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Visit 18 Stream

18 Stream

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: * Camera work better than 90% of Sites (but see problem below)
* Camera is kept back so you can see all of the girl most of the time, with the occasional close-up (that's the way it should be and most sites do it the opposite way, which is dead-wrong in my opinion)
* Very attractive Russian Girls
* Easy Navigation, list of all models with links to their videos
* Excellent still photo Previews
* Currently more than 470 videos, No DRM
* Video quality very good (but see problem below)
* Fast download speeds, no problem using download manager and downloads almost never "drop"
* Great (high quality) Still Photos with zip files
* Logo on videos acceptable & well placed at extreme lower right. (but could still be smaller)
* Tin Seks, Teen Sex Fusion, Teen Burg, Teen Dorf and other network sites represented on 18_Stream
* At this writing, FULL trial access for 3 days, for five bucks - a very good deal in my opinion
* Videos available in Full HD, or medium or low quality
Cons: * Very Bad choice of video Codec, Microsoft (Mime Type: video/x-ms-asf) (see comment below)

* Cameraman goofs-off with the camera sometimes (see comment below)

* Most girls have pretty big boobs, which is not my favorite thing. (more petite girls please!!) (but this is a personal preference and does not detract from the site)

* Site uses "SegPay Billing" and their "find transaction" web page does not work, or at lease it didn't work for me. Had to email SegPay to stop the re-bill.

* One strange problem was that none of the Logon links for members worked for me except the one on the "Join Page." There are members' logon links on all of their preview pages, but not a one of them worked except the one on the "Join Page." It worked fine after I learned this trick. (sorry, I had to come back and add this, I forgot to put it in the original post)
Bottom Line: I highly recommend this site, especially for the Full Trial price of only five bucks, but don't know how long that will last. I would still recommend the site at full price, but of courses not as highly.

I was very impressed with the site, they did nearly everything exactly right. Great previews for the videos and full streaming, great still photos, great videos, some very sexy girls and good download speed. I downloaded dozens of videos and only had the connection drop one time. That's a fantastic connection, their server is very well tuned.

My only two big problems with the site is that, (1) I wish they would have used a more generic video codec. The Microsoft codec doesn't work so well on older systems like mine. You have to use VLC player to make the videos work. And the problem is that when you go to "index" (move the slider bar to advance) the video, there is distortion that can last for several seconds. If you are running the latest software you may not have this problem.

My only other problem with the site is that the cameraman goofs-off with the camera sometimes. No kidding --- in some scenes he rotates the camera left and right at the beginning of the scene for no reason at all. That is really stupid and annoying, the cameraman needs to knock off the goofy stuff and do his job. Thankfully, he doesn't do it too often. But it should NEVER happen. The idea is to keep the camera steady, at the correct distance and focused (which he does for the most part) --- just do that and you are doing your job Mr. Cameraman. Stop all the nonsense, its distracting and makes for a poorer quality video.

Other than that, its a great site. Wish they had more of the very slim girls, but you can't have everything, I guess.

Highly recommend! Get it while its cheap. I'm sure the trial will not last very long. But even at full price, I would have been very happy with the site.

07-31-10  01:37pm

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Visit Blacks on Blondes

Blacks on Blondes

Status: Was a member approx. 1 month prior to this review.
Pros: * Good quality (but not super high-res) pictures in Zip files
* Full download speed for cable connection
* No problem using download manager
* Server seems well tuned, never ‘dropped’ a download
* Easy Navigation, old style but no problems with site set-up
* Almost all male stars have huge tools and are often matched with petite girls
* Very large network, you will probably need all 30 days to select and download
* Network includes 19 sites
* Video quality is ‘only’ good (camerawork is not so good, resolution is too low)
* Several very cute girls, Kitty, Kennedy Kressler, Alexia Skye, Amai Liu and others
* Good Lighting in most scenes
Cons: * Poor camerawork, face & ass style, hardly ever see action from proper distance
* Video resolution is too low, best quality is only 640x360
* Logo/watermark too big, very obstructive of view, badly placed and distracting
* Almost every video is about 70% nonsense, 30% action worth viewing
* Way too much emphasis on oral sex, leans toward being a BJ site
* Far too many unnecessary “fades” and shifting to different angles
* Camera movements are mostly way too fast, zooming is at warp speed
* Cameraman sometimes tries to be the star, talks too much
* Girl’s movements into new positions often edited out --- why?
* At $34.99 the membership price is too high considering the competition
Bottom Line: Seldom have I seen a site that focuses on the face as much as this site. This is supposed to be a porn site --- right? I can see girls faces at the grocery store, I don’t need to pay money and join a site for that.

I, like many here at Porn Users, like to see a girl’s entire body, NOT just her face and her ass. But this is the old porn paradigm that refuses to die. I notice that sites that finally figure it out and break away from this type of camerawork consistently get much better ratings, (from the users anyway).

In my opinion, this type of camerawork is the curse of modern porn, they are still doing it just like they did in the 1970’s. Wake up guys, move the camera back and keep the camera steady. I know YOU can see everything YOU want to, but WE can only see what comes through the camera lens. It’s not that there is never a time for a close-up --- but that time is NOT all the time. And it should not be nearly all the time either.

One silver lining with sites that practice the face & ass camerawork style, is that you at least get a full length glimpse of the girl’s body when they move into another position. But not at this site, they normally edit that part out.

The best thing about this site is it has a good number of petite girls staring with some of the most well endowed men in porn. Its a shame they don’t back the camera up so WE the viewers can see it. Oh well, I guess this old paradigm will never die in the American and Euro porn industries, so I’m off to the Russian sites again where most of them know how to run a camera, like Teen Mega World for example.

Porn camerawork is not rocket science but considering the small percentage of sites that get it right, you would think it was.

1) This site lost 20 points for poor camerawork and editing

2) And lost another 10 points due to a large logo, cameraman won’t shut-up, too much nonsense, too much oral, not enough action and the video resolution is too low

If these things were fixed, it would be an awesome site, as it stands now, its pretty much run of the mill.

03-05-11  11:56am

Replies (3)
Visit Dirty Orientals

Dirty Orientals

Status: Current Member for less than 1 month (at the time of review).
Pros: * Several awesome looking Asian girls, like: “Kim D” ... “Som” ... "Dawn Star"
* Good resolution 720 x 540, but not High-Def
* Girls don't constantly distort their faces with fake passion
* Girls don't constantly make silly/fake "passion noises”
* Mostly very beautiful/petite Asian girls
* Zip files for pictures
* Previews for every scene
* Full download speed for cable connection
* Good site set-up for navigation
* Full-length & split downloads / multiple file sizes
* Currently about 45 scenes and growing
* About 35 other sites come with sign-up, some very good
* Video logo not very obstructive of view
* Good Lighting in most scenes
Cons: * Girls almost never get naked
* Girls wear fishnets almost always
* Far too much oral sex in most scenes
* Small breasted girls almost never take their tops off
* Bad camera work
* Bad editing of the scenes
* Far too many unnecessary “fades” and “flashing” of different angles
* Camera movements are mostly way too fast
* Girl’s movements into new positions almost always edited out
* Camera way too close most of the time, blurs the video
* Site needs to find male stars with bigger “tools”
* View of the action often obstructed by hands, hands are not erotic
Bottom Line: This site had everything it needed to rate well into the ninety-percent range for quality, but they blew it with bad camera work, horrible editing and by not getting the girls naked. Also, there was too much oral sex, to the point that oral-sex consumed nearly half of the scene in many cases. There are entire sites devoted to oral-sex and people that like that have that option, but normal sex sites should not try to be oral-sex sites too.

As a result of the disappointing camera work and other problems stated above, I've rated this site in the sixties. Sites need to learn that camera work and editing are very important, the best and highest rated sites on the net have learned this lesson but 90% of the industry has not. They wonder why their site is rated so low when they have top-rated stars and the best equipment... its because they don't know how to use that equipment. They have "fun" with the shots, they do dozens of unnecessary fades and all sorts of editing special effects/tricks that only destroy the eroticism of the scene. When they get a good angle and distance they don't keep it, they fade and opt for an ultra close shot (too close). The action is often blurred because the camera is way too close.

This site, like so many others seems to believe that the best camera shot is the closest camera shot, that is not true. There is a time for close camera shots, but that time is NOT ALL THE TIME!! The camera makes all girls look pretty much the same when its only twelve inches away. A close camera turns a wonderfully slender girl into just another average girl.

The cameraman needs to get shots of the girl from head to toe much more often, and especially at the beginning of the scene. And stay on that shot for awhile, don't just give us a microsecond glimpse, let us SEE the girl, ALL OF HER, head to toe. Without these shots no one can realize the proportions of the actress.

This site like most others makes you piece the girl together in your mind, you see a close-up of her feet, of her face, of her butt, of her left nipple, but the camera seldom, if ever, simply backs out and remains steady to show the overall girl.... very sad, what a waste of what could have otherwise been a great scene.

Why is it that when most porn stars see the camera focus on their sex that they must immediately cover it with their hand and masturbate? It would be much better for them to keep their hands out of the shot. I don't think anyone watches porn movies to see hands. Hands are not erotic. A lot of that goes on at this site.

I'm very frustrated with "Dirty Orientals" because it’s rare to find such a large number of very beautiful Asian stars on any particular site, the site could have been awesome, but as it stands, its just another mediocre site.

Many 21Sextury.com Productions sites have very good camera work and editing, the guys at Dirty Orientals need to take lessons. ALS Scan is another site with very good camera work, look and learn.

11-27-08  05:18pm

Replies (2)

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