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Visit Fist Flush

Fist Flush
Reply of MargulisAZ's Comment

Nice little review. Having checked the tour, I agree, it does seem a little bit of 'same old same old', much as I like these veteran models, and hope to go on enjoying them as they mature further (assuming they don't all retire soon, which many probably will).
I'm not really a 'fisting fan' as such, but am definitely a fan of Euro babes, lesbian and solo, who unlike their American counterparts, seem to be genuinely enjoying having dirty sex, rather than just acting at it and speaking corny lines ('just like that', 'right there', 'look at that' etc etc etc). This site appears to offer more exclusive material of European porno babes, and if that happens to include fisting, that's fine by me too. I think I'll check it out.

10-12-08  06:59am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I answered 'by model', but the operative word in the question, is 'new'.
The first time I become a member, I see what's on offer from my favourite models, and browse around for the most beautiful models.
But after a short while I will just grab everything that is available on the site, movie and picture, and generally do this in date order, starting from the oldest up to the most recent, wanking myself stupid as I go.

10-12-08  06:51am

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of messmer's Reply

Actually, good point Messmer. We have referred to it as an ass site because that is how it is promoted (i.e. the 'crack' refers to the ass crack, not the pussy).
But you're right - a great many videos and photo sets aren't centred around the ass at all. For people (like me) who really appreciate proper girly back door action, and with no men featured, I recommend Lez Cuties a lot higher than this site. :)

09-14-08  09:13am

Visit 1 By Day

1 By Day
Reply of JBDICK's Review

Interesting that the bad camera work wasn't mentioned (i.e. how it wobbles and jerks and zooms all over the place). I like movies to be shot with a steady hand. Just my $0.02.

09-06-08  05:45am

Visit Give Me Pink

Give Me Pink
Reply of Denner's Review

Very useful review man, thanks. The comments about the large file sizes and gynaecological close-ups really struck a chord, as I had exactly the same problem with In The Crack.com - it ceases to be sexy when it gets so close up and internal, and becomes more like a biology lesson. And the file sizes are massive.

I actually gave In The Crack a good review originally as it was so different, but it became boring very fast, and I'm guessing Give Me Pink will be the same, so I will avoid it and save my time and money.

09-06-08  05:26am

N/A Reply of MargulisAZ's Reply

OK, keep your hair on! I wasn't taking a serious shot at you. I knew exactly what your original comment meant, and was basically saying "Yes, obviously that's the case" - because, to be blunt, you were stating the obvious. Take a chill pill!

09-06-08  05:20am

N/A Reply of Denner's Poll

I only very occasionally look at porn. Rarely more than three or four times a day.

09-06-08  05:13am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

MargulisAZ said: "I believe there's no question that it's a move to make money".

You don't say!

08-10-08  11:18am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I recently took my PC in for a major upgrade (new motherboard and processor). And although I keep all my porn on external drives now, I still have all my firefox bookmarks saved on my main system drive - and there are a few links to various porn sites, (e.g. this site, a lesbian porn torrent site, 21 Sextury's Porn For All that I'm currently signed up to) so the guys in the shop knew very well what my porn tastes were.
And that's fine - it's not illegal, I'll probably never see those guys again (so I don't have to be embarrassed), and I also know in reality they will have seen it a million times before on PCs that get taken in to the shop, given that porn is far and away the number one biggest viewing activity on the internet.
The only people that need to worry are the sickos like Garry Glitter (famous in the UK - google the name). Not only is he a paedophile who kept millions of images of kids on his PC, but he was also stupid enough (luckily for society) to take it in for repair with those images on an internal drive, hence his arrest and incarceration.
The rest of us who enjoy consensual legal porn, have nothing to hide.

07-20-08  09:02am

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of elephant's Reply

Hi Elephant, just seen your comment, been away for a while (using a girl on girl torrent site!)

Yeah, I completely agree. There's something cold and soulless about using dildos. It's so much hotter to see flesh on flesh. S.E. went through a crap period where the girls just weren't up to standard, but now there are loads of fantastic threesomes and foursomes starring Eufrat (for example) with lots of anilingus, and some tribbing too. The occasional turkey still gets through, but there's definitely enough A-One stuff to justify getting your annual update. :)

07-12-08  02:26am

Visit Ultimate Surrender

Ultimate Surrender
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

Well, you're not the only one my friend. I had to deal with some seriously childish arguments from the webmaster of 1 by Day after I gave some constructive criticism that he couldn't handle (even accused me of being a plant from another porn site, because of course no one could possibly genuinely dislike his site) - but happily I got LOTS of support from fellow PUs (even those that disagreed with my points) and he showed himself up for the petty little man he was.
I agree - we can make a difference!

06-25-08  01:37pm

Visit Ultimate Surrender

Ultimate Surrender
Reply of exotics4me's Reply

Just been reading through your unpleasant argument with asmith12 - let me add my support to your side! You gave your own opinion, based on verifiable facts, and so don't deserve to be 'mistrusted' based on that!

I found asmith's arguments ludicrous - comparing unlimited downloading to 'filling up a plate with food, then having to leave it to be thrown away'. Jeez, talk about tenuous. Downloads aren't perishables! They are there to be saved and accessed at ones leisure!

Keep up the good and honest reviews my friend. :)

06-21-08  05:21pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

I went for 'No I'm faithful' also. My missus is such a great girl, I have no desire whatsoever to do that to her, much as I might be tempted. I know I would feel too guilty to be the same with her afterwards.

Having said that, she has no idea I watch porn, so I already feel guilty enough about that (you never know how a woman will react if she discovers something like that) - but my love of lesbian porn predates our relationship by many years and I ain't about to give it up now. But as for actually fucking another girl - nah, that's a whole other ballpark and I wouldn't do that.

And like Jay G said - I agree, porn is actually better than promiscuity. It's physically safer (no STDs) it's cheaper, and in my case the women in porn are hotter and nastier than anything I would ever find in real life! Having said all of that - I'm reminded of the phrase: chance would be a fine thing! Easy to be moralistic about gluttony when your pantry's bare!

06-20-08  07:25am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

In moderation though! I read of a Chinese guy (I think it was) who was in therapy for sex addiction. He was wanking something like 10 times a day! That guy must've been in pain man! But he couldn't stop himself!

OK, that's an extreme, but sometimes I give myself a break from daily porn and 'self abuse' (!) cos too much can definitely sap your energy.

06-14-08  02:49pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I think that my relative blindness and hairy palms have absolutely nothing to do with the fact I wank a lot. Pure coincidence.

But seriously, too much IS unhealthy, I think, like with most things. It can sap your energy and stop you doing other things.

But on the other hand... fuck it, show me the pussy!

06-07-08  05:47pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Yeah - sometimes a site get's plugged following a radio interview. That's how I got onto the likes of iceagenow and climateaudit, from hearing the people who run them in interviews that inspired me to look further.

06-05-08  01:36pm

N/A Reply of nygiants03's Poll

I don't believe any of them would really. One thing (of many) that I really respect about American people, is their awareness of the importance of freedom, and the real value of it.
(I should mention that most Americans are blissfully unaware of the undemocratic political processes going on now, to join in political union with Canada and Central America, much like the EU - there will be no vote on this when it eventually happens, just as with the EU).
But to get back on topic - I reckon to ban porn (by and for consenting adults) would be unconstitutional, and none of that rubbishy selection of politicians (just as bad as ours) would risk the controversy of attempting to ban it. They'll stick to safer ground, like propagating 'human induced global warming' bullshit (that most people seem to believe in, despite the science saying it's bullshit).
So, er, in short I say: none of 'em.

05-31-08  06:19pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

One thing I've done before - and I'm sure many of you out there have done this too - is pretend I want to cancel in order to get another month much cheaper.

Many sites, if you go to cancel and select "no problem, just moving on" they will then try and bribe you to stay for a very cheap fee.

It's not often I do this though. Usually I am happy to leave after one month because I have downloaded all the content and it's not worth staying, even for a cheap fee. But a couple of times I haven't had a chance to get all the content, so I pretended to want to cancel, and got the 2nd month much cheaper (about $10).

05-25-08  10:50am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll


05-17-08  01:02am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I'm lost. What does 'their the poster child' mean?

05-16-08  07:38pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

Most. Undoubtedly. But I'm not going to present my opinions as some pseudo-scientific analysis with percentages and 'margins of error'.

This is because (and this is FACT) 83.6% of such analyses are not accurate. That's with a margin of error of 4.

But seriously, I reckon that for every top class site like Club Sandy (IMO of course) or 1 By Day (which I think is crap, but is obviously very popular so must have something good that I'm missing) there are a dozen or so absolutely shit sites that exist only to rip off their customers. You can spot most of them a mile off if you have any experience, but most of us only gained that experience by being ripped off in our green days.

05-16-08  04:11am

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I went for 'extremely important' as it's the first thing I look at, and generally determines if I'm likely to look any further.

I do put this in the context of the number of votes though. If the score is only in the 70s, but it has 3 reviews in the 90s and one extremely low score, I will take that low one with a pinch of salt. Ditto the other way round (one high score, several low scores).

05-11-08  08:44am

N/A Reply of JBDICK's Poll

None of the above.

05-10-08  05:08am

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of tintintin's Review

Well, I joined again, and can say hand on heart, this review is really not reflective of the site as it is now.

It's not right about there not being much anilingus available. There's shit loads of the stuff! Check out just about anything starring Eufrat (known as Juliet at SE) and you're in asshole heaven!

I do agree about the 3-some comment to a degree.
4-somes are even worse - too often it's just 2 separate couples on a sofa or bed, who then swap partners at half time, rather than 3 girls all giving the 4th one a real lesbian service.

But all in all, I think after a bad period where the movies were becoming dull and routine, the site is now back on track. I just joined after being away for 6 months, and was delighted with the return to high quality lesbian lovemaking to be watched.

Really deserves at least 90, not the poor score given here. (IMO).

05-03-08  05:28pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Very sombre subject this, but I guess it's 'anything goes' if it's an intelligent debate.

I selected 'it bothers me somewhat', but I suppose it would make a difference if I knew that the passing away was completely unrelated to the porn. So if a porn actress discovered she was dying but was proud of her work and wished to be remembered fondly in the industry, that would be completely different to some poor soul getting drugged up and slitting her wrists in a hotel bathroom cos her life was so shit.

Even so, I don't think I'd want to watch a deceased porno star regardless, to be honest. Just feels wrong... and...yet so right....

No! It's wrong. ;)

05-03-08  07:53am

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