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Visit Nude Fight Club

Nude Fight Club
REPLY TO #6 from Capn: (elephant's Reply)

I think 'covering all bases' tends to lead to generic monotony.

Cap'n :0/

11-28-12  09:46am

Visit Nude Fight Club

Nude Fight Club
Reply of elephant's Review from mbaya:

I liked the site, but found that I got tired of the content rather quickly. To me the real test is if I want to watch the content six months from now. When I first saw the site, I would rate it about 80. Now generously a 70.

11-27-12  05:47am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #13 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

Hey elephant. I thought you might get a kick out of this article.


11-26-12  06:14pm

Visit Nude Fight Club

Nude Fight Club
REPLY TO #2 from Capn: (elephant's Reply)


Much as I thought, my friend.

I can't fathom why all networks seem to contain eclectic material rather than related topics & fetishes.

Cap'n. :0/

11-26-12  02:25pm

Visit Nude Fight Club

Nude Fight Club
Reply of elephant's Review from Capn:

I am intrigued by this.
More from the softcore stripping angle than the latter parts of the scene.

I suppose the rest of the network is a mixed stew of hardcore?

Cap'n :0/

11-26-12  02:01pm

Visit DDF Network

DDF Network
REPLY TO #12 from Ace DDF: (elephant's Reply)

Thanks for the positive compliments Elephant, much appreciated! Yes we are working hard and fine tuning a Super Sweet design for all the sites with much more interactivity with the site as well as our models. We will definitely have some Christmas specials coming soon, and affiliates are rolling out a 2 Day Free Promo with 25% discount on monthly recur for life of membership. We hope to see you as a member soon!


11-26-12  08:16am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #12 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

We can thank one of our past Canadian Government for their policies in regards to our banks and financial institutes whereby they were not allowed to trade on some dubious stocks or futurs and were not given free rein to monitor themselves. That's why Canada wasn't directly hit by the World recession but was instead hurt by the colateral damage done to all the Countries we do business with. The US is our biggest trading partner so when they go in a Recession then we see a slowdown in our exports and that is not good for us.

I hope you are right about lessons being learned because I truly believe that they haven't learned anything. When greed is your God then anything to aquire wealth is acceptable. Look at the US who suffered one of their worst recession in the last 100 years and see all the bonuses the companies responsible for that recession gave themselves once they saw a little bit of profit. Now that takes balls.

11-25-12  10:57am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #10 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

Living in Canada makes it hard to appreciate just how bad it really is everywhere else in the World. I like to keep informed on Worldly news so I have a better idea than your average Canadian so I know that most of Europe is in serious trouble. Too many Countries had their fingers in the US pie and didn't look far enough to see that the US was playing a very dabngerous game. Sadly other Countries simply can't manage their affairs and the level of corruption is so high and so wide spread that I can't see how they will be able to fix it.

It's true that the quality of Tube Site content is not very good but it's free so people don't complain too much. At least those that do don't have any actual moral grounds to complain but all these freeloaders still complain. You have to either have gigantic balls of steel or be delusional to argue that the content you are stealing is so bad that you didn't want to pay for it.

11-25-12  09:18am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #8 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

I think Eastern European porn is in serious danger but there are many reason for that.

1-They were hit a lot harder by the syphilis outbreak than we were in North America or maybe they were more honest.(I tend to believe the later myself).
2-Russia no longer allowing the filming of porn has put a significant
strain on the number of new girls coming into the industry. Unlike North America that tends to have the same girls stick with porn longer. New girls are very important for the Euro porn industry.
3-Competitoon in Europe is a lot fiercer than here and therefore most girls simply can't make enough mney with just porn and most are turning to escorting whcih in turn means that they get less porn offeers because they are outside the Country doing escort tours or studios avoid hiring them because they are a too big a risk because of the fact that they sleep with way too many non-porn people.
4-The economy is bad here but awful over there so most companies that could barely make ends meet a few years ago are doing anything they can to retain the few people still willing to pay for the poor updates they offer.
5-Tube Sites..Tube Sites..Tube Sites. It's no secret that a large percentage of people are now getting their porn from these sites so it's no surprise that new porn is not getting made. Why would anyone bother making new porn if he knows it will be uploaded to a tube site within hours after he's released the scene?

11-24-12  10:07am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #5 from Jay G: (elephant's Reply)

Well, updates take work and a lot of stuff on the net took work until someone got tired of working......a pretty common thing I find as I roam the net.

11-24-12  04:48am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #4 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

I've been a repeat customer of TMW for a couple of years now and I even went so far as keep my membership active for more than one month
in the past but my last time was truly the last time I'll join this site. They were never known for their great preview section but you at least had the assurance that the content inside was top notch. That of course is no longer the case.

I wish I had joined Diesel when they were offerinr network access because there's no way I'm joining for 3 months to get it. At least not any time soon.

I don't want to be a dwoner but I don't think that 21sextury is doing all that much better than either of these networks. I've seen a serious drop in the quality of their content. Not the production aspect because that is always very good but the final product just doesn't look all that interesting and worse. It's often the same girl, doing the same thing with the same guy(s) but shot in a different location.

11-23-12  06:30pm

Visit Bangbros Network

Bangbros Network
REPLY TO #1 from messmer: (elephant's Reply)

You are welcome, elephant. I have to say it's been a real shock to me because Bangbros was one of the more reputable sites in my opinion.

11-23-12  04:08pm

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of elephant's Comment from pat362:

I more or less implied that the site was in danger in my recent review and this latest thing is not looking good for them. I think it's just a question of time for them. The people that used to produce the bulk of their content aren't doing so well so they have had to go elsewhere to get content and frankly elsewhere is really nowhere.

This is possibly just a glitch but then agin maybe not. I don't know if you noticed something that I did but the site's webmaster used to always post a comment in the reviews or reply to comments but he or she has not been heard from since early October.

11-23-12  03:43pm

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of elephant's Comment from Jay G:

That's what I got too. Pretty sure it's something they did wrong (someone didn't do his homework)

11-23-12  06:34am

Visit Reality Kings

Reality Kings
REPLY TO #3 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

It's a very good network of sites to join and the price is excellent.

Here is some info for you.

Moms Bang Teens is a nice addition since they have only been online since January. The downside is that they don't update on a regular basis so you have some months where there are 2-4 new scenes and then you have months where there are only 1. At least you have 31 scenes at the moment.

Milf Next Door suffers from low updating. They only have 6 scenes this year and 7 for last year. Basically it all went to hell in 2009 because that's when you saw a significant reduction in their upates.

10-28-12  09:00am

Visit Sex Art

Sex Art
REPLY TO #5 from exotics4me: (elephant's Reply)

I guess I will have to eventually try X-Art out. I wish they would get a few more ethnic or exotic models. And watered down was my feeling exactly with Sex Art. There were a few scenes that showed potential. One is a threesome with Malena Morgan, she masturbates while watching a guy/girl have sex then gets involved right near the end. There was maybe a little feeling of domination from that scene since the girl with the guy was trying to keep his attention on her, but he kept looking at Malena. Another that has Riley Reid in it is very good.

I still think most men would be shocked if they knew open women. The 4 women all work in the psychology field and discuss nearly everything openly. I sometimes think they're bigger pervs than the men I know.

10-08-12  02:03pm

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #1 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

I also hope that they can weather the current shit storem hitting Europe because this was truly one of the best site if you like Eastern European models. The big problem for them is that since they have a really shitty preview section then who's going to want to try them to see how it's going? I'm never joining this network ever again unless I see some serious improvements and that means that they will have to do a significantly better job on their preview site for me to know that they have made changes.

Knowing your taste are close to mine then let me know when the last time you were a member and I'll let you know if the content after that is worth it for you.

10-07-12  07:31am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

I think many people are fans of TMW and that's why I wanted to post a comment before my review. I don't want people to make the same mistake I did. You can't imagine how pissed I am at this moment. It's one thing to get shafted by a crappy site but to be shafted by what was essentially an amazing site is so much worse.

10-05-12  05:28am

Visit Brazzers

REPLY TO #9 from BadMrFrosty: (elephant's Reply)

Wow so they really shot themselves in the bollocks twice with this, the special offer email which actually doubles the normal price and by incorporating regional pricing in their horrible site upgrade. Manwin could kill porn for me if they continue to grow and do this with the other sites they own.

10-02-12  02:39am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of elephant's Comment from RustyJ:

Hmph. I'd love to join but anything Manwin scares me away at the moment. It seems they have active webmaster here now so hope things can change to better.

10-01-12  09:17am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of elephant's Comment from BadMrFrosty:

Narrow escape if you ask me, their new user interface is unusable.

But anyway, I signed up a few days ago and paid ~350 Czech crowns for a month which is ~18 USD. The price advertised on PU is 20 bucks so if they do have regional pricing then this must be the very first time I have been on the good side of it. What GBP price do they try to charge if you follow the link from here?

10-01-12  02:22am

Visit Brazzers

Reply of elephant's Comment from Capn:

No comment!

Cap'n. :0E

09-30-12  02:18pm

Visit Brazzers

Reply of elephant's Comment from rearadmiral:

Jeez... that's taking regional pricing to new highs (or lows...).

09-30-12  01:42pm

Visit Evil Angel

Evil Angel
Reply of elephant's Comment from littlejoe:

you can signup for evil angel content with videobox and you are able to use the trimming feature so you can download only the parts you want. however oddly it doesnt seems all resolutions are featured for this

09-30-12  07:26am

Visit Naughty America

Naughty America
REPLY TO #4 from hodayathink: (elephant's Reply)

It's not 7 out of 10. It's half. I can prove it if need be, but I don't really feel like it right now.

09-19-12  12:17pm

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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