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Visit Kink On Demand

Kink On Demand
REPLY TO #4 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

The only site that seems to have less tattooed girls is fucking machines but as much as I wanted to like the site. Those machines make a lot of noise and that overhadows whatever thrill I got from hearing the girls have an orgams.

Mind you 30$ for 2 months is really hard to pass up. Especially if you have never been a memeber of the site. I much prefer girls without tatoos and implants but I`m usually able to overlook that for the kink sites because unlike your standard porn. The girls that choose to do kink shoots are usually into this stuff or want to try it. In both cases it tends to make for great porn and when it doesn`t then the site is usually quite honest about it and tells the viewer that such and such scene had to be cut short because the shoot was too intense for the performer.

08-07-11  10:03am

Visit Kink On Demand

Kink On Demand
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

You are correct that on paper they would make more money but the reality is that if they made each scene only one kink then every dick head content thief would buy those scenes and post them on free sites and there goes their extra money. By making them so expensive then they don't get as many thieves.

It's possible that you saw a different screen then me but the sites that I saw at 14$ are really 29.95 for 2 month memberships. The 14$ is not a lie so much as a little bit of misinformation. The only way you can get that price is if you join for a year. Mind you 29.95$ for 2 months is an amzing deal for any of their sites.

08-07-11  09:26am

Visit Kink On Demand

Kink On Demand
Reply of elephant's Comment from pat362:

I've never really understood the pricing for this site. The only thing that I can see is that they offer it because people might want to stream some scenes rather than join the site. Maybe the reason why they charge such a high price for buying a scene is that they'd prefer the people buy a membership. There are plenty of deals where you get a 2 month membership for 29.95$. That's less than 15$ a month and that's hard to beat for such great content.

08-07-11  09:12am

Visit Bound Gangbangs

Bound Gangbangs
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

I agree that 39.95$ is way too high for only 19 scenes. Your best bet is to get a membership to another Kink site and then join bound gangbang. You should be able to get a reduction in price on any of the other Kink sites with your membership. At least I always do.

07-20-11  07:30pm

Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes
REPLY TO #4 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

I wouldn't know what you'll get for 2$ but since they charge 35$ for a standard one month membership then I would be very surpside that they'd offer anything of value for 2$.

07-14-11  06:42pm

Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes
REPLY TO #2 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

Mina has 2 scenes at BoB. She did one in June 2010 which was a
one-on-one and in July 2010 she did a three-on-one. The first ends with cum swallowing and the other in a multiple cum shot to the face. No anal in either case. She also has a gloryhole scene so she actually has 3 scenes available for streaming or download.

**I suspect that the 199$ offer is for a year membership. I seem to remember getting something from them a while back with a similar offer. I don't do year membership so I simply deleted the email.**

07-14-11  11:32am

N/A REPLY TO #20 from tangub: (elephant's Reply)

Hi elephant, I already had a membership at 88square and reviewed it here 3 months ago, although not specifically Japanese it was a very nice asian site but not quite up to the standards you get at sites like Met or MPL with the pics there maxing at 1280px but in the bonus video section there was a ton of hardcore Japanese movies and the ones i watched were uncensored.

07-14-11  10:13am

Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes
Reply of elephant's Comment from pat362:

Hi eelephant.

I'm a current member so I can tell you about the scene if you give me the models name. I'm not sure where you saw the trial membership because I just checked their site and I didn't see that option. They have that 19.99$ per month but that's for a 3 month membership.

07-14-11  07:19am

N/A REPLY TO #8 from Khan: (elephant's Reply)

We currently have one listed that claims to be Chinese models. I think it's all softcore glamour stuff but can't be sure I'm remembering correctly.

You can check the listing at:

07-13-11  10:10am

N/A REPLY TO #7 from RustyJ: (elephant's Reply)

China has very hostile policies against internet porn so I'd guess there is none made legally inside the country.

07-13-11  09:49am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of elephant's Comment from jbgild:

I agree that it is stupid that some people have to pay more than others. I live in Denmark and if I joined Videobox they would charge me 15 euro. We DON'T use Euro in Denmark. We have our own currency, dkk.
So I am NOT joining videobox :-)

06-29-11  10:07am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #2 from Micha: (elephant's Reply)

Elephant wrote: Did you try contacting support on this issue.

I found network support to be totally non-responsive. Their only answer to a problem was to wait two weeks and then remove the malfuctioming vid, photoset or link from the system.

I am still a member for 3 more days and it had gotten quantumly worse in the last 2 days.

I don't think these folks are in the business of making erotica. They probably just buy bulk from a plethora of eastern Europeons who own handi-cams.

Thanks for your response


06-21-11  01:04pm

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #11 from messmer: (elephant's Reply)

Hi Elephant, thanks for the tip. Regrettably the only two of the sites of this company I subscribed to let me down badly when it came to the picture sets. I found their Super Hi Res photos way too soft and airbrushed (I think that's what it is called). In the case of art-lingerie I only downloaded their videos for that reason. In the case of Only Tease there was really nothing very much that appealed to me. Two lingerie sites that have appealed to me the most in the past are Vintage Flash and Suburban Amateurs.

06-12-11  09:43am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #7 from messmer: (elephant's Reply)

There was one other site I liked very much but their emphasis has changed as well, so it no longer appeals to me. In any case, as I stated in some other place, "hairy" is no longer quite so important to me. I seem to have gotten used to the shaved look. My main niche is still nice erotic lingerie so this was probably my last visit to a "hairy" site as I continue to attempt to cater to my main fetish and some acquired sub-fetishes. :-)

06-11-11  09:46am

Visit ATK Natural & Hairy

ATK Natural & Hairy
REPLY TO #4 from messmer: (elephant's Reply)

Some natural hair is fine with me, too, elephant. I just got irate because there are so many members of that site now that will leave comments like, "too bad the model had to shave her legs .. pits ... etc. This could have been a good set!" (paraphrased) Hair fetish taken to the extreme as they rejoice over hair surrounding the anus or growing up to the belly button. Certainly not the ATK of old any more. Someone accused me of being judgmental, and quite frankly I was but yesterday's eight updates contained more body hair than I had ever seen in one place which made me and my taste feel greatly neglected.

06-11-11  09:02am

Visit VideoBox

Reply of elephant's Comment from Denner:

Some sites and/or their billing co. has STILL NOT come to terms with the billing question: US/Europe ect.
We've had MANY inputs about the problem at PU - and now quite a few sites has the same price - equals Dollars/Euros.
Sites that do NOT - but charge more from Euro citizens - we should stay away from - till they learn....

06-05-11  10:10am

Visit All Over 30

All Over 30
REPLY TO #3 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

I think you might be right about the reasons why older women don't want to do hardcore videos. There is still over 300 HC B/G or G/G videos on the site so it might still appeal to people that are looking for that kind of content. I prefer anal and there is very little to be found and that's why I only found a couple of videos worth keeping.

05-30-11  05:43am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #10 from lk2fireone: (elephant's Reply)

Yes, thanks. My current subscription ends in a couple of weeks.

05-22-11  01:09pm

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
REPLY TO #8 from lk2fireone: (elephant's Reply)

Nice to hear that Stas and Sandra at Teen Mega World took such good care of you. Stas seems to be a very conscientious webmaster.

05-22-11  08:05am

Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World
Reply of elephant's Review from Micha:

I am presently subscribed to TeenMegeWorld
As far as content, it is above average.

In the past ten years, I've subscribed to 40 or 50 sites.
TMW is by far the slowest website I've ever visited.
With a 1.5 - 2mbs modem, I cannot DL faster than 150k with a single DL. Multiple DLs reduces that speed to under 30k. Without a DL manager, this site would not be viable. When my 30 days is up, I am so outta there.

05-03-11  02:43pm

Visit Sapphic Erotica

Sapphic Erotica
Reply of elephant's Comment from nostromo:

There are euphemisms to refer to it as "geo-targeted pricing" and "regional pricing", i much rather call it thievery. The debt crisis in the EU led pornsite owners to the assumption that we are fortunate enough to deserve "regional pricing". Different strokes for different folks.

04-27-11  05:05am

Visit Kink On Demand

Kink On Demand
REPLY TO #4 from asmith12: (elephant's Reply)

As it is not changing, I've got a feeling it is just a marketing trick aiming to make us think exactly "at these prices you really might as well subscribe for a little more".

Well, at least they're not cheating us, pricing is out there, fair and square.

04-13-11  05:02am

Visit Beauty Angels

Beauty Angels
REPLY TO #4 from pat362: (elephant's Reply)

That's a good idea. I know we all have different porn budgets but $20 for all that amazing content is a small amount to pay and your money will help keep this network going. Not too mention that teen mega world updates with at least 1-2 new video a day.

03-20-11  07:04am

Visit Beauty Angels

Beauty Angels
Reply of elephant's Comment from pat362:

Ik2fireone has pretty much touch on everything so I will only add that beaty angels is all leased content. You can find it on other sites like smackmybitch and 18xgirls. The great thing with teen mega world is that you get their content plus all the other stuff.

I avoid almost all trail membership because too often they limit what you have access to. I recommedn that you simply rejoin teen mega world and this way you'll have another month to download this sites content and all the stuff that they have updated on the other sites.

03-20-11  06:51am

Visit Beauty Angels

Beauty Angels
Reply of elephant's Comment from lk2fireone:

I don't know if the 2-day trial is limited or not. But if you join Teen Mega World, for $19.95/month, you should get Beauty Angels included as part of your network access. Joining Beauty Angels directly costs $29.95, and gives you access to maybe 24 network sites.

So save yourself $10 and join through Teen Mega World instead of through Beauty Angels.

I am a current member of Teen Mega World, and I get access to 27 sites, including Beauty Angels and Fuck Studies and Tricky Masseur and Squirting Virgin and etc. etc. etc.

03-20-11  06:35am

*Message rows highlighted in light orange are replies to replies.

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