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Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of tintintin's Review

Have to echo some earlier replies. I certainly have no wish for the girls to 'act a little bit', I hate 'acting' in porn. If I wanna see crap acting, I'll watch American porn ("Just like that, right there", ad nauseum), or an episode of 'Neighbours'.

As I said in my own review, I do think the more recent stuff is sorely lacking, compared to the earlier stuff (or at least that was the case last time I was a member, about 6 months ago). But there is still a shed load of material on this site that features genuine female-loving girls. These girls give performances that simply cannot be faked or 'acted'.

Unfortunately, there is a quantity of crap on this site now that you have to rake through to get to the good stuff. Make sure you don't 'mis' it.

04-18-08  11:42am

N/A Reply of Drooler's Reply

Actually Drooler, I just made up the bit about the Frosties - I'm not even a big fan of them. They're just basically sugared cornflakes, that's all! Nothing to write home about!
Not even sure why my brain came up with them as an example of food after sex... maybe there's something Freudian in it, who knows.

But I do generally like to get some grub after sex. Not so much because sex makes me want food; more just because I'm a greedy bastard, and during sex is the one time I don't eat anything (except pussy), so as soon as the sex is over, I go back to wanting to eat! Then sleep.

Hmmmmm. Sex. Food. Sleep. Add booze to that, and I don't think I would want for much else. Oh yeah - don't forget the porn.

04-15-08  05:14pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

Interesting that our female friends are notable by their absence on this thread.

04-15-08  05:06pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

I answered 'fake' only because the VAST MAJORITY of so-called 'squirting' sites are nothing more than girls moaning and faking an orgasm WHILST PISSING!

Of course plenty of girls out there genuinely squirt; my girlfriend is one of them - although she doesn't so much 'squirt' as 'gush'. It's totally different to piss, it's white like male cum, but there's a lot more of it, and it does NOT come from the urethra - it happens most during foreplay when I go down on her and use my fingers on her G-spot at the same time. It just comes gushing out of her pussy canal, not the urethra. Unlike me though, after she cums she can just keep going and cum again within minutes - whereas I need a bowl of Frosties and 8 hours sleep before I'm ready again.

Maybe there is also a different type of female cum that does come through the urethra, but I must admit I've never seen this outside of porn movies. And every movie I've seen with it in, just looks like piss to me.

04-15-08  12:15pm

Visit Lesbians From India

Lesbians From India
Reply of bbiillyy's Reply

That explains it then. I read English well, but my Sanskrit is a little rusty. ;)

I was only suggesting you get an English-speaking friend to proof-read your reviews for you - or at least use a spell checker. Just means more of us would enjoy your reviews, as more of us would understand them better. No offence intended. If someone picked me up on my poor Japanese skills, I would have to concede they were right! That's why I get my girlfriend to check anything I write in Japanese before posting it.

04-14-08  04:35pm

N/A Reply of MargulisAZ's Poll

Despite what certain figureheads say officially, unofficially those in power absolutely LOVE that their populations are kept occupied and pacified with copious amounts of porn. I'm convinced that there is no genuine desire to ban it.

We are living in extremely sinister times (IMO). I saw a horrible piece of government propaganda yesterday during a TV commercial break in the UK, featuring images of dozens of people riding around on bikes, wind turbines everywhere, and every house with solar panels on the roofs. The end slogan was 'What are YOU going to do?' All this, despite the fact that they all know now that the whole man-made warming BS has been shown to be a fraud by several respected scientists (using basic laws of physics to prove it). Just as the global cooling scare 30 years ago was a fraud.

No, they're quite happy that loads of otherwise rebellious guys are sat in their homes watching porn.

04-13-08  03:52pm

Visit Cum Shot Circus

Cum Shot Circus
Reply of tecyde's Comment

Well done for warning us, Tecyde. Most of us here have been stung at least once by rip-off merchants, and it's our duty as members of the PU community to name and shame those bad sites.

04-12-08  09:48am

Visit Lesbians From India

Lesbians From India
Reply of bbiillyy's Review

I'm sorry, but I can't understand about 75% of this review - is it just me?
Please have someone who speaks/writes good English to proof-read your reviews!

04-12-08  09:42am

Visit Club Sandy

Club Sandy
Reply of jake07621's Review

Appreciate the review, regarding functionality. I never had any probs at all, but that was several months ago. I happily rated the site 95 for the lesbian content alone - it's some of the best I've seen absolutely anywhere.
But this is irrelevant if we can't access the site without extreme difficulty.
What a shame some bastards out there are attacking the site - as the webmaster says, it's probably coming from competitors that see this fine site as a threat.
I'll be keeping an eye out for any updates from the webmaster regarding a resolution, as I've been away now for over 7 months, and feel I'm due a re-visit.

With all the problems in mind, I still feel 75 is rather low for such an otherwise top class site. But then again, I'm not a fan of boy-girl (not really into naked men, being hetro) so am happy with the majority of lesbian and solo girl sets here. ;)

04-10-08  07:06pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

Can't say I've ever decided to stop using these 'portals' as they are apparently called, as I never make a mental note of which ones are which.

If I'm on the lookout for some fresh porn, I usually start either here at PU, or do some googling to see what is thrown up. Inevitably this throws up lots of crappy 'portals' that end up directing me to Sapphic Erotica or Lez Cuties or whatever, but I tend to recognise the girls in the thumbnail links from these original sites now, so its easy to predict where I'm about to be led before clicking - which means I don't bother clicking in those instances (because I've already been there many times!).

04-10-08  02:28am

Visit Twistys

Reply of baddaddie's Review

Firstly, I welcome you, BadDaddie to the site. But if you look at the scoring system for PU, 99% does not make any sense after reading your review.

It's not a question of any of us disagreeing with you - I've never visited Twistys, so what do I know.

It's a question of you disagreeing with yourself in the same review. You can't give such a near-perfect score on the one hand, and then give such negative remarks in the written review, and then expect people not to question that. You're just contradicting yourself.

For that reason, I had to give a 'No' vote on the trust issue, for the first time since joining PU. Not because I think you're not a trustworthy person (you're probably a decent guy), but because I wouldn't trust any review by someone who clearly doesn't understand the scoring system.

Apart from all that, it's one of the most badly written reviews I've read so far on this site (all four sentences). Sorry to be blunt, but you need to raise your game, IMO.

03-25-08  03:43pm

N/A Reply of badandy400's Reply

Disagree about the HD thing mate. I've had loads of HD downloads that are just plain crap (for all kinds of reasons) but I also have loads of lower res stuff that is mind blowingly good. HD is not the be all and end all.

03-24-08  05:25pm

N/A Reply of MargulisAZ's Reply

Appreciate the honesty, Margulis. I'm addicted too. I need porn like I need food, and get hungry for it when I've not seen it for a while.

I do personally think it's probably not a healthy thing - it creates a desire for something that can only ever be obtained in the virtual world, never in real life (unless you're a male porn star).

But, as I said before: whada-ya-gonna-do.

03-19-08  02:41pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

I do occasionally get that feeling 'This isn't doing me any good, I really should quit this and save my energies and my money for better things' - like my girlfriend, for example. Sometimes, I admit, I feel a bit sad about it all.

Then I get the urge to look at naked ladies doing dirty things and all that just flies out the window.

Whada-ya-gonna-do, as Homer Simpson might say.

03-19-08  02:33pm

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

If I had some, they'd do more good if I gave em to the missus (apparently they increase female sexual desire too). If I did that, I'd have no time for porn, and you lot wouldn't see me for dust! ;)

03-14-08  12:43pm

Visit Only Cuties

Only Cuties
Reply of visor's Reply

Agree with everything you said except more m/f, but that's personal taste for you! :)

03-12-08  05:16pm

N/A Reply of Vegas Ken's Poll

Ditto the first response, from jd1961.
OK, I'll declare a bias, in that I don't get off much on boy-girl sex any per se (lesbian or solo girl is my thing).
But there's something degrading about it.
I once saw a lesbian movie where the girls were taking it in turns at spitting into each other's open mouths.
Same principle. If it looks degrading to me, it turns me off.
I think porn is best when the participants look like they're really hot for each other, and treat each other with due respect. I think a lot of porn producers don't even consider that the average guy would even think that, but I suspect it's a more common opinion than they realise.
That's not to say I'm against a bit of good natured slap 'n tickle (!) but it has to be to the recipient's benefit.
Sorry, I'm going off the original subject...

03-12-08  05:15pm

N/A Reply of messmer's Reply

Hi mate

Always happy to give advice where needed.

SE does stick very strictly to its lesbian niche. I don't think you'd be disappointed with the content. The newer stuff falls flat somewhat - but there was already tons of top notch material there before the site went tits up, so there's no shortage of seriously good stuff there. It might have got back on track since I last visited too for all I know.

There's a mind-blowingly hot threesome movie on there from a few years back. Its quite low res by today's standards (although really not that bad at all in all honesty) and that one movie made the whole month's membership worth it for me. It stars Nina (known as Lucy Lee elsewhere - gorgeous brunette who loves anal) and a blonde called Johanna and a stunning redhead called Kellie. If you join the site, just do a model search to locate that movie. It's amazing - very rude and yet very sensual too - they all look like they're in love with each other! If you're tastes are anything like mine (gorgeous young lezzies) then you'll love the site.

03-11-08  06:06pm

Visit Only Cuties

Only Cuties
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Well, Drooler old boy, you know what they say: 'Great minds' and all that!

03-08-08  02:52pm

N/A Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

Yeah, I was gonna put 1958, but somehow the hippy talk just didn't work in that context! (Don't ask me why I went into hippy mode, I have no idea!)

What's the next poll gonna be? 'Has your lady ever asked you to perform cunnilingus?'
1. Yes, and I DID!
2. I did it without her asking (and now regret not waiting until we'd left the church)
3. Yes, but I refused, I'm watching my cholesterol and don't eat beef
4. No, she doesn't like me to drink from the furry cup

03-08-08  02:41pm

Visit ALS Scan

ALS Scan
Reply of wishdj's Review

Good review - but I think it is very important to mention that 'Alex' talks throughout many of the movies, and therefore may be an annoyance to some.

03-08-08  09:19am

N/A Reply of Marianna's Poll

Strange poll this. This is 2008, but it looks like it's from 19*6*8 -

"Like, wow, dude, I asked my lady for a blowjob - and you'll never guess what: she DID it!"

"No way dude! I'm too shy to ask for something as far out and radical as that! I mean - a blowjob! That's heavy!"

"Yeah - tonight I'm gonna ask her if she'll let me put my cock in her pussy."

03-08-08  08:19am

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Very good point Drooler. The notes are very comprehensive. One thing that does get my goat though, is the number of times you see words to the effect 'this is probably one of the best anal scenes we've ever filmed' (for example). I must have seen that line a dozen times!

It also annoys me to read 'We must warn you that the lighting isn't very good/the orgasm looks fake/the girl has no passion' or whatever.
If it's that bad (and generally when the movie has a warning like this it *is* bad) then why bother putting the movie up there? Happily, these are still in a very small minority.

I also mentioned to the webmaster about the repetitive photos in the galleries. He responded by saying he takes lots of basically the same shot to make sure he has everything right about the shot when it comes to assessing quality, but then he can't bring himself to discard them so posts them all. I asked if maybe he could post both 'full sets' and 'condensed sets' but he said I'm the only one who ever complained about this and he wouldn't be doing that - which is fair enough I suppose. I'll just continue to 'prune' my own sets once downloaded.

03-08-08  08:09am

N/A Reply of Toadsith's Reply

Haha! 'Tramp Stamp'! I love that phrase, it sounds very British (although I know you're American)! I'd never heard it before - I shall use that! :)

03-07-08  04:40pm

Visit In The Crack

In The Crack
Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

Yeah - the 1280x720 movies are crystal clear on my 17" monitor, and the colours are so natural. I haven't felt the need to go higher than that (not that my processor could really handle it anyway).

To be honest though, I have downloaded the vast majority in the 640x360 version, after weighing 'picture quality' versus 'size of file on my hard disk' and 'speed of responsiveness of my media player'. I find these are still very good quality, and the close-ups are still very detailed. It just gets a little bit pixelly where there's fast movement, and the colours are a bit less vibrant. But the brain is very good at dismissing that, when the action is so hot.

03-07-08  04:31pm

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