So I am sitting here looking for another site to join and again came back to DDF. This time, when I followed the link from PU, the sign up link only shows 2 options. Sign up for 3-MONTHS at $89.99 or sign up for a year at $99.99. Wow, that is just ballsy. On a whim, I went direct to the site in another browser and there is a one month sign-up for $29.95 but it renews at $44.95! So they are randomly changing their pricing and options and might even be thumbing their noses at PU. I'm going to pass...again...
Well, I just tried to sign up and see two things that are a little frustrating.
First, the discounted price is up to $33.95. That is not a cache or related issue but is a revised discount from their new regular price of $44.95 a month. Wow...that has to be the most expensive monthly porn site price I have ever seen. Good luck with that.
And perhaps more annoying is that when I first went to the discounted sign-up page, I entered my site-unique username and password for this site into the form. Then I saw that the credit card handler is somebody I haven't heard of before (DDFsupport), NOT one of the ones listed on the charge page (like ccbill), so I backed out. After a few minutes, I decided to sign up anyway and came back to the sign up page. This time, the site said my username was already in use....because I typed it in 5 minutes earlier! This was unfortunate and was enough to make me decide to spend my money elsewhere. I hate getting jerked around before I even sign up for a site. Sorry, DDF, (and ccbill) gets my money today.
Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Some of the net's most beautiful imagery
Many, many US models you've heard of.
Some files back to 2003 and beyond
Zip files in many sizes for most sets, some up to 3000k.
Many videos now in 720P
Good layout and consistent navigation
Many of the best US models in the industry have their roots here.
Very good variety of models, most of whom have exceptional proportions.
The download process isn't bad if you aren't trying to download every image on the site.
It seems like they may be rescanning older 35mm sets in higher resolution when they re-release them, but I can't tell for sure.
Some content goes back as far as 2003. That's ALOT of images.
No cross selling!
For the price, you can't go wrong. (Part of why I rate them so high)
Site seems a bit slow to load compared to others
Recycling of old images cheats number of new releases.
Only 1 release per day and almost ALL of them are re-releases. (Less than 1 new set per week)
Quantity of new releases really seems to be dropping (Quality is good, though).
No original dates on sets so you can't tell if it is old. Chance are very good that it is.
Older videos in 480P or less and with no original dates for the models, you can't tell until you click down.
Bottom Line:
Important bits:
Mostly solo scenes with a few very good girl/girl softcore scenses (good because the girls are usually into each other and not just standing there.)
No boy/girl scenes that I recall.
Very few toys....but a reasonable number of fingers.
Good mix of outdoor and indoor scenes. These guys love sunlight (a very good thing for the images and girls, apparently) so many of the indoor sets are actually set up outdoors.
Nothing hardcore, but if you are the type that likes "unobstructed views", there are a lot of those.
Sorry, but I can't just bullet point this one. There's somehow more to it. As a frame of refgerence, my taste is for well done images.
This site has an ambiance about it that is somehow different from the the other, mostly european softcore sites. One of the fun things is looking at how the girls are transformed from the initial Audtion shoot. When they come in, they are good looking and trim. For the shoots, most are OMFG awesome! Now, it takes a good model to make this formula work. A good recent example of this is Amber Sym. In the audtion shots, she is hot, with a well toned, cheerleader type body. In the photo sets, she is simply ungodly beautiful.
Many models shoot stills well, but are really awkward in videos. The folks at DD (I still want to call it DDG) really know how to shoot video to bring out the grace and beauty in a girl. There are dozens of examples like this.
Another thing this site does is understand what the typical male, um, comes here for. I think the word I would use to describe these types of sets is Inviting. The models are aware of the photographer and use that element to tease or play with the camera a little in a very subtle way. Imagine if a really hot girl said to you "Hey, I'm going to take my clothes off and maybe fool around with myself a little. Stick around and watch if you want because that makes it more interesting for me." It is subtly different from how the European sites do it. "Flirt" sets even have th egirls talking at you...but sometimes less is more. Very good directing on the photography team's part.
Most of the sets include an ample number of really nicely (as in tastefully) done close-ups. And sometimes there is a tiny bit of Astroglide..I the right place to make things more interesting. It seems somehow more personal...sharing...inviting than the "girl frolicking in the woods" shoots you see elsewhere.
Another subtle thing that makse the experiance nicer is that there is very little cross selling or other advertising going on. This is a freestanding site, so you get what you get. It just seems so much more respectful of my time and privacy to NOT be mentioning that there are also sets of this girl on the blah-blah-blah sister site. (Compared to, say, Met-Art, that accosts you with ads for sister sites.) I guess the reason they don't have more cross-selling is because nobody else does some things the same way that they do. Kudoos for both.
Once a set appears (or re-appears) they are placed into specific categories that you can browse through. Categories include Dreamgirls, XXX Stars, Young and Fresh, Flashback, Interviews, etc. This helps if you are searching for a particular look or Genre, but it appears that they are not producing a lot of new material for many of these categories.
Now that you can tell that I'm clearly enamored with the models and photography, let me tell you a few of the more frustraing things about this site.
It is slooooow, mostly slow for pages to load. Downloads seem to be about average in speed. Not sure what that is about.
As I mentioned above, many of the older sets get recycled, apparently more than once. I don't have a major issue with that as many sites do it, but this site passes them off as new every time they come back around (sometimes multiple times). Fricking QUIT THAT! Introduce them in a different category and include the original dates for the shoots as well as the original dates for the models introduction to the site. Yes, some of the sets are the best they've ever done and deserve to be re-introduced (take a look at Alyssa Lovelace, for example), but re-datestamping them is just plain wrong. It destroys the model timelines and, at best, seems deceptive.
And here's another thing. As I looked back through my 12+ year collection of DDG/DD images, I noticed that a lot of material from the late 1990s and early 2000s is no longer there. Some of it is big-hair and bushy, but a lot of it is completely timeless. You should consider putting more of the images back on the site in the appropiate area so your subscribers can enjoy them.
Ok, bottom line. If you are into softcore, this is absolutely, positively one of the sites to visit as there is over a decade's worth of material. If you were here less than a year ago, there is not much new content, but it might be worth it to visit for the new lower price.
This site shows up on the "porn portal" first page for Twisty's members and I almost signed up before looking here for reviews. Two things kill it. First, it is streaming only. Yes, there are ways around that, but it sucks. And second, every video and most images have pixelated genitalia. Everything. (Kind of ironic considering the sex-crazed reputation some areas in Japan have....) Now, I get that these are Japanese and that is the law in Japan, but it is pretty unacceptable in the rest of the world. I'll wait until they ship these girls out of the country to film some unpixelated stuff.
I rejoined EB as part of a special with Watch4Beauty. The EB site has had a slight freshening, but I'm not terribly impressed with the most recent content. First, it is all "B" roll! It seems as though these are sets of slightly less attractive models or, if mainstream models, slightly lesser quality sets. So they may not have been good enough for the main site, Met Art, when they were taken. Second, it is an odd collection of old and new sets. I recognize several models that retired back around 2008 or earlier and here they are in "new releases" this month with different names and the exact same look. A few models have sets from 2007 and new sets in 2014 and they look exactly the same...because they are old sets just being released now. (To their credit, EB lists the age of the model when the sets were taken, but I don't think those ages are accurate.) That usually only happens because the set was not rated very highly back when the model was popular but now, what the heck, who cares, release it! Fourth, some sets of once popular models might be a bit off because when these sets were taken, these models were very near retirement. There are a few sets where I looked at the model, recognized her and although she was still very attractive, she was several years older than she was at her peak. My typical male reaction was "Wow, what happened? She used to be really hot!" There is nothing that reminds you that YOU are getting old more than images of a favorite model showing that SHE is getting old. Depressing. There are also a few sets from the time before a popular model perfected her look. A lot of eastern European girls took a little time to perfect their looks and some of these sets are the "before" pictures. And lastly, releasing a set in 3 parts is positively annoying. There is no reason for this other than to string us along and get more money. Many Met Art sets have 120-160 images in them. These EB sets usually have 40-60 images spread over 2-3 or more pages of 20 images a page. They either do that to minimize load on their servers, or to make it look like there are more images. Either way, its a really cheap trick!
This site is still better than a lot of others out there, but it is really unfortunate when a good site goes mediocre.
Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Erotic Beauty, formerly MetModels, leans a little more toward old-style softcore nude photos in natural settings. The models are generally not mainstream, so you find a few that are very interesting and different. The site is billed as "Naturally Beautiful amatuer nudes" which probably says it better than I can.
Hmm. Can't quite put my finger on it.... a little slow, maybe. Nothing major wrong.
Bottom Line:
This is a really good amatuer nude site. It is good because the photography is good, the models are generally attractive and typically squeeky clean (can't tell if they are photoshopped..), and there is a tremendous quantity of stuff going back to 2005. And remember, this USED to be the site where the Met-Art network put its most beautiful models so even the old stuff is pretty good. (The new stuff is good, too!) Many of the sets are outside.
Navigation is average or a little better than average. You can search by model, most popular, date, etc. Images do not open in a new window, so you have to remember that if you are used to some of the other sites like this.
There is a HUGE variety of models here, all apparently european. They are also all natural. I don't recall a single enhancement. And the models mostly seemed to be enjoying themselves, or at least comfortable with the set and the photographer.
I got into the site this time on a $12.50 special because I was already a member of Met-Art.
Absolutely worth a visit, especially if you like natural nude photography.
Thank you! I see you pulled the site from your review list also. It looks like the site is still up but they aren't accepting new accounts. That sounds like they may have shut-down but don't want to have to refund any money for current subscriptions. Oh well. I hope you get an answer.
So...I see one model I like a lot and decided to try this site. Unfortunately, when you click on the "join" icon, you get a link to CCBill that says "account inactive". What kind of web site would let the billers account go inactive even for a minute? I'll follow up as now there is a quest (or maybe conquest) involved.
Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
This site has been part of the ever-expanding Met-Art Network for many years. (i.e. high quality)
1 exclusive set a day since 2005 (over 3600 sets, easily 100,000 images)
Models are usually beautiful and popular
Sets are very well done.
Many sets are as good as the best Met Art sets.
Models might be a little more revealing here than on Met Art.
It seems as though the The site has become sort of a spill-over from Met-Art where archived shoots or perhaps extra shots from a set are packaged and displayed.
Many sets are models we will never see again (because they only did one or two shoots and then quit.)
Navigation, though good, is not quite as good as Met-Art.
Bottom Line:
I published a review of Errotica Archives in 2012 and rated it among the top soft core photography sites on the Internet. That review expired so I thought I would refresh it with my impressions from the 6 or so times I have joined the site since then. It is still up there among the best nude photography sites on the Internet, but I can't rate it as high as I did in 2012.
The collection dates all the way back to 2004 and even the stuff from back then is top notch. Many of the models you know and love were on this site before they were anywhere else...although sometimes with different names. With over 12 YEARS of stuff, it is a lot of fun looking. All but the newest European models have sets here. All of them!
Navigation is good for a site this large. You can search by model or rating or month. Images appear in the same tab, though, so remember to go back rather than close (I STILL wish they would make this more consistent across the Met-Art network sites..)
All set come in 3 sizes ranging from small to extra-large but the size depends on the age of the set. Recent images are 6000x4000 or so, large enough to be lifesize if printed out at 72dpi. And most images actually look good at that kind of resolution. Everything is available in zip files and downloading is relatively fast.
The girls all appear to be comfortable with the photographers. There is a really good mix of full body and close up shots here and, unlike many similar sites, most of the girls are not shy and don't mind showcasing their assets with close-ups.
There is a new set every day. There is a wide variety of photographers and they all have slightly different styles, locations and models. Once in a great while, they will release a much older set but these are not re-releases, just archive or perhaps extra images from a different set. All sets are clearly dated.
Just a reminder that this is a softcore site. There are a few lightweight girl/girl scenes, but there are no sex scenes, no insertions, very little masturbation, no true sex on this site. There may be a few unusual sets from prior years (maybe a girl with her hands tied or something), but this is a 99.9% nude modeling site.
Met-Art links all of their sites together so, for example, you can see links to sets on other sites for a model you are looking at, but each site requires its own membership and associated fee, so the links can be frustrating at times. Once in a while they will allow access to a site on the network for free for a limited time but generally, you have to pay for access to each site. There is a pull-down menu that allows you to jump between sites in the network that you are a member of.
So....what about this site isn't as good as it used to be? Well, I think it might be two or three things. First, this is clearly a site for surplus or archived sets (hence the name). Some of these sets were archived because they were not quite suitable for Met Art. Either something didn't click with the set or, on the other hand, maybe there are too many close-ups! (Not really a problem for me...). But there seem to be more of these B-grade sets than there used to be. Second, there are also a lot of slightly less impressive one-hit wonders in the mix. Occasionally, there will be an introduction set for a new model on Met Art. Then maybe there will be one more set on Met Art, then some time later a third set will show up here. This is because the model only did a few sets and then quit, but there are sets on the shelf. And sometimes....these models were not A-list models to begin with.
In fact, that is the third reason the site doesn't rank as high this time around. Global supply. In 2010-2012, there was this bevy of incredibly beautiful women in eastern Europe that were shooting for the Met-Art, FemJoy and a few other networks. It was a bumper crop of OMFG women! Now, there are still many, many incredibly beautiful women within the Met-Art network, but to produce the kind of volume this network needs to provide 15-20 new sets or videos a day, there has to be a constant flow of new and consistent talent. Personally, I think that talent is becoming harder and harder to find and the result is a higher proportion of sets with unpolished or less attractive women. This is probably pervasive with all of the sites that use Eastern European models and it explains why some photographers are heading to Brazil and central America more often. I'll leave it at that but I'm sure you get the point. The supply, relative to demand, seems to be dwindling. (and I'll bet the popular models are getting more expensive.)
OK, where was I... In spite of my opinion that the site is not quite as good as it was in 2012, it is still an outstanding site! If you like Met-Art, Femjoy or similar sites, you will love this one. And considering the volume of material, it is still an excellent deal.
Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
This is the second best site in the Met-Art network behind Met-Art itself. Very large volume of high quality images of truly beautiful women in natural indoor and outdoor settings. See details below.
Nothing much in the way of cons as long as you remember it is a nude modelling site. No hardcore here!
Bottom Line:
This site rates up there with the best nude photography sites on the Internet. Tons of photo sets (not much video, though), many, many different models of all shapes and sizes. The collection dates all the way back to 2004 and even the stuff from back then is top notch. And many of the models you know now were on this site before they were anywhere else...although sometimes with different names. With 10 YEARS of stuff, it is a lot of fun looking. (At least 1 new set a day, 50 images per set, that's 3600+ sets and 180,000 imaegs!)
Navigation is good for a site this large. You can search by model or rating or month. Images appear in the same tab, though, so remember to go back rather than close (I wish they would make this more consistent across the Met-Art network..)
Small, medium and large zip files are available for every set since 2004 (although "large" wasn't that large in 2004)
The girls all appear to be comfortable with the photograper. There is a really good mix of full body and close up shots here and, unlike many similar sites, most of the girls are not shy and don't mind, um, showing us the money.
There is a new set every day. Very few of them are continuations of earlier sets and there does not seem to be any common location where the majority of shoots are done. There is a wide variety of photographers and they all have slightly different styles, locations and models. Once in a great while, they will release a much older set, but unlike some other sites, I don't think they are re-releasing anything. For example, a set came out earlier this year of Marketa when she was relatively young. The set may have been 8 years old, but it had never been released anywhere before as far as I could tell. Contrast this with DDG or Earl Miller, who fairly consistently re-release older stuff.
All sets come in 3 sizes ranging from small to extra-large but the size depends on the age of the set. Recent images are 6000x4000 or so, large enough to be lifesize if printed out at 72dpi. And most images actually look good at that kind of resolution.
Now, if you are looking for ANYTHING other than straight images of unbelieveably beautiful girls, then this might not be the site for you. There are a very few lightweight girl/girl scenes, but there are no sex scenes, no insertions, very little masturbation, no true sex on this site. There may be a few unusual sets from prior years (maybe a girl with her hands tied or something), but this is a 99.9% nude girls site.
I got in this time on a discount because I was a member of Met-Art. Once in Met-Art, it was just $12.50 to join additional sites in the network. Well, I'm dropping the lesser met-art network sites but will keep this one for at least another month or two.
As I mentioned above, overall this is one of the best nude photography sites on the net. Every time I log in, I find myself surfing the site for an hour or more. I don't think I've ever been dissapointed with this site...and for me...that says a lot.
Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Many of the best models from Met Art
Outstanding photography
Perfect settings and lighting
Sets are usually more revealing than Met Art
Good site layout and navigation
Videos are often not boring!
Models and sets are user-scored
Searchable tags
Not a huge site, but larger than many
One update every 2-4 days (usually 2)
No tiered pricing for existing Met-Art network members
No other cons!
Bottom Line:
This site is a satellite in the Met Art universe that is exclusively presented by one of Met Art's best photographers, Arkisi. I can't find any profile information on Arkisi, but he/she is a very, very busy and talented person. The site includes many of the best models from Met Art in really excellent sets. Many of the videos are also excellent, which is often not the case elsewhere in the Met-Art world.
Overall, I'd say that this is 2nd or 3rd behind Met-Art in terms of best within the network.
Some basic stats:
About 720 sets (15 a month since 2014)
About 172 models
Sets range from about 35 to 120 images
Videos are about 6 to 22 minutes
Images come in three sizes 1k, 2k and 4k+
Videos come in several formats from 270p (why?) to full HD in MP4, WMV and Divx.
All sets are user scored and user tag searchable.
All sets are dated
The basic shell is very similar to Met-Art, including a user-options page that allows you to tailor your experience....except the option to open each image in a new page is not present.
The models here are every bit as amazing as they are over in Met-Art, but many models here are a little There are a few sets insertions and some other things like candle-play. Several videos start out showcase and end up masturbation. I actually joined this site because I wanted to little more of a particular, exclusive model and, wow, I was not disappointed. Keep in mind, though, that this is strictly solo and some two-girl scenes. It is up a notch or two from Met-Art, but it is not at all hardcore.
In addition to the popular models, there are a few casting sets and a few sets with models I've never seen before. These might be girls that are popular elsewhere or girls that didn't stick around for one reason or another, I'm not sure.
I'm scoring this one an 90. The site is excellent overall, but isn't quite as large as most A sites. So it got that score based on the quality of material.
Bottom line. If you like Met-Art, do not hesitate to join this site. It is well worth the $20.
I have a long term subscription to Met Art and although a few sites in their affiliation group are discounted or sometimes free for trial periods, many of the sites that were once $10 a month to Met-Art members are now full-price. So ED is $29.00 as of the date of this note. That's really too bad as I used to join an extra site in the network every month or so. At $10 or $15, I wouldn't think twice before joining. At $29.00, these sites are competing with literally every other site on the Internet and this network usually loses out on the opportunity to earn my subscription money as I'll chose some other site I have not been a member of before. If anyone finds a discount, publish it here!
Very good point. I also (directly) got a rather agitrated email from Patrik, who is apparently one of the webmasters at Eva's Garden. You are correct and Patrick is correc, to a point. This computer is still running Windows XP, and Internset Explorer only goes to 8 on XP. I did not think to try Chrome. I just did and the images do in fact show up and allow me to save in jpg format. Oddly, though, in Chrome, when you click on an image the little preview does not show up. I have to click on the "enlarge" link to doenload the file (again, this file IS in jpg format). I am going to diagnose my computer but plan on updating it shortly to W7.
I've run into a handful of sites that simply don't like Internet Explorer of any version. I suspect this has somethign to do with the server software itself or perhaps with what some people believe is Microsofts quite effort to make Windows XP perform so poorly that people will have to upgrade. IN any case, you and Patrik are correct in that the BMP problem is due in part to my own IE browser.
Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
04-08-1206:17pm (Update History) Reason: corrections and updates
Girls are generally very attractive. The site includes the typical collection of European girls that are on other (softcore/glam) sites, but there are also a few that are unique to this site. Image quality is high. Video quality is generally high. Tech support response to my issue was practically instantaneous.
site navigation is not up to par with many other similar sites. Page refresh and image downloads are nat very fast. Zip file image naming structure is absolutely infuriating! (ie every set has an image named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, making downloaded image management impossible! Saved images in older IE browsers appear to be only BMP, not JPG., making them much larger than they need to be for both downloading and storage. (Google Chrome and other browsers are probably fine)
Bottom Line:
Overall, this is a pretty nice site, but it is not up to par with the best-of-class (i.e. Met-Art, Femjoy, Erotica Archive, etc.) This applies in four areas. First, the navigation of the site is ok, but not great. You can't, for example, sort the models based on user rating. Even sorting by name is a little clumsy. Second, actually downloading files is truly painful.
Once you are in a set, clicking on an image opens a small thumbnail. To open an image large enough to download, you have to click on an icon below each image. When downloading ZIP files, there are no model name or set references, just numberd image files starting at 1. The only workaround to this is to create folders for each set. Very frustrating as there is no reference to the model, the set name, anything in the zip files. ...where was I.. Oh, the third and fourth things are the models and photography. The models are attractive, but there is something a little off about either the models, the shoots or the sets. The only way to describe this is that it appears nobody is having a good time. Very few geniune smiles, little laughter, no conversation at all in the videos. Not much fun. In many of the sets, out of dozens of pictures, there are only a few where the model looks like she is even remotely enjoying herself. Compare this with, say, Femjoy. It is the interaction with the photographer, or somebody else on the set maybe, that brings out the absolute best images in the models. So the models on Eva's Garden may be beautiful, but the images are not engaging. I compared many of the same models between this and other sites. Something is just not as good here. These girls should be surface-of-the-sun hot. They are on other sites. Somehow, not as much here. There are a few outstanding sets and OMG models, but many, as I said above, are a little off. Oh, and the fourth thing, is the sets. Out of the dozens of sets I've looked at so far, and probably hundreds of overviews, nearly all of them are indoors in carefully controlled lighting. A few are outdoors on a cloudy day or under a covered awning. Many images are shot with what appears to be a wide angle lens(probably to increase the depth of field and get more of the model in focus), but the result is a distorted image. I've never seen this on any other site. The indoor sets vary, of course, but the lack of variety contributes to an almost monotonous feel to the site. I never thought a website full of naked beautiful women could be monotonous. Apparently, I was wrong. If you have not already been to one of the top softcore/glam sites, I suggest you try those before you try Eva's Garden. This site is nice, but just not top tier in the genre.
Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Large collection (Over 400 scenes)
All college aged models
Mostly attractive models
Mostly exclusive models
Access to a couple of other sites with similar themes.
Photo images sizes are small
Identical format for each video can be monotonous.
Seems like one guy just recording his conquests...
Navigation is very basic
Bottom Line:
I apologize, but I cancelled my membership here before I had a chance to collect stats and do a review. Here's is what I do have.
This is obviously a "college-girls paying for tuition" site, real of fake, I can't tell. The videographer/blurred out male star of the scenes travels to different colleges and records his meeting with, conversing with, squeezing, fingering, often jamming a sex-toy into and ultimately fucking and then coming all over the young, relatively attractive girl in each scene. Being relatively attractive is kind of easy when you are in the most admired demographic on the planet (18-22 female), but a few of these girls are truly beautiful. There are many scenes, although only the recent ones are in HD (720p) and the oldest ones are an unwatchable resolution like 640x480.
The newer scenes alternate between POV and fixed camera off to the side. Some of the POV and POV-like (i.e. camera at foot of bed recording a reverse cowboy) material is quite good, but much of it is jittery and the field of POV view is limited.
Some of the scenes have a split video (POV and from another angle) which I personally dislike a lot. I do not recall any issues downloading the videos or zip files. Images are small, like 1200-1400 pixels on the wide-side small.
The network includes a "casting couch" site, and a "broke model" site. Both of these sites followed a similar, narrow scenario which made me immediately fast-forward in search of the good stuff. There was also a site called "net video girls" which just seemed like a lot of unrelated amateur nude-model stuff thrown together like a slightly pornographic subreddit.
Bottom Line: There are a lot of sites that use this format but this one is as good as any of the others that I've seen, perhaps a little better. So if you like the format, you have nothing to lose by signing up for a month...well...except for $25 if you really hate the site.
Got an email yesterday that said ccBill accounts were being transferred because of the sale of Femjoy to Gamma. My annual subscription immediately stopped working. A chat with support didn't help other than they said the issue should be resolved in a day or two. I truly hope this isn't the beginning of the end for Femjoy.
Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Some of the best European models
Wonderful sets and lighting
Top notch photography
Great model interaction
1-2 sets a day and 1 video a week
Models generally are not at all shy
Improved site layout and navigation
Token based login (remembers you)
4 image file/zip file sizes for each set.
Images up to 6000x4000 pixels
Excellent value for the money
Navigation much better but still a little quirky
Videos are a sometimes bit snoozy
Bottom Line:
This is my third review of this site in about 6 years, and I'm happy to say that, with an improved layout, better file size options and less inhibited models, it is better than ever.
Femjoy is one of a few sites that I have an annual membership to. This is a site with photography that ranks up there with the best in this genre...perhaps THE best.
The site has been around since 2004. I can't get a good read on the number of sets, but it is now up to about 5000 or so, plus about a video or two a week for at least the last 4 years. The pre-2010 sets tend to be a little more "Naked girl in the woods" but for the past several years, the shooting formula has been damn near perfect. Great mix of full body and close-ups in many different poses...standing, reclining, come-hithering, you name it. Sets and outdoor locations are great. Photographer interaction with the model is great. Lighting is consistently terrific. Posing is great. Nothing awkward, ugly or uncomfortable anywhere. The photographers here are simply the best in the industry. They start with beautiful women and turn them into breathtaking goddesses. Stefan Soell, for example, manages to regularly find and photograph some of humanity's finest examples of the female form in some of the most beatiful settings on earth. And the other photographers are just as good, providing you with uncluttered, nicely focused, obstruction- free, mostly prop-free views of beautiful, confident, 100% natural women.
Just a reminder that this is relatively soft core. There is no guy/girl sex, no toys, no insertions, etc., with maybe a little bit of masturbation and a few girl/girl sets just touching and leaning. (If you want harder core in this format, go over to Joymii.) At Femjoy, you just get beautiful views from every angle of great looking models. In the past few years, the sets have become somewhat more explicit. That is a huge change from prior years and adds another level to the awesomeness of these models.
The videos usually follow the pattern of a similar photo shoot. They are not terribly exciting unless you really want to see how a particular model moves. There are a few close-ups, etc., but there is usually no masturbation. They come in multiple sizes and formats from standard definition (480p) to 1080p. Older ones are in 720p.
The photo sets typically have about 80-120 images in them and the images can be downloaded individually or in zip files of the whole set. Image sizes in the recent zips range from a now-puny 800 pixels across to a decent poster sized 6000 pixels across. To get the really big images, you have to download the zip file.
Femjoy updated their site layout a couple of years ago and overall it is a huge improvement. Very large set thumbnails include the model name, the set name, the photographer name, the set date and the number of images in the set. The main pages are an uncluttered design with weekly videos on the right, favoriate models toward the bottom and a couple of other sites referenced at the very bottom. There are also pages for just photo sets and pages for just videos. On those pages, you can navigate easily to any month of any year all the way back to 2004. Nicely done. No aggresive partner marketing in your face like so many other sites. There is a search function for models and photographers, a set card for each model and photographer, and a scoring system of 1-5 stars for both the model and the photographer.
The ONLY thing I still have not gotten used to is the in-set navigation. It is much better than before, but there are no options for opening an image in a new window and th eback button doesn't really work. Everything here opens in the original window and if you try to open an image in a new window, some functionality, like image size selection or next/previous is lost. Click on a set and you get nice large thumbnails of all of the images in the set on one page. HUGE PLUS. There is a large X in the upper right hand corner that will get you back to the page you came from. Same with the images. The first time you select an image, you get the smallest size until you chose a different size, then the site remembers that size but only for the current set. And the X in the upper right corner will take you back to the previous page, but it takes you to the TOP of the previous page rather then where you were. A little inconvenient if you are looking at images at the bottom of a set or a set thumbnail at the bottom of a page.
OK, I'm out of room....
Bottom line? If you are into medium-soft core and like young, showy, confident, OMG beautiful young women, don't hesitate. Just join this site. This is one of the few sites that I would recommend for an annual membership because of the terrific soft core content and good pricing. There is enough here to keep you entertained for months. I will have a subscription here until either the site or I are no longer around.
I'm a little dissappointed that the annual subscription rate is now among the highest in this genre at $119. That is more than Met Art, Hegre, MPL and Watch4Beauty. The $89 annual rate listed by PU no longer works. I've been a member of FemJoy for nearly a decade but am going to wait until I see a better rate someplace before I renew.
I logged into my annual subscription and the format has changed! It is so much better that the old one! Big images, huge thumbnails, fewer clicks, very clean look. Rally nice!
....except file sizes are still 800,1200 and super large 5500. I hope they are listening!
Interesting find. I'm guessing that my new review just superseded my old one and that everybody can only have one review of a site. So if you search by site, you only see one review. If you search by user, you see both.
Current Member for over 1 year (at the time of review).
Some of the best European models
Wonderful sets and lighting
Top notch photography
Great interaction
1-2 sets a day and 1 video a week
Models generally are not shy
Good site layout
3 image file/zip file sizes for each set.
Images up to 5500 x 3700 pixels(a 6 foot poster)
Excellent value for the money
Navigation still not up to par with the best sites
Videos are a bit snoozy
Image/zip file sizes are odd/archaic
Bottom Line:
I noticed my review of this site expired and there are no current reviews, so I'm updating my old review. Very little has changed since 2014 except the number of sets has gone up a lot.
Femjoy is one of a few sites that I have an annual membership to. This is a site with photography that ranks up there with the best in this genre...perhaps THE best. The photo sets and models themselves are generally spectacular. In fact, there are a few exclusive models here that are the absolute pinnacle of beautiful female form. Translation: They have perfect, perfect bodies, pretty faces and bright eyes. The models are 18 to mid-20s, fit, clean, totally natural, mostly clean shaven and just drop-dead gorgeous. Very few piercings and next to no tattoos. The more recent models are very open and the site seems to e getting a little more explicit than it was in the early days. No problem with that!
Lets talk about content:
The site has been around since 2004. I can't get a good read on sets, but it is at least 4000 or so, plus about a video or two a week for at least the last few years. Of course the older sets tend to be a little more "observing a naked girl in the woods" but for the past few years, the shooting formula has been damn near perfect. Great mix of full body and close-ups in various poses. Sets and outdoor locations are great. Interaction is great. Lighting is consistently terrific. Posing is great. Nothing awkward or uncomfortable anywhere.
Just a reminder that this is soft core. There is no guy/girl sex, no toys, no insertions, etc., with maybe a little bit of masturbation and few girl/girl sets just touching and leaning. (If you want that in this format, go over to Joymii.) At Femjoy, you just get beautiful views of great looking models.
The videos are sometimes of the photo shoots and sometimes shot separately on the same set. The girls start naked or disrobe and are usually undressed by the halfway point. Any close-ups, etc are reserved for the last few minutes of the video and there is rarely any masturbation. These are not bad videos, but they are not terribly exciting unless you really want to see how a particular model moves. They come in multiple sizes and formats from standard definition (272p) to 1080p. Older ones are in 720p.
So..what's not to like? Well...there are STILL a few things that keep me from rating this site right up there with the best.
First, the navigation is still a little off. There are a few too many clicks to get where you want to be and not enough new-window options. When you click on a set from the home or updates page, a new window opens for that set and then all actions happen in that window. Click to see images, and a limited number of images appear in a gallery. Click on "show all" (nice pun, I guess) and all of the images appear. What, are we still in dial-up times? Just show me ALL the images when I ask to see ALL images, please. This doesn't sound like much, I know, but it is a little odd to navigate through. ..Then there is selecting a picture. When you click on an image from a gallery, it opens up in the same window that the gallery of images was in. You have to click "back to gallery" or pageback to return to the gallery page. This may also seem like a little thing but when looking through many images, it is unnerving because you will inevitably close an image and end up exiting the set. What SHOULD happen is that each set should open a window/tab and each image within that set should open a window/tab. Or better yet, the whole thing should be user selectable like several of the other top-tier websites are. To their credit, the navigation options once looking at an image are pretty good (larger image, next, previous and back to gallery).
And my last little nitpick is with the file sizes. There are three image size choices: "Quickview Edition" images are 800k wide. "Collectors Edition" images are 1200k wide and "Poster-Size Edition" images are 4500-5500k wide. Wait, what? (Insert captain Piccard meme here) Who the fuck looks at 800k images anymore? Even iPhones are 960 pixels wide/tall! My smallest computer screen is 1900 pixels wide. So the two smallest images sizes are waaaay too small to fill my computer screen and the only other option involves 5500 pixel, 2 meg images and a zip file that is a third of a gig! There is just something seriously outdated with this thinking. I appreciate the larger images, but they are a little too large to be loaded and kept exclusively. What is needed is a 1200, a 2000 and a max resolution (4500+) image size. I was told they were working on this in 2014. Apparently, they lied.
Bottom line? If you are into soft core and like young, showy, OMG beautiful girls, don't hesitate. Just join this site. This is one of the few sites that I would recommend for an annual membership because of the terrific soft core content. There is enough here to keep you entertained for months!
I've been a member of this site for many years but am getting increasingly frustrated because Femjoy is not keeping up with the times when it comes to file sizes. The small and medium download sizes are microscopic by today's standards. Small files are 800x535 and medium files are 1200x800. That is about 1/5 and 1/2 of my monitor's screen resolution (1920x1080). I've complained about this before and thought I got a response that they were working on it. Apparently not. Now the LARGE files are 6000x4000 these days, which is fine, but those large zip files take a long time to download, are slow to load and use up to half a gig of disk space each. Please, please please!!! Change the file sizes so you have a 2000 or 3000 option like Met Art, Hegre Art, X-Art, W4B, MPL and the rest of the sites in your niche. The larger size is OK (although several other sites are at 10,000 now), but the site has to bump up the size of the smaller images.
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