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Jay G (Disabled)
Porn is fantasy sex and adds to sex with a real partner.
In real life orgies, extreme kinky sex, and multiple sex partners most often create huge problems.
The spice of fantasy porn, however, adds zing to monogamous extra ingredient that keeps sex "hot."
06-09-09 01:11am
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badandy400 (0)
I said yes, but the real answer is somewhere between yes and no. Watching porn has given me a load of ideas for sex, not all of which just anyone is willing to do.
At the same time no because I realize that porn is a fantasy and that is the point of porn. Not every woman has natural 32 G's of a rock hard body and plastic surgery face.
06-09-09 01:13am
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Drooler (Disabled)
I never go for "ordinary." There's got to be something special about the woman. It comes from within her. Or maybe it's me projecting something. It's one of those mysteries of life.
06-09-09 03:52am
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apoctom (0)
I agree with Jay G. There is a difference between porn and the real world. However, I can see how watching porn can mess with one's expectations for real sex. Plus, as badandy mentions, porn actresses are not your normal women.
06-09-09 07:33am
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Cybertoad (Disabled)
This is a deep topic, no pun in tended, oh wait ya pun intended. .....
I think that to answer the question honestly requires one to look at the question. I think anything you do including Porn can affect and possibly spoil the current way you see sex. Rape, Molestation, Petifiles, any of these events in your life even if at a distance, including Porn can an will affect your sex life. I still can remember seeing the first simulated rape scene when I was kid went in the movies and saw a rated R was in the 70's. I remember being shocked because I never knew that happened to women, so as a Kid I saw that and went wow. Of course that didnt affect my sex life but it did ingrain in my brain the first sexual violent act towards women I saw. In fact the latest Terminator movie even had and attempted Rape scene.
If each member sits and thinks about either positive or negative sexual event then it was ingrained in your head and affected ever so slightly the future thoughts. I remember this freaky girl I knew she brought a bag of goodies over with a porn movie and a bottle of JD whiskey.
She plugged the movie in and there was a Midget getting a BJ from a girl why a Donkey did her. Again wow wont forget seeing that the first time.
It got more involved into a weird Orgy thing.
Point is just about anything can affect your sex life, from walking on your parents as kids, to getting caught masturbating. So hey think about it,
not by any mean saying all the above applied on my life LOL or I would be screwed up, but things have impacts. I remember the first time I saw a person get killed right in front of my eyes. For those in the group that have experienced that you know as I do it stays with you period. Thats the kind of think we do not look at cause and affect. I can only imagine what it does to a porn star when she has a bad experience wonder if they can ever have a normal sex life.
06-09-09 08:04am
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careylowell (0)
I posted this question after chewing the fat with my physician, someone I've known since 3rd grade. Doc mentioned in a discouraged voice that men in the 20's were pestering relentlessly for Viagra prescriptions. To a man, each mentions a porn-induced inability to reach a stiffness required for mons venus penetration. That they've been spoiled by busty online tarts and their willingness to DP or deep throat at the drop of a hat. Doc's query of why not give up porn while in a long-term relationship generates a wide-eyed expression as if the guy suggested giving up indoor plumbing. My own smut hasn't (yet) displaced the four idealized versions of females I played hide the salami with in carefree, sylvan-ish pre-HIV days. Those teens displayed then the same minor flaws found on current bedmates, now all 40-ish: extra flesh, crows feet, a saggy bow, acres of freckles and/or saddlebacks.
06-09-09 08:57am
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HeyManNiceShot (0)
No, not at all. As weird as it seems, I just don't fantasize about porn stars- it's the "ordinary-looking women" that I do fantasize about.
06-09-09 01:10pm
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turboshaft (0)
Generally no, but it's not "ordinary-looking" that is the problem, but "less creative." Hot looks don't guarantee hot sex, or anything else for that matter. Many of my favorite porn stars are not my favorites simply because of looks, but more of their onscreen personalities and open-mindedness.
It's not just the women, but many other elements of porn that are far from reality. The men, for example, are (often) in better shape than I am, with lots more tattoos and piercings, plus they act in a lot of ways that I could not see myself repeating.
If you go in with no extreme expectations -- that is, total slut or total prude -- you may be pleasantly surprised.
06-09-09 03:41pm
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lk2fireone (0)
You watch television, movies, porn, you look at magazines, you read books, see a play, you go to school: all this obviously has an effect on your sex life. The State (government, in other words) should control our lives from the moment of our birth, so that we are normal adults who will have proper sex lives.
Obviously, porn should be banned.
Next question, please.
06-09-09 07:46pm
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PinkPanther (0)
What's ordinary-looking? There's a lot of porn babes that don't have perfect bods but have a lot of sexual energy. And there are a lot of non-porn-performers that also have a lot of charisma and sexual energy. The whole rating of women against a handful of media-chosen "perfect" women is a loser's game. One of the saddest things I ever saw was a group of junior-high-aged girls way back when "10" had just come out rating themselves - "I think of myself as a 7", etc.
06-09-09 07:52pm
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Jay G (Disabled)
REPLY TO #4 - apoctom :
Hey, I was very wild when I was young and tried just about everything "because I could"...a young and spoiled kid I'd probably really dislike now if I met me from back then then in a time machine.
One thing I learned is that "real world sex" comes with lots of baggage, even one night stands. I tried lots of stuff that left a bad taste in my mouth and gave me trouble looking in a mirror, because down deep I really empathize with people and hate myself when I hurt their feelings.
It took lots of broken relationships to learn that my wild and crazy fantasies were best kept just that....fantasies.
I'm lucky to get to enjoy "real world sex" with one wonderful partner for the last many years and use porn as a wonderful "pressure valve" to let out the steam from my wild and crazy fantasies.
Best wishes!
06-10-09 05:30am
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Lionheart (0)
I am a but disappointed, watching porn gives me some new ideas about different positions and places to have sex, but the gf just likes sex in the bedroom, missionary. So watching porn make gives me some new ideas that I never get to try.
06-10-09 05:57am
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james4096 (Suspended)
No, porn hasn't spoiled sex with ordinary-looking women for me.
I'd imagine that sex with a pornstar might spoil sex with ordinary-looking women.
06-10-09 06:15am
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nygiants03 (0)
Nope. Theres a big difference between sex and masturbating to porn online. I prefer sex but porn does the job for me when noones around.
06-26-09 07:38pm
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