or change positions in these scenes there is no need for 30 pages of screenshots all showing basically the same thing. Cancellation is difficult - confirmation e-mail refers you to a hazesupport website, which refers you back to the original website. That then refers you back to the hazesupport site in one big endless loop. I sent an e-mail to customer support, hoping that will work. Still waiting on that one. Worst of all, there is also a second cross-sell feature right at the point where you would logically hit enter after buying your membership, which can be very easily overlooked. It also can't be unclicked, meaning you have to open a new window and log in separately or else you'll get charged. Between the relatively small amount of content, lack of pics, endless boring screenshots, difficulty in canceling, lack of variety and shady cross-selling, there's not a lot to recommend here.

03-05-16  10:37am

Replies (0)
Visit Straight Boys Fucking

Straight Boys Fucking

Cannot Cancel!!!

This is an OK site content-wise, but one of the hardest to cancel I've ever encountered. There's no easy way to do it yourself online, and they make you send an e-mail to the webmaster, who never responds. I've now sent about 10 messages trying to cancel, but they never responded to any of them, so the trial converted to a full month's membership. When the charge showed up on my credit card, I called the telephone number shown and had to have a 10 minute conversation to try to get it canceled and reversed. (Not really fun having to explain that you no longer want to be a member of 'Straight Boys Fucking' and want your money back to some nice lady on the other end.) To this date, it STILL has not been canceled and now I'll probably have to cancel my credit card. This site really needs to get with ccBill or another reliable processor that makes it quick and easy to cancel. Until they do, people should probably AVOID this unless they like being rebilled over and over again without any hope of canceling.

02-16-16  06:54pm

Replies (1)
Visit Hot Gay Couple

Hot Gay Couple


Site is dead. Listing should be removed.

02-09-16  10:21pm

Replies (1)
Visit Coco Dorm

Coco Dorm

Price Jacked Way Up

This site generously offered an inexpensive $4.95 trial for years that they've now done away with, and their monthly price is a seriously pricey $34.95. It's a decent site with a good-ish amount of content, but not really worth the new price IMO. Hopefully enough users will balk at the hefty pricetag and they'll bring the cost back down to a more reasonable rate again.

Follow-Up - 10-11-15:

This site has now hiked the price up even further, to an almost unheard of $49.97/month. I don't know what they're trying to do here, but gaining new subscribers doesn't seem to be a very high priority.

08-31-15  02:22pm

Replies (0)
Visit Workin' Men Movies

Workin' Men Movies

Strange Site

This site is just plain weird. First, as the other poster noted, I don't get why this site is $29 by itself, while the other site with the same name and apparently the same content gives you several bonus sites for the same price. As for the site itself, it's a lot of really grungy guys beating off (and sometimes blowing or getting blown) in blurry films with no accompanying pictures. In theory, it sounds kind of hot, but the problem is most of the guys have smallish dicks and are not at all sexy even in a rough trade kind of way. They're mostly just dirty, out of shape and bland. Not sure why the cameraman keeps focusing on these guys' feet in so many shots, either, especially since a lot of them have serious cases of toenail fungus. Overall, it's just kind of disturbing more than erotic.

08-29-15  08:18pm

Replies (0)
Visit Sue For Black

Sue For Black


I joined this site thinking it might have some interesting interracial content. It was pure garbage. The vid quality is so poor and badly lit you can barely see any of the action. There are no pics on the main site, and the pics on the bonus site I checked out could only be downloaded, not opened in a browser. This site has no business being online, much less charging $30/month for a subscription. AVOID.

08-29-15  08:12pm

Replies (0)
Visit Lads At Work

Lads At Work


Site promises "1000s of hi quality videos and photos". There are 46 videos and no photos. Bait and switch much? Avoid this one.

05-30-15  05:34pm

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