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james4096 (Suspended)
Oh my god, never.
But seriously. That would suck royally. I guess I should back my stuff on DVD's at least.
This 1 tb external might fail me one day. And then what would I do?
04-16-09 02:42am
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Drooler (Disabled)
Here's a nice series of cautionary tales for you folks who don't back up, and perhaps even for those who do!
Once I had a hard drive failure -- a shock brought on by a power failure and, I suppose, a surge. However, I had a plug-strip surge protector and the whole house had a built-in surge protector, too. Maxtor.
So I "lost" a lot of data. Good news: most of it was backed up on CDs. Bad news: most of it was backed up on CDs. ;) Took a while to transfer that stuff to a new hard drive. Noisy, too.
And I had a computer virus wreck a system. Was updating the anti-virus and running scans, but nooo. McFuckafee. Lost about a week's worth of collected but not-yet-backed-up porno.
Had data loss of file names with a drive formatted in FAT32. My "long file" names were made "short" by some glitch. Imagine file names like "092JadeNiceButt.jpg" becoming "092NIC~1.JPG" thousands of times.
I caught that one in progess, just after having dinner. "What the fuck is THIS?" was my response. There was this program running on the main PC (FAT 32 was external), cheerfully ruining my archives at a rapid pace. I finally had to pull the juice. Fucking thing screwed up about 50% of my archives.
I've learned from every one of these experiences. Yes, I found out through some post-crisis research that FAT32 has its risks.
Can't wait 'til the next unforeseeable "surprise."
04-16-09 02:44am
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james4096 (Suspended)
REPLY TO #2 - Drooler :
I don't know why externals sill come formatted in FAT32. The first thing I did when I got my WD mybook was format it NTFS.
04-16-09 03:42am
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Toadsith (0)
I've had one drive fail, and I've erased the collection more times than I can recall (with any accuracy at least). Reformatting, needed the space, et cetera. I'm not strongly attached to it.
04-16-09 06:22am
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Denner (0)
Back in "the old days" I lost some great stuff - but since then I rely on two external hd's for my porn ONLY...
04-16-09 06:59am
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lk2fireone (0)
Lost my entire collection once due to a virus. I was running an antivirus program on my PC at the time (from CA), but it didn't stop the virus from trashing my hard drive.
04-16-09 09:05am
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elonlybuster (0)
Had it happen once and I learned my lesson. It was a 500GB hard drive I happened to score 1 before they got big and were in every store including wal-mart. I have 3 partitions and I was trying to install Linux and stupidly reformatted the partition that had my mass amount of porn. From that day on I backed the videos I like the most to an external and I only connect it when I need to back up or restore something.
It only took me once to make a major screw up and lose files I know I'll never have back ever again.
04-16-09 10:37am
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Drooler (Disabled)
REPLY TO #3 - james4096 :
FAT32 has an advantage, or maybe "had" (I haven't kept up with the Mac world enough), in that it was both Windows and Mac compatible. And that's why I'd kept that old FAT32 unchanged. But it didn't turn out so well ...
And reformatting to NTFS takes HOURS, nearly DAYS with the huge capacity drives. But it's worth it.
04-16-09 10:50am
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Wittyguy (0)
I had it happen once when I got a nasty virus / spyware thing. Learned my lesson about keeping up with my MS updates which I was ignoring at the time. Today, I do back up regularly with an external but keep my main stash on my hard-drive ... which is getting old and will probably die at some inauspicious moment.
04-16-09 11:20am
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uscue (0)
A 100Gig Western Digital drive broke about 6 months ago...As I unplugged it, the (whatever you call it) that you plug from the computer into the drive actually broke back into the drive. That's the best I can explain it. The drive is still intact, just can't plug it into anything. WD doesn't do repairs and said I'd have to take it somewhere...where I was quoted about $600. Not worth it even though I had a good maybe 70 gigs on there
04-16-09 11:41am
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Monahan (0)
I packed two external hard drives (not "portables") in my checked luggage on a long business trip. One had business stuff and the other had my porn stash.
When I arrived at my destination, all worked perfectly, but when I got home, the drive with the porn stash was not recognized by my 'puter. The shop i use for repairs told me that it was likely that the drive was dislodged as a result of rough handling and that it had a 50/50 chance of being recoverable. Paid $55 for him to rescue it. He couldn't.
Since I did not have an inventory of what was in the stash, I lost everything and had no idea how to find what was lost.
But I learned two lessons.
1. Never pack an external hard drive in my luggage unless I have a complete back-ip.
2. Keep a better record of the content of each drive and the sources of the material (I now use a freeware program, "Karen's Directory Printer," to inventory each drive.)
04-16-09 11:50am
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Monahan (0)
REPLY TO #3 - james4096 :
Right answer. I learned back with my Win2000 machine that NTSF was the only formatting a PC user should ever use.
04-16-09 11:55am
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Tree Rodent (0)
It's twice and I'm still cheesed, but I am learning. I now have an external drive to store valuable stuff and cd's for invaluable stuff.
04-16-09 04:16pm
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kkman112 (0)
I have lost stuff in the past, but most of it I can either find easily again or not care about it being lost. Today, stuff I buy is all backed up online (and encrypted) along with some select "REALLY GOOD" stuff. So I am not really worried about loosing stuff.
04-16-09 04:58pm
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GCode (0)
I have not had anything like this happen yet but I'd be devastated for sure. I'm surprised that it has happened to so many people, were these internal or external harddrives? I know external's can crash and I have heard this but I kinda thought it was like a 1 in a LOT of people thing...I'm not so sure now :(
04-16-09 06:33pm
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exotics4me (0)
I had it happen this past year, an older 500 GB WD My Book drive, clicked a few times, made a whistle noise and that was all she wrote.
On a side note, you all should check out the new Iomega Prestige externals. I picked a 1 TB up for $109, it is small, doesn't get hot at all and best of all, is pre-formatted to NTFS, I've since added another 1 TB and a 1.5 TB as well.
04-16-09 11:12pm
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badandy400 (0)
I have had several drives poop on me, no surprise there though. I was able to recover the data however.
Usually the drives where having the file system screwed up and I was able to recover them but never able to reformat and reuse.
Just last week I had a 1.5 TB have an identity crisis. It believed it was a 500 GB no matter how I looked at it and no matter which computer I had it in. Fortunately I was able to fix that on up as well.
So all in all I have had no major losses in some time now which is very surprising. I did lose stuff frequently back in the day before I had my own computer to stuff with porn.
04-17-09 12:36am
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TalonIcefire (0)
REPLY TO #2 - Drooler :
Drooler, I've had everything go wrong that you've listed to include the McFuckafee mess. Coincidentally, I no longer use that program. Now I reformat every drive be they internal or external before storing data. I use an internal drive for all downloads, scrub them, sanitize them, and then transfer them to whatever external I've got them designated for as well as backed up DVD discs. If it's all the same, I'd prefer to hold off on the next unforeseeable "surprise."
04-17-09 03:37am
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TalonIcefire (0)
REPLY TO #15 - GCode :
GCode, errors can take place in both external and internal drives. Screw-up’s can be from registry, viral, heat, weather, power surge, or any number of reasons to be honest. I had a newly installed, brand fracking new internal drive (before my first external purchase) installed. It was NTSF formatted. The third day of use, it failed. I lost over 300 GB of data.
04-17-09 03:46am
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asmith12 (0)
REPLY TO #12 - Monahan :
> NTSF was the only formatting a PC user should ever use.
Ahem. I don't want to start a flame on this topic (there are lots of other much interesting topics to flame on :-) ), but NTFS has two big disadvantages:
1. while it is indeed more difficult to crash it, it is also much more difficult to retrieve something from it if it crashes.
2. NTFS slows to a crawl (IMHO much worse) on reaching magic number of "90% used" (and speed doesn't necessarily comes back when you're back to below-90%). I even think I know why, but this is beyond the scope of this poll :-).
04-17-09 06:37am
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Drooler (Disabled)
REPLY TO #18 - TalonIcefire :
Amen to that!
04-17-09 02:26pm
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badandy400 (0)
REPLY TO #20 - asmith12 :
I would like to hear it so go ahead and enlighten us. I have noticed this same thing and never put much thought to it. So please give us your thoughts and knowledge.
04-17-09 11:44pm
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asmith12 (0)
REPLY TO #22 - badandy400 :
My humble understanding of it is that NTFS normally reserves 10% of the file size for the future file growth. It helps to reduce fragmentation in the beginning, but on the flip side it means as soon as disk usage reaches 90%, there is no contiguous space left, as all free space is contained in those "reserved" chunks. As soon as this point is reached, NTFS starts to use all that micro-chunks as a space for further files, which obviously makes fragmentation of these new files sky-rocket, which in turn leads to the system being slowed down A LOT.
Disclaimer: this is just my understanding, if somebody KNOWS how it really works, please don't hit me too hard :-).
04-19-09 11:00pm
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