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Visit Torbe In Russia

Torbe In Russia
Reply of Denner's Comment

Reading the replies to the poll submitted by GCode a few days ago, "What, in your opinion, is the oddest fetish in the porn industry?", you realize that yes, porn can be strange. What is the appeal of feces, urine, and other disgusting items? It depends on the viewer. I prefer to not even think about it.

I seem to remember back in the 1970s Penthouse magazine did some short articles on the sexual appeal of men and women who were disfigured by accident and/or disease.

As for Torbe, I don't find him appealing, and I would not join this site.

04-28-09  03:31pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I don't travel much, so my porn collection is usually only a click on my PC away (or, turn on the PC, then go click-click-click with the mouse). So I guess I'm really close to my porn collection. Put that way, I'm starting to wonder if I'm addicted or not. Never really thought about it until I joined this site.

04-28-09  03:17pm

N/A Reply of Jay G's Reply

I read an opinion piece recently. The writer said that our Republican representatives in Congress and the Senate who were secretly gay but strongly anti-gay rights were not hypocrites. They recognized that homosexuality was wrong, and they were fighting that evil not just in society but also in themselves. The fact that some of them have been exposed for their homosexual activity means they are only human.

What I got from the piece was that any position could be defended. That's what lawyers are for.

04-27-09  08:39am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Big brother is watching.

We now accept that government watches and records almost every move we make. So why not our fellow PU members as well? The technology is there, so why not use it?

Does this mean we now have greater trust in each other?

So many questions. We need President Bush to return and tell us what to do.

He would know the answer to all our polls.

Does PU list President Bush among our members? If not, perhaps he could be hired as a site consultant.

04-26-09  10:55am

Visit Porn Access

Porn Access
Reply of Denner's Reply

Merriam-Webster Dictionary: stinger, one that stings.

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee," quote by Muhammad Ali.

Stinger sounds like a wannabe boxer/fighter. But as the great one also said, "My toughest fight was with my first wife."

So how good is Stinger in a clinch?

My guess is Vegas Ken and Stinger are 2 separate people. Vegas Ken is just passing along the news of the special $5 membership offer that Stinger (from Porn Access) is telling us about.

If you were just making a joke, sorry, sometimes I can be kind of slow on the uptake.

04-25-09  10:57am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I like pix more than vids.
The pix I look at are normally silent.
Maybe I should pay someone to play organ music like in the pre-talky movie-time days of yore.

When I do watch vids, the sound track is usually annoying. The music is usually lousy, the actors make a lot of fake-sounding moans and groans, the dialog is stupid, the cameraman/director sometimes makes annoying comments/directions. So I mainly turn the volume way down after the first minute, or mute the sound completely.

04-24-09  04:35am

N/A Reply of Khan's Poll

Instead of big hairy, how about small hairy? You probably don't want the girl's pubic hair dragging on the floor. Tho that might be a future fashion statement.

04-22-09  06:37am

N/A Reply of GCode's Reply

GCode, “Me thinks he doth protest too much.” [William Shakespeare]

Me, I just left it at "sexual attraction can be really weird."

So I know I'm straight. How about you? (Lol).

Actually, way back when, you didn't need she-males for this confusion. There were guys dressed as females that were supposed to be very attractive. There was some club in San Francisco that was famous for this type of show, but I never saw any show like this.

04-20-09  01:59pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I'd say, "Drooler must be Wittyguy's older brother. It can be a real pleasure reading some of their posts. They also write solid, informative reviews."

As for the original gender of my favorite models: After looking at some of these attractive she-males, I'm thinking that sexual attraction can be really weird.

04-20-09  04:56am

Visit Blue Fantasies

Blue Fantasies
Reply of Denner's Comment

PCs are wonderful. They add so much frustration to our lives.

You might try clearing the cache. If that doesn't work, try using a different browser. That might work if the problem is with your browser.

If the problem is with the site server, then you will have to wait for their tech people to fix it.

Keep smiling, tho. That might help to confuse the enemy (whoever that might be).

04-18-09  12:03pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

Piss and shit are unappealing.
But there are stranger fetishes out there. You just have to know where to look. Fortunately, I have not bothered, and don't know. But I have faith that people can get turned on by anything, no matter how odd or crazy. I guess that necrophilia and snuff films would be at the outer limits, along with other illegal areas such as bestiality and kiddy porn.
On a milder note, I remember seeing one site where the fetish is the snot from a girl's nose.

04-18-09  04:41am

Visit Porn Access

Porn Access
Reply of Vegas Ken's Comment

Just checked my email, and I got a confirmation on my membership.
It says:
"You ordered the following product:
30 days Membership at 5.00 USD that will automatically rebill every 30 days at 29.95 USD.
Site URL:: http://www.pornaccess.com"

Also, remember to uncheck the special offer when you give your credit card information, unless you want to join whatever site they are currently promoting when you join the porn access site.

04-17-09  05:08pm

Visit Porn Access

Porn Access
Reply of Vegas Ken's Comment

My understanding is that for $5 you get a 30 day full membership.
After 30 days, membership renews automatically at 29.95 usd every 1 month(s).

That's what I copied down when I joined this afternoon.

Are you saying that the membership will renew at $5 per month?

That would be great, but I kind of doubt it.

04-17-09  04:32pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Lost my entire collection once due to a virus. I was running an antivirus program on my PC at the time (from CA), but it didn't stop the virus from trashing my hard drive.

04-16-09  09:05am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

It's hard to delete anything. But I've got so much junk that, from time to time, I do get rid of some of the worst. Otherwise I wouldn't have any room to put the new stuff.

04-15-09  06:30am

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

Change it. Let the points expire 7 days after they are first earned. That would make it a real rat race. Survival of the fittest. And the badges should be changed as well, from wimpy pervs to strength and valor. The Upthrust Cock is the badge all us pervs should be sporting. But once earned, however it is earned, the Upthrust Cock should be emblazoned on our foreheads (and foreskins, if we sport one) until we go mightily into the earth and beyond.(I've been watching some anime lately, and it's fired my imagination.)

04-12-09  01:17am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

For some of the girls who don't speak English, they are dubbed into English. So you get fake voices along with the fake moans and groans that are supposed to make you think the actors are really excited by the sex they are performing. That makes the video worth less.

Some PU members have mentioned they usually turn the sound off on the vids after the first minute or so, because the sound track is so bad.

If the girl is hot (personality-wise), then an accent can add to the allure. But I haven't found any porn vids where an accent actually added much to the action.

As you can tell, I'm assuming the poll is based on the idea of a girl's accent in a porn vid. If you are talking about accents in the real world, that's a different case, where an accent can easily add to a girl's appeal, as long as you can still understand what she's saying.

04-10-09  02:29am

N/A Reply of badandy400's Reply

I'm not in the business, so I don't really know.
But my impression is that for most of the single model sites, the model herself does not own the site, and I kinda doubt she gets any fixed percentage of the site revenues. The model probably gets paid for any photo shoots (pix, vids) that she does, and that's it. The site owners are the ones that get whatever money the site generates. So if a girl stops modeling for that site, that's the end of her income from that site. And the site owners would collect whatever money the site gets in the future.
I've read that some models had a site dedicated to them, then there was a second site dedicated to them, and then maybe even a third site dedicated to them, after the model had stopped participation (modeling) for the first and second site.

It would be smart of the model to get a percentage of any site revenues. But I don't know how much leverage these models have.

04-09-09  12:20pm

Visit First Sex Video

First Sex Video
Reply of mbaya's Review

Great review, that really gives the essential details and flavor of the site, as usual. I'm a fan of your reviews.

The only thing I wonder about is your comment that "the sex is nothing much". I'm not a member of brainpass.com network or this site, so I haven't seen the specific videos here in their entirety.

But I've seen short clips of a bunch of Pierre Woodman videos.
Personally, I don't like his style of sex in Casting X: it's brutal on the women, and I don't know how or why they seem to respond so favorably to the apparent pain.
Woodman seems to ream them out: mouth, vagina, ass.

My question is: why do you feel the sex is nothing much?
Are we (myself included) getting so blase to sex?

I guess a second question would be: how the hell does he get to pound so many gorgeous girls? I mean, sweet Lord, why is life so frickin' unfair?

04-08-09  11:09am

N/A Reply of badandy400's Poll

I go for standard sites. I'm more interested in pix than vids.
Single model sites, unless I'm really crazy about the model, are just too limited. The standard sites can give you a large variety of models, with, hopefully, some variety in the photographers and photo shoots so that you can find at least some sets that are appealing.
I don't think I've joined any DVD sites yet. I hope to sometime in the future. But I wonder if it's really worthwhile trying to watch a bunch of DVDs that I don't care for, trying to find a few that I might like. You can glance through a photo set in a few minutes to see if it's interesting, but if you watch a DVD, that takes a lot of time to download, and to watch, and the DVD could easily be a waste of time.
Photo sets are so much easier to enjoy than videos, for a whole bunch of reasons.

04-08-09  10:23am

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Bierflesje's Comment

If clearing your cache does not solve the problem, try this:
use a different browser (IE, firefox, opera, whatever) to connect to the site.

badandy400 posted this advice to another member, golden zebra, who could not join a site:
"I would try clearing all of your temporary files and cookies. This typically clears up many of the issues that arise. Another option is to try using a different browser, firefox, IE, ect. Good luck."

golden zebra was able to join the site by using a different browser (firefox).

04-06-09  04:28pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
Reply of Bierflesje's Comment

Computers can be funny.

A week ago I tried loading the intro page for Amour Angels on my PC. That page did not load the images that it is supposed to show. Instead, I got a page that is mainly white-space.

(I am not a member of that site, was just trying to look over the models at the site.)

Anyway, I mentioned this in a comment at PU, asking if other PU members had the same problem. I got 2 replies, from Khan (PU staff) and Goldfish, stating they had no problem loading the page.

I then cleared my cache (I use Firefox browser), but that did not work. I still can't properly load the intro page for Amour Angels with Firefox. I also use Opera, a different browser, and that will properly load the Amour Angels page, with the images.) I also have that same problem for a few other sites with Firefox, I've noticed. I don't know why my Firefox browser does not load the images from some sites/pages. I need to slam my browser or PC upside of the head or go for anger management.

What I'm trying to say is that the problem seems to be in your PC software somewhere, maybe in your browser. Basing this on Khan's reply that he is able to load the site properly.

You can try clearing your browser cache. That might work, and would be a simple solution (that did not work for me, unfortunately).

04-06-09  12:55pm

N/A Reply of GCode's Poll

How about the entire globe?
Most of the time, I'd stay in North America or Europe, where English is spoken.
But I'd also like to see the rest of the world, as well.

04-06-09  02:19am

N/A Reply of Colm4's Poll

I did not vote. I would have voted "No", because I've never played a porn site game. Never heard of a porn site game, except for this poll. But I can't really call porn site games stupid, because I don't know what they are.

04-05-09  02:59pm

N/A Reply of Wittyguy's Poll

I honestly don't know what the attraction is. But since joining, I visit this site more than any other. On a daily basis. The only thing that comes close is checking my emails.

I need to get a life. And some more variety. Maybe I should visit my doctor more often.

04-02-09  12:34am

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