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User : UMBA8 (0)  

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Visit Lost Bets Games

Lost Bets Games
Reply of UMBA8's Review from Wraith0711:

I was just checking this site out and came here to see the reviews. It really looks like a fun site. They've been updating lately with current Stars like Kylie Rocket, Aften Opal, And Coco Lovelock. Gonna Check this site out.

10-11-21  06:30am

Visit Team Skeet

Team Skeet
REPLY TO #3 from LKLK: (UMBA8's Reply)

If you do join Nubiles Porn, make sure you visit (or put in a lot time at) Nubiles.net.
Several PU members have stated Nubiles.net is not part of Nubiles Porn.
That is wrong.
Personally, I think that Nubiles.net is the prime jewel of the Nubiles Porn network.
Nubiles.net is more like an encyclopedia of porn starlets, most of them at the early stage of their porn career.
It has thousands of models, with a few photo sets and videos for each model.
I think the content at that site goes back to around 2004.
So it gives you a small amount of content for a lot of very young porn starlets.
Once you join Nubiles Porn, you can either access Nubiles.net directly, with the the same login details that lets you into Nubiles Porn.
Or you can use the drop-down menu, that is located in the upper right corner of the Nubiles Porn home page, that lists all the sites you have access to with a membership in Nubiles Porn.

There are some good sites in the Nubiles Porn network.
But my favorite site is Nubiles.net, because I enjoy looking over the models to see what they looked like when they were first starting out.

Also, if you look around, you can often find a discount to Nubiles Porn, or to Nubiles.net, both of which give you access to the entire Nubiles Porn network.
The discounts are common at holidays, throughout the year.
Joining any one of the network sites gives you access to all the sites in the Nubiles Porn network.

06-25-21  06:07am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
REPLY TO #1 from PinkPanther: (UMBA8's Reply)

Yes, I did a recent review, and I believe the questions are answered there.

I haven't seen a new set or video from Maria Melena Rya on W4B in several months, so she might be done doing work for this site, though she has a ton of material on W4B from the work she's done for them over the years.

04-11-21  11:29am

Visit Massage Rooms

Massage Rooms
REPLY TO #2 from pinkerton: (UMBA8's Reply)

Hey thanks, I much appreciate the feedback.

I'd say that the majority of the SexyHub content isn't playing to the camera, indeed in most scenes there's more eye contact between the performers than there is between the performers and the camera, so all in all it does look natural and yes, in most scenes they look like they're having fun, so yeah, the tag line you mentioned in pretty much true. There might be the odd performer (more likely with the few US girls featured) who overdoes it a bit but the mostly European ladies come across as very sensuous and having natural sex.

02-05-21  08:21am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
REPLY TO #1 from PinkPanther: (UMBA8's Reply)

I would say that there is more of that on this site than there is on Hegre. I've been a member of Hegre, and I'm tempted to join again, but when it comes to their videos, they frustrate the hell out of me. They want to be so many different things that get in the way of enjoying the women - they want to be travelogues, they want to be photography instructional videos, etc. W4B has a high degree of artiness, but they know what they want to be and what they want is to show off the models to the best of their ability. And that's what they do.

12-01-20  05:49pm

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of UMBA8's Review from Wraith0711:

I commented about the sister site midwest freaks, save your money and stick with this site, every video there is here plus a hundred or so more.more.

11-01-20  03:15pm

Visit Bang.com

REPLY TO #1 from Wraith0711: (UMBA8's Reply)

Yeah I would say that they enjoy themselves, a bit giggling nervous but yeah they look to be enjoying themselves.

07-28-20  11:01am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of UMBA8's Review from Wraith0711:

You might be interested to know they have a sister site by the name of MidwestFreaks.com. I had no idea of it's existence and just stumbled on it in a Ziggy Star scene listing. Private society has been on my check out list for a while now, I think your review just convinced me to check it out.

06-28-20  02:44pm

Visit Cody Cummings

Cody Cummings
REPLY TO #1 from Alybator: (UMBA8's Reply)

The Cody Cummings site was the only one in the network that had the bisexual and hetero. The others had some solo guys, but not any with women. I have reviewed a few bisexual sites that were good, but small in size. There are several bisexual sites that aren't listed here that I liked a lot. I could reply with their names if you're interested.

06-17-20  04:49am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of UMBA8's Review from Trump2020:

I've subscribed to PS several times before, but been a while and was kind of thinking about signing back up, so I came here to see if there were any recent comments or reviews. I was delighted to see that there was a fairly recent one, and I do think that your review was pretty good. I don't agree with the 90 but that is what makes pornusers so great imo, the diversity of opinions. I understood why you went 90, this is your kind of porn. I know it's an amateur site and the regular hd (720) adds to that feel, but I do kind of wish they would step it up to at least 1080. Pat was right, this does feel more like early 2000s. But they are a specific niche and they probably do it as well as anybody.

05-30-20  06:11pm

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of UMBA8's Review from Justok55:

I enjoy Private Society mostly because I’m a fan of real people not overly made up porn stars. The more I watch the vids I can’t help but feel a lot of these women/girls are Street walkers that were picked up and paid to make the vids. Can not really find any info or reviews from people involved if it is for real.

05-22-20  04:13pm

Visit I Feel Myself

I Feel Myself
Reply of UMBA8's Review from Homegirl:

Are their only white women on the site? How much diversity do they have?

05-18-20  04:32pm

Visit Latina Fuck Tour

Latina Fuck Tour
REPLY TO #1 from Kody: (UMBA8's Reply)

Hey UMBA8,

Same for me! The scenes are downloadable. But honestly, I can not promise you anything about download limits.

I'm not a collector myself (always watch scenes by streaming), and from what I read on this site many sites have a limit that they don't advertise.

Out of curiosity I tried downloading a few scenes today and so far I haven't run into a limit yet. Maybe there would be one if you were to try to download all scenes at once.

05-08-20  04:33am

Visit See Him Fuck

See Him Fuck
REPLY TO #4 from LKLK: (UMBA8's Reply)

If you go to PornHub.com, and type in "Hot Guys Fuck" in the search box, you can bring up a lot of condensed videos from the Hot Guys Fuck site. They are the actual videos, edited to run about 11 minutes or so.
That will give you a great idea of the videos at the Hot Guys Fuck site.

The stunt cocks are body builders or guys on steroids, who really pound on the female models. Not over-the-top action, just strong, hard sex.
And the women do a fine job worshipping the guy's body.

They do an interview after the sex with the guy and girl, mainly focusing on the guy.

Like I say, watch a few of the videos, because almost all the videos follow the same formula.
To see if you want to join that site.

Just a suggestion.
But PornHub is a fine way to see samples from many porn sites, to see if you like the style of the porn site videos.

05-01-20  05:08am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
REPLY TO #7 from Kody: (UMBA8's Reply)

Great, thanks for the tip!

04-18-20  01:30am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
REPLY TO #5 from Kody: (UMBA8's Reply)

I agree with the "content matters most" things. There are currently other sites who have priority on my wish list. But I must say, from the few screen shots on their landing page they look like genuine amateurs. It definitely turned me on.

04-10-20  04:30am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
REPLY TO #4 from pat362: (UMBA8's Reply)

Count me in as one of the people who has a general idea of what the content is because I have seen some of their videos on tube sites but I don't know if these are new or old videos or if they are complete scenes since I try to avoid Tube sites as much as possible. It would be nice if they used tube sites to their advantage but only if they also improve their site because the first thing people see is the site itself and no matter how great the content might be. I will never join a site that as such a poor design.

P.S: Sadly the people who pay for porn are getting rare but luckily there are still a few like us who understand that if you don't pay for it then they will stop making it.

04-09-20  04:15pm

Visit Private Society

Private Society
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (UMBA8's Reply)

I'm sorry if you thought I was implying that you are trying to pull the wool over our eyes because that's not what I think. I think that your review lacked the important info to justify the score and seeing as the site design isn't just bad but it is horrible then how can we judge the value of the site if it isn't from an actual member.

Pointing their potential members to tube sites like they actually do on their twitter feed is a terrible business decision because if the people can get it for free then will they also want to pay for it. Especially when they don't know if what they are seeing is all there is.

P.S: The info in your reply would be great things to add to your review as this is what we want to see to know if the site has any worth.

04-09-20  09:48am

Visit Private Society

Private Society
Reply of UMBA8's Review from pat362:

You are entitled to your score but a site that has only one preview page and 8 tiny trailers should probably not get a score above 80 regardless that the content might be good because all potential customer should not have to fork over 25$ to discover if it is or it isn't and that is exactly what you have to do with this site.

You couple that with the fact that one of the available trailer is for an Heidi Cummins video that has been on her MV account for a year and that adds to the problem. Granted there is no date associated with the trailer but one would assume that if it's there then it's a recent one.

We're in 2020 and that site looks like the kind of stuff I used to see in the late 90's and early 2000's.

We all have our favorite and you can be forgiven for looking at the site with rose colored glasses but giving the site a score in the 90's tends to make your review less believable than if it had been scored closer to previous ones.

Things not necessarily a must in a review but really help to flesh out what potential customers will get are things like.

-How many videos are there?
-Are they dated?
-What are the available resolutions?
-How many Models?
-Can you search for content?

04-09-20  08:07am

Visit Ersties

REPLY TO #3 from kiwijoe: (UMBA8's Reply)

Thanks for that.

Agree with you on the girl on girl content, the genuineness is why I enjoy it. But I can see that a lot of girl on girl is not everyone's cup of tea as you say.

I've only been a member for a few months but from what I can see they've upped their game with bdsm, with about 10 scenes added in the last year (14 total now). Some of these include bondage. Their search function reports 22 bondage scenes so some of these would be without the dom/sub element. They've also added more anal and threesomes than than previous years looks like. Boy/girl updates look about the same amount as the last few years.

03-08-20  04:54pm

Visit Teen Fidelity

Teen Fidelity
REPLY TO #3 from rearadmiral: (UMBA8's Reply)

Thanks. I think they used to offer a 7-day trial membership for a decent price. It may be that membership has limits but the main one doesn't.

02-02-20  03:46pm

Visit Teen Fidelity

Teen Fidelity
Reply of UMBA8's Review from rearadmiral:

Some people have said that Teen Fidelity and Porn Fidelity have imposed a restrictive download limit. Did you experience that?

02-01-20  08:39am

Visit Teen Fidelity

Teen Fidelity
Reply of UMBA8's Review from LKLK:

Good review of an excellent site.
Definitely worth joining, especially if you can catch one of their specially discounted memberships.

01-31-20  09:18am

Visit Net Video Girls

Net Video Girls
REPLY TO #4 from rearadmiral: (UMBA8's Reply)

Same with me. I'll still join both. It may have different if the 'divorce' divided things up a bit differently.

10-23-19  03:15pm

Visit Net Video Girls

Net Video Girls
Reply of UMBA8's Review from Shen:

I find facing doggy style to be one of the most underrated positions in terms of viewing pleasure. Particularly the angles where you don't actually see any visible penetration - your imagination and the female's facial expressions make it more enjoyable I find.

10-22-19  05:02pm

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