The price phased me a bit too... although if you join at $30 for two weeks, renewal is only $10/2 months - which is probably inline with TBP's note that updates aren't often. Given the relatively small amount of content, I guess you could download what you needed within that 2 weeks.
Yes, nothing is showing up yet at my BarclaysVisa account...I joined up Saturday morning, now Sunday afternoon...will check again first thing Monday for the Devil's Film $3. If I see any other trial memberships, I'm going to cancel my card.
Hi elephant
I'm hoping I'll be okay... Having tried the live chat for PornAccess support, they replied that they couldn't find my email address in the system. Also if the sign up did go through, why didn't they send me a username/password? The username/password I got sent for Devils Film does not work over at PornAccess.
Thanks for you time :)
@Khan. I did go through 'The Best Porn' to get the cheap 3 day trial, it's just that I was rushing (my fault).
@lk2fireone. Hope I don't have to use the phone :( I don't hear very well. Last resort...cancel the credit card first thing Monday & get them to send another?
No. The site webmaster never replied to several inquiries and the biller CCbill, said it wasn't their problem - so just another internet porn screw deal.
I can say that it is not all exclusive content, as I reconized a few of the scenes on the preview. My guess is that it is one of many sites that are currently using material from that adultlabs place.
It would be nice -although i fail to see how- if euro and pound holders could fight these thieves back. Now that the euro is rising against the USD regional pricing (looting) is all over the place again. I'm pissed due to these shady practices but if i were british i'd be in a foul mood believe me.
My PC is a laptop, and it's giving me problems sending duplicate posts, etc.
Anyway, figure out if the problem is at your end or at the Young Legal Porn end. Computers can be very touchy. A firewall can cut off access to a site, or to images at that site, or slow download speeds, or the problem could be some incompatibility in one of the programs on your computer with the Young Legal Porn server hardware/software.
Or it could be a problem at the YLP end.
Try to figure out the source of the problem, and then ask for expert help on solving it. Go for the free online help first. There are experts willing to help for free. Use google to find those groups.
You give your location as Unknown in your personal data, but you used the word "blimey" in your reply, and use English/British spelling for words like "favour". So I assume you are probably in the U.K. or somewhere in Europe.
I'm in the U.S. California.
Europe is supposed to have, in general, faster Internet connection than the U.S. But if the servers are located in the U.S., then U.S. residents might have an advantage. Maybe.
So you should look for people in your general location, if possible, to judge yourself against. If someone in your area is reporting speeds as fast as 500 KB/s, and you are supposed to be able to achieve those speeds yourself, you might try going to some computer help boards to see what possible easy solutions there might be to your problem. Your problem might be easily solved by an expert who is willing to help (offer advice) for free. Or it could be that your problem is difficult to solve, unfortunately, and you will need to call in friends or even pay a real expert to look over your computer.
The best approach, the cheapest, is try fixing it yourself, at the same time going online to computer help groups where some extremely knowledgeable people are genuinely willing to help others for free.
If that doesn't work, then maybe you will have to pay someone to look at your problem, and you don't know how well that will work out. The guy could charge you a lot of money, and accomplish little except telling you that you have a problem (dressed up in some fancy terminology, probably).
I'm not a computer expert, but you have some kind of problem is your max download speed is 89 KB/s, and you normally have a much faster speed.
Are you have the same slow download speeds at other sites, or is it just the Young Legal Porn site?
If you are not having the problem at other paysite networks, then it appears the problem would be with the servers at Young Legal Porn, or their network connections/routers/equipment whatever.
So which is it: the problem is specific to Young Legal Porn, or is it general to all the paysite networks you have access to?
That should pinpoint whether the problem is with your computer hardware/software connection setup, or with the Young Legal Porn connection.
I've mentioned quite a few times that I have a slow DSL connection. Some PU members are probably sick of hearing that, because their own ISP connection is almost always faster. My maximum download speed is between 150-160 KB/s on a single download. If more than one file is downloading, then the best I can hope for is that the two or more downloads together add up to the 150-160 KB/s total. Sometimes the total download speed can drop far below that level, depending on what the servers are doing. I apparently don't have any way of controlling the speed of individual file downloads, other than selecting which ones to activate. Unless I'm using a download manager, stopping a download before it finishes can mean restarting the download from the very beginning, instead of at the stopped/resume point.
As you know, when you have a download speed of 150-160 KB/s, some of these video files can take 2-3+ hours or more for a single video file. Some files are 1-2+ GB, and the file size seems to increase every year.
But since my max download speed is 150-160 KB/s, I don't have the problem that you do: You grit your teeth if the speed drops to 150 KB/s. I feel good that I'm getting the best I can.
I need to pay more for a faster connection, and do it soon.
Anyway, I tested the download speeds at Young Legal Porn just now, and I am getting 150-160 KB/s for downloading the zipped photo galleries. I download a video file, the first two minutes is slowly building up speed, and then it hits the 150-160 KB/s and mainly stays there.
You need to check with someone who has a much faster connection like you have, to gain an idea of what you should be getting. I am a turtle compared to you, so what I am getting has little relevance to what you should be getting. You need to compare apples to apples, not to lemons.
And I need to upgrade my lemon to an apple (not the apple computer, but an apple-faster ISP connection).
But it appears that our likes in porn are very similar in some cases. I wanted to see the Beata site, thought she was cute, had seen a few of her videos, wanted more. And I agree with you about the Euro girls versus the U.S. starlets, who go in for plastic surgery and tattoos. Though some of the Euro girls have light tattoos (Part of the Russian crime culture? Or just the style for young, want to be hip kids. The Russian guys are much more heavily tattooed than the girls.) At least the Euro girls are still mainly natural, but I dislike it even when they have a belly ring. My prejudices annoy even me, because I realize how outdated they are.
But if you are down to 89 KB/s and all you are downloading is a single file (not multiple files at the same time), then something is seriously wrong. I am getting 150-160 KB/s downloads, which is my normal maximum speed for downloads, at Young Legal Porn.
I'm also a current member of the Young Legal Porn network, a network and site I've been watching a long time before finally jumping in. I wonder how many times the electronic ghosts of these PU members are crossing in the porn fields online. Lol.
I don't remember actually meeting anyone in any of the porn sites. Because I don't participate in any of the porn site forums (except for PU). And I almost never comment on any of the videos or photos. So I'm a silent ghost. Like most of us, I would guess. Actually, I don't bother checking to see if there is a forum, and I pay little attention to site rankings of which are the hottest models, and which are the hottest videos and photosets, because I prefer to find my own favorites, which suit my taste more closely.
At the moment, there seems to be a lot of material at Teen Mega World to check out. I am slightly disappointed with what I found at the Young Legal Porn network. A few good videos, but not enough to justify the price. And the photos are not near the quality of the glamor photo sites like MetArt or MPL Studios. They have some very attractive models, but you are now finding attractive models at many different sites.
pat362 actually mentioned in a different post, months ago, that 18xgirls is a site that has the same videos as smackmybitch, but with a much smaller number of them. And it has a cheaper price as well. So I've been thinking since then, trying to decide which site to join, the larger, more expensive site, or the cheaper, smaller site. I saw a few of those videos, thought the models were attractive, and that the videos were well-shot.
Now he tells us that the same videos (in slightly smaller quantity) are at Beauty Angels.
So he really saved me some time and money. And now I don't have to think about which of the other 2 sites to join. I'm not joining either one of them, because I have Beauty Angels.
Thinking hurts my brain.
Or maybe it just makes it numb.
It really can help at times when PU members share their knowledge. You save a few dollars here and there. And maybe avoid some sites that you wouldn't pay for before you've already paid.
Thanks for the response.
You're right, Beauty Angels only started in December, 2010, according to TBP.
I looked at the Fuck Studies signup page, and it shows clear thumbnails of the sites you get access to.
Unlike the Teen Mega World site, which shows tiny thumbnails of sites you can access with a membership, and only some of the sites are listed/shown in thumbnails.
Yes, for me it was 9,95€. At least on this site you get the TBP discount, some sites give that also only to US subscribers.
I wonder if these could be circumvented using some US proxy server? After all, the price is usually determined using your IP address before you tell where you actually are from.
"Just wondering if you sign up with the year subscription if you get all the sites instantly without waiting till the 3rd or 4th month or whatever it is."
The one year subscription provides you access to all site of the package from the very first minute (in case of, it means 46 sites).
"Also does anyone know what sites are exactly included in this site if signing up for the first month.
I'm wanting anal teen angels, lez cuties and gapeland "
Due to line limit, I cannot paste the list here, but Anal Teen Angels available from the second period (the first rebill), while Gapeland will be available from the third period - highest loyalty (second rebill). Lez Cuties will be in the first 25.
I hope I could help, but if you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Read the webmaster's reply to another comment on this page as to which method will get you a response - because some inquiry methods generate no responses whatsoever - aside from an automated response that you'll be getting a response quickly. They need to fix that.
I signed up through 21Sextury this time. It's been a while since I subscribed through one of their sub-sites. I remember vaguely that, with a monthly subscription, it used to show all of their sites with the ones you didn't get right away marked "29 days to go" "59 days to go" etc. But there have been changes so this might not be of any help to you.
It could also be that those messages only showed up after you became a member!?
*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.
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