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Visit 21Sextury.com

REPLY TO #3 from messmer: (elephant's Reply)

They have the weirdest system. I had no idea that they list 56 sites, I thought I was doing well with 46. I originally got 42 sites when I signed on for the year and they added four during the past couple of months so I assumed that I was getting the works! They used to show all the bonus sites you got with a one month subscription to a certain site, if they still do this I would recommend going to any of the three sites you are interested in and see if the other two are part of the one month package IF they still do things that way.

12-04-10  02:29pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of elephant's Comment from messmer:

I get 46 sites with my long term subscription. All the sites you mention are included in my package.

12-04-10  02:12pm

Visit 21Sextury.com

Reply of elephant's Comment from pat362:

I don't know and in case no one else does then
I recommend you pick which site(s) interest you and look to join one of those. You can see which sites you get with that memembership.

I can't say for sure but I suspect that a year membership does not give you immediate access to all the sites but instead you get a better cost per month.

12-04-10  10:25am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #1 from insomniacxxx: (elephant's Reply)

Interesting, yeah that's exactly what I've done, but it's still spotty. Tonight FuckStudies is the single site I can't access. It's not awful now that I know it changes, I can just kind of rotate :/ They really do have some great content...

11-23-10  12:14am

Visit Devils Film

Devils Film
Reply of elephant's Comment from Veev:

DevilsFilm is probably our most consistent partner that has updates almost twice a week...we even have new videos like parodies so not sure why you didn't see the updates.

Email me at veev@famedollars.com and we can work something out.

09-07-10  02:56pm

Visit Fuck Studies

Fuck Studies
REPLY TO #2 from slutty: (elephant's Reply)

No problem, when I joined I looked through all the company sites listed on PU to see if any had Fuck Studies as a bonus site, and none of them did, so I just joined that site directly. Unfortunately it seems full price is the only option for now...

09-05-10  11:09pm

Visit Fuck Studies

Fuck Studies
Reply of elephant's Comment from slutty:

Hey elephant,

When I was a member, I got all of the sites you listed as bonus content. However, be careful when you join, as this company often switches bonus content around, and sometimes you don't get the same set of bonus sites if you use the PU discount. In my experience what is listed on the join page is what you get.

09-05-10  01:41am

Visit Public Disgrace

Public Disgrace
REPLY TO #1 from RustyJ: (elephant's Reply)

I guess they must have many outtakes with people who get angry and interrupt them or with kids wandering too close etc. ;)

08-27-10  02:37am

Visit Anal Teen Angels

Anal Teen Angels
Reply of elephant's Comment from dracken:

So the Lezcuties membership doesn't get you into this site ever? Is it maybe one of the sites they give you access after a while? They seem to have a deal where you get 2 more sites after a month of membership...

08-09-09  09:03am

Visit 18 Years Old

18 Years Old
Reply of elephant's Comment from dracken:

As far as I understand this site has a lot of problems with password thieves. Your account might have been hacked and then shared. I am always suspicious of this happening and I know many porn websites don't take as much care as they should regarding multiple ip log-ins. I always use different passwords for each site I sign-up for and I always make sure that no one else is using my log-in illegally.

Have you tried contacting customer support regarding poor bandwidth?

08-05-09  12:39pm

Visit Lez Cuties

Lez Cuties
Reply of elephant's Comment from dracken:

Doesn't the site offer access to a whole network that also has peeing and older women? I though that was part of the deal...

Also I'd like to recommend anal acrobats since many of the girls there do crazy lesbian anal scenes. Then again it might be a bit too intense for many people. Worth checking though.

08-02-09  06:47am

Visit Teen Sex Mania

Teen Sex Mania
REPLY TO #7 from RonnyO: (elephant's Reply)

These are the major sites that come with the membership:

TeenSexMovs.com (which is almost a "full" site like this one; just recently added to the bonuses)

Those are the ones that update most frequently, I think, and have exclusive content. Between the first two and the main site, I think there are about 4 updates a week, which is pretty damn good for exclusive HC video content.

Earlier this year they seemed to be taking down old content and re-releasing it as an "update" (though I think with better quality), but they seem to have stopped doing that. I've been a member for almost three months now, haha.

06-01-09  08:35pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of elephant's Review from Monahan:

Good review (because it reflects, accurately, a lot of my thoughts).

The site is huge so it is impossible for anyone who has a life to check out each end every model. The boredom factor hit me as well because many (most?) sets were so similar that I got the feeling I'd seen the set before.

But the part I really appreciate about the site is elephant's observation that the site treats its models with total respect. That's a rare characteristic that shows up in very few sites.

As for me, I'm a video guy so I can't be a continuing member on a site whose videos are, mostly, recordings of photo shoots.

My other problem is that the models are identified only by first name and a number so if I really like someone and want to see if she appears on other sites, I cannot do that.

Last point. If you are into the harder side of soft core (insertions, pussy play, etc.) this site is not for you.

02-23-09  12:56pm

Visit Ero Nata

Ero Nata
Reply of elephant's Comment from jd1961:

Her name at Nubiles is Nastya

02-16-09  06:16am

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
REPLY TO #3 from Tom22: (elephant's Reply)

Thanks elephant, I'll look into that. It's good to know there are other options out there. For some reason I just don't trust Microsoft upgrades, I guess it has something to do with the fact that their upgrades usually fix one problem but create ten more. I really don't like messing with my configuration when its working good. And Microsoft just loves creating these situations where you are forced to upgrade. They could of course provide a new codec for their older players, but they won't, it's all about marketing and it irritates me.

Sapphic Erotica needs to warn people that this upgrade is required for their newer videos, but of course they will not do that because they know a lot of people just don't want to take the risk. Shameful.

02-15-09  11:26am

Visit Cock Competition

Cock Competition
REPLY TO #3 from TrashMan: (elephant's Reply)

I'd like to know what material they use to replicate male ejaculate...no male ejaculates that much.

02-07-09  03:54am

Visit Humiliatrix

REPLY TO #3 from humiliatrix: (elephant's Reply)


sorry, loser: you don't get any. that's for real men only.

-Melissa The Meanest

02-03-09  10:54am

Visit Ero Nata

Ero Nata
Reply of elephant's Comment from Denner:

Just a hint, elephant: the sweet Nata - aka a lot of names - appears on quite a few sites. But never hc. The best stuff I've found with this doll is still the videos at Nubiles....

02-01-09  10:52am

Visit Anal Teen Angels

Anal Teen Angels
Reply of elephant's Comment from Tree Rodent:

Yeah you're right it does. I'm going to have to keep my eye on this one. As always my strategy will be wait until one of the big names has reviewed it before I take any chances with my money.

01-05-09  03:58pm

N/A REPLY TO #8 from Denner: (elephant's Reply)

Just a serious meant reply in this matter - as elephant puts it:
"I see such cute girls spoil themselves with these ugly tats."

I could not agree more...well put.
And BTW: This seems to be the wish here - so why not have a "statement" (no, not a congregation, but anyway)) with "PUs against tatts"?

12-21-08  07:54am

N/A REPLY TO #74 from Pinche Kankun: (elephant's Reply)

Elephant, just read it man!! I didn't forge a fake review!! I just forge a really fucked up joke, man!! Just look at it:

Homemade Uncensored - Subscription ID # 208342701000000889 Signup Date: 12/07/08 CCBILL ICQ MAIL
Little Liana - Subscription ID # 208305501000009792 Signup Date: 10/31/08 CCBILL YAHOO MAIL
Little Lupe - Subscription ID # 107265601000014297 Signup Date: 09/22/2007 CCBILL YAHOO MAIL
Raven Riley - Subscription ID # 107241301000002418 Signup Date: 08/29/2007 CCBILL YAHOO MAIL
Pacino's Adventures - Subscription ID # 108271601000039085 Signup Date: 09/27/2008 CCBILL AOL MAIL
Nubiles - Subscription ID # 108202701000003673 Signup Date: 07/20/2008 CCBILL AOL MAIL
Best Teens.com - Subscription ID # 107147701000005429 Signup Date: 05/27/2007 CCBILL YAHOO MAIL
8th Street Latinas - Subscription ID # 107147701000002410 Signup Date: 05/27/2007 CCBILL YAHOO MAIL
Exploited College Girls - Subscription ID # 107131501000001937 Signup Date: 05/11/2007 CCBILL YAHOO MAIL
Night Invasion - Member ID # 1267666873 Order Date: 11/22/2008 EPOCH BILLING
Manila Amateurs - Member ID # 1270044479 Order Date: 12/05/2008 EPOCH BILLING

Real Ex Girlfriends, Nasty Angels and Karup's Hometown Amateurs might have changed their billing provider, HOWEVER WILL FIND OUT MY INFORMATION AND YOU WILL SEE!!


12-10-08  12:57pm

N/A REPLY TO #3 from Pinche Kankun: (elephant's Reply)

YO JUNGLE ANIMAL, I do that all the time!! People don't listen to me though!! HA HA :D

12-07-08  12:31am

Visit MetArt

Reply of elephant's Comment from badandy400:

I would absolutely love to see the girls getting more frisky with each other. That is one of the things I liked about FTV Girls and MC-Nudes, very similar sites, but more girl on girls action going on!

12-06-08  01:06pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of elephant's Comment from Wittyguy:

OMG, if they did a Met-Art hardcore site I would be in heaven, especially if they used the same high quality production and quality at the flagship site. However, I am also of the opinion that I don't really see a h/c site fitting into their marketing scheme. At best it would be a small site since most of the models their probably wouldn't do hc and why ruin a great thing they already have going.

12-06-08  12:19pm

Visit MetArt

Reply of elephant's Comment from Drooler:

I have no hopes of MetArt doing any kind of hardcore material. Nor any wishes.

Monahan is right about their branding and their stature. If I were them, how would I see a need to diversify into the already soaked and saturated hardcore market?

They've come a long, long way from their beginnings of having 1 part of one shoot per day (the other parts sometimes being months away!). It had to have been a lot of work and a lot of smarts to gain their current reputation among softcore lovers.

But some of their models are hardcore babes on other sites. I was checking out Katie at TeenSexMania and I know that I've seen her at MetArt. And there are others.

Some girls just have that kind of range.

12-06-08  12:03pm

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