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Visit Devils Film

Devils Film
Reply of GloMiro's Comment

The regular price for site membership is $29.95/month recurring.
With your promo code, REDUC33, the price is $19.95/month recurring.
Using the PU link to join site, the price is $14.95/month recurring.

The cheapest way to join, is to use the PU link to the site, and then join, using the $14.95/month price that is enabled thru the PU/TBP link.

Using the promo code you show, brings up a higher price of $19.95/month recurring.

06-30-09  07:19pm

Visit Lovely Lizzy

Lovely Lizzy
Reply of Hugh Jarse's Comment

I agree with you.
There is a recent poll, dated 06-27-09, that asks if you would consider joining a non-nude model site. 42% of the people voting answered "yes". There were 38 votes total as of today. Frankly, I was suprised the percentage was so high, because most of the members posting reviews and in the forums seem to prefer nudity and more explicit sites.
Evidently there are a lot of PU members that might consider joining this site, if they thought the girl was hot enough. This is a good-looking girl, and the sample photos are nice tease. So for people who really enjoy this niche, it could be worth joining.

06-30-09  06:08pm

N/A Reply of jd1961's Reply

The people who make porn (the actors, models, cameramen, whoever) make up the porn industry.

The people who make cars (at GM, Ford, Toyota, etc.) are the car (auto) industry. But the people who sell cars and who service cars might also fit into the car industry. The people who drive cars or are passengers in cars are not considered part of the car industry.

The same for the software industry. The people who write software, or sell the software, make up the software industry. The people who use software are not usually considered part of the software industry.

But why do you say "the whole notion of a porno industry is ludicrous."

Apparently you enjoy porn. And you realize it's made by people, sold by people. So why is it strange or foolish to call porn an industry? Porn is a market/industry with billions of dollars in sales every year.

06-30-09  05:47pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I might join a free non-nude modeling site, if I liked the model(s). But for a paysite modeling site, I definitely want to see all of her. She might start off with clothes, but if she doesn't take it all off, I would wonder why I joined.

06-30-09  04:16pm

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

I personally don't care that much about academy awards or the awards given out for porn stars.

Academy awards do much a huge difference in the careers/salaries of actors. I don't know how much the porn awards affect the careers of the porn stars.

As a pat on the back, I have nothing against academy awards or porn star awards.

As far as who should vote on these, I think the fans should have as much or more say than the insiders. Insiders are the only voters for the academy awards, because supposedly they are the experts who are qualified to vote. By that reasoning, maybe the insiders are the only ones who should pay to see those pictures, and the fans should either get to see the pictures for free, or we should just skip seeing "movie" pictures, since we are not qualified to evaluate the pictures compared to the expert insiders.

06-30-09  04:08pm

Visit Body In Mind

Body In Mind
Reply of Drooler's Reply

Thanks for reply, Drooler. I will probably join bodyinmind as soon as a couple of my memberships run out in July or August.

06-28-09  03:36am

Visit Purrfect Eva

Purrfect Eva
Reply of jd1961's Reply

I agree Eva is very nice-looking, but on a cost-value basis, I think I'll go for a teen mega-site, like mypreciousvirgins or something similar. Solo teen sites are tempting, but too expensive, unless I'm ready to marry the girl inside. :)

06-25-09  01:26pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I respect my personal right to privacy. But for the right amount of consideration(cash), I might be tempted into submitting action shots of some of my fellow PU members, if I were allowed to be the photographic/cinematographic director and could be assured that the photos had artistic and financial integrity. These photos could present a better alternative to the avatars some PU members are posting.

06-25-09  01:40am

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

Never tried it, doubt I ever will.

06-24-09  02:08am

Visit abbywinters

Reply of turboshaft's Reply

Explicit is in the eyes of the beholder, the same as personal taste. In the United States, Playboy used to be prosecuted for obscenity, and that is a softcore magazine that in those days basically showed a few solo girl spreads with nudity but no masturbation or any sexual
action at all. Around the 1970s, I think (not really sure, my memory is really poor sometimes) a lot of drugstore and convenience store chains in the U.S. were forced to stop carrying Playboy because of public sentiment and lawsuits. Those stores that did carry Playboy (and Penthouse and most certainly Hustler) had to keep the magazines hidden away from public view because minors might be corrupted by the magazines. So the stores that carried Playboy kept the magazine in a special adult section or hidden away under the counter.

I don't know if Playboy is still being prosecuted for pornography in the U.S. today, but back in the 1960s, 1970s, etc., when it was being prosecuted, it was more softcore than what you find at Met-art or Femjoy, which are major softcore sites today. By that, I mean the pubic area back then was covered with natural pubic hair. Today you see the bare look at Femjoy and Met-art, with no hair covering the pubic region, so the pubic region is much more exposed, or completely exposed today.

06-24-09  12:44am

Visit abbywinters

Reply of RagingBuddhist's Reply

The PU forum that turboshaft is referring to is at:


Abbywinters office raided.... (Austrailia HeraldSun)

Original Link of News

Basically, the first post quotes a newspaper article stating that it's illegal to make money from porn films in Victoria, Australia, and that the police raided the office of G Media, which runs the Abby Winters web sites.

The long-term future of the G Media company, and its web sites, is apparently unclear.

Abby winters is a major internet porn site, and this is really a kick in the head to the porn community.

06-23-09  06:08pm

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

If a girl looks anywhere near a teen, then a teen site will accept her photos. The teen site might advertise that the models are teens, and they might even start out that way, but as time goes on, they will probably accept photos of anyone that looks young. Would they turn down photos of a young woman in her 20s? As long as she looks good or OK, I can't see a teen site turning down her photos.

Met-art was based on the idea of "Most Erotic Teens" art, and most of their models in their introductory photo sets are teens or in early 20s.

As for giving an accurate age for the models in the photo sets: most teen sites don't. They market the models as teens, because that's what the target audience is looking for, no matter what the ages of the models actually are.

06-21-09  01:18am

Visit Curry Creampie

Curry Creampie
Reply of ace of aces's Reply

Ace of aces, I sent you an email thru PU (actually, 2 emails) on how to join the network for $5 for 30 day membership, full access to all the sites in the network. Be sure to check your inbox (or your spam box) to see the details. This is a great deal, very cheap 30 day membership for $5, no tricks, just a low-cost offer.

06-19-09  12:51pm

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

I use PC with window. If I watched full screen, I couldn't run other programs and see what they were doing.

06-19-09  04:00am

Visit CL Studio

CL Studio
Reply of mbaya's Reply

My brain started to short out from trying to figure out the difference between porn, eroticism, a shoe catalog, and this pay site.
I would need a new brain before I started to think about PU/TBP standards. Though I am sure the PU/TBP standards are exceedingly high. (I don't want the PU staff kicking me off the site because I am not showing sufficient respect for their high moral standards and whatnot.)
Personally, I am not into shoe catalogs. But I don't mind looking at photographic books of movie stars. That is not erotic(I don't think), but the older movie stars had some great-looking women. Head shots, wearing lovely dresses, or even casual, they had glamor, an aura, just beautiful to look at.

06-18-09  09:57am

Visit P Video.eu

P Video.eu
Reply of Denner's Comment

The prices seem very attractive::
Monthly: $9.95 (recurring)
1 Year: $59.95 (non-recurring)

Site advertises 900 DVDs, which seems small for a DVD site.
But would most of the DVDs be made outside of the U.S.?
Looking forward to your review.

06-18-09  09:24am

Visit CL Studio

CL Studio
Reply of mbaya's Comment

Since the site is non-nude, maybe it qualifies as some sort of fetish. But does it qualify as porn?

Some people have a fetish about shoes, but I would not classify a shoe catalog from some retail store as porn, even though a shoe fetishist might use the catalog to excite himself/herself.

From Wikipedia, which is not a dictionary but an encyclopedia:
"Pornography or porn is the depiction of explicit sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexually exciting the viewer. Pornography makes no claim to artistic merit, unlike erotica which does."

This site is non-nude, and I assume there is no "depiction of explicit sexual subject matter". So why would it be considered porn?

Or maybe the site is supposed to be erotic.

But if a book store had a photographic book with pictures from this site, I doubt they would classify the book as either pornographic or erotic.

06-18-09  08:53am

Visit Devils Film

Devils Film
Reply of wiild1's Reply

Great offer, great price. You just have to remember to cancel before the renewal, because:
"After 30 days, membership renews automatically at 39.95 usd every 1 month(s)."

Regular membership is much cheaper thru PU at 14.95/month. Or there might be other low-priced offers out there, that I haven't seen.

06-18-09  08:43am

N/A Reply of Duante Amorculo's Poll

It's rare enough to find porn sites with decent bio data on the models, let alone getting updated information on what these models/porn stars are actually doing outside of their films.
And where do I get to read about the breakfast menu of stars like Matt Damon or George Clooney? I didn't realize that information was out there for me. Is that free? If I eat the same breakfast as these mega-stars, will I get a star on Hollywood, so I can take my friends and relatives to look at it?
Actually, with a star on Hollywood, I can make new, better friends, and new, better relatives too.
I can go visit Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and any and all porn stars I want to, and then I wouldn't have to read about what they eat, but I can eat along with them.
It's almost time for me to take my Thorazine, so I have to stop for now.

06-17-09  07:59am

Visit Kedra Alliard

Kedra Alliard
Reply of mbaya's Comment

I have to admit that I've been searching for a paysite with elegant design with ease of navigation, but I'd also like a bit of great content to go along with it. So I'm afraid that I'll have to keep searching.

06-16-09  03:32am

Visit Femjoy

Reply of mbaya's Reply

Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Some PU members will not agree with my opinion on the models at Femjoy needing more makeup, because it's a matter of individual taste. They view Femjoy as a special, almost rare site that features a very natural look of very little make-up, little photoshopping. But I personally don't mind some make-up or photoshopping, as long as it's not overdone. Until I got a comment about that, I always thought I was the one who wanted minimal makeup and photoshopping, but no matter where you stand, there are always people further out on both sides of any issue than you are. Lol.

06-15-09  06:16am

N/A Reply of careylowell's Poll

I'm the honest type, so I wouldn't lie. I'd just say I don't have any, meaning I don't have any to share, because like Drooler, I'd be hearing about it for the rest of my life. Actually, I think I was an only child, because my brother is totally unlike me, and he can't be related by blood, even though we both had the same parents. Maybe he was put here on Earth by aliens. Is there any Z-ray that I can use to test that theory?

06-15-09  01:56am

Visit Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler

Hustler Unlimited, formerly Hustler
Reply of bruce987's Reply

I don't have much experience with videos. I'm more into softcore teen photos. There are members at PU who have extensive hardcore video experience, so maybe one or more of them might reply on what are the better hardcore video sites with teen content.

DRM was reported as removed. That should not be a concern any longer.

But updates are iffy. There is no update log, so it's not that easy to determine how many updates you will find at the site if you were a previous member.

TBP (the parent site of PU) reports that Hustler is supposed to update 3 times a week. But what a site is supposed to do and actually does can often differ.

The most recent review of Hustler at PU was dated 01-24-09, by Trashman. He reported there were "no updates for 2009 yet. Last movie update was Dec 26."

I would suggest making a new comment for Hustler, asking how many updates there have been since the start of 2009, and hope that you get a response from some knowledgeable PU member. By making a new comment, instead of putting your reply on this older comment, you will get better visibility, and a better chance one of the PU members will respond.

06-14-09  06:02pm

Visit Curry Creampie

Curry Creampie
Reply of messmer's Reply

I guess there's a ton I don't know about pictures.

Landscape? Is that where the girl lays out flat, or on her side, so you can determine the best way to approach her?

With the modern generation of models, it doesn't really matter if the girl is standing up, laying down, upside down, or even head down in the toilet bowl, I've seen videos where the guy(s) just start banging away whatever.

I think pictures have a bit more class than most of the videos I've seen. Some pictures can be erotic, or have a real artistic quality to them, and the models can look stunning, gorgeous, lovely, or just yummy.

Personally, I download the high-res pictures more often than the low- or medium-res, in case I want to study them for some reason. But I usually view the picture to fit the monitor. Scrolling to view a picture is not enjoyable, for me. Like I say, if I want to examine a picture for some reason, I will switch the view to scan/scroll, but to simply enjoy the picture, I want to see the entire image.

If you're not into "shaved", you're really limited by what is out there. Most models are shaved. I would prefer a trimmed look, that was popularized by Playboy back in the 1970s-1980s, but "shaved" is what's popular today.

I honestly don't know where you're getting your video fix if you're into softcore (like I am). The sites offering softcore video (that are also teen softcore) are like Met-art and Femjoy. Met-art videos are teen softcore, and they are almost uniformly boring. Gorgeous girls, but boring videos. Femjoy has softcore teen videos, that are slightly more enjoyable than Met-art, but you are watching lovely young girls, but without any sense of the erotic. The girls are lovely, but the videos are only slightly less boring than the Met-art videos. I think the main reason the Femjoy videos are less boring is that they are shorter (I'm not joking, I really think that is the main reason, but also, the Femjoy videos are somehow better shot).

06-13-09  03:37pm

Visit Curry Creampie

Curry Creampie
Reply of messmer's Reply

I am definitely a teen glamor type. Also enjoy pix more than vids, because they are easier to deal with. So when I looked at most of the niche sites here, it was just out of curiosity. For me, the value is mainly Devilsfilm and Silverstone, which have some nice-looking young models. But I was just pointing out that for people with other tastes, for $14.95, it might be worth a look-see.

I really have little experience with most DVD sites. But this network offering is so much better than Pornaccess, which is also offered by the same company. Pornaccess was almost a total waste for me, with so many low-quality vids, unattractive models, and terrible navigation.

I just saw your review for White Ghetto. The review seems clear and sensible: "The great divide again: if you like beauty and glamor stay away, if you like rude and raw and not always pretty then I recommend this site to you."

There are a lot of PU members who want something other than teen glamor, and this network might offer it to them.

But for me, I try to find teen glamor, or at least good-looking teens, in this network.

Do you have any hints to make my search easier?

Sites I found in this network, so far, which have good-looking teen models include:

06-13-09  11:23am

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