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Visit Teen Mega World

Teen Mega World (0)

lk2fireone (0) 04-13-11  11:19am
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Can't access customer support.

I tried to contact customer support at Teen Mega World. This is the first time, I think. But the form that allows contact gives me an error message that either my user name or password is incorrect (required information before you can contact customer support at Royal Customer Support).

I can log in to the Teen Mega World site, and the bonus sites, with my user name and password.

But I can't contact customer support at Royal Customer Support (which is the support for Teen Mega World). This is not the billing agent, but the owner/operator/partner/whatever for Teen Mega World.

A really poor system for customer support, when you can log in to the site, but can't contact customer support.

They say customer support is 24/7. But what good is 24/7 if you can't contact them?

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Comment Replies (11)

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Msg # User Message Date


slutty (0) well, at least they usually respond to comments on PU relatively quickly, so perhaps that will help resolve your problem.
04-13-11  10:06pm

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Stas RC (0)
REPLY TO #1 - slutty :


Please write to me directly: stas@royal-cash.com

04-14-11  10:00am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #1 - slutty :

You and I both got a personal response from the webmaster. I was told that access to Ex GF Box would be added in the nearest week. (I think he lives outside the US, which probably explains his English).

But you got a personal invitation to write to him directly.

I'm jealous. Lol. Especially when I was the one who was complaining about a problem, and all you did was say I would probably get a response.

Stas RC (6)
Webmaster REPLY TO #1 - slutty :


Please write to me directly: stas@royal-cash.com

04-14-11  11:15am

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slutty (0) REPLY TO #3 - lk2fireone :

well, he must have a preference for sluts...
04-14-11  10:40pm

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mr jam (Suspended) REPLY TO #4 - slutty :

04-25-11  09:23am

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DpornGuy (Suspended) REPLY TO #3 - lk2fireone :

That'd be cool if they add it soon! Make the network even better!
04-26-11  12:36pm

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elephant (0) This exact thing has happened to me, just coming towards the end of my membership, valid until the 25th though at epoch it says which is exactly a month and what it should be. but the teen mega world site won't let me log in and I have tried with all browsers google chrome, IE and firefox, all error messages, tried to log into the customer service page at royal-cs.com but won't let me as it comes up with an error message as though I'm not on their system.

Very annoying as if you pay for a month you should get access for a month.

I've contacted both stas's email above and support@royal-clubs.com which epoch the payment provider gave me. But you can't see this well I couldn't on the customer service site if you can't log in to their login page to get help.

05-22-11  01:48am

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elephant (0) Update.

Although it was annoying and the system needs a look at to have an email address to contact on the customer service page for people who can't get into the login process.

Stas and Sandra had me back up within the hour so great quick service there.

Still unsure why my account became blocked though.

05-22-11  03:12am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #8 - elephant :

Nice to hear that Stas and Sandra at Teen Mega World took such good care of you. Stas seems to be a very conscientious webmaster.
05-22-11  08:05am

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elephant (0) REPLY TO #9 - lk2fireone :

Yeah I couldn't complain, did you get sorted too with getting back on the site.
05-22-11  09:42am

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lk2fireone (0) REPLY TO #10 - elephant :

Yes, thanks. My current subscription ends in a couple of weeks.
05-22-11  01:09pm

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