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Jack Lawrence XXX
Reply of
FemCop's Reply
I absolutely see where you are coming from! And, like I said, if you really love the site in question then it's hard for me to argue with a high score. I just wanted to offer an idea about why people may be suspicious, that's all. :) If you do join another site, make sure you come back and give us your review! And thanks for replying!
02-23-07 09:12am
Jack Lawrence XXX
Reply of
FemCop's Reply
I think what would make users suspicious of your review is because you only have submitted one review and you give the site a near perfect score. As Khan said your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's, but until you write up some other sites it may seem like you are biased towards the site. If you like it that much then I feel great for you because you've found something that suits your needs. That's awesome! However, if you really want other people to find your reviews helpful I'd suggest rating some other sites, particularly any you have not liked to provide some balance.
02-22-07 08:28pm
Amanda Lexx
Reply of
roseman's Review
Hey roseman! I've been a big fan of your reviews, but your score is 20 points higher than TBP. I don't doubt that you think this is an awesome site for even a second, but what do you think accounts for such a large gap? Let us know!
02-22-07 08:21pm
DVD Store
Reply of
sagef's Review
There was another review of this site that gave it a perfect score right before you did and I'd ask the same of you. Do they specialize in particular kinds of content? Download speed? For a site to be rated this highly we really need to hear more details than what you provided.
02-22-07 08:16pm
DVD Store
Reply of
LauLau's Review
So, there's not a thing that would make this better? As I have commented to others, I find that pretty much impossible to believe. If it's really that good, I think you could offer more information. Do they have amateur material? How fast are the downloads? What about niche content? Please let us know more!
02-22-07 08:13pm
Reply of
Monahan's Reply
I do the same as Monahan by having everything go to a free email account. I can't imagine someone using a fake email since that wouldn't leave you with a receipt.
02-22-07 08:06pm
Reply of
Horny Ryan's Reply
Yeah, I think you nailed them there and I can't wait to hear what kind of response you get. This should be interesting, so let us know!
02-21-07 09:48am
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I agree with Marquis. I think for a number of reasons, sites have raised prices to get the most they can out of someone after a month assuming they will leave. Perhaps they can have a program that allows greater access to the site as you continue membership (I think Abbey Winters does this to an extent) to KEEP someone a member. I guarantee I would spend more to stay connected to a site for a longer period of time. So, a variety of picture sizes isn't really going to do that.
02-21-07 09:46am
Jack Lawrence XXX
Reply of
Reno911's Review
Ok, so you are admitting it has some negatives and you still gave it a perfect score? What pains me about reviews like this is that I would rarely score even my favorite sites ever above 95 since a site can ALWAYS improve. Unfortunately, the result is that my fav sites get lower scores while reviews like this send their reviewed site straight to the top. Yes, I could go ahead and give sites a perfect score just because they are my favorite, but does that help anyone else decide whether or not to join?
02-20-07 02:04pm
Playboy's CyberClub
Reply of
Horny Ryan's Reply
Well, that sucks...and not literally, which is unfortunate. ;)
02-20-07 01:59pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I admit that I sometimes forget about what I've downloaded since I'm often getting as much stuff off the site as I can before my membership runs out. However, it ends up being a nice surprise when I go back through. That or I delete it/throw it out because it sucks. ;)
02-20-07 01:57pm
Reply of
Khan's Reply
Always nice to hear! :)
02-19-07 02:41pm
Reply of
Khan's Reply
Thanks Khan! I only wish I had more of a porn budget so I could do more reviews as I've really enjoyed doing them. Just got 3 more until I get that rookie reviewer badge. Yipee! ;)
02-19-07 01:31pm
Reply of
roseman's Reply
Thanks roseman! I should be more vocal in my assessment of your reviews which have been awesome. I'll try to do better in the future. Thanks!
02-19-07 01:29pm
Jen Madison.com
Reply of
heynow's Comment
I reviewed this site right in the middle of the change from MyWifeJen to JenMadison. I think she abandoned the MyWifeJen too quickly after getting everyone used to it not being JenUncut anymore. I'm sure it's left some members scratching their heads and even more confused after the second change! In her defense, I think the cam show thing that has her still listed as JenUncut is because she either hasn't thought to change it (sometimes what the cam show operator sees isn't what we see, so they don't notice) or she can't change it without opening another account. Bottom Line: It's eyebrow raising as a prospective member and curious to current members, but once you get inside the site it isn't really a big deal.
02-19-07 12:35pm
Reply of
Khan's Poll
I used to feel like I could just take them witha grain of salt, but I have seen too many that leave out obvious flaws. I can always find at least a couple flaws with even my favorite sites, so if a reviewer can't be bothered to say at least 1 thing that could be improved I don't give it any attention.
02-19-07 11:46am
Hungarian Honeys
02-15-07 01:42pm
Replies (0)
Reply of
Rick's Poll
I joined Danni.com which has DRM and I swore I'd never do it again. It's possible I would join such a site, but the content would have to be 100% dead on for my tatses.
02-14-07 06:34pm
Gods Girls
Reply of
Khan's Reply
It is good to know all that Khan and it will eventually balance out. These are the growing pains of a new site and I'm sure ways to deal with it will appear over time or even take care of themselves. Thanks for letting us know what's going on behind the scenes!
02-13-07 01:41pm
Reply of
Rick's Poll
If it's a site where you just download movies or pics I don't mind this, but with personal sites I wish the month to month charge was low enough to stay a member long term. There's a couple such sites I love but can't afford to maintain an uniterrputed membership.
02-13-07 08:07am
Gods Girls
Reply of
DpornGuy's Comment
I have been criticial of this too and I'm not sure what the admins can do about it. If the person really loves the site and can't think of any way it could improve I suppose we have to accept that as an honest opinion. I would argue that it hurts the site more than it helps because people won't take a review of 100 seriously. Perhaps I can join the site at some point to offer my fair evaluation and I encourage others to do so as the average of scores will eventually even things out. Hopefully after more reviews are done the average will balance everyone's views of the site, but for now I guess we'll have to accept that members who really like the site will use their platform here to express that opinion...that is the American way. :)
02-12-07 08:30pm
Baby Got Boobs
Reply of
gprime's Review
So, there's nothing this site could do better? Not a single thing? It's the most perfect site you've ever joined? I'd appreciate it if you elaborated some more because, frankly and with all respect, I find that hard to believe. If you really believe it has nothing it could do to improve I'll have to take your word for it, but if we want to make this a useful and meaningful site I think we need more information than wht you provided.
02-12-07 08:19pm
Reply of
Rick's Poll
Price! 'nuff said! :)
02-12-07 07:01am
Lisa Sparxxx
Reply of
roseman's Reply
Interesting! I just may have to give Lisa a try...well, her site anyway. ;)
02-12-07 06:17am
Reply of
Rick's Poll
I would only pay for such a service when the content is really something exciting. It isn't something I'd do very often and I agree with the previous reply that I'd be wondering the whole time if the performer was trying to keep me paying for as long as possible to increase their payday.
02-11-07 10:22am