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User : tangub (0)  

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Visit Club Madison Scott

Club Madison Scott
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (tangub's Reply)

She embraced the blond large breasted look that so many like to do in this profession. She started her career as a dark blond small breasted girl with freckles but at some point the implants had to appear and I think she may have had some slight facial alterations as well. Mind you implants have a way of altering the way we see a girl and that's without adding plastic surgery.

12-10-10  07:17pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
REPLY TO #11 from Khan: (tangub's Reply)

Yes, I agree, it is a very good first review and we look forward to seeing more from this user.

And yes, it is generally *specific* info about a site's content (how much, what size, etc) that will fulfill the "Each pro/con should be explained ..." criteria for the excellent score.

Also note, a first review that has a high score and reads like a site promotion is rarely rewarded with the maximum points.

Since his latest edit (he's submitted several now) has provided a little more info, we're going to go ahead and give him the two points. Time will tell if he's just here to promote DDF Productions.

12-10-10  08:01am

Visit Club Madison Scott

Club Madison Scott
Reply of tangub's Review from pat362:

Just a small adder to your review. She left the porn biz a couple of months ago so that's why you don't see any updates after September. Unless the people behind this site have alot of unreleased content then I would recommend this site only to get access to the network.

12-09-10  06:58pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
REPLY TO #9 from Khan: (tangub's Reply)

If you look at the page explaining the point system ...

... you'll note there's a little more to it than just the word count.

If anyone is ever interested in how they can earn the maximum points from their submissions, feel free to drop me an email.

12-09-10  02:40pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
REPLY TO #5 from Thedebilman666: (tangub's Reply)

Thanks, what are these points you speak of?

12-09-10  01:34pm

Visit Forever Vamp

Forever Vamp
REPLY TO #2 from Holly Randall: (tangub's Reply)

I think I know what happened-- FV.com was "quietly" live for a little while to beta test... the set wasn't supposed to be live yet and was only up for a few hours before I had it pulled, so it was just bad timing! ;)

Glad you like the rest of my site, I've got so much more to come and I'm really excited!!!

12-08-10  03:58pm

Visit Forever Vamp

Forever Vamp
Reply of tangub's Review from Holly Randall:

Thanks for the review-- yes the site is starting off small but it will grow. I'm starting off with two updates a week but will probably move to three early next year. My goal was to update my network with 7 of my exclusive sets a week, which this site has enabled me to do. I have a boy/girl fetish shoot planned for the new year so that will be up soon. As far as the Vanessa "Control Room" shoot it was actually up as a mistake (I replaced it with an Angela Ryan set)-- that's next week's update, and that set isn't anywhere on HollyRandall.com so I'm not sure how you already downloaded it from there. There are several other sets of Vanessa on HR.com at the same location but it's not the same set. Hopefully you'll come back to the site in a few months and think more of it! :)


12-08-10  11:11am

Visit Errotica Archives

Errotica Archives
REPLY TO #1 from gregdd: (tangub's Reply)

Good thing about technology is everything is getting better and more hi-res. The new videos are awesome, but you're always limited to the creativity and eroticism of both the models and the photographers. They too are improving due to the competition and exposure generated by the internet.

12-07-10  09:56am

Visit Holly Randall

Holly Randall
Reply of tangub's Review from Denner:

Nice/helpful review there, tangub - thanks.
Holly Randall really TRIES to make it - in the shadow of her mother.
And I've tried to keep up with her deals - oh, yes - compared to Suze..
First: the solo-deals seems very fine in the previews.....but after that?
Well - I'll certainly not be a judge here - as I've never joined the site - only seen previews.
Then again according to this tangub review - it certainly look like a good idea to watch the development...Holly may take over in the future...

12-04-10  09:25am

Visit Metcn.cc

REPLY TO #8 from Lovechina: (tangub's Reply)

I do not see them.

you are very carefull.

thank you very much.

I just see photos.

I do not say the text in the website.

Maybe The Chinese like copy others`s word.

Copy in China is very usual.

12-03-10  10:14pm

Visit Metcn.cc

REPLY TO #3 from Lovechina: (tangub's Reply)

What is up?
You can copy other `s words freely.

what you said is my words.

Should I call the lawyer?

I think your the sham of the metart.

Because your comment link to the metart.

Is a normal comment linking to another site?

12-03-10  04:23am

Visit Play With Faye

Play With Faye
Reply of tangub's Review from pat362:

Thanks for the review. It was very informative. I hope you review more of the sites in that network. I'm curious to know if some of the others are better than this one. I have always been a huge fan of Faye but her site like most other porn performers is not worth the money they ask. I can confirm that this is her official site but it has never had a large amount of updates.

I had high hope that you would finally see Faye do more stuff but that hasn't happened.

12-02-10  06:26pm

Visit Young Busty

Young Busty
REPLY TO #6 from badandy400: (tangub's Reply)

There are several forum threads about download managers. There are many free ones and many to pay for. I personally use Internet Download Manager, or IDM. If you notice on the newer reviews by the TBP staff they also use IDM and tell you if it will work on the sites. It works on most, but to differing degrees.

Try a couple free ones and I believe IDM has a trial period as well. Downloads.com is a good place to see what is out there. One thing is for sure, if you download more than a few files here and there a manager will save you a lot of time and headache.

12-02-10  12:26pm

Visit Metcn.cc

REPLY TO #1 from Capn: (tangub's Reply)

Yes the wording on the home page uses similar phrasing & the final tour page pretty much asserts that it is a Met Art site.

Cap'n. :0/

12-02-10  09:00am

Visit Young Busty

Young Busty
REPLY TO #2 from badandy400: (tangub's Reply)

To be fair I did not notice the zips until the last day or two in my membership. I downloaded what I could in that short time frame. I would say 85-90% of the them have zips. There does not seem to be an rhyme or reason to which do though. Some from 2007 have zips and a few from 2010 do not, and every where in between.

If you use IDM, and possible other download managers, the sets that do not have zips can be batch downloaded with a bit of creative thinking. Nothing too tough though.

12-02-10  08:14am

Visit Play With Faye

Play With Faye
Reply of tangub's Review from graymane:

Nice review, tangub. Interesting and informative.
I don't know, nor have I heard anything but positive comments about Faye's remarkable beauty. She's certainly got that something extra...especially those tradmark freckles -- which marks her signature for so much success.
Keep your opinions coming. I think we all can benefit from them.

12-02-10  07:37am

Visit Play With Faye

Play With Faye
Reply of tangub's Review from Denner:

Nice/helpful review, tangub..
At the moment not too keen on US-sites - it's just temporary - but Faye looks great - and have for some times wanted to visit Suze's daughter Holly's site.....
Fine info here....and the price is not bad. Going for some serious browsing...

12-02-10  06:01am

Visit Naughty Amateur Home Videos

Naughty Amateur Home Videos
REPLY TO #5 from lk2fireone: (tangub's Reply)

There are few limits when it comes to ways people can grab more of your money.

When I bought my first computer, many years ago, I bought it from a mail-order company. The company was out of state, which means it was located in a different state from the one I lived in. I live in the United States. At that time, and it's still the case, out of state sellers did not charge state sales tax (no sales tax from the state of the seller, and no sales tax from the state of the buyer).

But I was charged my state sales tax on the purchase of the PC, by the seller.

In theory, the seller was supposed to turn the "state sales tax" money over to the state I lived in.

On a practical basis, there was no way to check to see if the seller did turn the money over to my state, or just kept the money.

And legally, I believe the seller could keep the "sales tax money", and claim that it was holding the money to turn over to my state. If the matter had ever gone to a court of law.

But my guess is that the "VAT tax" would be kept by the seller, with the intention of turning it over the the British government. This would happen when the seller dies, and goes to heaven, and does pay the British government it's fair share of all revenues.

11-21-10  11:52am

Visit Teen Deja

Teen Deja
REPLY TO #1 from SteveO: (tangub's Reply)

I agree that the small amount of content would not justify the cost for most people. Solo girl sites in general are not the best deal in my opinion. I also have a 21Sextury membership and have been very busy with the vast amount of content on the site. I just felt like adding her to my collection so I said "what the hell." I see they are running a 3 day trial of Real Peachez for 8.95 so maybe I will check it out after Thanksgiving.

11-19-10  12:20pm

Visit 88 Square

88 Square
Reply of tangub's Comment from PinkPanther:

FYI - TheBlackAlley.com has the archives of the old Asian4You site, is run by the same people, they're still doing lots of new work in that same heavily lacquered fashion.

11-17-10  11:02pm

Visit 88 Square

88 Square
Reply of tangub's Comment from Denner:

Thanks - good update/comment...
Have not been there since - yes, me too: Asian4You quite some time back.
Did some browsing now and then at 88 Square - because - and I agree - a lot of fine Asian (not Japanese(entirely)) material - and not Thai, though it claims to be - it's mostly Hong Kong-based, I think.
Anyway: Looks fine with those bonus sites (except Pink Affairs - which is euro licensed material)
Look forward to a new review here, if you join before this user, tangub.

11-17-10  07:07am

Visit Tania Spice

Tania Spice
REPLY TO #3 from exotics4me: (tangub's Reply)

The way I was mainly looking at it is that I would recommend joining Pacino's Adventures + full access trial to Tania's solo site for a combined $34.95 over joining Tania's solo site as your main site. The one site you don't get with Tania's solo site is Pacino's Adventures. I kind of felt frustrated, not so much burned, back when I joined Pacino's Adventures last year then joined Gigi Spice's solo site only to find that 1/3 or so the content on it was on Pacino's Adventures. From what I can see, Gigi, Tania and Karla still have standalone sites. They each come with the same bonus sites as Pacino's Adventures. I don't think any of those 3 though are even close to Pacino's Adventures in terms of quantity or quality. The thing to notice, there have been other solo model sites through Pacino, like my favorite of his, Pamela Spice. It looks like once he runs of stashed sets, he adds their sites to the bonus sites.

Gigi is the best example right now as she has implants now and is going by her real name, I assume, Carolina Alvarez. Yet, her solo site is still releasing new updates that look like they're 3-4 years old.

11-15-10  12:49pm

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
REPLY TO #3 from Capn: (tangub's Reply)

Thanks for the support!

Cap'n. :0)

11-09-10  03:24pm

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of tangub's Comment from Capn:

If that is the attitude of the Webmanager, take your business elsewhere.

I can't understand why after all the negative publicity CCBill persist in offering this unfair service.

As a result of this I am boycotting the use of CCBill where there is an alternative.

Cap'n. :0 E

11-09-10  08:55am

Visit Watch 4 Beauty

Watch 4 Beauty
Reply of tangub's Comment from Denner:

This is - very gently put: NONSENSE!
That answer from W4B only states/underlines what a lot of PUs suspect: Speculation in getting more money out certain users.

A LOT of sites I've joined they DO have an alternative billing co. - like EPOCH for one.

AND those sites gave me a link after writing to the webmaster - how to join at the $-price from Europe (or else where outside the US, for that matter)...

The excuse here is very out of line - there's NOTHING like these so called "European Union rules.........."

Well, thanks, tangub - now we know THIS about W4B.

11-09-10  08:26am

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