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Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet
Reply of LKLK's Reply

Thank you for the info LKLK :-)

Good to know the main Nubiles site is included as it's certainly not made obvious.

06-25-21  07:28am

Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet
Reply of LKLK's Reply

It's a fair point LKLK - even though I've not been a member of either site before, their content doesn't look as though it's a million miles apart from that offered on Nubiles Porn, which you can find much better deals for! I may well give that a shot.

06-25-21  04:59am

Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet
Reply of xedapdien's Comment

I've been searching myself, but can't seem to find a discount on the Teamskeet Premium membership unfortunately.

To be honest, I'd just like the option to sign up monthly with premium and downloads included. I can't justify 400 in one hit, but equally I'm not interested in signing up without downloads and premium content included.

06-24-21  07:46am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of Eustace's Review

Hey Eustace, I'm assuming you're new to the site? If so, welcome!

This section is meant to be for users who have or have recently had a membership to leave a review of the site.....not so much to ask questions.

If you do have questions, you can either reply to one of the existing reviews, or post in the comments section, or even on the pornusers forum. But you may find by reading the existing reviews for this site, you'll get the answers you need.

04-11-21  10:05am

Visit Massage Rooms

Massage Rooms
Reply of pinkerton's Reply

Thanks for getting back to me :-)

That's sold me on the site then, I'll give this one a go for my next porn sub. I tend to steer clear from the more professionally style shot porn sites due to the 'over performing' of their models in scenes. Good to hear the majority of the scenes here come across as slightly more natural!

02-05-21  09:09am

Visit Massage Rooms

Massage Rooms
Reply of pinkerton's Reply

Great review Pinkerton! I've had my eye on this site, and SexyHub as a whole for a while...but haven't bit the bullet on joining just yet, partly due to the extras for downloads but it not really being advertised.

With regards to the scenes themselves - would you say the performers seem to be having a genuinely good time? Or is it very much still playing to the camera style porn? One of the tag lines on the site is "We love to focus on real female orgasms and the natural beauty of the female form." Just wondering how true that is in your opinion?

02-05-21  07:02am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of PinkPanther's Reply

Thanks PP - sounds like this will be worth me checking out then!

12-15-20  10:59am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of PinkPanther's Review

Nice review PinkPanther.

As a fan of Hegre, this is a site I've had my eye on and been tempted by for a while.

The one thing I like about Hegre is the emphasis they seem to put on the models letting go and enjoying themselves. Sure the vids and pics are very artistic looking - but the enjoyment/reactions/orgasms also come across as genuine. Would you say that Watch4Beauty is similar in that respect, or the emphasis purely on performing for the camera?

12-01-20  03:20am

Visit Bang.com

Reply of Wraith0711's Review

Thanks for the review of this one Wraith :-)

I've had my eye on this site for a while, mostly due to the 'Real Teens' that looks similar in style to Exploited College Girls. I believe the male stunt cock even appears on both sites.

Would you say the content on 'Bang! Real Teens' seems fairly genuine? I.e. the girls really enjoying the sex, not faking it, etc? That tends to be what appeals to me about newcomers to the industry...still enjoying what they're doing, and not just going through the motions.

07-28-20  09:06am

Visit Cody Cummings

Cody Cummings
Reply of Alybator's Reply

Thanks Alybator...I would be very interested in that list if you're happy to post it!

06-17-20  05:48am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of Justok55's Reply

I think if you want 100% genuine amateur porn, you're only going to find that from what people have uploaded to tube sites etc.

Private Society is more amateur in the sense that it doesn't feature well known/well established porn stars. But most people willing to have their video plastered all over the internet are likely already involved in the sex industry in one way or another, or are at least looking to go that way, and are using this site to break in to it. I still think it makes for some hot content though (performers who aren't already jaded by filming hundreds of previous scenes etc.)

05-22-20  11:56pm

Visit Cody Cummings

Cody Cummings
Reply of Alybator's Review

Hey Alybator,

Nice review!

I'm very interested in the bisexual and hetero scenes. Just wondering if the rest of the network that you get access to as part of this site has any of this sort of content too, or is the rest all gay and solo content?

05-22-20  03:00am

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of Homegirl's Reply

Hi Homegirl,

Unfortunately not that I've come across. The vast majority of models on the site seem to be white Australian/American/European - I'd say that's around 90% the case.

There's also a lack of diversity in terms of body types, most models being fairly slim.

I didn't want to put this as a negative though, as I get the impression this site films anyone who shares their ethos and is willing to be on the site, so they can't help if the majority of said people come from certain demographics.

What I will say is due to the sheer amount of content, despite the smaller percentage in diversity, that still equates to quite a lot of material. The real problem comes in the lack of a decent search feature - you can't search by body type or ethnicity, so tricky to find these vids

05-19-20  12:52am

Visit Latina Fuck Tour

Latina Fuck Tour
Reply of Kody's Reply

Cheers Kody 🙂

I'll most likely give this site a go at some point then!

05-08-20  05:12am

Visit Latina Fuck Tour

Latina Fuck Tour
Reply of Kody's Review

Hey Kody,

Nice review - this site seems very appealing to the type of porn I'm into, more amateur style.

Just wanted to know if the videos are downloadable, and if there's any sort of limit on downloads per day?

05-06-20  04:49am

Visit See Him Fuck

See Him Fuck
Reply of LKLK's Reply

LKLK - agree the line was confusing! As you rightly point out, in theory a bisexual person could potentially enjoy any combo of boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl, etc. But then going broader, anyone can enjoy anything without labeling it etc.

I took it that rearadmiral meant people looking for bisexual action would be disappointed.

Good review btw readadmiral - I've had my eye on this site, and Hot Guys Fuck which seems to be a site of a similar premise for a while now. Always nice to see porn where the women involved actually find the guy they're in action with desirable and like they're getting something out of it too!

05-01-20  04:07am

Visit See Him Fuck

See Him Fuck
Reply of LKLK's Reply

That line confused me a little too - because as you rightly point out, in theory, a bisexual female or male could potentially find enjoyment in any combination of male/female action....but then again you could go even further with the whole sexuality is a broad spectrum, and anyone can enjoy anything without having to label it, etc.

I just took the line rearadmiral's review to mean that people looking for bisexual action would end up disappointed.

Good review by the way rearadmiral - I've had my eye on this site, and one's of a similar nature (Hot Guys Fuck) for a while, as it's always nice to watch the women in action with guys they actually seem in to and find desirable!

05-01-20  03:55am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of Kody's Reply

Kody - I think you'll likely enjoy this one then. Check out some of their content on the tube sites if you're in doubt. It only touches the surface of what they offer inside (longer vids and plenty of them), but the action is nicely summarized in their previews on the tube sites, so will help you decide if it's for you or not.

04-10-20  11:58am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of pat362's Reply

Pat - in that case please accept my apology. Questioning my review being believable threw me off....but with your reply I understand the point you're making, and will keep in mind for future reviews.

Tube sites is an interesting one. Of course there's no excuse for their poor marketing of what membership actually gets you....but I bet in this day and age, far more people have stumbled across private society by accident by finding one of their clips on a tube site, than finding it via some review site, or their Twitter feed, or any other way for that matter. Membership site enthusiasts are a dying breed

04-09-20  02:40pm

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of pat362's Reply

Pat - with respect, you are spot on - I am entitled to my opinion.

To me, as a video collector, content always wins, and I have very particular tastes (always favouring amateur style). Perhaps I got a tad carried away with the score, but I was very clear on why this was the case, while also using a large chunk of my review to criticise the website, which indeed is a chore to trawl through - so whether you agree with my score or not, please don't make out I'm trying to pull the wool over people's eyes.

Being honest - I wasn't even aware of the preview situation on the site. They have a fair bit of preview content on pornhub, which is what's always drawn me in to purchasing.

To answer your questions as best as I can:-

Videos - 33 pages in members area, 12 per page, a few less on very last page, so roughly 540 vids

Dated - yep. Last update on 8th April, and they consistently deliver 1 or 2 a week

Models - it's a drop down list so hard to say without counting. Definitely over 100, possibly just under 200

Search - can only be done by model, location, or a few tags (action/type of girl). Their search options are poor in my view

Resolution - only 1 download option for each, the majority seem to be 1280 x 720. Might be lower for older content. Certainly nothing in the way of 4k etc.

04-09-20  09:36am

Visit Ersties

Reply of kiwijoe's Review

Great review KikiJoe! I was a member of this site around a year ago and completely agree with your analysis.

For me, the only draw back in how heavy they are on the girl on girl content - but it's by far some of the most genuine girl on girl content I've come across, no forcing of faking being in the moment from the girls on this site! So only a draw back due to personal tastes....certainly not a criticism of the site.

As you've been a more recent member - can I check if there's been many hardcore / boy/girl updates in the past year? That would be my main reason for re-joining.

03-06-20  06:28am

Visit Teen Fidelity

Teen Fidelity
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Due to not being a fan of what I considered to be the overperformace aspect of this site, I didn't grab too many scenes for keeps, so any download limit wasn't noticed by me. Can't check either I'm afraid as my membership has since expired.

Given the genuine quality of what's on offer, it wouldn't surprise me if there is some sort of limit given all the other sites that are heading that way these days.

02-02-20  09:52am

Visit Net Video Girls

Net Video Girls
Reply of rearadmiral's Reply

Funnily enough I was a member of ExCoGi back when these sites did collaborate, but I was having too much fun on ExCoGi that I barely checked out NVG at the time!
Definitely a shame they're not included with each other anymore...but as you touched upon, I think there's more than enough quality content on both sites to justify the split....just sucks knowing that you used to be able to get both.
For me personally, I feel the content on both sites is quality enough that it won't put me off future memberships.

10-23-19  09:43am

Visit Mom POV

Reply of Kody's Reply

Indeed...to be fair it's maybe a bit harsh for me to add that as a con...updates would be few between if that was the expectation of the site! As you say...a nice pipe dream haha :-)

09-30-19  08:57am

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