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N/A Reply of Amanda's Poll

Need to two to three times per day

01-06-17  12:08pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

It reminds of when I was sixteen

01-06-17  12:07pm

Visit The Classic Porn

The Classic Porn
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Nowhere near the quality layouts u get with video box. It is annoying because you don't get any sort of preview of the scene, just numbers that change the video playing in the window. Downloading their clips requires you to wait till the video loads too, which really slows down the whole process.

Get 1mo membership, you'll have plenty of time to get the whole decade u spoke of.

11-13-12  06:36am

Visit The Classic Porn

The Classic Porn
Reply of messmer's Reply

She has plenty of legit movies, and they link to a few of her other movies where you can buy the DVD. When they list the star's catalog, anything they don't have sends you to a place you can buy their DVD releases.

11-13-12  06:31am

Visit The Classic Porn

The Classic Porn

Status: Current Member for over 3 months (at the time of review).
Pros: - Very cheap monthly fees.
- Tons of classic porn.
- Well known movies, they are generally films with big name stars.
- Have some films grouped by company or regions (French porn form the 1970s for example)
- Can search catalog by year.
- Fairly well managed database of stars, directors, year the film was made, and company that made them. It could be a little better, but this is probably the one thing they do right at this site.
- You also get access to a lot of Gay movies, all classics. Some really great porn mustaches.
Cons: - One of the worst site designs. Very clunky.
- They decided to put their Facebook and Google+ links right above the download links, so you are constantly have to close popups because they are activate by "mouse overs" whenever you try to click on the download links. This is probably the most annoying thing at their site.
- Half their movies are clipped into smaller files, the other half are just whole downloads. There is no consistency to this either, well except that if they clipped it everything just gets named ipod3g_##, so you constantly have to rename every clip you download (or end up with ipod3g_01 through ipod3g_100).
- They advertise films that are supposedly going to be offered soon, but often they never do (they get skipped over, can't be offered after all; I really don't know why).
- Quality is really hit or miss here. The year of the film doesn't really seem to affect this. Old and newer films are often very poor quality.
- No choice of downloads.
Bottom Line: This is a great site if you are looking for a cheap alternative to buying classic porn DVDs or more likely VHS in a lot of these cases. They have a ton of films here, but you may not always find the biggest ones here (or anywhere else for that matter). For example, they have a ton of Christy Canyon's movies, but only one Traci Lords. However, the quality of many of these movies is sub-par just from their origins in time, but at the same time the operators of this website really need to establish some degree of consistency. Occasionally they will post a movie that is almost unwatchable. One of the most annoying things, aside from their poor placement of Facebook links, are how badly they can mess a movie up clipping it. Having to rename half your downloads from this site is something I haven't had to deal with since the 1990s. They took the time to clip it, you are paying them to do so whether you wanted them to or not, the least they could do is title their videos properly. This little faux pas just makes them look as amateurish as their 1960s movies (of which there are only a handful). It is clear that they are just uploading films with no regard towards their customer's satisfaction.

My problem with this site is that after some time (1-2 months)you have probably downloaded everything you want to keep. So, you are enticed into staying because they have a movie you have been searching for "coming soon." Hopefully they actually offer it, but oftentimes the film just disappears out of the "coming soon" list. Then you add to it all the little annoyances like having to close the popups when you accidentally mouse over them, renaming your downloads, and all of this so that maybe you can get a movie or two that you actually want per week. After a few months I found myself going for days and days without downloading from this site. It really ticks you off when the download links don't work for the first few days they offer the movie too, which has happened about every third movie they upload it seems.

The bottom line is that if you are looking for a site with a ton of classic porn, then this is probably the only one worth trying. I recommend it as a one time, one month membership. Get in there and get what you want and get out. They don't seem to care about the problems with their site (post suggestions all you want via their "suggestion box," I am pretty sure nobody reads them). The quality is hit or miss, and you won't really know until you download it. And like many sites these days, if you are using a Download manager you will have about thirty minutes before you will have to refresh the links. Fortunately their largest file sizes are still less than 500mb, so this is only a problem if you are trying to download half a decade worth of movies at a time. They are a good source for classic porn, but until they start addressing some of these issues I wouldn't recommend any long term memberships with them. The only reason they score a 70 is because they do have an impressive catalog, but that is about all they have going for them. What is sad is that their most impressive aspect has nothing to do with the site itself, just the access it provides to all those movies. There biggest problems are horrible mistakes made by web designers and management. As soon as any other company comes along offering this niche, this site will get trounced into oblivion. I have personally emailed Videobox requesting that they at least create an additional, retro site. I would rather pay Videobox and extra $15/mo than to keep paying these guys.

11-12-12  09:36am

Replies (11)
Visit Pack Of Porn

Pack Of Porn

No more updates

There hasn't been an update since September 6th, 2012. I am afraid this site is abandoned.

10-10-12  09:50am

Replies (1)
N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

That is much more of a cultural issue than a legal issue. Sort of the same way US Americans might be perceived as preferring violence over sex or love if you try to judge us by our most popular mediums. I can kill 50 people in a movie and still get a PG rating, but one quick peek at a cock or vagina is likely to prevent your movie from receiving a rating at all, and therefore no distribution. Definitely not our place to judge anyone else's practices.

08-31-12  07:59am

Visit Lesbea

Reply of monty2222's Review

Excellent review. I will be putting this one on my wish list

08-09-12  01:43pm

Visit Graphis

Reply of op9527's Review

That's awesome that you and your wife do this together.

08-09-12  01:42pm

Visit Alternadudes

Reply of gaypornolover's Reply

I think I'm bi, but maybe I'm just Tri. LOL

08-09-12  01:40pm

Visit Lesbea

Reply of Bluesurfer's Review

We could use a little more info. I looked at this site and one of my first questions is whether it is all softcore? It looks like a lot of softcore, lipstick lesbian material. Will I see girls getting tied up, pounded with a strapon, etc?

08-08-12  11:44am

Visit Alternadudes

Reply of gaypornolover's Review

Excellent review. Thank you for reviewing a gay site. I find I tend to only join or look at gay sites that are associated with other networks sites like 21 Sextreme or something. So, it is nice to see a review of a standalone gay site. Thanks again.

08-08-12  11:37am

Visit Rodney Moore

Rodney Moore
Reply of mbaya's Reply

Review written.

08-08-12  11:32am

Visit Rodney Moore

Rodney Moore

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: Hairy Hippie Girls are kind of the selling point here. Lots of natural, often unshaven, women with long hair, tie-dyed dresses.

There is a certain campy, B-movie quality to everything they do. In a away this separates them from mainstream porn, and I found that appealing.

Some incredible amateur models from the Northwest US region. If you are really into the Seattle/Portland scenes, this is probably one of the best samplings of the region. Something about this type of porn just screams "indie-alt-porn."

Major focus on the women. Most of the time this is a result of the POV style of most of Rodney's work.

You'll be surprised how many famous names show up in his videos.

The lesbian videos here, which comprise maybe 20-35% of the stock, are some of the most realistic you will ever see and on par with what you find at sites like We Are Hairy and Abby Winters, not necessarily softcore, but definitely devoid of any testosteronal influences(just one dildo instead of a whole toolbox).
Cons: Since they don't always wear bras, gravity is a lot harsher on some of the models than others. It can be a little disconcerting seeing the boobs of a fifty year old woman on a twenty year old.

A lot of the models are real hippie chicks with the hygiene and grooming practices that are stereotypical of hippies. With all that hair, sometimes you can actually smell the girls through your computer monitor. Seems like maybe 1 out of every 6 or 7 is just a little too "hippie" for my tastes.

The B-movie quality I mentioned is great sometimes, but other times it is that quality because Rodney Moore doesn't know the first thing about lighting a scene. About half of all the videos will either be too dark and grainy, or so brightly lit it starts to wash out all the details, bushes get all pixelated, etc. So expect about 50% of the movies to be low-quality.

POV style only works if a) you can hold the camera steady and b) you have the light to do so. Rodney often only has one of these.
Bottom Line: Yes, the video quality sucks, and there is no consistency in terms of the the formats or camerawork. Rodney Moore has ruined many shoots with what was an otherwise super hot chick that just couldn't be seen because he likes to shoot in rooms with natural light. This means every time he shoots something on one side of the room that is brightly lit, the other half of the room looks like it is shrouded in shadow. This throws off his white balance and causes a lot of wash. The reason I keep mentioning this is because on an old CRT monitor this wasn't that noticeable. On a nice new HD LED monitor, this can look like shit. Yeah, I said it.

So why even consider it? Well, probably for the same reason you still like to look up the girls from the 1970s on the PLAYBOY site. It's partly nostalgic for some of us who chased those hairy hippie girls all through college. And some of us get tired of seeing the ultra-professional, ultra-glammed-up porn. And maybe, as a US citizen, I would like to know that we have our own Abby Winters-esque models here in the states. Then there is just the overall feel of this site. Much like Suicide Girls, this site just screams "Pacific Northwest." For those of you who don't know, this area of the US is sort of a Mecca for the indie/alt music scene (the locals get a little miffed about this, but they are always associated with "grunge").

Yes, there are probably more cons than pros with this site. But the pros make up for it, I think. The fact of the matter is that if you are into chicks like these, vid quality is not going to be as big an issue to you. Some of these videos are probably over ten years old at this point and this borders on a retro site. As such it is a lot like getting a membership to a classic porn site. You can't fault the standards of the time for the current video quality, you just have to accept it.

Who should join this site? If you are into hairy, hirsute women, then you want to check this out for at least a month. If you are into amateurs, and particularly younger girls in their early twenties, then you want to check this out. If you like POV, and all of the above, then you want to check this out. And, if you like the smell of patchouli mixed with the aromatic flavors of a wet bush, then you will want to check this site out (you won't really smell it, but you will think you do, so what's the diff).

Will you stay member here indefinitely? probably not. A month or two will suffice for most. The updates aren't necessarily updates, just re-posting of older stuff most of the time. I don't think there is any actual new content coming from him, but I may be wrong. This is more or less an archive site. What's really scary is just how many videos there are in this archive, and how many Rodney himself was in. The guy has got to be rivaling the likes of Ron Jeremy, and he did it in about a third of the time.

08-08-12  11:27am

Replies (2)
Visit Rodney Moore

Rodney Moore


I joined because of the recommendations from here and I have to say that I can see why its about half and half in favor of this site (70s vs. 80s).

Yes, the video quality is pretty pathetic. In a way I like it because it gives that retro porn feel, but a the same time you want a little more definition. Some of the videos are just hard to watch because of too much shadow or to much color saturation. It really is pretty amateurish, even for amateur porn.

Ah but the girls. From the hairy hippies to the exotic beauties, let's face it, the main pull here is the type of women you tend to see in his videos. You're not going to see a lot dolled up bimbos here, more likely you will see some really hairy girls and a lot of piercings. You will be surprised who turns up on his doorstep.

He has tried to bring plot back to porn. I can't decide if this is a good thing.

If you are fans of sites like ATK Hairy, We Are Hairy, or Hippie Goddesses, you will probably like this site. There is a ton of archived material here.

07-30-12  11:19pm

Replies (2)
Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of Monahan's Reply

That does sound like so BS. Sorry to hear that. I have had no problems with them, but I did join after the split. In fact, the split is what kept me from joining for so long because I was basically interested in about half of what they offered in each.

I won't try to defend them and I certainly understand your frustration. At the same time as big as these sites and this network is getting, the split was inevitable. The alternative would have probably been to start raising the prices. From a sales-perspective, that very well could have been a death sentence for their business. It's really hard to get people to join sites for over twenty dollars these days. I think they screwed up in how they divided the site. They should have made 21 Sextreme an actual addition, because that's really what it is anyway, and just charged an extra ten bucks a month to add it on. Or they could have made it more "extreme" period so that it can stand on its own.

07-30-12  12:33pm

Visit MistressT.net

Reply of marcdc1's Reply

I agree and disagree. Mistress T's isn't bad, but I made the mistake of reading Next Door Nikki's blog one time and I started losing all respect for her. LOL. I like T's stuff just because she usually sticks to the topic of sex. I really don't care about porn stars who had an altercation at a grocery store or ran into some girl they stuck their tongue in two years ago and decided to go have coffee together. I have never used Twitter. Porn stars are probably the only ones I would follow and I am too paranoid somebody might see them on my work phone. LOL

07-30-12  12:27pm

Visit 21 Sextreme

21 Sextreme

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Same people as 21 Sextury.com, so you can expect the same level or quality of porn as you would from them (see my other 21 Sextury review for more details about vid quality, etc.)

Very nice navigation. You can look at the front pages of the individual sites, then search within them, or you can just go look up a master list of "categories" and it will pull vids from all the sites. Lot's of tags you can search by as well. For those of you with VideoBox memberships, 21 Sextury/Sextreme's tagging system blows theirs away.

Vids come in several mp4 and wmv formats ranging in quality. Warning, all high quality and better vids are usually over 1gb here.

Streaming is good quality and pretty reliable. No chop, no stuttering, buffering, etc.

Very fast download speeds. I clocked about 2.25 mb/s on average. I use a DLM so this may affect that to some extent. They are DLM friendly, though, like most sites now only if you get the vids within an hour or so.
Cons: The name 21 Sextreme is misleading. Yes, it is supposed to be the more extreme, fetish niche stuff, but it's not really that extreme or edgy. For me, old people having sex with young people is not that extreme. Just because it is a fetish doesn't mean it's an extreme fetish.

14 Sextreme sites vs. 20 Sextury for the same price?

Some of the Sextreme sites subjects get covered by Sextury sites already (fisting and lesbian stuff in particular.)
Bottom Line: They offer a package deal to get both 21 Sextury and Sextreme together for like $45. But you can join each site individually from here for like $20 each, so do it that way if you think you want both.

I like Sextreme for Dominated Girls, Home Porn Reality (one of the better sites imo), Mighty Mistresses, and yes, even Tight Gay Holes. I'm one of those bi-curious guys who could become a raging queen for some of the guys on that site. Zoliboy, for those of you who don't know, is a little like MILF Hunter or Bang Bus with a lot of pissing. There are also three decent tranny sites if you're into that.

I don't know if I mentioned this in the previous review of 21 Sextury, but he bonus sites are basically just that, Bonus. You'll get a smattering of decent vids from these, but they are not full blown or necessarily extensive websites. It tends to be a lot of the stuff you get from either of the main sites, just geared towards a specific race or body type. Intermixed Sluts is a pretty cool site, so as an added bonus that's pretty cool.

The big question is do you join this as well, or just 21 Sextury by itself? Honestly, I think this is a good site, but I think I would feel it lacking if I didn't also have the membership to 21 Sextury. IMO, this is soemthing you would want in addition to 21 Sextury, not in place of it. There are far better "extreme" sites out there if that is solely what you are looking for.

I scored this an 89 because I do believe that overall the site is that good. Just because it didn't fully satisfy my tastes doesn't mean it won't fully satisfy yours. One plus is that this does give you a well rounded selection of fetishes, in particular gay material. Most sites separate the gay male vids into a whole other site you have to pay for. So if you like a little variety in regards to that, there's another selling point.

07-30-12  12:20pm

Replies (0)
Visit Indie Porn Revolution

Indie Porn Revolution

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: Used to be NoFauxxx.com, so you can expect to find "No Fake" porn here, and it's true. These are real, ordinary, and often very average (in terms of appearance) people. So, for a semi-amateur site you can count on this to be truly amateur type vids and pics. It's no the mail-in-your-ex-girlfriend-video type of stuff so that's why I say semi-am.

Expect production values that are decent, but not high quality. This adds to the authenticity of the am quality.

The real selling point, imo, is that these are real people, real lesbians in particular with all their butchness or femininity. To be honest, it is really hard to tell the boys from the girls until they start going down on each other here. There are both female and male transsexuals (people who have been surgically altered). This is a rare opportunity to see a transsexual male (female to male) in porn. James Darling is every bit male until you see him getting fisted in his vagina.

Most of them seem to have a wicked sense of humor
Cons: It's semi-am, so it's semi-am quality most of the time. In well lit rooms everything is fine. But they also feature some videos of some sort of live show they do, and though they appear okay, it is a single camera trying to cover a live stage show.

This may not necessarily be a con, but the BBWs tend to pop up in a lot of the videos. If you have an aversion to fat rolls, you may not like all of the vids here.

Navigation is abysmal. Very few ways to navigate. Basically just pages with all their clips. Fortunately you can look at the models or "Foxes" and see what they have available that way.

Can't download pics in zips.

To download the videos, as far as I can see, you have to go into a member's viewing page, and there is still no download link. My DLM picks up on the link and lets me download, but I don't know about other DLMs or right-click options.

Very finite number of videos and photo sets.
Bottom Line: Apparently they are in the process of transitioning from NoFauxx to Indie Porn Rev. So, as more professional reviewers have pointed out, some of the cons may be as a result of this.

What really sold me on this site was first, the new name. How can you not want to be part of a porn revolution. Their mission statement (yes, they actually post their mission statement, how awesome is that) says they are a "queer" site that includes everything, including straight sex. You will even get a brief lesson on how to address trans and queer-gendered (sir, ma'am, etc.) They have clearly tried to carve out a small area for people who do not fit the typical cookie-cutter molds for porn stars, as well as for people who do not fit easily into gender and sex categories. So, for that alone it's worth looking into.

The problem lies in their lack of material. I hate to say this about a site I have so much respect for, but it's probably better just to do the 5 day membership, because I am not sure they have enough material to keep you busy beyond a few days. I certainly cannot imagine remaining a member of this site for more than 1 month.

All in all I love the idea of this site, I think maybe more than I actually love the site itself. You will get some really good, true-life sex, but most of you will see the entire site within a few days I would suspect. Real lesbian porn is a growing niche and soemthing I particularly like to see, so I hope this site continues to grow over time.

07-30-12  11:50am

Replies (0)
Visit MistressT.net

Reply of marcdc1's Reply

There is quite a bit of stuff there for you to look at. It's not as big as other sites. It is all exclusive material, so it's worth it for that. This is one of those sites you join because you're probably a fan Mistress T. I will tell you almost everything she does is her with 1 other guy, but ocasionally she has a guest mistress on there along with herself. A lot of spoken/instructional vids where she tells you why you're going to do what she says. I like it because she does a lot of masturbation instructional videos and she always include you in the storyline or the plot; she's always your evil wicked stepmother forcing you to jack off in your own hand, etc. Very kinky, fun stuff.

07-30-12  10:28am

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Personally I am a fan of wmv hd files myself. They are a little smaller and I don't notice that big of a diff in terms of quality. They do also do mp4 as well. The big issue now, like I said, is that now to get the standard HD quality we have all come to know and love you are having to do files over 1gb.

07-30-12  10:20am

Visit Sharing My Wife

Sharing My Wife
Reply of marcdc1's Review

For me, and I suspect others as well, there are two kinds of cuckolding sites now, "straight cuckolding" where the girl just fucks another guy in front of her cuck and/or tells him how worthless he is, and the more extreme "forced bi-sex cuckolding" sites where the cuck is usually forced to service the couple with little to no reward. The latter is more like what you find on Cumeating Cuckolds. Is this what you mean by "raunchy." Not trying to criticize, but all porn is raunchy. LOL.

So my question is do they have forced bi-sex at the site? This is not always easy to determine from stills taken from the videos. Good review btw.

07-29-12  10:43am

Visit 21Sextury.com


Status: Current Member for over 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: One thing 21 Sextury has become known for is high quality models. The skankiest girl on their sites will still be ten times hotter than the best looking girls on other sites. They also seem to attract a variety of body styles and types. They even have a tag for "super tiny tits" and "jumbo tits" so you can see a wide variety of boobs, butts and bent-over babes.

The navigation is actually one of the best I have seen. This has got to be one of the better cross-listed sites. You get exactly what you expect, and a lil more. Pull up a model and you can see all her scenes (though you will only have access to whatever you have paid for, ie 21 Sextury vs. 21 Sextreme). They use really good profile photos of the models. I know that sounds weird to mention, but you can tell from the profile pic is she is the body type you are looking for, not just the face.

The porn covers a variety of niches, though more mainstream stuff does seem to be their overall focus. Lots of DP and anal.
Cons: The girls can be a little glammed up for my tastes. This is higher quality, mainstream stuff, so I can expect this.

Models tend to only work for one or two sites within the network, so occasionally you will find a model you really like, but may be disappointed by the fact that she only appears on a solo site, etc.

Not sure if this was a pro or con, but many of the models, despite their hotness, are relatively unknown, at least to me. You're not going to find a lot of Sasha Grays or Bobbi Starrs here.

The page that opens whenever you click on the scene you want takes you to a second navigation page that has five or six tabs. It would have been nice if they took you straight to the download page first.

Files size of their vids are huge. A medium quality vid at their site come sin at around 600mbs.
Bottom Line: Overall I would have to say if you are looking for a good, well rounded site to join, 21 Sextury is something you should look at. Realistically you should consider joining both 21 Sextury and 21 Sextreme together to get the full benefits (it was cheaper for me to take advantage of 2 reduced priced memberships from here than one package membership from them).

Download speeds are some of the fastest I have found. I max out at around 3.2mb/s and most the time I am downloading from them at about 2.8mb/s. It allows for multiple downloads, but DLMs will experience the usual timeout if it doesn't grab them within an hour or so.

My only issue with this site is their video quality, which is actually so good it is becoming an issue in terms of how much space the vids take up now. On average their HD vids (wmv and mp4) are over 1gb. While streaming these makes for some really high quality, it may also cause problems for slower bandwidths. I personally download more than I stream, so this has been somewhat of an issue for me. However, I would also point out that 21 Sextury is ahead of the curve, and most HD vids are going to start getting up around these sizes everywhere. Still, it would be nice to see if they couldn't come up with a compressed version for download. That being said, I have to commend them for their clipping ability. They usually try to provide the vids in about eight to ten clips, with the option to download the whole video. So, you don't necessarily have to go after the whole thing, as some of these are over forty five min scenes.

For the twenty bucks it will cost you for linking from here, 21 Sextury offers a wide variety of very high quality porn for a reasonable price. It may not become your favorite, but I guarantee you will find at least one or two sites within their network that will give you twenty bucks worth of fun.

07-29-12  10:32am

Replies (5)
Visit VideoBox

Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Yes, I have tried a few of the others like this out there, and this is still the best imo.

07-29-12  10:01am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of rearadmiral's Review

Been a member of videobox for a few years now and I still tell people it is the best deal around.

07-19-12  09:00am

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