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Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of monty2222's Reply

Maybe he should have used the nickname someofexotic.sitsat.cybertoad.davit? Lol.

05-21-09  11:25am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I voted for boy-girl. But girl-girl isn't bad, either. More than 2 people, and I get confused who I'm supposed to be watching. If the girl is really yummy, you can even leave out the boy.

05-20-09  05:04pm

N/A Reply of Drooler's Poll

I go along with Jay G, that if I like a model, changing her hair color does not make me like her more. Probably less. One hair color that is difficult for many models is red. Redhead models, at least in the porn world, often look like a bad dye job.

05-19-09  03:50pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

Currently I will not go above $30/month for a single site. I try to find lower prices than that. Actually, there are so many sites out there that look good, that seem to be worth at least a 1-month membership, but I've been trying to limit myself to current membership in 3 sites or less per month. I think I've overdosed on porn, and I just don't get the same kick out of it that I used to.

05-19-09  03:40pm

Visit Sugar Paradise

Sugar Paradise
Reply of atrapat's Reply

Thanks for the information, atrapat. I didn't look at the TBP data. Lazy. I just checked that there were no reviews or comments at PU or TBP, and figured there was no data. Before joining PU, I used to read the TBP pages, but since joining PU, I glance at TBP only rarely. I think PU reviews are more up to date and relevant because of member details and opinions. But you reminded me that TBP is still worth looking at to see what's there. You have "site facts" at TBP even if there is no TBP review.

05-15-09  03:09pm

Visit MPL Studios

MPL Studios
Reply of Mr Fountain's Reply

Thanks for the tip. I will study pornclubcard to see if I can use it in the future. I've had 1-year memberships at met-art in the past, so I might try it that way the next time, unless I go with a 1-month membership.

05-14-09  11:16am

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of messmer's Comment

Could be the result of inter-generational cross-breeding. In the new permissive society, women can date men who are either older or younger than themselves. Thus, the sons and boyfriends of their significant others could also be approximately the same age as the mothers. "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with" mentality.

It's sometimes hard to find good porn. Too many nitpicking details get in the way of our enjoyment.

05-14-09  05:56am

Visit Virtual 3D Girls

Virtual 3D Girls
Reply of Wittyguy's Comment

I'm not a member, but from looking at the preview, the girls look yummy, not like cartoons at all. Almost, but not quite, as good as the real thing.

The guys look huge or large and threatening. But even the guys are smooth-shaven. What happened to the traditional "big, hairy monster" type? Or did that fade away back in the 1960s with the era of the bikers?

Did you notice, they even have gorgeous she-males? Yikes.

05-14-09  05:02am

N/A Reply of badandy400's Poll

I've had at least a couple of sites tell me my password had been hacked. None of them accused me of sharing my password. The sites just changed my password to let me back into the members area. So I
might have been blocked from site access for 1 or 2 days, and that was it.

Each time it happened that I was blocked from site access for a full day or more, I sent an email saying I couldn't get into members area, and I got a reply email back telling me that my password had been hacked. The support email was responsive, within 1 or 2 days.

Some sites, you send email to support, you never get a reply email. Normally I don't send emails to support, because I figure it's just a waste of time.

Last email I sent to support (at a porn site) was to Just Teen Site back in November 2008. They advertise friendly 24 hour, 7 day a week support is available. I am still waiting for my reply, even though my membership there expired in December 2008. Maybe I should give up on waiting for my reply to come.

Edit: Actually, I sent an email to Glamdeluxe support after that, asking for help on a problem. They also never replied to me.

05-14-09  04:38am

N/A Reply of badandy400's Reply

If you don't want to wait for celebrity status, there seem to be at least a few people on PU who would be interested in bidding on your item. Perhaps the PU team could set up an ebay-type auction in-house. That would help raise money for the PU staff, and some of the extra cash could be used to make a higher payout for the weekly raffle, plus extra prizes for doing good site work, like for making wonderful suggestions on how to improve the site.

I've already made two suggestions that are worthy of a cash payout:
1. I suggested PU add a section to post homemade videos on useful topics. The first subsection would be homemade videos of members using the male sex toys so the rest of us could get a leg up on the learning curve.

2. The idea of a PU auction for personal erotic items that might be difficult to sell online at more timid sites.

My brain is flush with further money-making ideas, perfect to re-invigorate the moribund economy and put cash into people's pockets.

05-13-09  04:51am

Visit J Sex Network

J Sex Network
Reply of mbaya's Comment

Uncensored Maria Oazwa videos are not easy to find. She is my personal favorite Japanese AV actress. Absolutely gorgeous.

Download limits are a pain, but you get a daily limit of 15 GB. That's a lot of download.

It's your money and your choice, but if you want Maria Ozawa, or high quality vids/photosets of Japanese porn, this is supposed to be one of the best Japanese porn sites around. Expensive, but Japanese porn, and even Japanese non-porn movies and music CDs, are expensive compared to American non-porn movies and music CDs. You buy a music video (non-porn) of some Japanese singer, it can easily cost $40 or more, plus shipping.

But the shipping charge is cheaper than flying to Japan and trying to buy this stuff in person.

05-12-09  01:35pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

What a great question. Who's going to be first to videotape themselves and post it on PU so we can get an idea of how these toys work? Actually, not sure if PU has a place to post homemade videos, but with an idea this great, there oughta be a way to do it.

Hopefully, the messy/clean part of using these toys will be downplayed. Washing up afterward seems like too much work, and would take away from the moment's pleasure.

A poll question like this one makes me wonder a bit if I really belong on PU. But if not here, where can I go to fit in with a bunch of wonderful fellas?

05-12-09  01:38am

Visit Ambya

Reply of Khan's Reply

Fantastic memory, Khan. To remember a poll question from over a year ago.

Thanks for the tip.

The best reply to the poll, in my opinion, was: Pornjackker: "It depends on what happens in the scene. Most of the time if it's just pure sex 5-10 mins is fine.
If there's a good flirtatious back story then 15-20 is good. Anything beyond 20 is really a waste of time."

His reply was entirely sensible, and fits with my thinking exactly. He also framed his reply better than I did when I tried to express the same thing.

05-10-09  06:57am

Visit Premium Pass

Premium Pass
Reply of nostromo's Comment

If by "access key" you mean the secret word thingy, badandy400 said one possible solution to guessing hard-to-see secret words is:
"Push refresh a couple times you end up with a semi-readable one."
He also reports using a girlfriend to see if she can't guess the word better.

You could also try using a different browser, such as firefox or opera, to see if that will let you log in more easily.

If none of the above work, call your credit card company that you signed up with. Tell them your story, that you paid for membership to a site, and you were not able to log on to the site. Most credit card companies would, I believe, cancel the charge for that membership. You don't even have to tell the credit card company that it's an adult site, all you have to do is give the name of the company that charged you, which will be on your credit card statement.

I'm only surprised that ccbill did not give you a refund. They have a very good reputation for being helpful and reliable.

05-10-09  06:42am

Visit Teen Core Club

Teen Core Club
Reply of Dmander6's Review

Adding my 2 cents (U.S.) worth:

Welcome to PU. Always nice to see new members.

I really like your enthusiasm. Wish I had more of it myself.

It's really great to like a site so much, and want to share your knowledge of this great site with the rest of us.

But most members want a review that is not only enthusiastic, but filled with lots of details about the site. And even if you think the site is great, you need to give a score that is at least loosely based on the details/opinions you show in your review. A lot of PU members start to scream when a score of 100 is given, because they are mainly conservative in their scoring, and tend to give much lower scores even to sites they really like.

Again, welcome to PU, and hope to see many more reviews from you.

05-10-09  06:08am

Visit Ambya

Reply of Drooler's Review

I think you brought up a really interesting point. How long should a video last?

Maybe you could make that a poll question.

Personally, unless a video is really fantastic, I don't see the point of a video that goes beyond 10 minutes. Since most videos are basically rutting, with little attention to elegant style or storyline or other factors that might increase the appeal, I think these rutting scenes get tired/boring very quickly. For me they have little appeal. But even if the models are attractive, which would be a real plus, I don't think it's more of a turn-on for a single sex scene to last beyond 10 minutes.

I am talking about the sex scene itself. It would be great to have some prolog/story that leads up to the sex scene itself, if the story is not really stupid, the conversation is not really stupid, or demeaning or trash.

Erotic is something that most sex videos ignore or have forgotten about.

It would be nice to find a site that specializes in erotic videos, where the body is mainly natural, no tattoos, lovely young models (maybe a few over-30 for Drooler and his buddies), and the videos are like mini-movies or actual movies, with a sensible plot, good dialog, good lighting, good color, soundtrack, etc. etc.

Dreaming the impossible dream. :)

05-10-09  05:47am

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

I've never seen any of his videos, and would not want to. They are outside of my personal taste.

However, I don't believe even extreme porn should be illegal, unless there it violates specific areas, such as child porn or snuff films. If the porn is merely kinky, even tho I might not appreciate it or want to view it, it should not be illegal.

Personally, I've always thought community standards is a dangerous/slippery defense. Just like being a work of cultural value (I don't remember what the specific term is that was used to decide if a work has value and is therefore not porn). Those are the wrong standards to apply.

My opinion is that unless Max Hardcore abused his models against their will, he did not commit a crime. If the models agreed to be abused, then it was no crime because they agreed to the performance and any abuse (for pay). If there was rape, that is illegal, but if the models agreed to the sex and the kinky style of sex, that is not rape, and it is not illegal.

I also don't believe prostitution should be illegal.

There are real crimes against people that should be illegal, but throwing somebody in jail because you don't like the porn he produces is really stupid and a waste of community resources. The same for prostitution. If two or more people want to have sex, unless there is some sort of violent crime involved, that should not be illegal. Whether you pay for the sex or not.

Edit: I am not saying child porn should be legal. I am not saying sex with a child should be legal. I am talking/writing about sex between consenting adults.

05-10-09  05:21am

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
Reply of messmer's Comment

I think you are just stating reality, that most video porn has been reduced to rutting and kink. I don't know whether most people appreciate porn that way, but to find anything else is not that easy. That's one major reason why I prefer photos to videos, because you can find erotic photos much more easily than erotic videos.

05-09-09  01:14pm

N/A Reply of surferman's Poll

Don't like it. But it's probably one of the less disgusting acts in porn movies. I don't like the "dirty, filthy, slutty" role of porn models. Would much rather see a little tenderness or care or simple sex, instead.

05-08-09  02:00am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I don't pay much attention to any of them. I used to read TBP reviews, but since joining PU, PU reviews are what I look at. TBP reviews are informative, but the PU reviews can have more information in the way of details and opinion (partly because of the longer space allowed for PU reviews), and the PU reviews are not written to the same mechanical system that the TBP reviews are done.

PU reviews can be not only informative, pointing out plus and minus factors about a site, but enjoyable for the opinions and flavor/humor of some of the writers.

05-04-09  10:39am

N/A Reply of Monahan's Poll

Never collected porn on VHS tapes. I started porn on the Internet. I'm not counting the old Playboy and Penthouse magazines I still have somewhere as porn.

05-02-09  02:02pm

Visit Nubile Ones

Nubile Ones
Reply of Khan's Reply

I just tried it now. Khan wrote, "If you go to the site (from our link), then hit "Join Now" but rather than joining, close the page, you should get a pop-up with the $8.95 trial offer." The pop-up with the $8.95 trial offer comes up for me, when I try to navigate away from the sign-up page. If it does not come up for you, you can try using a different browser, to see if it works that way.

But $8.95 for 3 days still seems kind of expensive to me.

05-01-09  07:25pm

Visit Sardax

Reply of Mr Fountain's Review

What about the fantasy art of Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo and Luis Royo? Frazetta started working in the 1940s, Vallejo in the 1960s, and Royo in the 1970s. They all have erotic elements in much of their artwork. Royo probably more explicit than Vallejo who is more explicit than Frazetta (a reflection of when they started working and what was allowed at that time). You don't have the formal stories supporting the illustrations of Frazetta, Vallejo, and Royo, that the Sardax site has. But Royo has come out with illustrated books with an implied storyline.

I grew up on Frazetta as a teenager (his Tarzan covers, paperback book covers), discovered Vallejo in the late 1960s) and liked what he did. Only found out about Royo in the 1990s, but like him very much.

Do you enjoy the artwork of Frazetta, Vallejo, or Royo? Or is it specifically the femdom aspect of Sardax that you enjoy, and much less looking at the female figure in artwork?

05-01-09  02:53am

N/A Reply of asmith12's Poll

Erotic is fine with me. I wouldn't mind finding attractive pix or vids with higher levels up to anal, for 1 or 2 models/actors. But DP, ATM, BDSM etc. are beyond me. I don't think I've found a single vid that I really liked for any of that. Correction: I liked "The Story of O", a BDSM movie from the 1970s that would probably be considered R-rated today, though at the time it was released it was considered semi-pornographic. By today's standards, this is erotic, would not be considered porn, and the PU members would all be screaming for close-up penetration shots.

As for ATM, each time I see one of those vids, I am always distracted by the thought that it's unhealthy, and wonder if the girl won't get diarrhea or whatnot afterwards.

04-30-09  07:52am

Visit Torbe In Russia

Torbe In Russia
Reply of Denner's Comment

Sort of off topic for porn is strange, but not really:
Porn is porn, but good humor is timeless. At a special event in New York City on Monday honoring film star Tom Hanks, film star Julia Roberts gave a speech that was supposed to be funny. Maybe I'm just too old to appreciate the humor of a superstar actor, but back when I was a teenager, or in my twenties, I would have been thrown out of any formal event where I was overheard to use words like Julia Roberts used.

Below is a summary of her speech:

"All right, well, it's late and I'm paying my babysitter overtime and I have to pee," she began.

"So Tom, everybody f---ing likes you. All my bits are gone. Listen, I had lunch today with Rita [Wilson, Hanks' wife], and her t--s were here [motioned high] and her waist was here [motioned small] and her a-- was like that [motioned high], so what can I tell you that's new? Tom Hanks,

what the f---?"

Audience members, including Charlize Theron, busted up with laughter.

She then went on to say she's seen most of Hanks' films except "That Thing (You Do)."

"I love the Coen brothers, but the hair Tom [in 2004's 'Ladykillers'], I didn't even know what the f--- that movie was about!" Of 2004's "The Terminal," she cracked, "You in the airport with the accent? It was a pass for me. Airport? Were you just an immigrant lost? I didn't know. I love you, and I didn't know what to do, really. God, I'm wearing the same f---ing dress tonight as your publicist!"

The audience again laughed.
Since you don't speak English as your native language:
f---: stands for fuck
t--s: stands for tits (breasts)
a--: stands for ass
pee: stands for pee, piss, urinate

04-28-09  04:23pm

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