I only mentioned leaving out PU from your email because normally it's better to keep things simple. Less confusion that way, easier to understand.
I agree that you should have gotten the $14.95 rate when you were rebilled for 30 days, because that's the rate the signup page shows.
If you don't get that rate, instead are charged $24.95, send a second email explaining you sent a first request, and this is a second request for a refund since you are being overcharged for your subscription. And send the details of why you are being overcharged in the second email.
If you don't get satisfaction, go to your credit card company, and they should credit you with the $10 difference.
One quibble: I see a "$4.95 Two Day Trial Membership". This is shown both at PU and at the nakedcloset site signup page. Unless you specifically remember that your trial membership was for 3 days, it was more likely for 2 days.
Could you explain in more detail exactly what happened, in terms of your membership?
What length membership did you first join for?
2-day trial
1 month non-recurring
monthly, recurring
The $24.95 charge you are talking about, is for what, exactly:
A 30 day membership, the first one
An additional 30 day membership
A different membership period
It's easy to get angry about extra charges, but I think you will be better off if you make clear, in your email to support or billing, the details of why you believe you were overcharged.
If you don't get satisfaction from support or billing, you can have your credit card company reverse the excess charge.
But it really helps if you explain simply to whoever you are talking to the details of what went wrong.
But I personally agree 100% that you should be entitled to the prices at the page you originally used to sign up.
Edit: A side note: Unless the PU page directly applies to the problem, you're better off leaving out any mention of PU in your complaint. That just adds confusing and un-needed details to the problem.
Drooler writes: "What's with this shooting the women in so much darkness? SuperNiceGirls is especially a noctural site at any hour! WTF!"
I hadn't seen supernicegirls site before. Models look good. Main problem, besides the newness of site with small number of photos, is they can't afford to pay their electricity bill. My eyes can't see what the photos are supposed to be showing. Or maybe that's the point: tease by darkness, where you can't see the body of the model because the freaking photo is so dark. Maybe that's the new arty style, but I like to see what the girl looks like.
As a young man, badandy400, you can afford to go without sleep. But old fogies like Drooler and me (I'm mentioning Drooler since he seems to keep late hours for no good reason) need lots of sleep. Instead, I get up at night and look at PU. Go figure.
I'm on the West Coast (California), so I don't know why a young guy like you would be up at 4 am looking at porn.
We all need to get a life. Lol.
By the way, congratulations on your recent Raffle win. You deserve it for your many great reviews.
Softcore teen glamour is the niche that needs the most attention from porn developers these days. I don't really care for most other niches, and since the American way is to look out for number one, I should be voting for what interests me. That's only sensible.
You watch television, movies, porn, you look at magazines, you read books, see a play, you go to school: all this obviously has an effect on your sex life. The State (government, in other words) should control our lives from the moment of our birth, so that we are normal adults who will have proper sex lives.
Every so often I get a popup message from my Firefox browser stating a URL I am trying to go to is a dangerous site, and do I want to continue? Normally, I don't continue, but stay away from that site.
But I get no warning message if I go to hungarianhoneys site, nor do I get any warning message when I go to the hungarianhoneys models page.
Maybe you can try going back there again, to see if you get any warning message. They have some good-looking models, but I've never been a site member.
OK, I'm expecting a second vote of no confidence from Mr Fountain, on my opinion that femjoy models would be improved by more makeup.
But are there any PU members that agree with me? Or is this too much of a niche/nitpicking idea to concern my fellow PU members?
I don't have anything against natural. But makeup can bring out a girl's beauty. If you compare the photosets of the models below, I think the photosets of those models are, in general, better looking at met-art than at femjoy.
Photoshop is used more at met-art. As long as it's not overdone, it can add.
But that's a matter of personal taste. Just as two people looking at a list of models will probably not rank them all in the same descending order of beauty/attractiveness.
Angelina B(femjoy) aka Indiana A(met-art)
Anina(femjoy) aka Anna AO, Anna AS(met-art) aka Sinner and other names at metmodels
Brigita(femjoy) aka Natalia A(met-art)
Desiree (femjoy) aka Desire A(met-art)
And there are a bunch of other models that are featured at both femjoy and also at met-art, where you could compare the relative attractiveness of the photosets.
Review with nice details. But it sounds like you're getting a little bored with porn. It happens to all of us. Hopefully it passes, and we can appreciate all the beautiful girls out there again.
Review has lots of nice details. If money is no object, then belonging to both met-art and metmodels would be nice. Because then you would get to see all the sets at both sites. But since money is limited for most of us, met-art is the better value. The quality and style (teen glamour) of both sites is basically the same. The main difference is that met-art has a huge amount of content compared to metmodels.
Every once in a while, PU members come up with some crazy ideas. I guess it's helpful to establish a baseline for sanity. Maybe weight-watchers should hire Drooler as a consultant.
Celebrities, at least the famous ones, get a ton of recognition. It's one of the perks, though celebrities often complain they are not seeking the fame and don't want it. They are really simple folk: they only want the cash, and people to bow down before them whenever they appear in public.
I'm waiting till I have enough bucks from the Tuesday Raffle to buy my sound system. At the rate I'm going, that will be sometime in 3035, or thereabouts.
After listening to the sound track on a lot of porn videos, I'd rather go deaf than blind. Sometimes you can find attractive models/actors in porn videos. But to find a good sound track is extremely difficult.
On the other hand, hairy palms is a signal of virility, I always thought.
GCode, I hope and believe you know I did not mean any personal criticism when I said it would be nice for the poll to be more open-ended as far as responses. It's not just your poll, but the poll structure at PU. However, I also realize that there's a reason PU puts the simple structure in place, to make the responses easier to read and more meaningful in a brief space. A trade-off. I just like to ramble, and some of my replies, to polls, instead of a single brief line, would take up lots of paragraphs. LOL.
I am really surprised at the even spread of the responses. You seem to have intuited the feelings of the PU members in your choices.
My main hard drive is only 149 GB. A few years ago that was a huge amount of storage. I recently joined Femjoy, and am downloading the photo shoots and videos of a few selected models. Maybe I should download the lower resolution files, but I am downloading the high resolution files. And just downloading a few of the more attractive models, and my main hard drive is filling up fast.
I have another external, 500 GB hard drive. But how many hard drives do I want to play with? Most people want the best quality (photos, videos) they can get, but the amount of storage it requires keeps growing and growing and growing.
I'm trying to be selective about the files I download, but I'm afraid of waking up from a nightmare where I will have to check my hard drives to see if I have any free space left.
Ideally, you should be able to choose more than a single selection as an answer. Also, it would be nice to have a "write-in" selection option as well.
But I think that good, basic improvement for many sites would be better/easier navigation along with better updates. Better updates would also include greater innovation of the material.
I think, in general, the major sites have good/acceptable photo and video resolution.
As far as videos, most videos could be improved by better editing, better soundtrack, more realistic dialog, less fake moans, groans, less intrusive comments from the camera-man/director, better plot/storyline, etc. etc. etc.
Also, my personal taste, use gorgeous female models, have decent-looking male models, get rid of all the tattoos and piercings.
I loved your comment, "Slow, slow, slow, slow.....you get hours of 'training,' but only a small percentage is actual sex or spanking. Without fast forward I would fall asleep."
That's one of the major reasons I belong to PU. You gave me the best laugh of the entire day.
Basically, I like to keep things simple, so I can understand them more easily.
But as far as the pricing for membership at youngporn.net:
What currently shows at both PU and TBP is:
Monthly: $29.96 (recurring)
Monthly: $39.96 (non-recurring)
Multi-Mo: $69.00 (3 months, recurs $29.96/mo.)
When I click from the TBP site to youngporn.net site, and then click the "Join Now" hot link, and enter the information requested, and then click to the next page for signing up, the prices I see for membership are the same prices I now see listed at PU and TBP.
When I posted my original comment about membership price, I was trying to keep it simple. I did not give all three membership options. I just gave the membership option that I thought was most appropriate for PU members, which was the monthly (or 30 day, if you want to be entirely accurate) recurring membership.
I'm more soft core than hard core. If the girl is attractive enough, I don't mind looking thru a "taking nothing off" photo set.
I was just looking thru some photo sets I downloaded from Teen Stars Magazine years ago. Isabella, Maria, Nicole and Rebecca are some of the models I can look at, whether they are nude or not. They are just good-to-great looking girls. Their photo sets are also at My Precious Virgins, where they also have the same names as at Teen Stars Magazine. It's easier when you don't have to list a model under different names, like you sometimes have to do at met-art.
And even tho the photo sets are not as high quality or artistic or artsy as the met-art photos, I can enjoy the photos of these girls as much as the met-art photo sets. Simple can be nice, for a change.
Sometimes I find myself almost drooling over some of these girls. I have to remember to keep my mouth closed. Lol.
Sorry you seem to be disappointed with the site contents.
If you read the earlier reviews at PU and TBP, they indicate the main focus of the site is soft core teen.
The earlier reviews also state the number of vids at this site are very limited, compared to the photos.
My only quibble with the TBP reviews would be where two reviewers give a + mark for exclusive content. As Drooler noted in his review, a lot of the photo sets were earlier shown at other sites, such as Teen Stars Magazine.
But you have to admit there are a huge amount of yummy-looking girls here. So the site is not a complete waste.
Size matters. I don't have unlimited hard drive space, and it's hard enough searching thru one hard drive. I don't want to have to look thru 10 hard drives just to see a particular photo set or video.
So if you can increase quality without increasing file size, great. Otherwise, I really would like the file size to remain manageable.
I don't give amusing titles to the porn I collect.
I do try to provide amusement or interest in some of my posts at PU, but there are members who do a far better job of this than I do.
Wittyguy, Drooler, and others can provide, at times, intelligence, humor, insight, clear thinking, color. Some reviews and posts are really enjoyable reading, beyond the basic facts/opinions presented. That's a gift. And a major reason why I look at the site on a daily basis.
If you don't have the time or patience to read the entire thread, which is only 2 pages long, you can read 2 of the more important posts of the thread:
1. The introductory post #1, by Wittyguy, which explains what he thinks a good review should include.
2. Post #7, the cheat sheet created by Toadsith, which is a detailed listing of the main factors many PU members want to see in a review.
The review you write is your own personal creation, based on your own ideas and opinions and facts, but to have value for the PU site members, some specific tech details, site numbers (number of photos, videos, etc.), and your own opinions should be included.
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